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Messages - Zail

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Hl2RP applications, appeals and whatnot.
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:39:12 PM »
They're reinstated and back in business.
Got an authorization application waiting, since the servers went down? You're now able to post them!
Same counts for Outland appeals, CCA / CWU / Vortigaunt applications!

Enjoy den- Accepteance. :)

Edit: Unsticking this, since there's no more use for it. It was only a 'news letter' for when Auth Apps got back up.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Unit 091's PKish Appeal
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:36:47 PM »
I'll be accepting this one, this single time.
Only because I know you and your rp'ing skills. Next time, leave a "I'm out for some time due to this and this", just to make us notice you're off instead of leaving. I'll accept it, but you may first use your unit when we've switched to C38, so we do have an IC reason to, why your character returns. I'll ask Oz when the server might be estimated completed. If it takes too long, I'll contact you and we may come up with some sort of agreement.
This is your first and last chance regarding a unit inactivity pk. If such things happen again, your character will stay pk'd.

Accepted - Locked - Moved.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: January 04, 2013, 03:54:33 PM »
The scanner unit briefly stops up, the moment the male steps out. The scanner hangs for a second, as the male begins to yell what he has spotted. The hatch briefly opens up, the small camera sliding out facing towards the male in the open garage door. A bright flash appears from the camera, as it slides back in and the hatch closes shut.

"<:: Overwatch scan unit; Nine-three-seven-eight-one, reporting in: Human. Male. Analyzing database for matching identification, please stand by."

As the last word is reported back to the headquarter, the scanner unit starts to hover upwards, above the gas station in an attempt to blend into the sky above it as it is programmed, trying to disappear once more.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Changes
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:16:01 AM »
can i actually kill this admin character who gives out guns or does he have godmode

I did say, he's "killable", since it isn't realistic if he had godmode on. He isn't a specific NPC, but a player controlled person, who can also die.
I'd say, if an "admin only" blackmarket character died, I think the admin would let the market die out, maybe wait a couple of weeks, before a new blackmarket person was sat in place.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: January 04, 2013, 03:23:47 AM »
The scanner unit slowly starts to increase its height above the city, it's audio and movement scanning turning on. As it hovers above the town, sound waves strikes into it's audio scanner. Quickly the scan unit starts analyzing them and locate the noises. The scanner slowly turns towards the location of the sounds, analyzing them to be two different kind of voices. The small camera slides out of scan units hatch, looking towards what appears to be an old yellow and white building. Searching through its database, the building matches its memory; A gas station.
The camera slides back in behind the hatch, as the scan unit starts to hover high above the ground, towards the gas station, the slight humming voice being audible. Small sounds of electrical shocks is heard coming from it once more, a single mechanic beep following.

"<:: Overwatch scanner unit; Nine-three-seven-eight-one, reporting: Voices analyzed. Location: Gas station. Unit relocating. Directives: Code Nine-b."

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:57:40 PM »
Only for the trained, experienced and guarding eye, a small figure would appear in the horisont, gradually coming closer. The figure moves close to the earth, yet still slightly above it as a small humming sound emits from it. The figure appears slightly bigger than the human head, camouflaged in matching colors of the enviroment. On the front of it, a small red mark is visible on a form of opening as a hatch, which leads into the mechanism. Every once and a while, a small, robotic eye slides out of the hatch, for seconds, before it slides back in and the hatch closes shut.
As it gradually comes closer to the city, it changes course, hovering towards the mountain edge, behind the houses. A few electronical shocks is heard, in what appears to be a rhythm before the noise dies out. Three clicks emits from the mechanism, followed by a single beeping indicator, as the camera turns around, facing the town.

<:: Overwatch scanner unit: Nine-three-seven-eight-one, reporting online.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:58:48 PM »
I really don't get it. Everyone is always talking about how there so much Cyber and Rape going on in both City and Outlands and I have never once seen any sign of it and I played both pretty frequently. The only case of actual cyber I've ever seen was on City and that was with minges. WHERE THE HELL AM I WHEN ALL THIS IS HAPPENING?!

Asleep? Possibilty.

In my opinion, both servers have their pros and cons.
Fuck yes, you can rape on Outlands, how fun is it to stare at a fully dressed, ragdoll woman, doing nothing else than typing? Maybe for some it's fun, maybe for some they imagine it,which is the reason we all are here.
Hell, if I were here to stare at cartoonish figures, staring at each others for 30 minutes, I would have left LONG ago. But heck no, I'm here to imagine. I'm using my brain, to imagine what I'd like to see. Fuck yes, I imagine my unit rip out a persons spine, to use it as a jewelry. No, that's not possible, but I can do it on a RP server. I imagine what is possible for me and what isn't. Both servers gives a mix.

City, what does it gives me?
Yes, what does it give you? Endless 24/7 patrol circling jerks, beating down people if they laugh? Not what I see. I see a community, I see a living society on that single server, no matter how many there is. I can taste the fear, when experienced players bumbs into a high ranked unit and he / she is a secret rebel. I do like the City server a lot. It's my favourite and I can't wait for it to get up and running again. Not because I want to see circle jerks, but because I want to devolop my CmD unit. If anyone knew her from the start, they would know how much she have changed. And that's what I want to do.
Citizen in city. Yes, it's fun to be a secret black market dealer or toy around with the civil protection team. I even remember when I set up a slight "murder puzzle" for the CCA to take care of. It sent them running around the entire city and ended up in an apartment. They did not find the murder but a body and several clues. That gave enough roleplay for both APEX, NOVA and GRID to fix it all up, clean and track the murderer down, which of course was me. Rinia was possible my best city AC, who managed to stay hidden in around 3-4 months and selling black market stuff, till she eventually got discovered on the street. So no, the posibilities is not low, but high. You need your imagination.

Outlands, what does it give me?
OMG, REBELS, VEST, GUNS, AMMUNITION, NUKE WAR, OMG, LOL <-- No. I don't get why people think it's that way?
I've got an Anti-Citizen on Outlands, which like a lot of others do. Yes, she runs around with weapons, kevlar and basic survival stuff, but that does not mean my character is an elite badass, who can 1-shit, 360, no-scope a fucking strider. Yes, she acts tough, but if it really comes to it, she isn't harder than a newborn rabbit, hiding beneath her mother from the bloodhound. But that is what it requires mostly to be outside, where there's monsters, aliens, over technological humans, trying to murder you on sight. You do it for survival.
My own character isn't that social as she could be, because I devoloped her that way. I want her to watch, not being watched. I've never traded with anyone, because the challenge in my opinion, is to gather the stuff yourself. Berries, fruits, shrooms, water, flesh, whatever you can find in the wild. That's what it requires to survive and that's what I like.
Yes, outlands resistance isn't that secret but heck, try and outsmart them and I know how well defended, prepared and tactically advanced they are. 1 gets in trouble, the rest comes to help if they're good friends. That form for teamwork, have I yet to seen in even the  CCA, unless it's fucking called over the radio and units are nearly DEMANDED there by HC.
I'm an Elite OTA VANGAURD unit and wtf, I was amazed one time we were "discovered." They literally had scouts out for us, reporting in over the main channel to the rest of the population. They were smart enough not to engage and we were smart enough to know, it would be a horrible idea if we did. We were 3 against around 20 people, with 6-7 of them having guns. Yes, I've got a thick armor, I've got the pulse fucking rifle, but that does NOT mean I can't be injuried or afraid. When we were waiting for that helicopter? I was shaking my pants if they would make an ambush on us, because I knew I could die.

Haven't gotten it yet? You can't compare the 2 servers, as they both are great and gives opportunities for people's likes. Wanna be secret, agent smuggling person? Go city. Want to be more "outstanding" and free? Outlands it is.

Edit: I'm sorry if I sound mad, which I bet I do. I'm currently tired and I think I got a bit "raged up" doing the typing. I'm not mad at anyone, just... Weird. :3

Outside City 45 / Re: Ineu2 Teaser 2
« on: December 31, 2012, 07:54:55 PM »
Just saying; so much butthurt will ensue fighting over who owns the castle.

Exactly my thought when I saw the castle. :P

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Challenge Anything (ACA)
« on: December 20, 2012, 02:49:45 AM »
Will you ask me questions on my AMA?

I think I've already did? <.< If I come up with any, I will. :)

I wouldn't say any of them is my favourite, since both got their pros and cons. I did say, I would rather travel to United States of America than to Canada.

Why not Canada?

Don't know. Haven't heard as much about Canada, as I've heard about USA. The possibilities is still there, of course, who knows what will happen in the future? :P

Hi. Im bored.

Why are you so mean to me sometimes? :c

What do you think of me right now? Could be changed from the last time since we talked more etc. :)

What will you do first when HL2RP comes back up?

Can you ask me a few questions as well because my thread feels abandoned. :c

<::[[ Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2 ]]::>

Because its fun to be mean. :D

Well. a nice friend of mine, enjoyable to speak to and fun to tease. :P

I'll take my unit and report for duty. And when nothing is required of me, take a nice cup of tea.

I'll do if I come up with any questions.

Which of my charactersis going to die first when HL2RP comes back up (My CA, my normal civi 'Flower', my priest dude, or my rebel dude)?

What do you think of me? Rape comment aside lol...

What do you think of me with the rape comment involved?

091 was relocated to City 38. When we shift there,will she get killed?!?!?!

Can we ever be lovers again :-*?

I think your priest dude will. Not sure, just a guess. :P

I'm not speaking THAT much with you, but for what I have, I can tell you're a nice guy to talk to and you have responsibility to take action. (HRP adminging.)

With the rape comment involved? Confused, lol. I still think you're a nice guy?

Doubt it. If she was relocated there IC, I don't see why she should get killed.

We've never been lovers? <.<

what's it like having a bunch of autistic fucks wanting attention from you just cause you say you are a girl?

Fine I think? Most of the people is nice to me and then there's just those annoying ones which I tend to ignore. Not even sure what autistic even means yet, even though I've heard it plenty of times. I think I'll google it.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Nicknero1405 everything. (Serious only!)
« on: December 09, 2012, 06:12:20 PM »
Why do you want me to bump your thread and ask you questions? :P

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Challenge Anything (ACA)
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:53:55 PM »
Get out of here, stalker.

 Which country do you think is better? Canada or United States of America?

 If you were challenged to put spiders all over yourself for a million of bucks, would you do it?

 What does your name even mean? Confuses me. :(

 Favourite videogame?

 Favourite TV show?

I'm not a stalker.

I wouldn't say any of them is my favourite, since both got their pros and cons. I did say, I would rather travel to United States of America than to Canada.

Spiders are cute, but nasty. I wouldn't pick money over them, since if I did that, a lot in the world would go wrong if they vanished from earths face. So yeah, spiders first, money after. (Unfair choice.)

My name means, what the person him- /Herself means. :D I generally haven't thought up any reasons within it, but I've seen several people come with their own. xD

Already asked earlier. Look through the questions, it should be somewhere. :P

My favourite TV show. Pfff, not even sure if "Americas funniest home videos" goes anymore. I've only seen it rarely and it appears to be the old ones. But every time I even hear the melody of the show, it got my attention no matter what.

do you think the charr iron legion will be able to re-take Ascalon or not

I'm not into Guild Wars 2, so I don't know.

Whats your favourite a7x & sabaton song?

Where were you and how did you feel when you found out The Rev passed away?

Have you completed Blackops 2 and if so what did you think about the song played after the credits?

My A7X favourite song: Buried alive.
My Sabaton favourite song: Uprising.

Where I were? I was sitting at my home, listening through their songs. I wasn't much into the band at that time, but I figured it about by listening to "Missing in action". I was about to cry when I listened to the song. :/

No, I haven't even touched the game and I'll never do. Call of Duty has been a copy paste game since the very first modern warfare. (except WaW, that's still the best of all the CoD games.)

Creations / Re: Overwatch short story.
« on: December 07, 2012, 09:17:16 PM »
Amazing story, I'd like to say. :P Caught my attention quickly when I got a quarter into the history.
I like the way you start it up. It makes me think, something bigger is going on, than it is shown and heard. It is a mysterium, ( the explosions ) even though the RAVEN OTA unit says it's GRID.
Great story, couldn't have written it better myself.

There is of course, a couple of few typo's here and there, which I bet I would have done too. :P
Support from here and keep up the good work. :)

General Discussion / Re: New pc, fucked up confused.
« on: December 07, 2012, 09:05:29 PM »
Thinking both back and forth and I've came up with the deciscion, to buy myself a stationary pc.
Seemingly a lot of you tends to suggest a PC, instead of a laptop I went to search for a good one.
I've spoken around with my contacts (Yet again and came up with this pc, I might be getting on monday:

So yeah, it's on a danish website, so I'll go ahead and translate what it contains. :P

Free servicepack.
2 years full gaurentee, 2 years free technical support, 14 days satisfication gaurentee. (Free inspection check the first 3 years.)

Free christmas gift 1.
Company of Heroes 2 full beta acces.

Free christmas gift 2.
Unlimited backup cloud-server in 45 days.

Choose free christmas gift 3.
Steelseries 4H Spectrum headset /or/ Assassins creed 3.

ESET NOD32 gamers antivirus.

Intel i5-3570K, 4 x 3.40 Ghz (3.80 Ghz Turbo.)

CPU cooler.
Coolermaster TX3.

Graphic card. (+PSU)

2x4GB 1866 MHz, TRAUMATIZR Series.

Zalman Z11.

Systemdisc 1
1 TB, 7200rpm

Storage disc 1
Non chosen.

Evt. cloud drive (online backup-disk/dropbox)
No thanks.

Evt. wireless network:
Non chosen.

Evt. soundcard:
Onboard (PRo Studio THX 7.1 soundcard)

Evt. LED light.

Samsung DvD burner / player.

Windows 7.


9,190.00 DKK = 1,592.16 USD.
9,190.00 DKK = 1,231.83 EUR.

I'll go ahead and lock this, considering the discussion is over. :P

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Challenge Anything (ACA)
« on: December 07, 2012, 08:34:12 PM »
Hola, I only have one question but it es muy importante;

When are "we"(notice the quotations implying that I want to go because it sounds fun but I'm being "abducted") defecting to the outlands in the battle-boats?

P.s. Never forget the good ol' days. Never forget!!!

Kay, time to go back to us never speaking to each other again. Bye


We'll do, when the furry panda's will invade.

Kalrightbye. Contact on steam, if you need me.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Challenge Anything (ACA)
« on: December 07, 2012, 07:50:57 PM »
Why is your Steam name challenge of death sex?

Sex is amazing, how is it a challenge?

Have you ever seen "To Catch a Predator"?

What do you want to do right now at this very moment?

Why am I still here....

Came to me long ago, during a conversation with a couple of my IRL friends. (Typing though.) We ended up being all weird and started giving each others challenges until the "***** I give you the death sex challenge!" I thought it was hilarious and named myself after it. Since that, many have questioned the name of mine. Including IRL friends.

Try get a dick inside of you, while he isn't hard / Stiff and you aren't wet. That's quite hard. (Haven't tried though, it was an example.)

Nope, I haven't. Never heard of it.

Burn down something, since I'm fucked up bored.

Well, seeing you've questioned you're either bored or want to know more about me? Or just asking questions.

what happened to us


How did you get your AMA this popular?

Well... I dunno? I haven't asked people to ask here, I literally thought it was dead the moment it was created. Guess not.

because female


Were you made in a laboratory by accident with CHEMICAL X?

Favorite cartoon?

What's it like being a eurofag?

Is Death and Sex really that much of a Challenge?

No, I wasn't. I'm not a powerpuff girl.

Tom&Jerry. Love the non-violent violence in the cartoons.

European-like? Normally I did say.

Depends on the scenario.

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