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Messages - Rictalspace

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Introductions / Re: Well, Hello!
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:58:53 AM »
@Bluff: *Or an experienced player.

Admins aren't the only people who know things.

Civil Workers Union / Re: As Tier 3 by myself what am I allowed to do?
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:56:30 AM »
Of course you can do things Soap. Be imaginative.
There are two sides to the CWU:

Business - Open up shops and sell to the public
Invest in open shops to give them a boost to get business going (Just an idea if you don't know what to do with your tokens)
Open up a stall to sell food/drink and offer promotional offers (Such as a free Union book with purchase)
Gather people together and create a cleaning event to support them in gaining loyalist points.
Hand out free goods to get people aware of a subject (Like hand out free books with a lemonade)

Medical - Help the lightly wounded with their injuries to keep them fit.
Help others who are injured with problems that the CCA don't have time for.
Set up a 'hospital' in a building to help those who need it.
I'm sure JesusFreak (Lela Praise Med.CmD) has many more ideas.

But these are the general ideas for both sides of the CWU, try to be imaginative.
If you are unsure about if you are allowed to do something or not, ask me or one of the Organisers and we'd be happy to help.

EDIT: The transaction log is just for you to keep note of what shipments you ordered in to sell or give out. Make sure you give a reason to why you bought them (Selling them for a profit or handing them out)

Introductions / Re: Well, Hello!
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:08:02 PM »
Welcome to CG. Nice to know you're getting aquainted with the forums. If you play HL2RP, don't hesitate to ask me a question about anything related to it or the community, even if it's roleplay related. Ill be more than happy to answer, hope to see you in-game.

I guess that Tomasas is right in the way that they can re-earn administrator but there is also the side arguement that they shouldn't be demoted for such small reasons. Small probations or a warning/strike system would do better.
Such as having three strikes like in the CCA. One strike at a time (Depending on the severity of the situation).
One Strike = Abuse at a player/administrator or abuse of a command to gain something for himself
Two Strikes = Continued abuse of commands or at a player/Admin
Three Strikes = Large scale abuse/blackmail of a player. Large quarrel with fellow admin/SA.

This is my idea to make things a little smoother with punishments to admins. Just hope to help a bit.

@Rictalspace: We can stop him. We are his community. Who cares what he changes if we all leave because he won't do shit. Know that I haven't a problem with him as a person, only how he leads.

Something big would have to change for him to make such a move. His donations are still steadily coming in, meaning such threads do not much as much of a change. I understand that you are at how he leads, not him as a person. Although Rofl has made bad decisions, good decisions have come from him too. Besides, without him there would be no CG to start.
Support is probably the best option to make a change. People shouldn't be weary of what their saying because they are paranoid of being banned.
Whatever the outcome, I respect you for having the courage of making such a thread.

Although I support this, in the end Rofl knows the consequences of what may or may not happen with people leaving. Not to mention he is the owner, meaning his choice is his choice. If this is how he wishes to act, then we cannot do much to stop him.

Then again I do find that the rules on administrators should be much more leniant as we are all human. Having restrictions on every little thing they can say seems unfair. Demotion should only be kept for the worst of situations, probations should be more in flow than demotions.
These are just my two cents that are entirely opinionated and not directed at anyone as Crap-Head said.

Introductions / Re: Hey, Heavy here.
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:37:36 AM »
Hey, you're from Mobius? They had some good roleplayers there.
Do you remember Relentless RP? I was admin there, and we were kinda 'rivals' to say the least.
But good to see another serious roleplayer around, hope to see you in-game.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: First Impressions on the Server.
« on: December 26, 2011, 10:44:41 AM »
The amount of times I've told CP to not ask in LOOC if they resist..
They should be attempting to tie them in /me and wait for a reply, yet my efforts run ignored.
Can we get a rule implemented about this?

Support & Help / Re: Errors and Missing Textures
« on: December 24, 2011, 01:29:18 PM »
Also make sure all your games are updated fully, my TF2 doesn't work cause it hasn't updated it's 10,000 MB update which I cba to download.

Introductions / Re: Hello, I'm Night.
« on: December 23, 2011, 08:31:01 AM »
Welcome Night. Nice to see more and more members joining our HL2RP server.
If you ever have any questions about our HL2RP or the community, feel free to send me a PM over the forums or add me on steam and I'll be happy to help.

Introductions / Re: Hi, I'm Canada!
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:14:37 AM »
Anyway, good to see you again Canada.
I forgot SatN is here too if you remember him, he joined quite late in Relentless just before OB and I got him promoted to Admin.

Introductions / Re: Hi, I'm Canada!
« on: December 21, 2011, 10:53:11 AM »
This aint bitching.
I know him from my old community, a laugh is acceptable.
Their more inside jokes, so you'd see them as 'bitching'.

Introductions / Re: Hi, I'm Canada!
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:55:43 PM »
Relentless Roleplay?
Oh god. Not you Canada. Didn't you troll your way out? Or am I thinking of someone else..
Welcome to CG.

No, Rictal. I remember you, but wrong guy. Your thinking of a little known person called "Ukraine". He was related to me, but I distance myself from him.

Ah that's the one. Good to see you again. Sniping Hazard is around here somewhere.

Introductions / Re: Hi, I'm Canada!
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:35:42 PM »
Relentless Roleplay?
Oh god. Not you Canada. Didn't you troll your way out? Or am I thinking of someone else..
Welcome to CG.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Characters
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:00:24 PM »
I would definitely recommend it. If you have any spare money buy it when the purchase price is cheaper and you get a month free to see if you like it.

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