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Messages - [CA] KiwieeEh

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General Discussion / Re: Knowing the boundries
« on: December 10, 2011, 07:39:53 AM »
A severe case of 10-103M if I'm not mistaken.

Head crabs waiting for a bus.

General Discussion / Re: Kepler: A planet like Earth
« on: December 08, 2011, 01:43:15 PM »
I'm being serious bro, I can do it.

(Anyway, I'm not being a bitch, I enjoy learning about theoretical physics.)

General Discussion / Re: Kepler: A planet like Earth
« on: December 08, 2011, 01:08:19 PM »
Neutrinos can travel faster than light.

Don't listen to media.
Are you aware of the percentage error involved in that experiment? Or, for that matter of fact, the percentage uncertainty?

The only way that we can get there is if we find a way to use/make worm holes.

Casually tare open the fabric of dimentia and pass through? No problem, I do it each day.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think CG should make a new server on?
« on: December 07, 2011, 06:09:03 PM »
Army roleplay based off openaura.

It's funny I made one once.
That's pretty sweet was it good?

It worked, but there's no way in hell that I'm releasing it any time soon.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think CG should make a new server on?
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:42:54 PM »
Army roleplay based off openaura.

It's funny I made one once.

UNIT: 713
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: John Marley
Citizen Identification Number: 81414

Acceptance status:
<::|| DENIED ||::>

<::|| Refers to military life and surviving for both himself and his father, anyone with a military background is killed.
IC questions answered with an "aggressive" tone if you will.
What time zone is mountain?
It also seems to some extent that you want to be a CCA character to have power, and eventually get admin, this attitude needs to change.
RP needs to be further developed before I can accept an application again.

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.713
Console Shut Down.

UNIT: 713
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: John Wolfson
Citizen Identification Number: 12434

Acceptance status:
<::|| DENIED ||::>

<::|| Question 3 too short,
Question 7 answered incorrectly,
Warned by caek (I think) about postwhoring for 10 posts.

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.713
Console Shut Down.

Creations / Re: Is this art or just a waste of my time during PD lessons?
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:31:49 AM »
I will do of I can find one when I get home, I'll send it you in steam though swing a it's coursework, don't really want 18485929395 people seeing it.

Creations / Is this art or just a waste of my time during PD lessons?
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:13:58 AM »

According to some people is passes as art lol.
Regardless I'm actually ahead in the manufacture phase of PD so I'm not really wasting time, I'm just having fun.
I've made a load and will post images of them around the workshop if I can be bothered soon and/or people genuinely like the photos lolol.

Bear in mind that this one was a quick one done in two minutes after doing the official band saw version (which is much more awesome)

Bug Reports / Re: City Lag
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:13:44 AM »
The map takes a high strain on your PC, the framerate has been hopefully increased in the new map, private testing has shown this. Still, I your pc has low specs (please post them) then te issue may not be solved.

Accepted PK Appeals / C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.713's Un-PK appeal.
« on: December 03, 2011, 04:32:55 PM »
Steam Name: Kiwiee
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14465041
Character Name: C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.713
Admin who issued PK: Abbott
Reason for Un-PK:
I was called into the HCMR by Abbot and was amputated for the following reason:
I shouted at units in the plaza, a total of six for the following reasons:
Five units were gathering around one suspected 10-103M, she was showing little resistance and it seemed rediculous, I called for each unit to move along and start patroling as standard directives were VERY weak, in numbers compared to population of citizens, IE. 234 and myself were patroling, that was it.
After telling the units what needed to be said I moved on, and did a round, coming to the other side of the plaza to find a unit what appeared to be "guarding" a shoe shiner basically, claiming he was watching over him. I told him to move along, he needed to patrol as all the others did.
Upon my return to the 10-103M, all five units were still standing there, so I yelled again "Units!". None responded so I called individual numbers, i then yelled at them to patrol. The citizen still showing no signs of resisting, only two units really needed to be there.
Eventually, the units were individually shouted at to move, and yes, i said "final warning.". The units were being insubordinate.
Regardless, I continued my rounds, the units patroling and the 10-103M was indeed moved into the Nexus by two units, nothing else was needed.
At which point abbott called me down to the HCMR and said that because I shouted at some units I was to be amputated.
With all due respect, I had just recently been brainwashed and my unit was acting "perfect." so to speak. I should have been harsher seeing as the units were insubordinate.
I believe abbott was also acting on old memories of my old units and/or a general dislike of the unit's position. Even though, 20-30 minutes earlier I had a brainwash, I would be considered the perfect unit, I had not made a mistake anyway. I was being an officer, and I may have "upset" a few units.

Regardless, I have a number of people that agree the amputation was not called for as, firstly, my unit did nothing wrong, and secondly, my unit would be considered a "new" unit, so to speak with a clean slate, even if I did have a bad past due to the brainwashing.

I apologise if I seem a bit agressive in the PK appeal, I've just done a 18 hour work day and am tired.

EDIT: I am aware I have no IC chat logs of this.
But there are logs created, it occured approx 20-23 hours ago, don't quote me when exactly.

General Discussion / Re: My Tram Experience
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:12:39 PM »
Welcome to london.

It's deadlier than CG.

Civil Workers Union / Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:17:27 PM »
Name: Kaden Meadows
Citizen identification(CID): 20823
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH#B2
Age: 27

Why do you want to join the CWU?: I feel like I should be able to do better for the city other than keeping it clean. I wish to be able to make a proper difference to the city.
Have you ever been detained before?: Nope. I have a clean record.
Past experience with work/labor: I used to be a wood worker before the war, I also have a generally decent skill in fabrication, I was a past strucural engineer. Now, however, all I really tend to be able to do is clean the city. I want to do more.
What will you do for us?: I will help make businesses and help the infrastructure of the CWU grow.
How long have you been in City45?: About three weeks or so.
Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: Nope.
Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: Definitely not.
If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: I would back away and request a civil protection unit immediately using my request device.
Any disabilities?: None.
Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: Not really, other than mass cleanups on the street
Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: James Tavener, Ted Simmons.

Name: Kiwiee
Timezone: GMT
Roleplay Experience: CG a lot, Ex 03 in CCA. Ex OfC in CCA. Ex 01 in CCA. 03 in CCA OCRP (derp) Admin. TRP and my old times at TnB about a decade (exageration) ago.. Good times..
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: Because I enjoy RP and i want to increase my char development further by joining the CWU, I've never done it before and I think it could be interesting.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
Kaden, a simple labourer by trade, worked hard during the days leading up to the incident as a carpenter and helped build with his family. But then it changed. Kaden can't remember much about the portal storms, or the war. He can only remember the fear and the pain. The screams of his friends, family, everyone shaking in fear in their cellar.
The British army was scrambled and on high alert, every ship, plane, and infantryman were patrolling the streets. It was a nightmare. But what no one realised was that what was about to happen would be worse.
Explosions, flashes of light, orange, blue, green, red, purple. None of it made sense, but no matter where you looked. Everyone was dying. The combine had begun their invasion, a fleet of what appeared to be gunships hovered eerily over London. The funny thing is they didn't even shoot. They didn't need to.
Buildings fell and exploded, debris flying everywhere, kaden, hiding with his family in the basement. Something burst through the door, it was too dark, no one knew what it was. "Everyone down here Move!" A commanding voice echoed through the basement. It was a military figure, what rank was unknown, but I don't think that mattered.
The british army ordered a complete retreat to the west coast of the UK only minutes after the fire fights began and everyone was rushed out. Or at least if they could get out that is. Kaden looked out of the back of his convoy seeing the towers in the distance, an orange glow.
it was 4.23 AM according to the clock in Penzance. Dark, tired, and lonely. Kaden was separated from his family in the hundreds in front of him, behind him, and in any direction he looked. They were being herded onto large what seemed to be cargo ships. One already sailing in the distance.
Kaden found himself upon the "SEASHELL". An odd name at that, but still, if it was safety then fine. No one knew what was happening until they got aboard.
The intercom buzzed on around the overcrowded ship. The captain alerted them that they were sailing to the US. A full retreat of the UK as it was lost. The war was over for now.
5.12 AM, the ship was out of the harbour and about 50 miles out to sea. In the horizon Penzance was but a smouldering plane. Already? How did it come to this in less than four hours?
The ship sailed for days, yet no one said a thing. No one spoke a word. The hundreds of innocent civilians just sat and looked at eachother for hope. There was none.
A day had passed, Many strange metallic ships flew overhead, all seemingly passive to the ship. Did they think the occupants were dead? No one really knew.
The US was now in sight. And the first ship docked.. But this wasn't the US that anyone knew, a huge metallic tower stretched high into the sky, with what can only be described as attack helicopters in the sky. They weren't human.
As the ship docked the helicopters, about four or five, just circled it. Weapons terrifyingly primed.
One person at a time, the ship was evacuated and sorted by a force.. A race of people that have never been seen before.. Who were they? What did they want with us?
Kaden was within the second hundred taken off the ship, and as he approached the group of new armed aliens to the world, he was thoroughly searched, handed a Card, and send down a row of other civilians, Row "?". Kaden looked at his card. "#20823" was printed on it along with a small holographic logo.
His row was then moved onto a train, everyone fell silent as the train left a makeshift, metallic platform onto a rail line.
He looked out of the window, at the devastation. Burning embers and rubble of buildings were all that were left. And silently, even now, Kaden knew he had to make this world a better place again, he had to re-assemble what is a broken humanity. He knew he couldn't, but wherever he is going, if he lives. He's going to do good.
Kaden stepped out of the train into a large city plaza, Someone on a digital screen proclaimed "Welcome! to City 45! It's safer here."
It's safer here...
You have 7 days to update this application. - Monkey.

Sorry it took so long, we all knew what happened. -Kiwiee.

Accepted for Interview (I hope you can balance all your characters out)

Suggestions / Re: Debate Board
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:01:17 PM »
Other than doing politics as an extra subject cause I have a general interest in shouting at people why their wrong until they eventually realise their wrong Debating thoroughly points about each subject, I would happily agree with it and, if anything. Help moderate it. Debates usually turn into arguments faster than people can watch so I don't mind helping watch over it.

Suggestions / Re: NationStates Board.
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:01:20 PM »
The only reason we'd need that is because we'd have our own legislations to pass a lot and thus it would get rather disorganised if we didn't.
Regardless, I do think we need some sort of space to organise stuff.

Edit: It's a little complex but it solves a lot of the issues regarding neatness.

Click to see the original size.

Edit again: Bear in mind "NATIONAL AUTHORITY" isn't actually a the name for it, I just shit it on there cause i'm in a rush.

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