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Messages - garry :D

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Sure, I'll support this. I've watched you roleplay ingame and I'm confident that you can handle running a back-room clinic.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Taishi Wu's Authorization Application
« on: July 25, 2012, 06:10:51 PM »
Pretty decent backstory. It shows how you got the authorisations and every other detail that makes me confident that you can handle this.



Barely enough effort put into the creation of the backstory and you seemed very rushed to get me to write my opinion here when you PMed me ingame without so much as a 'please' or 'thank you'.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Purple anything (Serious Questions)
« on: July 20, 2012, 05:27:51 PM »
What do you think of City 45 in its current state?

also wuld u puncture my eyesocket wit ur COCK/..??

A minimum post count of 10 is required before posting.

Unfortunately, this has been denied. However, I do suggest that you expand on the backstory and provide more than three lines as it simply won't get you any positive verdicts.

Please keep in mind that this is a map suggestions thread, not one for event suggestions - there are at least two threads which can handle posts like that.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: A true love story within HL2
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:45:34 AM »
good lord what have you done

i dont even


Denied PK Appeals / Re: Dr. Francis Richter charcter unban appeal
« on: July 16, 2012, 07:42:28 AM »
Please don't selectively quote your condumps because you've missed the objections from the other players who were present at the time:
[LOOC] Dr. Alisha Tallen: You've been arguing OOCly and decided to not react.
** Dr. Leonard Who exhales sharply, the shot causing his ears to ring loughly being in such a confined space as he clutches the glass tighter
[LOOC] Dr. Francis Richter: So, isn't powergaming a rulebreaker in rp?
Dr. Alisha Tallen has used '/CharPhysDesc ||Brown Hair||Clean Suit||Blue Eyes||Inteligent Accent||ScarLeftEye||Around 6'||'.
[LOOC] UU.UED:51584: just shoot him
[LOOC] UU.C45.CmD.03109: You decide to regard me waiting for you to respond with a proper /me as power-gaming.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.479: Avoiding RP is a rule.  Either RP or get shot without any from your side.
[LOOC] Dr. Francis Richter: If I want to rp I will perform correct? and I can rp with a /me. I havn't /me stood here waiting for your to shoot me and i
[LOOC] Dr. Alisha Tallen: Stop complaining and RP then. Jesus.
[LOOC] Dr. Francis Richter: -'m not trying to avoid rp, I'm trying to create more than 03109 could create right now by shooting me.
C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.479 has used '/Me follows the commanders shot with a pull of her own trigger and a burst from the shotgun.'.
[LOOC] UU.UED:00007: by stalling, this will harm your defence if you choose to apply or a PK appeal
Dr. Francis Richter has taken damage from UU.C45.CmD.03109 with weapon_357.
C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.479 has killed Dr. Francis Richter with weapon_shotgun.
UU.UED:51584 has used '/Me 's face tightens at familiar splatof lead tearing flesh. She watches the administrator's body flop to the floor.'.
[LOOC] UU.C45.CmD.03109: You were given more then enough time to respond.
Dr. Alisha Tallen has used '/Me jumps again, turning her head towards 51584 as they fire upon him.'.
UU.UED:51584 has used '/Me pouts and lowers her gun.'.
UU.UED:51584 says "<:: Boom."
UU.C45.CmD.03109 has used '/CharPermaKill Francis Richter'.
UU.C45.CmD.03109 permanently killed the character 'Dr. Francis Richter'.
[LOOC] Dr. Francis Richter: Does that satisfy yourself?
[LOOC] Dr. FrancisRichter has said in LOOC: 'Does that satisfy yourself?'.
UU.UED:00007 has used '/Me doesn't even manage to get a single shot off. She places her Desert Eagle in her leather holster hesitantly.'.

There are a rising number of threads scattered over the forum and I think it's time that I officially opened the next update up for community input.

Feel free to post any and all constructive suggestions.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: The Castle
« on: July 14, 2012, 06:49:32 PM »
Yesterday was pretty fun and I'm confident this will go far if it keeps up the current pace.


Introductions / Re: Hey guys!
« on: July 14, 2012, 01:10:29 AM »
Hey, I think you added me yesterday.

Welcome to CG!

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:02:55 AM »
In response to a 'petition' being passed around and finally landing in my inbox and after consulting some of the Civil Administrators, it looks like we'll be getting a loyalist institute which will focus on building away from the criminal side of things and bolster the dwindling loyalist population in the city.

In this institute, loyalists will be able to mingle safely away from those who are less enlightened and will enjoy such amenities as a swimming pool, private ration distribution center and private lodgings and will be free to converse with Civil Administrators as long as a security clearance is obtained. Of course, it goes without saying that regular citizens will need to work to prove their loyalty in order to gain access to this institute. Loyalists will be encouraged to elect a spokesperson to represent their common interests and goals in closed meetings with the Civil Administration office.

Cool, thanks for the response.

Consider this accepted!


In a couple of months I plan to release the next version and I'm just looking for input on what should be added.

A particular focus is being placed on enhancing RP for the citizens in this version.

Any and all suggestions are welcome as well as bug reports (no matter how small).

Feature list:
Overhaul the Civil Administration office.
Reform the current 'testing room' as a biotechnology lab for NOVA (currently being used by some units as forensics lab).
Add in HL2-style apartments. *sigh*
Add in a loyalist institute targeted at characters who have proven their loyalty to the Universal Union.
Add in a factory for citizens to work in.
Add vehicle express tunnel which connects to P3 via P1.
Create secure storage space for GRID either in the Mechanical Operations Centre or Garage.
Renovate several facilities to be in accordance with the current IC context.
Complete new canal system in P3.
Replace the armory door with a non-handled door. (handled doors can be shot and opened)

Acid pit which caused a glitch that removed the player's death cam.
Upper garage doors used to slide into the adjacent storeroom.
Lower garage door no longer slides into the HCMR.
Sprites in corridor leading to ZEALOT control room were misplaced and did not have the intended effect.
Invisible blocks next to thumper outside UCH which clips to the player.
Garage elevator has a 4 second delay before going back down. (switch it to toggle, remove delay)
Backroom doors of Foto and Cafe Baltic are non-responsive to regular players. (got no clue how to fix this lol, probably mapdata problem)
Cubemaps aren't in the map because I didn't pakrat the map and did it all manually. Not a major issue but it still makes it look dull in some places.

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