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Messages - garry :D

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:06:16 AM »
What the current plan is: use this version temporarily for performance fixes in the lead up to x1f in which I'll start building MORE stuff rather than fix things for the sake of performance. I'll probably add a garage in place of Sector Two for the Union to use and some other stuff for citizen RP along with the VICE things.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / [OBSOLETE] RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:52:26 AM »
"How 'bout that ride in? I guess that's why they call it RSO City."

Credits to Kaz/KFrohman for x1d and previous versions as well as the original mappers.
I have only made a few minor changes in order to make this a map which can be deemed suitable for release at Catalyst Gaming.

The current idea is to use this map as a performance fix whilst providing a new atmosphere for RP to take place in. I'll release x1f later which should add more features rather than fix things. Examples of such things will include a CCA garage,

District 6 Preview
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

- Sector 2 removed altogether, though the CWU HQ will remain.

- Sewer tunnel entrance in Sector has been changed to a new location which can be activated both internally and externally. (search around for it)

- Night skybox has been put in place of the overly cheery day skybox. Lighting has been adjusted accordingly to create a darker atmosphere and mood.

- Some CWU HQ textures were changed to contrast better against the exterior brick wall and interior plaster walls.

- UCH now has a CCA booth in which the entire building can be locked down by the press of a button.

- The activation of the thumpers/exogen restriction field is joined by an announcement over the loudspeakers in several locations in the plaza.

- CA camera glitch where the screen wouldn't render should be fixed (though I think this was a serverside lag issue and not something wrong with the map)

- 'Too many vertices' errors should be lessened when travelling through the plaza (some of the plaza models have been given LOD properties)

- More efficient and less performance demanding lighting in District 6.

- The HAP leading to District 6 has been placed across the citadel wall to the Nexus wall rather than the UCH corner and the Nexus wall.
- Underground sewer system has been connected from the Diordna/new location to District Six.

- Trainstation still has electrified rails, however there have been improvements in lighting and brushwork in this area.

- Nexus entrance now has a working areaportal. After doing this and running some test, I got a 40 fps boost in the plaza. (tested on a quad core i5 @ 2.80ghz - other people have said it was a 20 fps boost or so for them on lower-grade PCs)

- Nexus door has been widened and the glitch that Kaz had with a part of the door not showing up properly has now been fixed.

- Nexus lighting has been tuned to create a 'cold' feeling in some areas.

- Environment lighting has been tuned for the night skybox.

- Custom decals have been placed over the Nexus side wall facing the UCH.

- Water/lighting glitch in the D6 canals is now fixed.

- Fixed an issue causing a func_viscluster in the D6 canals not to work effectively. After testing, I got a 10 fps boost in this area.

- Several prop placement issues have been fixed.

- RDT should now be less prone to crashing the server when rations are initiated.

- Removed a shipyard that Kaz thought would be a good idea to put in the D6 canals as an extension. Reasons for its removal simply came down to the fact it wasn't going to help performance at all or do anything good for anticitizen RP.

- Buildings have been added to the 3D skybox in the plaza and D6, thus creating a walled-in feeling and one of entrapment.

- Most L4D2 content has been removed and replaced by similar textures.

I'll probably be able to do a server beta test tomorrow with Raiden/Rofl's assistance just to make sure that the CCA can indeed open the Nexus doors and also so that map data can be implanted.

I find it strange that a person is attacked by ground unit of the Combine invasion force outside of a military bunker (nuclear in nature, no less) and manages to avoid being classed as one of the military staff members.

Denied Authorizations / Re: 'Whisper'.'s Authorization Application
« on: April 20, 2012, 01:55:11 AM »
Most of the authorisations you've mentioned are things that anyone is capable of. Are you looking for some sort of proficiency in these things or just the 'ability' to do these things?

On a separate note, your backstory mentioned nothing of being sneaky. Additionally, you've written that she "could dodge almost every attack that people thrown at her, not much injuries happened in her legs, because of the practising she's done." This sentence doesn't make sense and it appears slightly overpowered.

It's rather refreshing to see a character like this seek the mentioned medical authorisation and I'll give my support once the application is purged of spelling (Vortigaunt isn't spelled Vortuginaught) and punctuation errors.

-support simply due to the fact that little effort seems to have been put into the backstory.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Andre DuBois's Authorization Application
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:00:26 PM »
Thanks, you now have my support.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Thumper's Authorization Application
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:53:27 PM »
I'm giving my support on one conditions: that the character is used only for specific events.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Nick Belifo's Authorization Application
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:51:30 PM »
I'll support this application for a garotte-like weapon.

This needs to be cleaned of punctuation and grammatical errors.

I feel that the backstory needs to explain what specific things your character knows in regards to medical treatment.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: \
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:48:04 PM »
I'm giving my support for a zippo lighter and a combat knife of crude quality to be used on Outlands.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Andre DuBois's Authorization Application
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:45:51 PM »
I think the defects needs expansion before I can offer my support.


Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Nils van Wieringen, Misclick
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:43:11 PM »
Accepted; mistakes happen.

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Gordon Fizz, Misclick
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:41:51 PM »
Accepted; accidents happen.

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