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Messages - SkeptiK

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Creations / Re: Free sig
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:19:41 AM »
That is pro. Could you possibly make it black? If not dw, it's wicked.

Creations / Re: Free sig
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:05:15 AM »
I did, look at my new edit.  ::)

Creations / Re: Free sig
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:00:02 AM »
Give me another one brosef.

Colours : Dunno something epic.
Extra : Make it an avatar.
Text : SkeptiK

And possibly.

Colours : Red/Black
Extra : A picture of a DvL stating 117.
Text : Stating DvL 117

(I'll pay for the second one.)

General Discussion / Re: Post yo ugly ass self!
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:31:24 PM »

Guess which one is meh.

General Discussion / Re: Post yo ugly ass self!
« on: September 08, 2011, 06:36:22 PM »
If I show my face to the Americans, they will bomb Cuba.

Click to see the original size.
This is I, a couple of months ago (Thinner now.)

Click to see the original size.
This is I, 10 months ago (58 pounds/26.3 kg heavier than now.)

You look like a baws. 8)
How's that Cigar btw?

It tasted delicious like every other Cuban cigar.  ;D

Too bad your going to die of throat cancer before your 40.

News and Announcements / Re: The Tower Defence Announcement
« on: September 07, 2011, 08:23:09 AM »
Look's good, I wana test it.  ;D

Guides / Re: PainRP and FearRP.
« on: September 06, 2011, 09:18:15 PM »
I think you don't fully understand the levels of pain being stabbed in the chest and shot in the kneecap. Getting stabbed, you almost lose function to yourself as the pain is excruciating. You simply don't just reply, "Ah that hurts." You should fucking drop to the ground, trying to scream but you cannot due to you physically being winded.

Citizen 1 - Reaches down to his left pocket, and slowly removes a concealed blade.
Citizen 2 - Look's toward the blade as it's removed from the citizens pocket, he begins to tremble raising his hands.
Citizen 1 - Flicks it open and moves closer towards citizen 2, placing the blade along his neck, moving it slowly against his skin.
Citizen 2 - Begins to slightly cry, his eyes water up and he attempts to slope down the wall trying to avoid it.
Citizen 1 - Cocks the arm wielding the blade backwards, and attempts to throw it forwards. Stabbing the citizen in the upper chest.
Citizen 2 – Is stabbed, immediately reaching to the wound letting out a loud shriek of pain as the blade enters and exits his body.
“Ahhhh---.....” *Blood begins to seep from the wound, and he fails to exclaim the rest of his cry for help.)
Citizen 2 – Begins to sob as he holds his wound, struggling for breath. The knife had cut one of his vital organs, releasing toxins into his blood.
Citizen 2 – The pain is almost unbearable, trying to hold it in but it keeps boiling over the point where death would almost be easier, “He--- Ahh-... Ple----“ Blood begins to seep from his mouth why is sits against the wall, trying to catch his breath.
Citizen 1 – Cocks his hand back again and attempts to stab citizen multiple times, in the same region.
Citizen 2 – Is stabbed furiously in multiple areas around his chest, piercing vital organs and puncturing a lung. He remains in a critical state, crying and trying scream for help.
“Ah--- G-d--- He---“ his wounds are serious as they continue to bleed excessively. He looses the ability to fight back, trying to hold his wounds whilst bleeding to death.

General gist about it, I can go into a lot more detail but this is what's expected from a citizen in painRP.

General Discussion / Re: The Chronicles of RTLK
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:08:17 AM »
Settle it down girls, woulden't want to lock this thread due to flamming. Also RTLK, I believe you a good person/admin and respect you for what you have done and most choices you have made were reasonable and understandable. But only a few instances, in which had occured, such as me trying to explain certain things to you as how OTA runs and you fucking shoot a combine ball at my ass, as I was trying to help some people get in correct formation. And the thing with soviet, but they are the only two things which I believe you had made a mistake, but hey we all do.

Other then that, you have been a cool guy to work with and I will miss you on your departure. However, if/when you come back, try to understand the communitys point of view. Try and form yourself into something that will please the community, hopefully making yourself happy in the process. I've experianced many power hungry people in my time of playing HL2RP and titles do get to their heads, but most come from average members/admins who are simply fallen victim of the temptation of power. Anways that is just what I wanted to say, and wish you the best of luck with your life and future.  ;)

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Message to OTA units [OUTLANDS]
« on: September 05, 2011, 12:47:21 PM »
RP is escaping OTA, not always camp the fuck out of one area.

General Discussion / Re: Threats
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:59:13 AM »
Message me details over PM or SF.

Social Discussion / Re: I need help...
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:29:19 AM »
I hope you are not trolling but I do not seem to suspect it in what you are saying, however I hope you don't take this as a negative comment. I'm just stating the delicacy of the thought of suicide, many people take it very seriously and it is something of a significant nature. Besides that, this community are welcoming and supportive and we are able to help you through tough times if you are willing to allow us, if you need to speak to someone about anything regarding that. You can add me on SF, or talk to me via CG ventrillo.

Just keep in mind life is about overcoming tough situations, yes there is always something that is going to fuck you eventually, regardless of who you are. But think of people all over the globe, people possibly in worse situations then you and still seem to cope with the day to day hell they receive. However, I'm not in your shoes to pass judgement. And I respect you for speaking so open about it with us, as many keep in within them for so long it destroys them with hatred, anger, sadness and depression.

Key things to remember, is that someone is ALWAYS is worse off then you and good things always come out of everything regardless of how bad they seem. I once was reading a note left by a famous author, who committed suicide and left and note about it, it was very moving and the amount of things he went through in his life displayed the amount of sadness within him. Suicide is not the answer to everything, it will not help you and it's not the "Easy" way out. Life will go on and you will overcome these tough times you are facing. As previously said speak to me if you have any more problems.

General Discussion / Re: Post yo ugly ass self!
« on: September 05, 2011, 04:20:36 AM »
Neon obviously that is not you, I believe Jigger said anyone who shit posts in here will recieve a 24 hour ban. Now I'm going to give you a 5% warning, but if it happens again a lengthy ban will occur.

General Discussion / Re: Post yo ugly ass self!
« on: September 04, 2011, 09:42:44 PM »
Wtf snf? You are wearing scungys... And why are you wearing parade shoes with cams? Lawl.

General Discussion / Re: Post yo ugly ass self!
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:00:42 AM »

At kapook. Marching out.

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