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Messages - SkeptiK

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I'll write one up when I get on my PC.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: A proper goodbye
« on: July 23, 2011, 10:01:23 AM »
Alright penguin, I would just like to state a few things that I've experienced with you over the time we have had the pleasure of acquaintance. I've always liked you, I've never hated or thought I'll of you; I've always respected you and had come to terms with you. But I was not going to allow you to ICly do something stupid and get away with it when many others don't and they get PK'ed. What you seem to not understand though, is even if ordered to do something within the CCA that if it breaches protocols, you do not obey the order and or just address the issue with the person. You however, lead yourself into the predicament and placed three IED's into the nexus, which you now know the repercussions of doing so.

I also do not entirely agree with you about the amount of “Proness” you have in HL2RP, I’ve experienced some scenarios with you and they were quite poor. I’m not entirely sure if you were trying or not, but at the time I was quite shocked that you had obtained the privilege of OfC with the amount of effort you placed into a serious scenario such as operation on your very own DvL. I believe the entire operation of reconstructing me from the ground up took no more than 4 minutes and you had been screwing around with a saw construction made of a  wheel attached to a piece of wood....

I would also like to take this time inform you about the unit that you somehow believe I was going to kill, is now dealt with and BB and Toy now understand the meaning behind it. In which have understood, unlike a few people who were not even there at the time. But regardless of the fact... You are leaving and I would like to say my goodbyes and wish you the best.  So I will raise my cup and shed a tear in your departure, even though your cruel words have hurt me deeply inside, I would like to be the man about this and address it in such manner.

Much love,


We had some fun times... *Crys*

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Post your HL2RP characters
« on: July 23, 2011, 06:36:59 AM »
Spoiler for Hiden:
HL2RP Characters

Combine Civil Authority

- 6'4|Battle Worn Division Command Uniform|Cracked Faceplate|Artificial Limbs|Heavily Reconstructed/Augmented -
- Unknown Origen -
- Currently residing in status -
- Awaiting suit reconstruction -

Overwatch Transhuman Arm

- 6'0|Clean OTA Grade Uniform/Armour|OTA Vocoder|Artifcial/Synthetic Body/Lower Half|Heavily Augmented -
- Formerly a part of the Australian SASR division, 1st Squadron, Special Air Service Regiment -
- Currently in status -
- Awaiting deployment protocols, initialising functionality responce, vital systems... [OK] -

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Very confused on why im being blamed
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:13:15 PM »
The issue is that we don't know who ordered it.
The order went to the two/three 04s/croots in the area but the only OfC that was really doing any thing that I can remember is again 894.
like BB has said unless evidence of the order he could be lying to get out of the shit.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Very confused on why im being blamed
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:12:06 PM »
Why does it need to be packed by more than myself and BB? You fucked up, so did I a while back. But regardless even IF ordered you still brought the bombs into nexus, thus risking the SeC's life because of your stupidity. You and the DvL/OfC if caught should be and most likely will be PKed.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Very confused on why im being blamed
« on: July 21, 2011, 11:55:05 AM »
BB as the sectorial commander ordered the PK, thus another admin. Two units, have already faced there punishments and penguin as the delivery had faced his. I don't believe penguin was ordered to bring the bombs to the nexus however he was ordered after I had told him to get it out of my sight, to move them to RDT.

If you where the guy who no-colided the stove and hid in it... Lol...

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Very confused on why im being blamed
« on: July 21, 2011, 11:18:50 AM »
I thought OFC were immune to PK?
Nobody is immune to pk.
Did you ever hear about Skeptik attempting murder of a Recruit, If that is going to be voided why isnt what bullshit happened to me being voided? hmm do I smell a little favoritism? Pretty sure attempted Murders is a level 1 verdict Skeptik, Why would 993 have to take a fall even when you are in the wrong.
That was OOC matters brought into IC, you roleplayed everything. And made the mistake of breaching nexus security.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Very confused on why im being blamed
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:03:19 AM »
Who has ever said "The group detainment cell is bomb proof for shits and gigs." Have you not seen the radius of the explosion of C4? Take a look at this.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

IC Chat / Re: <::||DvL.117 Private Logs||::>
« on: July 21, 2011, 06:41:57 AM »
                  Unit: 117
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
                                             Clearance: DvL
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 050126
Subject: Personal Logs.

It’s been awhile since my last log.... I’ve seen a lot of things happen... Such as the insecurity of the nexus... Where my acting officer of NOVA had seen fit to place three IED’s in the nexus detainment centre... Risking the lives of everyone residing within... Including the CA’s and the sectorial commander himself. This “Incident” was not to go unpunished, so the sectorial commander placed me in charge of the investigation, leading to eight-nine-four’s amputation...

Two other units have been charged with the insecurity of the nexus of the third degree, and one has received demotion, two black marks, re-training/education. The other a black mark, constant observing and re-training. The situation at hand with the stupidity of the units is that NO-ONE attempted to intervene in the fixture of the bomb location. Everyone stood by as it was placed in the group detainment centre, until I had located it, ripped everyone apart and had to see to it myself that the bomb was moved... Finally eight-nine-four woke up and realised what he had done and moved it himself... I ordered him to get it out of my sight, when one-eight-two ordered him to move it to the RDC (Ration Distribution Centre).

Who now plays a part in the insecurity... And may face severe punishment depending on the sectorial commander’s overview of the scenario... It’s been a very long past few weeks... And to add to its “Discomfort” I was incapacitated by an AC who had infiltrated the CWU with an accomplice. They somehow obtained CWU dressing and stole a service vehicle, which lead me to their destination. I arrived and so did 887 who I’d ordered to tie and search the CWU’s who had claimed one of them was an infiltrator. At the time I detected a jest tone in the citizen’s vocal vibrations... But it turned out it was in fact an AC...

After we had discovered the identity of the AC we were engaged by another AC who had obtained CWU clothing and held a vantage point in the CWU balcony...  I fired multiple shots but failed to achieve a hit, as he was too dug in. The recruit who was still dealing with the CWU members stood there... Right in the middle of the fire fight, I ordered him multiple times to move to a safe location but did not move... I finally run through the street to the other side and through him into the control box for the CWU entrance gate... Where I was then shot in the leg, and had to move towards the CWU command centres entrance.

I made it with a few quick paces and took cover beside the main entrance, by then another two units had arrived and attempted to assist me in moving towards the door, but where cut off by gun fire. I had no choice to move in alone... The AC and I fought for 5 cycles until I had finally incapacitated him with a fragmentation grenade. By that time the other AC had escaped and took another entrance into the same building I was in. A unit approached me with the situation and we where then fired upon once more... This time lasting , at least 8 cycles ... We finally found ourselves within the CWU medical wing and I was situated behind a desk firing into a small cubicle the AC was taking position...

As I was removing a HE grenade from my belt, the AC had thrown a grenade over the cubicle and laded right beside me. I attempted to take the entire blast by jumping onto it, to secure the explosion but failed to deny it... I was thrown into the air, smashed into a wall, hit with multiple objects. The unit assisting me with the AC was thrown to the other side of the room with a decent size hole in his leg... We where both supposedly lifeless as all units in the area had came to assist. The AC managed to escape without injury and could not be located... All I can remember from then on was the sirens and the lights of the citadel... It was the most active state it’s been in ever since I moved to the city... After about a week’s cycle... I found myself in status, I was awoken by five-oh-one who had assisted in my “Recovery” I had only found out later on that was I was fully reconstructed from the ground up.

I had received new and state of the art vital organs which had been in the process of trails for many annual cycles... I had received multiple advanced augmentations and all my limbs where replaced with artificial materials... My entire rib-cage was reconstructed with Iridium casing laced with small amounts of tungsten. I’ve been informed it’s the strongest material in the current world... And had received many other perks of augmentations. Five-oh-one is one of my best and which is why I’m allowing him to replace eight-nine-four as NOVA’s current acting officer which I’m sure he will be successful in every way shape and form.

I believe that is all I have to log for now... Until next time, 117 signing off.

Saving File under Log: 050126
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Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost


IC Chat / Re: <::||RCT.887's Private Logs||::>
« on: July 21, 2011, 05:11:26 AM »
// You durped the entire time we were getting shot at lol, I was screaming to you to get into cover and you just stood there staring at the CWU's.  :-\

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: City8
« on: July 21, 2011, 05:06:23 AM »
Mate. Type rp_city8 in google. I seriously got it within two seconds. It's not hard.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Very confused on why im being blamed
« on: July 21, 2011, 04:56:05 AM »
Regardless of how long he has had this unit, it's an IC secruity breach of the nexus. Risking everyones lives inside, including the sectorial commander. Three C4's strapped with HE grenades is enough to level the fucking nexus, and inturn this is a very serious matter. Now I understand your issue here but you should have came to turns with responcibilty you have as a unit of the CCA. However, you and two other units have been serverly punished for this and quite possibly blt may recieve punishment aswell depending on how BB chooses.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: What's the intro song?!
« on: July 17, 2011, 05:56:16 AM »
It's a dubstep version of the song prodigy - It's an omen. Forgot the actual title of the dubstep version.

CA Thread Archive / Re: <::|| NOVA Divisions Roster ||::>
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:56:01 AM »
Ok, I don't understand how commanders would mess the chain of command. But as you are the SeC, you make the calls and I will follow them.

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