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Messages - [FPSN]Bokslag

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IC Chat / Emily Star's Logs
« on: May 14, 2011, 09:12:35 PM »
Log one
I decide I should start writing these... So, In City 45.. And I got accepted for the CWU! It's great, I have a free home, and a place to practice medicine! So, now all I need is... Well, Actually.. I'm good!

Civil Workers Union / Re: Civil Workers Union Applications [Open]
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:09:05 PM »
RP Name: Emily Star
Character Age: 24
Past experience with work/labor: I was a nurse before the war
Have you ever been detained before?: No, I have not
What will you do for us?: I would Like to serve the citizen medically, and make our city a better place. I would also like to distibute UU approved goods, such as Request devices, To the populace.
Any disabilities?: No

Timezone: USA mountain time (Gmt -6)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19441700
Name: Bokslag

Also, If you mean real name... John Bokslag

IC Chat / Raven Joost's Journal. (Backstory included)
« on: May 14, 2011, 12:32:31 AM »
Well, I guess I should start writing down what's happening in my life. So today I'm 10! I am sooooo happy, anyway.. I met these girls i- *The rest of the page is ripped out, Many pages later there are more words*

January 1st, 2009
Wow, It's been some time since I wrote in this thing... Haha. Well, I am 21 now. I met a guy who I like, and well.. Life is good. That's All I really have to say! Happy birthday me, and happy new year too!

*The date on the page is ripped out*
Shit.. I need to write this down, In hope that someone will find it one day and know what happened. So, I'm walking around with Daniel, My boyfriend.. and... Then this huge.. Portal thing opens up, Things start t fall from the sky! The reserves.. They, took Daniel.. I havn't heard from him. Right now I am Hiding.. Shit.. If anyone finds this, the aliens... They MUST die... they just have to... They took daniel...

I have no clue what day it is, I found this thing in my suitcase this morning... Wonder who left it.. Anyway, the... the combine have taken over. They have these guys in suits, humans, The "Civil protectin" Though, I havn't seen much protecting. Daniel... He is dead... I, burned the pictures. *The rest is wet and unreadable*

IC Chat / Re: Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 13, 2011, 08:59:17 AM »
Thomas's log 3
Well, it's starting. I have found a contact... His name... Oh shit... I forgot to ask his name! Well anyway, we got some spray cans and I sprayed something on the walls outside the CCH! He sprayed an anti combine thing on the very side of the nexus! He is a brave one... Anyway, "They" Won't be able to hold it much longer...

IC Chat / Re: Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:33:02 PM »
OOC I... don- Wait a second, are you rodie burn?

IC Chat / Re: Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 11, 2011, 08:58:53 PM »
Hm... what unit are you?...

IC Chat / Re: Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 11, 2011, 08:16:12 PM »
OOC Haha thanks, Sadly, that char is deleted.,,

IC Chat / Re: Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:58:40 PM »
OOC That you are, Also. Rofl, or an admin. Change the name to Thomas cadewell's logs. I deleted Derrick

IC Chat / Re: Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:28:35 PM »
Thoma's log... dayLog 2
Well, I seem to be doing well... there was an anticitizen earlier... He died. I feel sorry for him. Anyway, soon i will have all the things I need in this world. Conections. (OOC I will get V flags for gold) Then I will get my self all the food i need. Hope "They" Don't find this log.

IC Chat / Re: <::||RAZOR.468 [TO] ALL UNITS Message||::>
« on: May 11, 2011, 09:17:30 AM »
// Not my digits!

IC Chat / Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:16:14 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: YLEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
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                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

To: DvL,069
Text: Sir, I have an idea to make our Division more effective in combat, We could ask 291 to make turrets on the fire arms targets, and have all units undergoe extensive training fighting them, Of course they would be rubber bullets (0 Damage). It's an idea. I hope you think about it. 729, out.

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IC Chat / Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:13:47 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: LEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 0009
Text: Yesterday, not much happened, OR DID IT! I was patrolling, and they found a 647E with a shotgun! He went to the apartments, to keep this short, Many units died. I got to go up, we took him down, 3 shots in the leg from me. 527 got him and keeps bragging about it. Other than that, uneventful.

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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Guides / RcT's FearRP
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:30:33 PM »
No, This is not about fearing RcT's. It is about RcT's fearing they're uppers, as well as begin confused. I have been a Rct, But since I saw the nexus OOC in SP.. I knew the nexus already. So I pretended not to know, also.. I am saddened by this. I saw a RcT walk past the SeC and he said "Forgetting something RcT?" The recruit said "No Sir, I am not..." I mean... just. Right, Rant over.

1. Even if you know the nexus inside out, IC you don't. You probably will want a tour of the nexus.
2. A chart, of fear.
04-03: Are just... A bit higher than you
02-01: Nervous.
OfC: of UNIFORM More nervous
OfC: of others. Probably start stuttering.
DvL: of UNIFORM. Stuttering, slightly scared
Other: DvL's Very scared
SeC: Shitting your pants
3. Stuttering... It would be like. "Y-yes s-sir... I-I'm so-sorry s-sir." Then say... /me Salutes, very shaken at the DvL's tone, and walks away." Or something... That's all then

Yes, It is a short guide, anyway. This is just to help new recruits... No I didn't follow all these rules at once because I thought it wasn't necessary. But now, even as an 04. I do.

IC Chat / Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:49:14 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: LEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 00008
Text: A-antlions, again.. So let me explain, We arrived in C45 right? I think, "Wow these defences will stop them..." I was wrong, we had another attack yesterday... No fun.. I think im in shock... I-I mean, the citizens. I don't care for them! No! B-but... the blood, it was all over the walls... Anyway, I have been taking it easy and staying in stasis... 164 told me too. Now I'm out and well, writing this. Also, I want to join ADRENALINE to help they're numbers and stop more death's.. 602 says it's fine, but 069 says he need's more unit's in his division.. So I will probably have to stay here... Damn. Well... 729 For.. the union

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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IC Chat / Derrick O'Malley/Thomas cadewells logs.
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:45:13 PM »
OOC No, they are not one person, I decided to make one thread to save space./OOC

Derrick's log, Day 1
Well, this city is a giant hellhole, the CP here, WAY stricter than back in... um... Back... Damn, I can't remember where I came from, oh well. But i'm serious, back in the old town, Cp caught ye runnin they'd just give ye a warnin. Here... No ways sir... Shit, my leg still hurts... I dont think I'll be runnin for some time... Anyway, this city seems awful rude as well... and silly. I met a man named Rodie... somthing or other, Anyway so this rodie feller, comes up to me and says "Your ugly" (OOC) No he didnt, my guy is making himself sound better /OOC. So I kicked him, then some canadian feller came and threatened to call the Civil protection on us... So I was the mature one and left.

Derrick's Log Day 2
Exogen... antlion... whatever, anyway these thigns are big... They came today and, let's say my newest home is not safe anymore. I am on a train to C45... I hopes it's less hellish...

Cadewell's logs: Well, antlions... again! That's how I got to C18 just today, god damn! City 9  was attacked! So I arrive, and everyones getting on the damn train... Then I see them, antlions... SHIT.. So C45.. I am here, I met a man named Nick Poltergiest... He's nice enough, anyway. I found a tunnel... in a store, I think the combine found it now though... They seem to be watching the area. Well. that's all

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