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Messages - Journeyman H. [UK]

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General Discussion / Re: Escape From C17
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:18:31 PM »
There will be an airstrike of clocks coming to your house.

General Discussion / Re: Estimate of how much CG is.
« on: January 17, 2012, 07:19:13 AM »
Gotta love the tag.
GMod gaming DarkRP Serious RP roleplay seriousrp Catalyst Gaming DarkDM facepunch servers singlehop xenonservers limestone networks softlayer garry's mod i'm an idiot for assuming things wars racer stop reading this :< cunt"

I may be a capitalist, but when someone passes away no matter the position in the world, I show a little respect.
He has oppressed his people and limited their human rights
That equals George Bush and the rest of the maniacs in the U.S, including Obama.

Quoted for fucking truth. Everyone who leads a country is the same.

Kim Jon Il?
Moar like Kim Jon Ded. AMIRITE?

General Discussion / Re: IRC
« on: December 16, 2011, 06:27:03 AM »
Oh, I wonder who Catalyst Webmaster is? Definately not someone like Karma, that's for sure!

The IRC chat is clearly advertised in CG, Darthkatzs, you silly duckling!

General Discussion / Re: The new Xbox 360 UI
« on: December 10, 2011, 11:42:56 AM »
Xbox > PS3, and for the right reasons. Not starting a flame war here.

That's the best reason I've ever heard! /sarcasm

General Discussion / Re: The new Xbox 360 UI
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:08:17 PM »
I agree with this entirely.
Microsoft and Sony have been steering towards families to gain a bigger market share than their current one. Their doing it for money, Microsoft are slowly changing to a family console much alike the Wii.
Although thankfully they are not in control of the games. So the games will still be the same relatively, just the dashboard we play it on will change.
They also brought out a recent update that changed the dashboard to a Windows computer type, don't know which one.

So far, I seen what Microsoft has always been doing, ripping people off, hardware, software and the online play you do, and then they do a hilarious attempt at trying to turn it into a family console, in order to beat nintendo.

The few things I've seen Sony do so far is doing a subscription (PS3+), just simply gives you more features like download games depending on the budget allowance, and small perks here and there. Nothing hugely major but it's an interesting subscription system though.

Whilst obviously both of them always try and make the most money, they don't "Dominate" the gaming industry. It's unlikely that they ever will, especially when PC gaming is around.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think CG should make a new server on?
« on: December 07, 2011, 02:02:40 PM »
But noooooo. Adam wont send me over the files because we are gonna "leak" it. How the fuck can we even leak MC?

That's not very nice placing blames like that. Adam S has a legitimate reason, it's not very nice to purposely put a MC hoster to shame and guilt. It causes unhappiness and tension between people.

I learned this from leadership. It's an amazing quality to earn.

I think Morbus would be a great idea to host for CG, because it would attract no trolls what so ever.

General Discussion / Re: Fuck the senate.
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:40:39 AM »
Rise up against your tyrannical government, hand in hand with your fellow American brethren, but always remember that the pen is mightier than the sword.

A pen is only mighty against people, if they're intelligent and can reason with people.
A sword is mighty against those who deceive, lie, betray, or have no forms of reasoning what so ever.

We've said plenty of times by words that they need to improve, we've even made an action and demonstrated that enough is enough. But now it seems they only respond in violence.

General Discussion / Re: My Tram Experience
« on: November 30, 2011, 12:23:28 PM »
I dont need to provide any proof journey. all you have to do is turn on your tv, look out of the window or even come on this forum to realise the freedom that you enjoy. granted it could be better but it is a shitload better than what a lot of countries have.

I do turn on the TV, it's filled with crap. Looking out the window? All I see is my quiet neighbourhood. The internet is the closest definition of democracy and freedom however, the internet is not a country, it's a community built by people around the world, forming their own small social zones.

The internet exposes the truth. Most people believe in lies. Less people read inside the lies and find the truth.

There is plenty of evidence around YouTube and Protest footages exposes the "freedom" and "democracy" that you all really have.

If something like this, so small that you, as people are not allowed to do, in a country that is "land of the free".
American dream? LMFAO.

Not enough? Sure the UK gets their fair share!

Peaceful protesting? Don't worry, the riot police will give you your democracy with a nice truncheon in the face!
If that's not enough, what about the old media or the papers talking about people being banned from wearing a golden cross at work?
Not good enough? What about the wars? Did you get a choice to vote on which war we should be participating? Even though there were protests about it?

The proof is always there for me. I'd like to see proof about freedom and democracy. From what I'm seeing, there's hardly any.

General Discussion / Re: My Tram Experience
« on: November 29, 2011, 05:42:42 PM »
A free, Western democracy that tolerates people from all coultures.

Prove it. I'd like to see anyone proving that. Better yet, I'd like to see anyone proving that about any country.

And no, Americans, don't you even dare to try and play this game, as there is no proof of "Democracy" or "Freedom".

General Discussion / Re: a new FOURM RECORD
« on: November 22, 2011, 03:32:29 AM »
Is it me, or do I sense some bum licking going on at OP?

Let them pass the bill. Because all they're going to do, is create chaos around the world. Why? Censorship, they're going to censor websites that go against what the government wants.
Which is a good thing if you support the Occupy X protests.

ALSO a nice little exploit.
You can ruin websites, even major ones, by purposely placing pirated software on the website. Which then = LOL WE CAN SUE YOU.

There is a major chance that it would not happen, but eventually, it will.

Support & Help / Re: help
« on: July 23, 2011, 06:32:59 PM »
Why did the spam thread get eated?

General Discussion / Re: Take your personal problems away from CG!
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:32:12 AM »
General Discussion.

Don't like it, don't click it.

Also, you're forgetting the fact that it just stirs up drama and flaming.
We're not a help line. End of.

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