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Messages - [CA] KiwieeEh

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Invisible Soldiers?
« on: February 23, 2012, 02:34:15 AM »
I swear your such a conspiracy theorist.
Even IF there was something there why would we tell you? What right do you have to know the business of the Universal Union that only Divisional Leaders and above have access to?

On a lighter note. No. Stop looking into and analysing each sentence plz.
There isn't anything of the sort and never will be.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Invisible Soldiers?
« on: February 22, 2012, 07:30:46 PM »
Don't believe in the rumours.
Most of these people haven't even had a decent meal since they moved to city 45.

We have no advanced cloaking technology! Ridiculous! Why would we waste it on your anyway?

* Y2K-iwiee makes a note of the complainers names, walking back into the nexus to the CA office.

General Discussion / Re: Most Stupid War In History?
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:44:13 PM »
Anglo-Zanzibar War.

If you don't know it. Look it up.
Reminds me of CG...

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Regarding HL2RP.
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:41:22 PM »
Adam just contacted me.
He wishes to make his voice heard on here.

22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: and that is including the CCA. The CCA is a huge pile of shit and Raiden is actually trying to work on fixing it now.
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Lie 1
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: If you think Raiden is an egotistical person, you have to think twice.
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Lie 2
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: He's sharing the power he has with his Commanders and will most likely barely do anything himself, but leave it to the Commanders like it should be done.
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Lie 3
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: The Sectoral commander should not be actively making changes and interfering with the CCA, it should be a oversight position.
22:25 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Lie 4
22:26 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Some people need to get their facts straight before starting to spout bullshit all over the forums and chats, spreading rumors and lies.
22:26 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: lie 5
22:26 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Jesus christ wont alex stop being full of shit
22:26 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: he tells more lies than raiden would
22:28 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: oh yeah dont forget this.
22:29 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: Verans active, thats what counts,   Sure we all fuck up i have too many time and now im paying for it.
22:31 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit: He was active tho,  something raiden wont live down.   he was active OOCly and Icly way more than Raiden would be.  I thought rofl said raiden would never get "Co-owner" again but then again its rofl.  Raiden is a fine person at times but its mostly his fault HL2RP is where it is now.  I personally see no fucking change coming up if he keeps at his own little game.   The idea is to listen to the community, not act like a fucking communist and do what you want.   Speaking of that, really thats all bluff will do is do what he wants cause hes selfcentered.   Hell i might get struck down by saying this but RTLK even did a better job than whats currently going down.   And its getting worse by throwing veran out the door and then shitting on your desk.
22:31 - Rainbow Dash - Adumb Shit depositis 2 pents

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Regarding HL2RP.
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:19:19 PM »
My two cents:

Okay you've removed Veran from SeC

But why did you take his CCA whitelist?

And his developer position?

EDIT: Or not, still says he's a Dev on the homepage, thus the below confusing me

You have removed veran from the SeC position he shared with you and taken his developer access as well. What did he do to have his developer access removed?

He's a junior developer now, which is just a rank.
Developers have ftp access and forum setting access, etc. Jnr Devs do not:

20:17 - Veran120: Junior Developer is just title.
20:17 - Veran120: It has no authorizations.
20:17 - Veran120: Developer is the one with right auths, forums settings, ftp access, etc.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Regarding HL2RP.
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:34:40 PM »
First of all, this is NOT a leave post. But it is a long rant about HL2RP and an opinion of a lot of peope. I'm the only person that really has the balls to do this now before it goes to far and then complain.

I'm going to start off right at the top and work my way down.


Raiden, I mean not to insult you by what I say here, I'm just going to highlight what me and other people are getting infuriated over.
You have recently taken a major ego boost since the promotion to Owner, you have taken ahold of the autonomous control you have and are not scared to use it to do anything that you must do. You have removed veran from the SeC position he shared with you and taken his developer access as well. What did he do to have his developer access removed? He's just finished preparing for a huge update? He is the most fair sectorial I have known and yes, people complain about him a lot, but you will find that with a lot of good admins will come jelousy and the outright hate brought on by his fair work. You should know this already, if he does something farily he will cause other people grief, and ultimately those people will complain. People complain to me about you, and other UU members, however, firstly, what can I do? And secondly, its usually because they're butthurt about something you did which negatively effects them.
Veran always worked hard as SeC and made choices that most of the server would agree with, however, you've chosen to remove him from his position in what appears to be the start of an egotistical takeover of HL2RP. I have no issue with you forgiving inactive units, giving them more chances, but there are things that people don't approve of. Once again, I have no issue with you giving Bluff or KMP CmD personally, but it is an assmotion to begin with, they're both OfCs and although their roleplay may be good, they do not have the experience IC and there are many other candidates that have both the RP skills and the knowledge and experience IC and OOC that you could have chosen. Personally I see some favouritism in there as well, not only me, but others too.
You may not see it this way, but other people see it as this:

"I'm owner I can get away with this."

Remind you of anyone in particular? If this continues, people will eventually realise, get exeptionally mad, and I can see the way that it can go, and it will end up being another drama fest. Another RTLK.
I doubt you want to be RTLK-V2. No one does. And the best way to stop this is to be fair and take input from people before acting, more than just the people that complain. Take input from the whole community.

The CCA in General

There's a lot to go through here. I'll shorten it down into a tl;dr for now.

You have an important role, you got to where you want to be in the CCA so deal with the crying that people come to you with, you have to be active, even if it is boring, find a way to make it fun, take great care in amputations, i don't know, but you have to stay active.

Play to lose sometimes for the love of god! You may be highly trained and they may be weak and malnourished but if someone comes up behind you dont lolturnaround and take their knife or whatever, you don't have eyes in the back of your head.

Other than that I have no issue with you as much as I do everywhere else appart from going AFK halfway though when we need units. If you're going to do this, flag down, let other units flag up, you're taking up space in the CCA that can be used for other units. And remember, no matter what character you're on, if you have a unit in the CCA. You still represent the community highly.

This counts towards 02s as well as much as can be said.
None of you out there (I hope) know what it's like to kill someone, the first time you do it, you will throw up, physically feel like shit, and be emotionally destroyed, that feeling will stay for at least 10-15 kills in the future, you'll only be a cold blooded killer at around 100 kills unless your psyco. If thats the case, you shouldn't be in the CCA.

You're still fresh units too. Make mistakes, feel guilt, fell remose, feel like shit if you must. It's always better to have an in depth roleplay experience than be a cold monster wanting to kill all, if you want to do that, then you shouldn't be in the CCA. Fuck it. You shouldn't be in HL2RP. Go to OCRP where killing people daily is considered good RP.


Not much I can say.
Stop mugging people.
Start Pain RPing.
Not everyone needs to be a lolrebel.
Feel hunger.
Play to lose.
Sort your characters out rather than just running for guns.


And yes. I put myself in stasis on 113 for a while. I don't feel like I can adequitely roleplay right now, and hell, even if I do, I need a break. Jogzi knows what to do.

Denied Outlands Appeals / Re: Multiple Outland Character Appeals
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:43:17 AM »
Double post. Kill me.

Why did you remove this post, I'm lucky I kept it on my phone tbh.

Either way, if you're talking to me about it being none of my business. If I get reports from multiple people that people are driving around in my jeep that they "stole" from me. I have a right to explain this. NO ONE Has auth to drive my jeep. It wasn't stolen in an RP way and you don't even have the ability to take/start my car anyway, like I said, it's about 30 miles out of the mountains right now with no gas anyway.

What I'm doing here is suggesting why it should be denied solely on the reason of your RP skills. Anyone can write a backstory, not many people can actually RP correctly. Stealing my car without auth or even ASKING me about it is what I call bad RP. Just my input there.

Denied Outlands Appeals / Re: Multiple Outland Character Appeals
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:11:20 AM »
I've heard this about my jeep too, I would like to know where you got my auth to take my jeep when I am not online, it has no easy ignition, and no fuel, on top of that, ICly it isn't even in the mountain ranges right now, it's broken down about 30 miles away.

I do not give autos for people to lolsteal my jeep anyway, I've been put in a position where I must show that I can be trusted with the flags, if I start letting anyone drive it, this isn't trustworthy.

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Kayla rose, Misclick
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:05:26 AM »
Use the format:

Stickies are normally at the top of boards like this for a reason, please, if you can, read them in the future for ban requests, appeals and such.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:29:16 PM »
With the US government trying to force its views on places sech as china, Korea, and all of the middle east, using the UN to do its bidding, I doubt it will be long.
Especially seeing as the UK lick the metaphorical butt crack of us parliament for recognition and the French and such doing the same. It will escalate into outright was in the middle east soon, and it will quickly spread to the east and suddenly it's the world war, quite literally, between the west and the east. I'd laugh if it weren't for the fact that if world war thee happens, then it will be nuclear, we'd all be dead anyway, if not from the nukes, but from the radiation and fallout that comes with it.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Invisible Soldiers?
« on: February 19, 2012, 11:25:48 AM »
I suggest you leave District six and start intaking regular supplies of combine issued water, all of this clean water must be getting to your characters head.

Outside City 45 / Re: [WIP] VPR 111.3 FM
« on: February 18, 2012, 10:24:11 PM »
Steam Name: Imagination
Do you have a mic?:Yes
Past DJ Experience:No (But I have hosted an event at my school)
What makes you a good DJ?: Voice for the People. Helping the people out with things they don't know.Relaxing them with the sounds of their past and the songs they love. Being the voice In the dark for the people that can't find their way. That is what I believe makes a good DJ

I need the IC section too.

Sorry guys I've put this on hiatus while I work on a project for the city server. I'll be putting it back up again when it's all finished.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: New HL2RP Rule Request
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:32:46 PM »
Make it a flag you have to apply for and if you abuse it it gets removed.

Problem solved?

Suggestions / Thumbnail BBC code and YouTube integration BBC code
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:48:16 AM »
Will it ever be re-added?
I know that the coding for a thumbnail BBC code isn't too difficult, assuming you have no clashes with any other packages installed with SMF it would be a nice re-introduction.

The same for YouTube BBC codes I guess. They would both be very nice to have back in my eyes. I guess the only thing that would cause issues is comparability with other packages, as I said, but both codes are rather basic and shouldn't conflict. Then again, what do I know, I don't know what you have installed on the SMF xD.

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