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Messages - SkeptiK

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: A Short Message to the CPs
« on: June 23, 2011, 06:48:17 AM »
So you come to a RP server simply so you can either:

a) Hold down W and move around the plaza until something happens

b) Stand in the plaza and stare at the plaza until something happens

If a CP is clearly busy, I don't interact with them. But if they're just doing one of these things, and I have a reason to, I will.

"We do what we want" isn't really an excuse. I could go out, buy a gun and shoot random people in the face, but I don't, because that would be bad RP. If you're going to occupy a RP server, then make an effort to RP.

Heck, if you're not in the mood to talk, at least make it known.
"Not now citizen."
"Can't talk now citizen."
Or if it's important, get someone else to deal with it. The spamming of "Move along!" simply frustrates players and is a lazy way to avoid RP.

Fuck don't you know what passive is? Obviously civil protection are there to enforce socio-stability, approaching them with stupid questions and or trying to start a conversation with them ( Depending on rank ) is just going to get you in the shit. Maybe try RP with some of the other citizens around, or do something constructive.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Concerning Rebels
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:31:07 PM »
Resistance in the city is a horrid idea, simply because it's un-cannon and the whole idea of being in the resistance is to help the innocent, being in the city would be putting them at risk of raids, rations being deducted, beatings and possible killings to gain information. With that being said, "Rebels" should keep in mind that resisting in the plaza is another very bad move as the nexus is only a heartbeat away. What people need to understand with this is that the civil protection units that people control are ICly not the only ones in the city, the nexus contains hundreds of civil protection units and enough COTA units to level the city.

I think the general player base these days want more action than passive, which everyone likes but to a degree. People need to understand that to passive develops your character and enables you to progress through role-play properly, it also means you have may be given access to items rather than just getting them shit spawned for you. What I'm saying here is that people should realise that role-play doesn't always involve resistance taking on the civil protection, as it's only when Gordon is around when the real rebellion begins, other than that it should only be very minor.

Introductions / Re: Hey I'm back.
« on: June 22, 2011, 09:59:10 PM »
Australian army reserves, 28 days basic trainning. Also did extra courses prior to leaving at my unit, mostly why I haven't been on. Next step for me is IET's which stands for Initial employment trainning which enables me to be deployed overseas. That will be near the end of the year, hopefully. And thank you, it's good to be back.
I thought you left forever. Welcome back septic. You may want to know, BB is now SeC and yankeesamurai is DvL of NOVA which is the new adrenaline. I am an 02 in NOVA. If you already knew this, please slap me.
That is all

I already know but that's ok  ;) and I believe BB and yankee have done well so they deserve their position.

Welcome back, that army training should improve your CP roleplay a lot I bet :D

Well I now have a bigger understanding of military procedures and trainning, so maybe I can help implement this into the civil protection. I'll have to re-apply first, need to make a new app.

Introductions / Re: Hey I'm back.
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:32:50 AM »
Australian army reserves, 28 days basic trainning. Also did extra courses prior to leaving at my unit, mostly why I haven't been on. Next step for me is IET's which stands for Initial employment trainning which enables me to be deployed overseas. That will be near the end of the year, hopefully. And thank you, it's good to be back.

Introductions / Hey I'm back.
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:28:00 AM »
Long story short I've been trainning with the army and now I'm back. So yea, I'll see you kents on HL2RP soon. Peace out.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Something which should be addad/fixed.
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:02:26 AM »
Last time I checked mate, the light tool works with the script, unless they have disabled it for some silly reason. With the button that sounds like a bug, and with the chairs that sounds like someone doesn't know how to use a phys-gun :P.

IC Chat / Re: <::| Unit 501's Personal Log |::>
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:47:51 AM »

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: How did we get to City 45?
« on: May 08, 2011, 10:07:21 PM »
Ant lions don't go anywhere near city's. Because of one reason they are surrounded with thumper's and defences. The main reason is that City 17's citadel provides the energy to the nexus of the city's, even if it's destroyed the statis fields will remain up. Ant lions also tend to stay to sandy areas, where they can breed and do as they like. That's the main reason why Nova Prospect fell, because it was on the edge of the coast line.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Fail RPer's
« on: May 06, 2011, 04:40:43 AM »
Quit fucking trolling? Quite fucking terrible? Quick fuck turtles?

IC Chat / Re: <::||DvL.602's Experience Logs||::>
« on: May 05, 2011, 02:53:06 AM »
(OOC) Adrenaline is a passive squadron, same as gear. Every other squadron are the lolpolice. (Aka not much skill needed, all you need to do is read a bit and you'll be good.)

General Discussion / Re: GG Osama Bin Laden
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:00:04 AM »

Guides / Re: Strike Fear into Citizens - Guide
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:32:40 PM »
No but the biggest problem in our HL2RP is citizens not fearing the Civil Protection and doing stupid shit out of their fearlessness.

That has nothing to do with the emotional effects of the civil protection, that is failRP and the people doing it are obviously not experienced enough to know this. Maybe take some time out of your lives to explain this to them.

Guides / Re: Strike Fear into Citizens - Guide
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:20:30 PM »
The guide is giving the lower rankings.... misguided information. Firstly, the benefactors want people to see them as human as possible, hence why you don't see much synth units around, you see the civil protection. The civil protection are there to provide a false scene of security for the citizens of the city, but will enforce the rules when needed. I do not like the idea of a recruit walking around doing these things, I would say an 03+ could start showing these signs and when they get to 01 they can fully immerse themselves with this guide.

The reason being is that YOU are still HUMAN, you are not a machine like this guide is hinting. You have emotions, you experience pain and you can cry like the rest of the civil populace. By all means be strict with the rules, but don't just beat the shit out of people mindlessly and not RP you reacting to it emotionally. (This goes for anyone 03-) 

Introductions / Re: DeathByKittens HAS ARRIVED.
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:34:55 AM »
Hello and welcome, to catalyst-gaming.

General Discussion / Re: Royal Wedding
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:29:20 AM »
I find the weeding to be outrageously disgusting. This whole royal family should be arrested for taking money that clearly the British Government needs. I dont even live in the UK but its outrageous that this can happaen even during a horrible econmic downtime.
Fun fact: The Stewards(The royalty in Britain) Makes 166 million off of there land they give 100 million to parliament and they keep 66 million so they are losing money. Also they paid for it them selfs.

Fun fact 2: I nor any other american should give a shit cause they don't hold any power what so ever(MAYBE military).

All males of the royal family are to be placed under royal training for the military, hence all there uniforms at the wedding. I'd also say they have a substantial ammout of power aswell, as they are in line for the throne. As the queen is in-charge of the entire commonwealth. (She doesn't have a word in what they do, but she has the fucking pull, I can tell you that.)

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