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Topics - Statua

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Outside City 45 / rp_ineu_pass_v1c PROGRESS
« on: June 12, 2012, 12:15:13 AM »
My current progress on the update for those who might be interested. Otherwise, its just for me.


Fixes: C

Floating shit
Bunker door inner face
Cave Box
3D sky mountains


Fix Switchbacks
Ladders using info_ladder
Lake water fog
Midlevel trails flattening
River water texture
Moving spawn
Town sign name
3D sky ground
Cover supply room emergency exit
Nuke Bunker
Change Stronghold to chillaxin type place REF
Add rooms and antlion stuff to tunnel


Enter houses in town
Enter rooms in inn
RP control room (buttons for day/night, weather manual control, weather automated, sounds, environmental effects)
Tunnel connecting Charlie and Bravo valley
Jury shit (Captive room, Shooting range, Medbay, supply room mods)
Vort caves
Vehicle access to gulf peak
Undergound Cellar
Cave System
Rebelish/Ruined shacks
Rebuild Combine Bunker
Easter Eggs

Player Requested/IC Features:

Dock for Hotel Ravine camp
Lakeside Cottage

Outside City 45 / Ineu Pass Town Update
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:06:28 AM »
After being bothered by 80% of the people who talk to me, I decided to give you guys a looksie at then town. Hopefully 18 pics is enough to give you an idea. And yes, I did update the lighting to be a little bit higher. Not sure how this will affect the rest of the valley but it looks a bit better in the inn so. We'll find out. Without further adoo, EYECANDY:

Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

Outside City 45 / Ineu Bunker Progress
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:14:51 PM »
Just to show everyone I'm still working on the Ineu update, here's the updated version of the bunker. Please not it is not yet finished remodeling:
Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

General Discussion / Half Life 2: Paranoia
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:36:35 AM »

Anyone heard of it? I'm kinda interested <.< Googled it. Found nothing but this one page.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Check auth apps please (18 days behind!!!)
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:17:06 AM »
Oldest open auth dates back to May 15. Please. Can someone check and make a decision on the auth apps?

Player Section

Steam Name: Statua
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Too long
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Also too long

Character Section

'Ghostifying' Leonard Wong. He would only be able to roam around the inner area of the tunnels. The character would be similar to Leyka as in he would only show up every now and then.

An UnPK would also be needed for this.

Name: Leonard 'Len' Wong
Age: 38 maybe?
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Leonard was being chased by Skyler in his airboat. She managed to pass him and cause him to crash into her buggy. The impact made him lose conciousness which gave Skyler the chance. She got out of her boat with her Python in hand. Upon regaining conciousness, she tried to capture Leonard. Leonard, being insane and lost all sense of fear and pain, grabbed for his knife. He told Skyler "Leave or I will kill you the same way I killed Walter back in the City." Skyler refused to leave and tried to talk Leonard back to his lacking senses. Instead, Leonard threw the knife at Skyler and charged at her to finish her off. She reacted by firing off a shot into Leonard stomach which got lodged into his lower spine, paralysing him from the waste down. Leonard still didn't want to give in. He showed no signs of change. Only hate toward Skyler and everyone else. Skyler, fighting back tears, pulled off one last shot to Leonard's head, killing him in the tunnels. Leonard's body was dead but his soul, the one not affected by his brain injury remained in the dark depths of the tunnel.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Ability to be all ghost-like
-Return Leonard's personality back to the way it was
-Creates a cold area wherever he goes

-Cant leave the tunnels
-Is invisible to all
-Only comes out at certain times
-Cannot hold objects, only move small things like stones or small items
-Cant do anything really other then talk
-Cant talk to more then 2 people at a time

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Allow others to talk to Leonard more and get info from him.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I already have plans for the invisible part. Dun worry bout that. I already talked with an administrator about it.

Outside City 45 / Leonard Wong is dead.
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:47:36 PM »
Skyler was chasing Leonard down after locating him. She disabled his airboat and trapped him in the corner. Leonard wanted to escape but being trapped, tried to escape by throwing his kine at her. He then tried to charge at her and take the knife but she shot him in the lower abdomen. The bullet lodged into his spinal cord, disabling his legs.

Leonard, showing no signs of forgiveness or love for Skyler, resisted trying to talk things over with her. Fighting back tears, Skyler shot Leonard in the head, knowing there was no chance left to save him.

o7 Leonard Wong. July 2011 - May 2012

Social Discussion / Going away for a few days
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:39:05 AM »
Im off to minneapolis for a few days for one last band trip before i graduate, in case anyone was wondering where I went. If you see a band with burgeney vests looking all geeky and playing jazz, thats us.

Cheers! Ill be back on monday night.

It's been annihilated. Kaput. Not usable. It looks kinda like this:
But more damage and uselessness.

If anyone says otherwise you can suck me cause I already started work on it in hammer for the update which should be out soon. The loss of the facility has spread the RP across the map rather then all of it going on in the facility. If you feel you absolutely urgently NEED to have it, fine but I'm not keeping it intact for the update.

General Discussion / Some people are retarded...
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:39:29 PM »
I was browsing google for RSO related topics and came across this. I facedesked so hard, my baked mini potatoes I was eating turned into mini mashed potatoes.

Spoiler for Durr:
Here's How I did it VERY EASILY

Go to your steamapps folder. (You may have to go into your Steam folder first to find steamapps.) Once your in steamapps, click on your steam username, then click on your garrysmod folder, then once your in there, there will be another garrysmod folder. Click on that one. Once you are in that folder, you must locate the folder titled "screenshots". Click on it and you will see every screenshot image you have taken in Garry's Mod with the "Camera" tool. You may want to save all of these to your pictures, because you will need to delete most if not all of these. If you do not save them to your Pictures, sparingly keep the ones you don't want to get rid of, and delete the rest. Well there you go! Now that you have cleaned up your screenshots folder, you should be ready to go.

(Note: This is NOT a scientific Steam confirmed explanation, and is not guaranteed 100% to fix your problems, but please read below for an explanation of how and why it should work.)

P.S. This worked for me in the same server after I got the error twice before trying this.

EXPLANATION: Ok first, lets look at the situation. We have a problem, and we need to fix it. But to do that we need to know what is wrong. So lets troubleshoot. We have an error. Lets take a look at the error. It says: ERROR Reliable Snapshot Overflow. Ok, Lets take a look at two words here. snaphot, and overflow. We know that these words have something to do with each other. Plus, the fact that these words follow each other, there is nothing in between them. So lets get tune out everything else. "snapshot overflow. thats what we have. It seems to say that we have some kind of snapshot overflow. Oh, look, it "just so happens" that we have snapshots, or screenshots, in this game were talking about, and most of the time were either fooling around with it, or we acidentally take pictures with out little "Camera" tool, so we have a lot of those. A LOT. So many that we had some kind of "overflow" that might cause some kind of "error". Hmm... I know! Remember earlier we were talking about how we had this error for a game with these words? Lets think! If theres an overflow, that means there's too many. So we have to reduce the number. So in this case, there is a "snapshot overflow", so the only way to fix this is to reduce the number of snapshots. The only way to reduce the number of something on a computer is to delete something. Sooo... wait... did I just think? No it isn't possible.. did I? ...wait..yes...yes...I've got it! Reduce the number of snapshots by deleting them! So we have to delete some of the snapshots! :D

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / An EASY fix to RSO AGAIN
« on: May 13, 2012, 12:38:51 PM »
Stop fucking fapping and start fucking fixing this you lazy ass cunts who call themselves administrators!

For fuck sakes this is why I left CG in the first place cause NOTHING important gets done. SO:


Being a mapper, I've created maps specifically to avoid RSO upon joining. Its as simple as creating a 100% sealed room. Joining the servers, I noticed the firt place you spawn is in the open. This means upon loading, you also have to load every model in the game thats visible. In order to prevent RSO, you need to take gradual loads. The player creation menu cameras are positioned in a way where some will create this gradual load where others will create a visibility over the entire map, loading everything too fast.

Here's the fix:

1. I will be creating a spawn room in the next version of outlands to prevent initial RSO (if thats where non-character players first spawn)
2. Move the cameras in a spot which only a portion of the map is visible (i dont mean a wall, I mean looking off where beyond is the void)

Posted later in this thread:

RSO is a result of the pracaching of models. It starts at around 600/1024. I was on the server today and it was at 734/1024. If you are in a sealed room, you do not precache all models on the map which is why sometimes if you step outsied a sealed room, you get a minor lag spike. RSO has nothing to do with your computer or its internet connection.

Cleaning up props does not fix RSO either UNLESS those props cleaned up do not exist on the server elsewhere.

IE. the server has a table, two chairs, and three mugs.

The table is MODEL:A
The chairs are both MODEL:B
The mugs are all MODEL:C

The server may have a total of 6 props in it, however there are only 3 different kinds of models in the server, thus there are only 3 models precached on the server.


A prop clean up is ONLY effective if the MODELS removed are no longer existant on the server. Removing 10 tables of Model A while another 2 tables of MODEL A still exist on the server will not help the precache.

And yes, the map has a LOT to do with this. The more different models used in the map, the higher the precache will be. It's similar to Textdata on a map. A map which uses the same materials in different places will have a smaller textdata then a map with different materials in different places.

Get it?

TL;DR to temporarily fix RSO on the map, place the spawn or spawn cameras in a room where models will not be precached.

Social Discussion / Fragopolis 48 Hour Gaming Event Pics
« on: May 07, 2012, 01:23:02 PM »

Here's some pics from Fragopolis:

Click to see the original size.
Some dudes rig

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.
Free shit

Click to see the original size.
My setup

Click to see the original size.
My network master guru guy and his station

Click to see the original size.
Some dudes lappy with the stickers I handed out

Click to see the original size.
Nom nom nom headphones

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.
The students corner

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.
The admission desk after I hooked up a second monitor. My girlfriends rig is the orange one.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.
Some dude trying out the nVIDIA 3D stuff

General Discussion / Live Streaming FRAGOPOLIS right now!
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:30:42 AM »
Check us out by heading to ReelPortal and fill in the following information
Room - Fragopolis
Key - frag
Server - Chicago

Thanks for stopping by!

Social Discussion / Any Manitoba Canafags here?
« on: April 17, 2012, 11:41:29 AM »
Other then Psydog. I'm holding a gaming event in Portage La Prairie on May 4th-6th. Lots of tournaments and prizes available. Entry fee is only $15 and you gotta bring your rig. More information here:

IC Chat / NOVA-OfC.261 Character Template
« on: April 15, 2012, 02:00:00 AM »
Character Name: C45.CCA.NOVA-OfC.261

Age: 31 (May 10th 1985)

Fatal Flaw/Defect:
Delayed: 261 tends to procrastinate or show up late to something, almost all the time.

CID: 74378

Physical Description: Two six one is a six foot bald male with green eyes. He is commonly seen in the nexus without his mask due to his asthma, however when in public areas, he wears the mask. He has a hunched stance as he usually works over a table, however his uniform is always in top top condition.
Spoiler for Image Referance:

Mental State: After serving almost a year in City Thirteen's Civil Authority, 261 has become a by-the-book Civil Protection Officer, following every single rule and ensuring each and every protocol was met. Working in the biomedical research department, 261 had not only become slightly insane from working alone with chemicals in low ventilated areas, but had lost all sense of mercy after performing hundreds of tests on his 'test subjects' which were citizens taken off the streets or administered an amputation verdict.

Physical State: Asthma problems, however no other medical issues to date. Physically healthy and fit, but not strong like a GRID or a APEX unit.

Spoiler for Back Story Within:
261's human name is actually James Kelting. He was born in Bristol, UK. He went to school with a fascination for all sciences, getting the highest grades in them. He took all the Grade 12 sciences, including the advanced placement sciences. Never failing, or falling under an 80% average for that matter, he graduated from high school with several scholarships for university. James took both Biology and Chemistry through university, achieving a masters in both. He moved on to a seven year course to become a Doctor.

When the seven hour war hit, James was finishing his sixth year in med school. The combine had invaded the hospital he was working in and took all humans who did not die in the raid. The combine herded them all into the waiting room after clearing out the rest of the hospital. All the staff that were too afraid to follow the combine were either told to leave or amputated. They kept a few of the scared ones and held them in a smaller group. The remaining staff who didnt appear to be too scared to move, were each assigned one other person, not included in their group. This included some of the other hospital staff. Each 'subject' were given a shot to a vital part of their body. All the staff were given a set of medical tools and were ordered to save the victims life in a way the victim could still work. All of the nurses failed and were amputated along with their patient. The non medical staff also obviously failed and recieved the same fate. Half of the new med students left failed and received amputation. The rest of the hospital staff managed to save their patients, however a third of them were unable to work in the future. The staff were released to the rest of the city and their patients were amputated. The remaining staff who managed to save their patients in a way they could work again, were told to follow the combine. James was a part of this group. The patients were released into the city.

The smaller group of hospital staff, about eight people, were brought into a large room with two other groups, one smaller, and one much larger. A combine soldier with a medical cross on his arm stood at a higher point in the room. He talked to the room of people, telling them they were to use their medical skills with the Union. James assumed the Union was what these guys called themselves. He was just glad he was on their side and wasn't going to get his head blown off. The soldier trained the group of people to use the combine medical technology as well as taught them basic sociostability. James received the digits 261.

After about six months serving the civil authority, they noticed 261 was having a hard time with his asthma. They were considering amputation, however the Division Leader had other plans for 261. He had done research on all his units in his division and found 261's old University records. He wanted 261 to start a biomedical research and development section of SHIELD along with two other units. He was promoted to 01 upon receiving this position and was assigned with two 02 units.

After a year of working in the section, 261 had grew a bad reputation for himself. His ego and controlling used to be really bad. He had once caused the death of two units with his actions and was hated among the civil authority in the city. 261 was given two options. Off-World Relocation or a transferr to another city. 261 chose the transfer to City 45 where he could continue his biomedical research.
TL;DR, 261, AKA James Kelting was born in the UK and graduated from his school with outstanding marks in all sciences. He also achieved a masters in biology and chemistry at a University. He went on to med school and the seven hour war happened on his sixth year. The combine raided his hospital and after testing, took several doctors to work for the CCA. He was later assigned Reserach and Development and after a year, was ordered a transferr to City 45.

Strengths - Skills/Traits: Advanced medical, biological, and chemistry knowledge. Moderate physics knowledge. Good concentration and makes sure the job is done.

Weaknesses: Has a High Ego and is controlling. If there's a situation, he think's he's usually better then the others so he likes to take control.

Research Notes: No real references other then maybe an older character, NOVA-01.399 foe the biomedical research.

Research References:

Accent: British

Mannerisms: Plays with things a lot.

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