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Topics - Statua

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Outside City 45 / Outlands Mapchange Event After-Action Report
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:03:26 PM »
So, for those involved, we know the event didnt exactly work as planned. There were some communication issues which resulted in loss of information and people doing things when they weren't supposed to.

Here's what was supposed to happen:

List of steps:

-dropships (2) and gunships (1-2) fly overhead and land at bunker, deploying ground squad and 1 strider
-combine begins moving through the mountains, sweeping everything
-Strider blows up castle
-Lambda movement comes in with transports (2-3) and stops at the inn, they try to get everyone to pile in
-Strider blows up the cottage
-Strider is seen moving over the pass
-Lambda leaves inn with as many people as possible to gtfo
-Strider blows up inn just as lambada movement
-Lambda escapes the pass
-Lambada and everyone arrive at the North Spawn (this is very important everyone goes north)
-Lambada C4 the tunnel
-Lambada say cheers and drive off, leaving the valley

Upon arrival to the valley, lambda uses c4 to cave in the north tunnel to prevent combine from following their tracks. Little do they know the combine already have an outpost they used to spy on the pass for years.

IC information for this event:

-Access to the pass is cut off unless you take a 2 day trip via back roads which are easy to get lost in

I apologize for what happened. I really didnt have much time to plan the event as I had the impression alexanderk had something planned already, which he didnt. I just continued off where he left. I'm sure there are better ways we could have done this. Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, rants on this?

Outside City 45 / They Warned us...
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:33:25 AM »
They warned us. We didnt listen. They gave us a chance. We blew it. Now, we pay for it. -Anon Refugee

In conjunction with the events over the past month or so of overwatch launching small assaults and tightening security, the community of the Ineu Pass Area will be evicted and eliminated. There are rumors of heavy combine weaponry, special overwatch strike teams, and something else that will make the ground shudder. Fighting back is not an option. The community will have to flee, but all the surrounding areas are unsafe. Or have all the surrounding areas been discovered yet?

This event will take place at 10:00pm UK (4:00pm EST) on the outlands server. Setting up will begin an hour or so earlier then that. Please make sure you have the map installed and ready before the event. You can find it here:

So what can you do during the event? Pack up your camps. Find all your friends, and try not to get killed. Because if you do, you might receive a PK depending on the circumstances such as trying to go rambo on the overwatch. If you want to make a character specifically for this event to try and go rambo, getting killed, thats fine. Please join the server at least 1 hour before the event so we can set you up and go over what you need. Please note, any characters being set up to be killed will not be saved after the event.

Watch what's going on, know who to trust, and don't get caught somewhere you don't want to be.

The time for the outlands event has been moved from 6:00pm UK (1:00pm EST) to 10:00pm UK (5:00pm EST) to make room for ALL players to enjoy the event.

Those involved in setting up, please come at LEAST 1-2 hours early. Thankyou!

PS this event is taking place tomorrow (February 17th 2013)

More information on this event can be found here:

Outside City 45 / Simple FPS boost for Ineu
« on: February 16, 2013, 01:13:58 PM »
So, i dun goof'd and left an entire plane of water under the map which is rendering reflection of the entire world. This is causing a major FPS decrease as you are rendering expensive water everywhere you look. Simple, go to settings and change water reflections to simple. The water still looks good and it bumped my fps (at the laggiest spot) from 21 fps to 32 fps.

Outside City 45 / Ineu Valley Final Suggestions
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:13:36 AM »
Suggest anything you think should be changed in the map. This is for tweaks and possibly small little additions or removals. Things like a different style lighting or different textures or maybe a couple signs for something. Please follow the format provided below.

Code: [Select]
[b]Reason for this[/b]:
[b]Extra notes (optional)[/b]:

News and Announcements / RP_Ineu_Valley BETA Release
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:10:34 AM »
Click to see the original size.
It's here! Technically...

    Ineu Valley is finally almost done. Last thing on my list is a couple tweaks, some HDR, some final renders, and whatever bugs you guys find. Come February 17th 2013 at 1800Z (6:00pm UK time) the mapchange event on outlands will occur and this map will be live until February 24th 2013 where it will be replaced by the final version of the Valley.

    During the week it is live, feel free to RP as usual, however if you come across a bug such as a hole, floting props, or any other bug, please report it HERE so I can ensure its fixed by then end of the beta period.

So without further adoo, here's the download link. Just place the files in your maps folder and enjoy!


I released it early so everyone could get a chance to download the map and try it out before the event. I also really didn't feel like waking up Saturday after working the graveyard shift the night before.


  • Extensive use of vertical space
  • Long deep river canyon for traveling on foot discretely
  • Highways
  • Road Bridges
  • Rope Bridge
  • Paths from main land to river valley
  • Lake
  • Log Cabin with upstairs
  • Two Towns
  • Inn w/ 8 rooms, dining room, lounge w/ sleeping fireplace, and basement
  • Store with upstairs apartment
  • Ruined Church
  • Factory Warehouse
  • Direlect Police Department w/ holding cells
  • Gas Station w/ Garage
  • Junkyard w/ Trailer Home
  • Underground Cellar/Dig Site
  • 2 multi-level accessable mountains
  • Villa w/ Graveyard (Castle)
  • Nuclear Shelter Bunker w/ Trenches
  • Mines w/ multiple tunnels and open rooms
  • Combine Outpost w/ holding cell, 2 helipads, 1 teleporter (out and back in)
  • Observation Towers)
  • Sleeping Campfires (use E to activate them)
  • Custom Signs
  • Easter Eggs: (5 Gnomes, CG Logo, Credit Signatures, Super Secret Talking Thing)
  • Spawn Room
  • Large Feeling 3D Skybox
  • Weather Control Room
  • AI Nodes

Outside City 45 / Ineu Valley Bug Reports
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:08:38 AM »
Please report any and all bugs you find here, following the format provided below.

Code: [Select]
[b]Description of the bug[/b]:
[b]Location of the bug[/b]:
[b]Screenshot of the bug[/b]:
[b]Extra notes (optional)[/b]:


Description of the bug: Decal spilling onto adjacent faces
Location of the bug: Wall by the locks
Screenshot of the bug:
Click to see the original size.
Extra notes (optional): The thing looks silly anyway.

Outside City 45 / Winter > Spring Map Change information
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:59:02 PM »
In preparation for ineu_valley, outlands will run ineu_pass_v1c, the summer edition, until the mapchange event.

For more information, visit this thread:

Outside City 45 / Some map change information
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:30:22 PM »
I've heard numerous people claiming they ICly visited the new area of the Ineu Mountains we will be heading to on the 15th. In an IC perspective, nobody in-game has and will visit this area until the map change, unless you have proper authorizations with SA approval as well as my own approval.

So, please stop claiming you have visited the new area. There are rumors of it, but nobody has actually been there. Thank you.

IC Chat / An early spring....
« on: February 07, 2013, 12:41:35 AM »
An Early Spring...

"These weather dynamics are weird. I blame the combine..." -Refugee

    As the earth continues revolving around the sun, the angle between the lateral where Ineu is and the sun begins to grow sharper, allowing for more warmth. It is however still February and there should still be cold days for another 6 or so weeks. This is not the case. The industry created by the universal union is emitting a powerful pollutant, not yet known to man. It causes the jet stream to rise well above its norm lateral and warm air follows it in. There is also a lack of clouds in the sky, letting the sun heat up the earths surface.

    This week however, these weather phenomenons are at an all time weird. The temperatures across Romania rise rapidly as the jet stream moves at far north as south Russia. In the Ineu Mountains particularly, the snow begins to melt. It is estimated there will be no snow left by February 11th.

    This is not necessarily a good thing. The river is estimated to rise 3 feet, flooding most of the valley bed which is used for walking. The wet slushy snow will mean slopes will be extremely dangerous to tread on. Any flat roofs without much support will surely cave in as the thick snow on top grows heavy with wetness.

Out of Character for OOC:
This event is to help aid the transition betwene the pass and the valley, climate wise. It doesnt make much sense to leave the pass cold and snowy, and then enter the valley warm and green.

General Discussion / Increased Inactivity for the next 3 months.
« on: February 05, 2013, 09:29:26 PM »
Just to let everyone know, I wont be able to join the servers and RP every day for the next three months. I started college full time on Monday and work some evenings and weekends. I'll still be on steam and stuffs while at work working on maps but that's pretty much it. I cant get wrapped up in RP or anything cause if I get a delivery, I gotta take it right away.

So just in case anyone might have been wondering. If not, now you know :P

Outside City 45 / How are we doing so far? (Questionnaire)
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:59:21 PM »
What's your guy's opinion on outlands right now? Think its good, bad, ok. Fill this out and let us know so we can make it better (if it's not already fine)

Code: [Select]
[i]When you first log in, what makes you want to join outlands in the first place?[/i]

[i]What do you do for fun on outlands?[/i]

[i]Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy)[/i]

[i]What would you like to see more of on outlands?[/i]

[i]What do you want to do on outlands?[/i]

[i]Is there anything about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it?[/i]

[i]What do you think should be done with Overwatch to improve RP?[/i]

[i]Extra comments.[/i]

Guides / Injury RP Reference Images (Feed)
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:58:50 AM »
Well. Idk just a little thread I feel like putting up, reposting images posted by an EMS feed on facebook.

This thread is intended to give you some real-life examples of some serious injuries so in return in RP, you can act accordingly. I will try to caption each image with a cause of injury and a how to treat.

Images in this thread are extremely graphic. If open wounds, gore, and otherwise extremely graphic images make you feel incomfortable, DO NOT PROCEED!!!

Spoiler for Open Ankle Fracture:

Cause: Unknown
Treatment: Take the shoe off check for pulse, control bleeding, splint (preferably pillow splint), Iv, morphine if pt is asking, then transport to hospital, keeping the wound from drying, preferably with saline. Sedate pt for realignment surgery, sanitize wound, check for ligament/tendon damage, recovery.

Spoiler for Deep Neck Laceration:

Cause: Self inflicted with knife. Trach has been cut. No major arteries were damaged.
Treatment: Intubate through cut trach, slight pressure with gauze to stop bleeding, immobilize head and arms, transport to Hospital. Sedate PT for emergency surgery of trach repair. Sanitize and close up laceration. Recovery.

Spoiler for Multiple Deep Lacerations:

Cause: Bicycle accident. PT hit road sign at a very high rate of speed.
Treatment: ABC, treat for shock, occlusive dressing. Maybe even a blanket folded like a horse shoe around the head and pad the voids under the neck. Don't let anything rub or touch the arteries, the bleeding is controlled, no pressure. Transport to Hospital. Sanitize and close up wound. Monitor vitals for a few hours and release.

Spoiler for Impaled Wrist w/ Fork:

Cause: Tripped and fell on hand whist holding fork.
Treatment: Stabilize wrist and arm for transport. Sedate pt for removal surgery (take it slow). Sanitize and close up wound. Check for tendon/ligament damage. Recover and allow wrist to heal.

Spoiler for Compound Radius and Ulnar Fracture:

Cause: Unknown
Treatment: Treat for shock (it's gonna be there with this bad of an injury), check for other injuries, check for internal bleeding, stabilize as best as possible (preferable pillow splint), transport to hospital. Sedate pt, amputate (or attempt to replace if ligaments/tendons are still intact).

Spoiler for Major Leg Trauma:

Cause: This occurred when his leg got trapped between two pieces of metal. The majority of the injury was caused from him attempting to free himself.
Treatment: Good rinse w/ sterile saline solution, apply wet bandage and apply moderate pressure to control bleeding, immobilize, and transport. Undergo multiple skin grafting surgeries. Long recovery time.

Stay tuned for more! (I'll post a new one every time the page posts a new one)

Accepted Authorizations / Ronald Williams Authorization Application
« on: January 31, 2013, 03:05:48 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Statua
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Too long
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4 years

Character Section

-Advanced survival skills
-Moderate reconnaissance, infiltration, surveillance, and defense skills
-Rescue level First-Aid
-Disaster scene and general rescuing
-Knowledge of Dave Modern prewar
(crossbow and arrows authorized by RoflWaffle. Consult to him for any questions)

Name: Ronald Williams
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
     Ronald Williams was born on February 2nd, 1990 to his parents Ellen and Robert Williams. He had one older sister, Sarah Williams who was only 2 years older then him. Ellen and Robert were both well-off with good jobs in administration. Ellen was the superintendent of the school division and Robert was the general manager for a number of superstores in Cambridge. They provided their children with healthy and educational childhoods.

    During the summer months, after Ron was above the age of 10, the family would go camping every second weekend. Ron's father took him fishing and taught him all sorts of things about the wilderness such as building shelters and starting fires. He would take Ron for walks along trails where they would set up animal snares and look for plants and berries that could be used for food and medicine. Ron loved every bit of camping and it became a part of his summer lifestyle for many years to come.

    When Ron got into high school, his little group of friends he was with got into paintball. He joined them and they were all interested in a milsim type of paintball. They would go out for weekends to paintball operations where they would play a sort of mission. It was just like camping, except there was no tent. Ron utilized his shelter making skills for his group. On the weekends they weren't playing paintball, they were practicing tactics for reconnaissance, infiltration, surveillance, and defense. They practiced combat tactics to give them an advantage in paintball games.

    During his high school years, Ron became really good friends with his peer, Dave Modern. They pretty much did everything together from road trips to camping trips. Dave however didn't get into paintball. The two of them graduated high school together keeping their good friendship. They still went out to bars for drinks and went camping.

    After high school, Ron attended St John's College for Firefighting and rescue. He studied many topics such as safety, evacuation rescue, and rescue level first-aid. He coasted through the relatively easy course and graduated a year later. He immediately applied for a position at the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue. After a good month of waiting, he finally got a job as a fireman. The guys he worked with on a daily basis eventually became more of a family then anything to him. Ron, loving his job and saving people, decided he would upgrade to search and rescue of the fire department, going into burning buildings to save the lives of the people inside.

   One fateful summer day 2011, Ron and his co-workers were fighting a massive blaze at a factory warehouse building. Him and his SAR team were on the third floor of the building searching for any stragglers when a fire below them caused the floor to collapse. There were four SAR boys standing on the floor, however two of them fell directly into the blaze. Ron's pant leg was ripped open by a rebar piece, his leg was severely lacerated and burned. Ron's other co-worker who was still standing rescued Ron from the warehouse and Ron was immediately transported to hospital for treatment. He recovered a few weeks later from the injury, but was left with an ugly scar. His leg wasn't the only thing scarred. The loss of two of his co-workers and almost loss of his own life mentally scarred him for life. Ron suffered from post traumatic stress disorder from this ordeal.

    After the war hit, Ron was transported to the City 45 populace. He and Dave were put in separate districts, thus never saw each other again. Ron listened and was pushed around by the combine for a good year and a bit. Eventually though, he got tired of dealing with the crap and got word of an escape route. He took this escape route carefully, using his reocnnaissance tactics from his paintball years. He made it through the canals and ended up in a forest. Whilst traveling through the forest, he discovered an underground cellar. Hungry and tired, he decided to go into the cellar to see what was in there. He found shelves upon shelves on non-perishable food items. He also found fuel, a generator, some beds and closet with hunting supplies. Ron decided to live in this cellar for awhile.

    Come the dead of winter, the cellars food supply was very low. Ron decided it was time to move on and see what else was out there. He found a rucksack and filled it with as much food as possible. He stuffed 2 big water bottles in the side pouches, filling them with water from the ground pump. He went into the hunting closet and found a crossbow and some crossbow arrows as well as a small resealable quiver for these arrows. Ron took these items with him and ventured off toward the mountains...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Ability to make shelters, fires, animal snares.
Knowledge on edible plants and medicinal plants.
Knowledge on first-aid and rescuing people from scenes.
Basic tactical skills of reconnaissance, surveillance, infiltration, and defending.

PTSD from the firefighting
A bit of a know-it-all with his skills

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Start up a OL group centered around patrolling and defending. This group will be open to new players who are free to join patrols and visit the camp.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Dave Modern (HCH|Dashing Dave) Will require authorizations to have knowledge of Ron prewar

Which server does this apply for?
Outies ftw

Extra Notes (optional):
As stated before, crossbow and bolts have been authorized by RoflWaffle.

IC Chat / Ronald Williams Profile
« on: January 30, 2013, 04:40:43 PM »
Character Name: Ron Williams

Age: 28 (1990)

Fatal Flaw/Defect:
(Aggression): When he is provoked or lost his temper, shit will quite literally hit the fan.


Physical Description:Ron is a 6'0 male with a medium build. He has short black hair and an 'experienced' appearance. Ron has a couple scars on his upper arms from beatings in the city, yet also has a major burn scar on his right leg he likes to hide. Ron usually wears a black leather jacket and a brown t-shirt underneath. He also wears blue jeans and brown hiking boots. He carrys around a dark earth rucksack which usually has water bottles poking out the bottle holders. There's a hook on this rucksack to hold his crossbow. There's a small quiver hanging off the side of the rucksack holding a good number of crossbow arrows.
Spoiler for Image Referance:

Mental State: Feels alive and free. Still dreads what happened in the past.

Physical State: Healthy and well, for now.

Background: Ronald Williams was born and raised in Cambridge, England. He and his family used to go camping every second weekend in the summer months of the year. Rons father taught him all about making shelters, fires, and snares for catching animals as well as what foods to eat.

Ron, in his high school years, got  into the sport of paintball, more so milsim paintball. He learned tactics for reconnaissance through his team and learned some combat tactics as well to stay out of trouble in the game. He befriended Dave Modern in high school and they were good friends till the war.

After Ron graduated, he went to St. John's College in Cambridge to go to firefighter school, learning about safety, evacuation, and rescue level first aid. He graduated from college a year after, joining the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue. He worked for the fire department up till the war. During his time of work, he pretty much became family of his co-workers. One day however in the summer of 2011, the fire department lost two of their boys while fighting a warehouse fire. Ron never forgot that day and what exactly went down.

After the war, Ron was put into City 45. About a year later, he escaped the city and the canals and stumbled upon a hidden cellar in the woods. In this cellar was tons of food and some hunting gear. Ron took a quiver, a handful of arrows, and a crossbow from the hunting stash. He stayed in the cellar till the dead of winter when he almost ran out of food. He filled his ruck with food and headed onward, into the mountains ahead.
Spoiler for Back Story Within:
    Ronald Williams was born on February 2nd, 1990 to his parents Ellen and Robert Williams. He had one older sister, Sarah Williams who was only 2 years older then him. Ellen and Robert were both well-off with good jobs in administration. Ellen was the superintendent of the school division and Robert was the general manager for a number of superstores in Cambridge. They provided their children with healthy and educational childhoods.

    During the summer months, after Ron was above the age of 10, the family would go camping every second weekend. Ron's father took him fishing and taught him all sorts of things about the wilderness such as building shelters and starting fires. He would take Ron for walks along trails where they would set up animal snares and look for plants and berries that could be used for food and medicine. Ron loved every bit of camping and it became a part of his summer lifestyle for many years to come.

    When Ron got into high school, his little group of friends he was with got into paintball. He joined them and they were all interested in a milsim type of paintball. They would go out for weekends to paintball operations where they would play a sort of mission. It was just like camping, except there was no tent. Ron utilized his shelter making skills for his group. On the weekends they weren't playing paintball, they were practicing tactics for reconnaissance, infiltration, surveillance, and defense. They practiced combat tactics to give them an advantage in paintball games.

    During his high school years, Ron became really good friends with his peer, Dave Modern. They pretty much did everything together from road trips to camping trips. Dave however didn't get into paintball. The two of them graduated high school together keeping their good friendship. They still went out to bars for drinks and went camping.

    After high school, Ron attended St John's College for Firefighting and rescue. He studied many topics such as safety, evacuation rescue, and rescue level first-aid. He coasted through the relatively easy course and graduated a year later. He immediately applied for a position at the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue. After a good month of waiting, he finally got a job as a fireman. The guys he worked with on a daily basis eventually became more of a family then anything to him. Ron, loving his job and saving people, decided he would upgrade to search and rescue of the fire department, going into burning buildings to save the lives of the people inside.

   One fateful summer day 2011, Ron and his co-workers were fighting a massive blaze at a factory warehouse building. Him and his SAR team were on the third floor of the building searching for any stragglers when a fire below them caused the floor to collapse. There were four SAR boys standing on the floor, however two of them fell directly into the blaze. Ron's pant leg was ripped open by a rebar piece, his leg was severely lacerated and burned. Ron's other co-worker who was still standing rescued Ron from the warehouse and Ron was immediately transported to hospital for treatment. He recovered a few weeks later from the injury, but was left with an ugly scar. His leg wasn't the only thing scarred. The loss of two of his co-workers and almost loss of his own life mentally scarred him for life. Ron suffered from post traumatic stress disorder from this ordeal.

    After the war hit, Ron was transported to the City 45 populace. He and Dave were put in separate districts, thus never saw each other again. Ron listened and was pushed around by the combine for a good year and a bit. Eventually though, he got tired of dealing with the crap and got word of an escape route. He took this escape route carefully, using his reocnnaissance tactics from his paintball years. He made it through the canals and ended up in a forest. Whilst traveling through the forest, he discovered an underground cellar. Hungry and tired, he decided to go into the cellar to see what was in there. He found shelves upon shelves on non-perishable food items. He also found fuel, a generator, some beds and closet with hunting supplies. Ron decided to live in this cellar for awhile.

    Come the dead of winter, the cellars food supply was very low. Ron decided it was time to move on and see what else was out there. He found a rucksack and filled it with as much food as possible. He stuffed 2 big water bottles in the side pouches, filling them with water from the ground pump. He went into the hunting closet and found a crossbow and some crossbow arrows as well as a small resealable quiver for these arrows. Ron took these items with him and ventured off toward the mountains...

Strengths - Skills/Traits: Good leader, knows lots about safety, survival, and combat situations. Open to other people.

Weaknesses: Gets aggressive when anger sets over him. Infrequent cases of PTSD. Know-it-all about the stuff he thinks he knows.

Accent: Common English

Mannerisms: Likes to carry his weapon over his shoulder. Plays with items he may be holding in his hands.

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