I haven't seen this going on maybe because it's not happening when I am on, but I myself have investigated 4+ murders from the legion alone and have received threats from the legion. They brutally murder citizens, its happening a lot so I think that both sides of the story need to be told not just. ROFL WAFFLE TOO MANY SWEEPS MAKE IT STOP, ever action has a negative effect on the CCA's awareness levels. IF the CCA feels a sweep needs to be done it should be done, if you want to keep murdering and threatening people do it the only thing it will bring about are more sweeps.
@rofl, perhaps make it to have an sa auth for sweeps, as there is a fair amount of active sa's now, and we are usualyl always on steam to auth one.
Either way, we need to keep them down, so we should have some sort of log to say when we last had one, so as to avoid them frequently.