What the fuck is politics I don't even.
The only person I supported this year was Cain for many reasons main one being hes the only fucking black guy who has the balls to run besides obama.
What starts off as a joke soon becomes a gamemode.
I envy you :'( Did you furiously pull your cock off until your penis shot pure childrens tears?
Quote from: Juggernaut on January 03, 2012, 04:22:40 PMThe only person I supported this year was Cain for many reasons main one being hes the only fucking black guy who has the balls to run besides obama.No offense but that comment made me lose a lot of respect for humanity. It shouldn't fucking matter. I was sick of seeing, when Obama was running for president, a bunch of people saying "I voted for Obama because he's black", that's not a fucking reason!Voting for someone simply because they're a minority is annoying to say the least. Lets take this for an example:I'm an atheist, and I want to run for president. The United States is a country made up of 80% Christians. I'm a minority. By that logic, I should win.If you think that within the next few decades that it's possible for a non-Christian/protestant to become president, you are sorely mistaken.There was a poll done to see who would vote based on religion or race to see if there was a trend, the results were stunning:http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/black_president_more_likely_than_mormon_or_atheist_/The scary part is that this poll even has to exist. A person's race or religion shouldn't affect anything. You need to vote for someone based on their political views, nothing else.
Im glad you guys cant vote. Me and purple are the only ones who have the correct political mind.