Author Topic: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8  (Read 14048 times)

Offline Adam S

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Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« on: November 20, 2011, 04:57:39 PM »

Applications are now open, we have changed some things too!

To apply you must meet the following Requirements:
  • Post count of 10 or above No exemptions
  • Be Active before joining the Civil Workers Union (This will be watched from now on)
  • Have common sense and a almost clear record (We all make mistakes but huge mistakes are not exempt)
  • Must have Tool Trust Flags (PET)

    Reply to this thread with this format.  Not following the format is an instant denial.
    Code: [Select]
    [b](IC PART)[/b]
    [b]Citizen identification(CID):[/b]
    [b]Last Assigned Apartment Number:[/b]

    [b]Why do you want to join the CWU?[/b]:
    [b]Have you ever been detained before?[/b]:
    [b]Past experience with work/labor[/b]:
    [b]What will you do for us?[/b]:
    [b]How long have you been in City45?[/b]:
    [b]Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?[/b]:
    [b]Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?[/b]:
    [b]If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?[/b]:
    [b]Any disabilities?[/b]:
    [b]Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?:[/b]
    [b]Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:[/b]

    [b](OOC PART)[/b]
    [b]Roleplay Experience[/b]:
    [b]Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?[/b]:
    [b]Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph)[/b]:

    This is also not a discussion thread, your post will be removed and application denied.
    Dont edit your post without adding a good reason.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 05:46:43 PM by Rainbow Dash - Adam S »

Offline Sniping Hazard

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 06:09:59 PM »

Name: Andrew Paloski

Citizen identification(CID): #10337

Last Assigned Apartment Number: Main UCH Complex, #A5

Age: 36

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
     For the benefit of the populace and the productivity of the Union. By becoming a Civil Worker, I am able to assist the citizens in City 45 for the greater good.

Have you ever been detained before?:
     No, I have a very clean record and no charges of crime whatsoever.

Past experience with work/labor:
     I used be a doctor pre-war in a large hospital. I was an Emergency Medical Technician (or paramedic) and my job mostly revolved around quick treatment of injuries or wounds. I worked for about seven years as my profession after I received my bachelor's degree. Usual schedule was preparing to board the ambulance in the hospital's garage in case of an emergency.

What will you do for us?:
     I am very interested in becoming a medic or a doctor for the general population. With my prior skills, I can assist in medical procedures that may be vital to the Union's central workforce.

How long have you been in City45?:
     I have been in City 45 for a few months considering the Union has saved our planet only a year ago. I have transferred from multiple cities in an effort to find work here.

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?:
     For medical reasons, such as the sterilization of wounds, alcohol may be used. But consumeable beverages that contain alcohol are strictly enforced and labelled as contraband by the Union's standards.

Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?:
     In the event of a medical procedure or surgery, knives (or scalpels) may be used to open the skin and other tissue. Knives that are long enough to puncture flesh and harm vital or nonvital organs are restricted.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?:
     In this case, I would have to make sure their is no possible future violence and make sure their are no physical hostilities. I would take into consideration the citizen's identity and the words that he has used that are against Union regulations. Once he has left or I decide to leave, I would remmember his exact location as I report the situation in to a Civil Protector or by using my request device. When the criminal is approached by the unit, I would enter the situation to assist describing the criminal's verdicts and exact words. Then the citizen, when escorted by the unit to the nexus for detainment leaves, I would continue again like nothing happened.

Any disabilities?:
     No mental deformities or physical deformities.

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?:
     No, I have never been in a CWU related activity.

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:
     Ted Simmons and James Tavener are both organizers of the Civil Workers Union.


Name: Sniping Hazard

Timezone: Eastern (GMT - 5)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:24675197

Roleplay Experience:
     I have been a CWU on Relentless Roleplay and OurBenefactors. On the same servers, I have been a DvL in Union, a Vortigaunt for the resistance, and a City Administrator for about a month.

Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:
     I feel that I may be able to assist in the development of other characters through loyalist and other CWU events. Inside the CWU, I could take my medical skills to the test against citizens and hopefully heal them. Besides already being a CCA currently, I can put in some of my time to be active during a high CP count (Which is Often) and boost the morale of other workers.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
     Andrew Paloski had received a medical degree as an Emergency Medical Technician. After receiving this degree, he joined a local hospital and assisted in first aid with people that required it immiedately. He took many rides in ambulances, thus having to learn the technique of healing in unideal locations or situations. During the Portal Storms, he took his abilities to an inner city fortress where he gave medical help to injured military officials or other refugees. After the Seven Hour war, he was sent to City 45 where he adapted to a new lifestyle
Accepted for a interview.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:27:27 PM by Monkey with a gun »

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 11:27:09 AM »

Name: Boris Gorbachev
Citizen identification(CID): 12724
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH Apartment B1
Age: 48

Why do you want to join the CWU?:

As a Loyalist, I am eager to do my part in assisting the Universal Union. I believe the CWU is the perfect way to do so. The frequent announcements has always famed the CWU. I would love to help the work of the CWU. I believe the future of Humanity depends on the accumulation of the smallest tasks performed by many individuals.
As a store owner, I see the hard work the CWU workers do when they bring me my shipments. They seem motivated, inspired. They seem eager to do their job right. I used to live in Russia in the days of the Soviet Union. They always told us how important it is to do our part for the community by doing our jobs. I believe the Universal Union may share the same view. Therefore I want to do my part for the Universal Union. I want to do it for the future of Humanity!

Have you ever been detained before?:

Never, not even before the Universal Union. I would never do anything to get myself detained.

Past experience with work/labor:

I own a restaurant called 'Cafe Baltic'. It's pretty tough to run it. Also, before the Universal Union, I did community work part time and I owned a bar. Living in the Soviet Union, they taught us a lot about Communism. Communism greatly supports work and labor.

What will you do for us?:

I wish to carry out the tasks that I must do as a CWU worker. As of now, I am not too sure what the specific tasks are. But from what I have seen so far, it probably consists of medical attention for the citizens and the providing of supply shipments for businesses. Whatever I must do will be fine, as long as it is helping the Universal Union.

How long have you been in City45?:

I have lived in the wonderful City 45 ever since I was transferred here after the invasion. Therefore, that would make it about a year now. I absolutely love this city! I have the feeling that the Universal Union has a part in my favoritism of City 45.

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?:

The CWU members can absolutely not be in possession of alcohol. Alcohol is contraband. It is contraband for a reason. It causes too much trouble for Humanity. As a former alcoholic, I have seen these troubles myself!

Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?:

The CWU members can absolutely not be in possession of knifes. They are not any different than alcohol. They cause trouble as they are used as weapons, items used to hurt people. They have often been associated with muggings and murder. Therefore it is contraband as well, and should not be in the possesion of a CWU member or any citizen for that matter.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?:

I would remind him or her that it is against the laws of the Universal Union, and that he or she should stop. If he or she continues, I will take out my request device and report the troublemaker to Civil Protection for Audio Violation.

Any disabilities?:

I do not have any disabilities.

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?:

If ordering supply shipments counts as a CWU related activity, then I believe so. Otherwise, no I have not.

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:

I believe it is Ted Simmons and James Tavener who are the Organizers of the CWU, but I am not 100% sure. They help assign activities and task for the CWU.


Name: 429ghost
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (US/canada)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4421546

Roleplay Experience:

I have had roleplaying experience for several months in another community before I came to Catalyst Gaming. I have also been playing Catalyst Gaming: Half-Life 2 Roleplay for about a month now and have experience as a citizen, and a CCA member.

Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:

I want to be accepted into the CWU to have experience there as well. I want my character to be a part of the CWU to have the added benefits of it. He is also a Loyalist, so it would be good for the character. I also think that it may help to roleplay better. Another reason I want to join is to contribute to its activity, as most CWU members have been notorious for being inactive.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):

Spoiler for Hiden:
Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, Boris Gorbachev was a child growing up during the Cold War era of the Soviet Union. His father, Kiril Gorbachev, was a Communist politician. As such, he raised his son to be a Communist. Communism is the idea of sharing and equality for all. No one could be any more important than another, being rich meant having to share most of your salary with those less fortunate, and social classes were almost non-existent. Boris supported Communism greatly. He believed absolute equality is the key to greatness.
Boris's mother died giving birth to him. Kiril raised Boris by himself. Usually the father-son families can be very tough. Boris was a little rebellious when he was a teenager. He was angry with his father concerning himself more to the political press conferences and such things and spending less time with him. Boris eventually moved out on his own as soon as he reached the age of 18, in 1986. That was the last Boris had seen of his father.
By the time Boris was 22, he had a job as a bar tender. The name of his bar was ""[translated to: Boris's Bar]. He had an apartment in the city. Boris also had a relationship with a woman from Ukraine named "Elena Kropenko". However, it was brief and was the only intimate relationship he ever had.
Being a bar tender eventually led Boris to getting drunk at nights on his own booze. This is how he became an alcoholic, stereotypically preferring vodka. Boris tried to get help and rehabilitation, but none of it worked. He would eventually find his way back to drinking.
In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. The collapse of the Soviet Union also triggered the fall of Communism. Boris was furious about this. He quickly became a strong supporter of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. It was all that was left of communism in the former Soviet Russia.
In 2015, the Seven Hour War began. Boris was in his apartment when he heard air raid sirens wail all across town. He heard russian troops outside saying russian in megaphones "Attention. An evacuation is in effect. Please report outside where you will be taken to a Protection Center and given further information". Boris, along with his neighbors, went outside to the russian troops. Confused and scared, they followed the orders of the troops. They were all loaded onto Ural-4320s and taken to a Protection Center. Boris asked the troop that was there what was going on. The soldier replied to him in russian "You will all be given further information at the destination". Boris looked up and could see several Mil Mi-17s heading west. Above them was a squadron of several Su-35s heading the same direction. Boris knew that something bad was going on.
The convoy finally arrived at the Protection Center. They were all unloaded and sent inside as the trucks left to gather more evacuees. At the Protection Center, one of the troops spoke into a megaphone. "Attention. You are all here to be protected from an invading force heading to Moscow. We have recieved word that the United States has been invaded by unknown hostile forces three and a half hours ago. These hostiles have already taken much of the United States and have already pushed across the Atlantic and through European territory. The hostile forces have already made an advance to the western border. Fear not, for our brave military has been sent in to fight back these hostiles. In the meantime, you are to remain here." he said in russian.
Boris took out his phone and opened the radio application on it. He sat down and flipped through different frequencies until he could find the main frequency used by the Russian Armed Forces. From there, he evesdropped on everything that happened. The radio operators spoke in russian. "Tsar, this is Drajon 1. Battalion en route to defence line, over." "Copy, Drajon 1. Advise on all occurences from here on, over." "Affirmative, Drajon 1 out." "Tsar, this is First Air Fleet 1. Confirm on offensive on hostiles 200 miles west of defence line, over." "Confirmed, First Air fleet 1. Proceed 200 miles west to predicted hostile location, over." "Affirmative, Tsar. First Air fleet 1, out." "Attention all ground and air battalions, this is High Command. We have confirmed all lost communication with invaded countries. Sattellite Reconnaissance confirms. Hostile forces are large and considered very strong. We must strike the hostiles before they reach the defence line. All remaining battalions who have not been assigned a position are to go along side First Air Fleet 200 miles west of defence line and further if neccessary. We must also place priority of defending the entire Eastern Bloc if possible. Our forces will rendezvous with armed forces from Ukraine. All forces are now to carry out their orders. High Command out." "Kraken copys all." "Miko copys all." "Hammer copys all"(the rest of the battalions said the same.)
Some time later, radio chatter increased as the offensive was made. "Tsar, Kraken here. Armed forces have rendezvoused with Ukrainian forces and are now proceeding to hostile engagement, over." "Copy, Kraken. Do not show mercy, over." "Affirmative, Tsar. Kraken out." Then thats when the battle of the offensive started. They did not stand a chance. "Kraken, this is Tsar. Sitrep, now, over." "*cough* *cough* The *pant* the hostiles have managed to defeat our battalion, I do not know of the others, but our numbers have reduced greatly. I fear that we- OH NO! HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE HUN-*flechette fire heard*" "Kraken, come in Kraken, do you copy? Kraken! *sigh* Miko, come in Miko, do you copy? Miko? Anyone, do you copy?" "*radio static*" "First Air Fleet, this is Tsar. We've lost contact with our ground forces. Do you copy? over." "First Air Fleet 1, copys all, over." "First Air Fleet 1, give me a sitrep. over." "It is not looking good, the skies are filled with hostile air forces. We are having a hard time-*explosion heard*" "First Air Fleet 1, come in First Air Fleet 1, do you copy? over" "*more radio static*" "Drajon, this is Tsar. We've lost contact with forces in the offensive. Do you copy? over." "Drajon copys all, over." "Drajon, be ready for intense hostile engagement, over." "Affirmative, Tsar. Preparing for attacks, over." "Copy, Tsar out." Drajon didnt stand a chance either. "Tsar, hostiles have pushed our forces back. Some have already proceeded into the country, we are having a lot of trouble fighting them ba-*strider cannon heard*" "Drajon? Come in damnit! High Command, defence line has been breached! Advise."
Not too long later, an entire massive fleet of gunships and dropships was above Moscow. They began firing at anything in sight. Boris took cover where he could. The battle lasted for an hour, and then the hostiles seized fire.
The Russian defence in the west border and the offensive was futile as the hostiles, or otherwise known as the Combine, had defeated them in a matter of two hours. The Combine finally arrived at Moscow where the battle continued. Boris knew the military stood no chance. Russia, along with all the nations of the Earth, surrendered shortly after.
Boris was then transferred to City 45. Boris is enthusiastic about life under Combine rule. The way everyone is at the same level and civilization is valued highly, it reminds him of the old Communist ways of the Soviet Union. Because alcohol has been out-lawed, Boris has been able to overcome his alcoholism. Because of all the good the Universal Union has done so far for him, Boris is a Loyalist.

Accepted for a interview

« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:32:51 PM by Monkey with a gun »

Offline agrum

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2011, 10:40:54 PM »
Name: Yagrum Bagarn
Citizen identification(CID): 62789
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH Apartment A3
Age: 51

Why do you want to join the CWU?: I wish to join the CWU for many reasons. I believe I can do a lot for the CWU and it can do a lot for me. It will teach me more about the city and people. I think I will make a lot of new friends. The CWU is a way for me to reach out to the people and help them more than I already am. I am not very busy anymore. I usually spend my time walking around the streets making sure to pick up any trash and help people as best as I can. I have reported many people for countless violations. I do not like violence at all and I am highly agaisnt anything dangerous. Growing up in the middle of Europe, I learned several languages, I can also use this to help people who are unfluent with english. I want to work not for the award of wealth, but for a healthy city. I want to set a good example for people, so we can have a better future that we share with the Union. The CWU is something I have wanted to do for a long time. On my second day in the city, I was somehow lost. It makes me laugh now, as I know my way everywhere it seems. However, a CWU member showed me around and helped me find a place to rest. This was my most memorable experience in the city. It inspired me to want to become a part of the Civil Workers Union. These are small things I have done, I wish to take the next step and go bigger. I wish to join the Civil Workers Union.

Have you ever been detained before?: I have never been detained, or done anything that would get me detained... this includes before and after the war. I was a busy man, trying to make money for my old mother. I had no time for crime or anything like that back then, or now.

Past experience with work/labor: Before the war, I worked at a small pastry bakery in Italy. I was one of the chefs at the bakery. Many times (Since the bakery was very small), I would also serve and take orders from customers. This gave me a lot of experience with dealing with people and serving them. When I was a teenager I worked for a small fishing company which has taught me a lot about patience.
What will you do for us?: I have much to offer for the CWU, people, and city. I will put all my work, effort, and time into the CWU. It is something I have been wanting to do for a while now. I wish to help other CWU members. I would help and sell the CWU goods to the people of the city with my former experience of selling. I will also help the citizens become more fond of the Civil Workers Union. I will offer help to everyone as I always have. I will do jobs for the CWU like making positive propaganda to help the CWU and the city. The CWU has helped and inspired me a lot. It is time that I do something for it, the Union, the city, and its in-habitants.

How long have you been in City45?: I have been in City 45 for roughly three months now. It has proved to be my favorite city so far, and I am told that I am staying for a while. I have been living in an apartment in the UCH.

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: No, they can't have alcohol in their possession, reach, or whatsoever. It is contraband and I will and always have reported it. Back before the Union came, alcohol was one of the biggest problems. Most violence and deaths were because of it. I have however heard of many doctors using alcohol to sterilize a wound, but it should not be used or held either way, unless a CWU member has permission and medical experience to use it.

Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: No they can't. This is a very strict rule, and I understand it very much. I am agaisnt violence and I personally and strongly agree to this rule. No citizen or CWU can have any sort of weapon. If I were to see anything like this, I would no doubt report it. It is a big offense as it can cause violence and even killing to occur. Under some circumstances some CWU can use tools like these (Which are not really knives) to preform medical procedures if needed.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: If a citizen walks up to me and starts to swear I would listen, at the same time they could be blabbering illegal information which would be useful for the CCA to hear. After this, I would ask the citizen why they are swearing. Now probably feeling more comfortable with me, I would ask them for their name and/or CID. I would then explain that it is uncivil to curse. I would also explain that is it punishable and against the rules. I would not tell them that I would report them so I could evade any possible violence. After they walk away, I would watch to see where they go and then take out my request device. Now, I would explain what happened and the violator's location or where they were heading. If the CCA member who responds asks me to come, I would now have plenty of information to tell him about the person.

Any disabilities?: (May not really count as a disability) Sometimes when I concentrate, I will begin to breath heavily. However, I almost always notice it and I stop immediately. Also, I have a very minor limp which seems to slowly be getting better, and it is barely noticable as it was caused by an accident years back. The limp doesn't slow me or my work down, and I am just as good without the limp. Other than that, I have no other medical disabilities, issues, or problems.

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: Yes, many times. I buy food from the Civil Worker's Union on a regular basis. I was once also in a situation in which a CWU worker was helping me, it was the most memorable time I have had in the city. I have also been near or in several situations which a CWU was helping a another person and I was involved (In a good way).

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: The current Organizers of the CWU are Ted Simmons and James Tavener, I learned both ICly via an RP. The Organizers keep it maintained and assign tasks, work, and activities for the CWU members.

Name: Yagrum

Timezone: Alaskan Timezone (8 hours during standard time.)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15454583

Roleplay Experience: I have been roleplaying since 2005. Roleplay is what really got me into gaming. I first started with singleplayer roleplay games. My first was Morrowind, which I did not play to just be the best character I could get. I actually roleplayed by my self doing quests. I then played the other games in the Elder Scrolls series which I still play today. It has become my favorite series. Very soon, I wished to experience roleplaying with other characters. I played World of Warcraft for a while. This did not really help me much with roleplaying, but it did introduce me to WoW private servers. I played on very serious WoW RPs. I still did not think it was much, because well... World of Warcraft is not really meant for that. I played much more games like this for a while. That is untill Half Life came out, I got steam in 2007 which I played Half Life on. I played it and all the expansions, so when Half Life 2 came out I was already on it. Soon, after playing the full Half Life series I started watching videos of Garrysmod. I bought the game. I played singleplayer and soon started Multiplayer. I played some of the first RP gamemodes. I soon joined a very popular community, DTH. Their main RP server was Epic RP. It was a HEAVILY enhanced darkRP. You really could not tell it was darkRP as its base. I started playing it from the beginning of the community and soon I was a superadmin. I became an exellent roleplayer and I helped a lot of people do so. But after a few years the gamemode broke and the community shut down. I had played many different RPs and Half Life 2 RP was very suprising to me. I have been playing Open Aura since it came out. One of my good friends had a Fallout 3 serious RP that ran on Open Aura. I became very fluent with the commands and RPing with it. So apon my arrival to Catalyst I knew exactly what I was playing at the beginning. I am also very fluent with the Half Life 2 canon, because I was interested in it, and I did lots of research on the wiki.

Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: I want to be accepted into the CWU, because it is an new way to Roleplay. To be honest, I enjoy passive roleplay MUCH more than any other type. I know for a fact, as I have seen it, that the CWU will definitly hold this type of roleplay and much more to me. I do not just want to join the CWU to become more popular, or to use the privalages for my own good. I want to join because I think I am ready to take this new step, and I wan't to have fun with others. I want to help the CWU expand. I think most of the roleplay in the CWU will be relaxing, but I know that sometimes it will be faster roleplay. I always take my time to roleplay and relax. If I get accepted into the CWU, I will continue roleplaying as the same character. Just because someone is in the CWU doesn't mean that their character is comepletely different. Just maybe the roleplay is a change. I was actually going to apply for the Civil Workers Union before I applied for the CCA. There was no recruitment at the time so I waited. I soon applied for the CCA and got accepted. I still did not forget about the CWU and how much I had been wanting to participate in it. Everytime I came on the forums I checked to see if the applications were up. The day they were, I began to type.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
   Yagrum Bagarn was born in 1965 in Genoa, Italy. Both of his parents were American born. So in his early years, he was learning two languages at once, American and Italian. He lived in a very small apartment in a crowded and building stacked area. The town was old and it still had all of the old buildings. A little ways down the street, well you could call it an alley, was Gogrell's Bakery. It was a very small bakery right on the waterfront. One of Yagrum's favorite activities was to go down to the bakery. He became buddies with the owner, Gogrell. At the age of 5, Yagrum's parents were extremely poor. They could not afford to take care of Yagrum anymore. One night, they disappeared leaving Yagrum sleeping in his bed in the apartment all alone. For a full 3 days Yagrum stayed in the apartment worried and crying. His parents had left everything so he could still eat and drink. After 3 days, he went to the only person he was friends with, Gogrell the baker. There he stayed with him as his parents never did come back. Gogrell's bakery included the downstairs, which was the bakery and an upstairs which is where he lived. Gogrell had a spare room which he let Yagrum stay. By age 8, Gogrell introduced Yagrum to the buisness and he started helping. Gogrell taught Yagrum much, including his two favorite activites, fishing and cooking. This was a great coincidence because the waterfront bakery offered Yagrum fishing and at the same time he could cook the fish in the bakery.
   By age 14, Yagrum and Gogrell had a father and son relationship. Yagrum had learned much from the baker, but needed money if he were to go to a school. So he began to work for his "Father" in the bakery. He continued fishing and very soon he had two jobs. When he was available he would work for the bakery, and all the other days he would fish for a small company on the waterfront. With all of this he attended a small school which taught all grades for all kids in the area. There was not many kids however and many of the ones who did live in the area did not attend school. Many of these were troublemakers which Yagrum had no time to get involved with. Soon Yagrum was a fine fisher and cook. He was 17 now and heading off to college. It was now 1980. He decided to major in buisness and medicine. In high school he was interested in medicine as there wasn't much doctors near him. They taught little about it, but it still made him wonder. He enjoyed college a lot. It reminded him of growing up and learning all the things Gogrell taught him. His degree in medicine kept him in college for a while, which was fine with him as he loved it. He was not in the best college, but he was okay in money as he saved up from all the years of working.
   Once he was out of college he went back to Gogrell and continued doing what he did before college. He wanted to help repay for Gogrell who had helped him all the years. He stayed like this for a while, as he did not have a lot of money from college. He slowly gained it back. He would remain doing this untill he had enough to get his own house and maybe open a shop with his knowledge of medicine and buisness. After a few years this was no longer on his mind. Gogrell was becoming very sick, with his knowlege Yagrum helped Gogrell. He helped him untill a year later when Gogrell got cancer. Yagrum knew there was no way to fight it as it was brain cancer. Gogrell died and wanted Yagrum to keep the Bakery open. He did this for many years as he wanted to keep Gogrells word. He made lots of money. Later, the Black Mesa incident happened. Very soon, portal storms began to occur everywhere. He was just as amazed as anyone else.

   When the Combine invaded, Yagrum's small town surrendered without a fight. Yagrum hated violence and this was good for him. The town was so poor it didn't even have anything to fight with. He was shipped from city to city. It was okay for him, because he stayed in Europe. From the many people he met, he learned a more of different languages. He loved to hear peoples stories. He became very fond of the Union. Growing up in a small and trouble infested area, Yagrum became suprised when seeing the cities. They were very clean, organized, and there was near to no violence. He thought the Union wasn't so bad after all. When arriving to City 45 three months ago, Yagrum was told he would be staying for a long time. He knew he wanted to use his skills to work again. He did not want to join the CCA as he knew he would have to deal with violence. The Civil Workers Union soon became familiar to him, and he knew he wanted to join it. He had also been helped and inspired by many of them. He went to sign up for the Civil Workers Union. He knew he was ready for a new step.

Accepted for a interview.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:37:13 PM by Monkey with a gun »


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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 02:03:12 AM »
Application withdrawn. Did not meet requirements.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 03:28:27 AM by PLUMPDRAGONFLY »

Offline King Poppa

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2011, 02:05:59 AM »

Name: Buck Shuffle
Citizen identification(CID):#87670
Last Assigned Apartment Number:UCH Apartment B3
Age: 37

Why do you want to join the CWU?: There are a number of reasons as to why I'd like to join the Civil Workers Union. Ever since my arrival at this city, I've seen the definite potential it harbors to be the most beautiful city out there, but I'm constantly confronted with the garbage and litter of lazy citizens who feel that it should be responsibility of others, or even the metropolice. This absolutely disgusts me, and I would leap at the opportunity to clean this up and do my part for not only the city, but for the greater Universal Union.

I believe taking on this job would not only be an amazingly great chance to develop character in myself, learn a bit more about the union and do my bit in furthering the advancement of a civilized community.

Have you ever been detained before?: I have been on a tour through the prison, and even had a simulated cycle in there to get a feel for as it was as a prisoner, but that is it.

Past experience with work/labor: In my previous, miserable life before the UU came and enlightened me, I jumped around from job to job, mainly in the rural Spanish town Grenada. There, I worked on a farm for two years, just generally lending a hand out whereever desired, but in the later few years I liked to work as both a tour guide and marker crier.

What will you do for us?: I will devote my soul and body into making C45 a more attractive and comfortable place for our superiors to stay in, and to allow citizens to rest at night knowing they're safe from disease. Maybe one day I could even help with the ration terminals.

How long have you been in City45?: Two months and thirteen days.

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: Alcohol is contraband and extremely illegal to own, possess and especially to traffic. If any contact was made, or knowledge gained, of such a substance I would be sure to report it to my local civil protection team.

Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: Knives are highly illegal to own for an unauthorized citizen. Although any potential terrorist attacks by any deranged individual would be thwarted immediately by the CCA, I will do my absolute best to report every and all case of contraband, especially such malicious weapons as this.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: I would not lose my cool. I would simply retain my proud, civilised posture and report him straight to the nearest civil protection unit, as they know what to do with the citizen better than I.

Any disabilities?: I am not disabled in any way, shape or form.

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: I have most definitely helped civil protection officers in numerous ways, and lent my hands at public labor events such as refurbishing and house painting. Every time I spot a bit of litter on the ground, I'll grab that up and throw it right in the bin, where it belongs.

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:Reception has informed me that the managers of the Civil Workers Union are Ted Simmons and James Tavener.

Post count of 10 or above No exemptions ; DENIED
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 03:05:50 AM by Blt »

Offline Dankey Kang??¢

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2011, 05:22:09 PM »

Name:(WBA Inf.)Pfc.Spark [TSG-RP]

Timezone:UTC 8:00


Roleplay Experience:You know exactly how much RP experience I have,but if you don't i was part of many events at catalyst and can RP extremely well.

Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:To have a better choice of RP and to be apart of more events and such.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):(IC PART)When james smith turned 18 things took a turn for the better. He was living a crappy life as a janitor with minimum wage and barely any free time. Then Our benefactors invaded,they told us they would not harm us if we gave in to their demands. Wallace breen made a treaty with them and as such the Combine Civil Authority came in. They were helping citizens stay in order and cut down obesity. James smith knew he wanted to help the combine in any way he could,as such he tried to do the only thing he knew how to do,be a janitor.

Name:James Smith

Citizen identification(CID):52480

Last Assigned Apartment Number:UCH apartment B2


Why do you want to join the CWU?:To help the universal union carry out their goal of world peace,I also wish to help citizens behave and become a well-organized society

Have you ever been detained before?:Never,I have a very clean record

Past experience with work/labor:Used to work as a janitor before the war started,now I just do my civil-duty as a citizen
What will you do for us?:I will clean and make sure the streets are spotless

How long have you been in City45?:A week,I was just transferred

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?:No,doing so would cause them to slack off and maybe attempt a fight,the universal union denies all citizens beer INCLUDING CWU because they want them to be as helpful as possible

Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?:No,doing so may cause fights and other citizens could get hurt and they could get stolen by other citizens and used to attack Civil Protection Units.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?:I would warn them that,that is an audio violation,if they continue I would immediately report them to the nearest Civil Protection Unit

Any disabilities?:None

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?:Yes,I have been in many CWU activites,including clean-up activites.

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:James tavener and Ted Simmons
You have 2 days to add in the OOC section. - Monkey
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:39:21 PM by Monkey with a gun »
LOOC] Ted Simmons (CWU O): Go shove a suppliment up your ass

Offline RebelGrunt

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2011, 02:25:26 PM »

Name: Jack Trez

Citizen identification(CID): 94351

Last Assigned Apartment Number: A1

Age: 31

Why do you want to join the CWU?: I feel it is a good way to help the Union and my fellow citizens around me.

Have you ever been detained before?: Nope.

Past experience with work/labor: I have been doing janitor jobs in the UCH lately.

What will you do for us?: I will try to keep the city cleaned. I have past experience in janitorial work. Maybe even try to help injured citizens.

How long have you been in City45?: A couple weeks.

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: Negative. They would never carry contraband.

Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: Negative. That would be a high level contraband.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: First I would tell him to stop. If he listens I would still try to inform a
Combine Civil Authority officer about him. If he does not stop swearing. I would report him right away for running and swearing. I would try to give a good description to the officer that attends this problem.

Any disabilities?: None.

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: I have helped some CWU workers a couple times cleaning but other then that no.

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: James Tavener and Ted Simmons.


Name: RebelGrunt

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time


Roleplay Experience: STEAM_0:1:25195050

Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: I had a cwu worker before but he moved onto CCA. I actually miss being able to play as one. I think it is fun rp. Plus it gives me another thing to do when I have to flag down. They are actually quite fun to play as.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph): Jack Trez was not happy at first getting situated to his new life under the Union's rule. By as time slowly progressed he didn't really get much of a choice. Seeing his friends try to rebel and be put down,death, he decided he was not going to join them. He met a man one day. He was very strange but seemed very kind. Jack got some food from him since he wasn't allowed to get his ration. They talked for hours. The man slowly convinced Jack that he should just help the Union make the world a better place. Not rebel and make it harder for the citizens. Jack then decided he would help the Union hoping to become a CWU worker to do this best.
Denied - Application is extremely short in all IC answers, application is lacking effort.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:43:22 PM by Monkey with a gun »

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2011, 03:04:11 PM »
Name: Michael Autumn
Citizen identification(CID): 38786
Last Assigned Apartment Number: Apartment B-1
Age: 22

Why do you want to join the CWU?: To feel like I’m doing a greater for good for someone other then myself, and hopefully make this new city, city 45, a better place.

Have you ever been detained before?: No

Past experience with work/labor: A few times I would take a broom or a mop and start cleaning up the streets.

What will you do for us?: Hopefully make city 45 by cleaning the streets, or administering medical aid to people who need it.

How long have you been in City45?: About a week and a half, I was just transferred from city 14.

Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: I would assume they can be in possession of alcohol that can be used for medical purposes, but they can’t have the drinkable alcohol.
Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: I would guess that they could be in possession of a scalpel for medical purposes, but not knifes that could causes bodily harm to someone.

If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: I would listen closely to what the citizen is saying briefly, and then find a Civil Authority Officer and explain the exact words he said to me. If none are visible, I would use a request device to contact one and explain exactly what the citizen said when he or she arrives.

Any disabilities?: Nervousness, if thats a disability.

Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: No, but I hope to.

Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: James Tavener and Ted Simmons

Name: Darkshifter98
Timezone: Pacific Time Zone
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37318750
Roleplay Experience: I hadn’t roleplayed much before CG, occasionally hopping on a darkrp server (Eeew, I know) to dick around and such. I’d say with CG, I’ve had about 8 months of roleplay experience (6 months if its just serious)
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: I want to join the CWU for rp purposes, like everyone probably does, and to give my character more back story and depth. as well as being able to rp having a store, or treating a citizens wounds, and rping with other CWU members.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph): When Michael Autumn was sent on to the long train ride to City 45, all was quiet... at first. If you were to ask, he would say about a quarter through the trip, people started getting quite angry at each other, and they would vent all of their frustration on Michael Autumn. Whether being yelled at or just simply beaten by his fellow “citizens” Michael Autumn soon learned to only speak when spoken to, and he kept his head down, to nervous to make eye contact with any of the angry occupants of the train. Slowly, the occupants of the train left one by one, each time a destination was reached, more people would get off, glad to be off the train.

Michael Autumn’s stop, city 45, was the last stop for the train, so he was bullied until no one remained, and he was the last on the train. When the train arrived, Michael Autumn stepped off nervously, expecting some form of abuse to strike at any moment. Michael Autumn went to get his things that he needed for city 45, his new uniform and his suitcase, looking down at the ground, still too afraid to make any eye contact with anyone. Upon leaving the train station with his things, he looked out at the plaza of City 45, and walked down the stairs, he would never forget his time on the train, and because of that, he was now too nervous to speak to a soul for more then a few minutes...

(// reason for edit was to include the OOC part.)
Accepted for a interview.

Small note, I was grounded recently (Boo) so the interview will have to happen at a later date. Monday is the speculated day for my ungrounding, if its not, I'll update this post.
Sorry for any inconvience.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 03:13:00 PM by Darkshifter98 »
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2011, 05:47:28 PM »
Sorry guys but i found the missing OOC part, please everyone above me add this part!

Code: [Select]
[b](OOC PART)[/b]
[b]Roleplay Experience[/b]:
[b]Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?[/b]:
[b]Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph)[/b]:


Offline [CA] KiwieeEh

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2011, 12:17:27 PM »
Name: Kaden Meadows
Citizen identification(CID): 20823
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH#B2
Age: 27

Why do you want to join the CWU?: I feel like I should be able to do better for the city other than keeping it clean. I wish to be able to make a proper difference to the city.
Have you ever been detained before?: Nope. I have a clean record.
Past experience with work/labor: I used to be a wood worker before the war, I also have a generally decent skill in fabrication, I was a past strucural engineer. Now, however, all I really tend to be able to do is clean the city. I want to do more.
What will you do for us?: I will help make businesses and help the infrastructure of the CWU grow.
How long have you been in City45?: About three weeks or so.
Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: Nope.
Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: Definitely not.
If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: I would back away and request a civil protection unit immediately using my request device.
Any disabilities?: None.
Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: Not really, other than mass cleanups on the street
Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: James Tavener, Ted Simmons.

Name: Kiwiee
Timezone: GMT
Roleplay Experience: CG a lot, Ex 03 in CCA. Ex OfC in CCA. Ex 01 in CCA. 03 in CCA OCRP (derp) Admin. TRP and my old times at TnB about a decade (exageration) ago.. Good times..
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: Because I enjoy RP and i want to increase my char development further by joining the CWU, I've never done it before and I think it could be interesting.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
Kaden, a simple labourer by trade, worked hard during the days leading up to the incident as a carpenter and helped build with his family. But then it changed. Kaden can't remember much about the portal storms, or the war. He can only remember the fear and the pain. The screams of his friends, family, everyone shaking in fear in their cellar.
The British army was scrambled and on high alert, every ship, plane, and infantryman were patrolling the streets. It was a nightmare. But what no one realised was that what was about to happen would be worse.
Explosions, flashes of light, orange, blue, green, red, purple. None of it made sense, but no matter where you looked. Everyone was dying. The combine had begun their invasion, a fleet of what appeared to be gunships hovered eerily over London. The funny thing is they didn't even shoot. They didn't need to.
Buildings fell and exploded, debris flying everywhere, kaden, hiding with his family in the basement. Something burst through the door, it was too dark, no one knew what it was. "Everyone down here Move!" A commanding voice echoed through the basement. It was a military figure, what rank was unknown, but I don't think that mattered.
The british army ordered a complete retreat to the west coast of the UK only minutes after the fire fights began and everyone was rushed out. Or at least if they could get out that is. Kaden looked out of the back of his convoy seeing the towers in the distance, an orange glow.
it was 4.23 AM according to the clock in Penzance. Dark, tired, and lonely. Kaden was separated from his family in the hundreds in front of him, behind him, and in any direction he looked. They were being herded onto large what seemed to be cargo ships. One already sailing in the distance.
Kaden found himself upon the "SEASHELL". An odd name at that, but still, if it was safety then fine. No one knew what was happening until they got aboard.
The intercom buzzed on around the overcrowded ship. The captain alerted them that they were sailing to the US. A full retreat of the UK as it was lost. The war was over for now.
5.12 AM, the ship was out of the harbour and about 50 miles out to sea. In the horizon Penzance was but a smouldering plane. Already? How did it come to this in less than four hours?
The ship sailed for days, yet no one said a thing. No one spoke a word. The hundreds of innocent civilians just sat and looked at eachother for hope. There was none.
A day had passed, Many strange metallic ships flew overhead, all seemingly passive to the ship. Did they think the occupants were dead? No one really knew.
The US was now in sight. And the first ship docked.. But this wasn't the US that anyone knew, a huge metallic tower stretched high into the sky, with what can only be described as attack helicopters in the sky. They weren't human.
As the ship docked the helicopters, about four or five, just circled it. Weapons terrifyingly primed.
One person at a time, the ship was evacuated and sorted by a force.. A race of people that have never been seen before.. Who were they? What did they want with us?
Kaden was within the second hundred taken off the ship, and as he approached the group of new armed aliens to the world, he was thoroughly searched, handed a Card, and send down a row of other civilians, Row "?". Kaden looked at his card. "#20823" was printed on it along with a small holographic logo.
His row was then moved onto a train, everyone fell silent as the train left a makeshift, metallic platform onto a rail line.
He looked out of the window, at the devastation. Burning embers and rubble of buildings were all that were left. And silently, even now, Kaden knew he had to make this world a better place again, he had to re-assemble what is a broken humanity. He knew he couldn't, but wherever he is going, if he lives. He's going to do good.
Kaden stepped out of the train into a large city plaza, Someone on a digital screen proclaimed "Welcome! to City 45! It's safer here."
It's safer here...
You have 7 days to update this application. - Monkey.

Sorry it took so long, we all knew what happened. -Kiwiee.

Accepted for Interview (I hope you can balance all your characters out)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 09:37:39 AM by Rainbow Dash - Adumb S »
"If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son.
I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

"Have a great evening, sorry, maple syrup, eh, moose, and ice hockey to you!"

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna' be my year."

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2011, 12:28:36 AM »
Name: Elizabeth Clover
Citizen identification(CID): 47451 47151
Last Assigned Apartment Number: A4
Age: 23
Why do you want to join the CWU?: So that I may continue to pay back everything I owe to the Universal Union, by working on there smaller task.
Have you ever been detained before?: Once, back in City Nine, I was under, "Suspected Contraband User" But I was soon released after they discovered this was false.
Past experience with work/labor: Doing things I can to gain loyaltist points.
What will you do for us?: Complete any task I am given for the Union.
How long have you been in City45?: Nearly three months.
Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: Alcohol is contraband, so no.
Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: Knifes are weapons, that are contraband, so no.
If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: I immediatly request a unit with my request device.
Any disabilities?: None.
Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: Once back in City Nine, we had a special event. It was known as, "Help-a-Worker Day." Where all loyaltist where assigned to help a worker for an entire day.
Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: Ted Simmons and Jamm James Tavener

// SIDENOTE: Added a couple of crossed out things to be ICly realistic.
Name: --{NOTHING}--
Timezone: GMT -6
SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:29284067
Roleplay Experience: Uh, tons. Been playing on C.G. since this June. And, serious RP since maybe the Christmas of 09' ?
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: Joining the CWU can lead to some great roleplay, not only that, but I can ICly make neat objects.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):

Elizabeth Clover had grown up in New York her entire life. She always seemed to be shoved around - her parents forcing her to learn the piano - constantly being bullied at school. Luckily she soon graduated from her high school, slowly collecting money for her one dream - Travel around Europe. She eventually did get the money, and went on a vacation around Europe. She had a lot of fun, but near the end of her trip, something terrifying happened. Portal storms, Elizabeth quickly fled like everyone else did - to a city, where they could recieve protection. But eventually, the seven hour war had struck. The Combine attacking there city like all others. And Elizabeth - trapped in a forign country - was overlooked as another European citizen, being captive in a place known as City 9.

Elizabeth stayed in City 9,  where she began learning a language used away from the ears of units - German. She eventually liked it in City 9, minus the horrible units and starvation, that is. But as soon as she liked it was as soon forced onto another cramped little train. She was forced to ride the train for nearly 18 hours. She awaked into a new city, the city known as City 45. In City45, she started constantly watching the BreenCast - mostly becuase of her boredom.  this lead to her beliving, "Maybe this is a good thing that happened to us. That the combine took humanity captive." And started to feel an emotion, an emotion to begin helping the combine. But she never thought of the C.W.U. until one day when she met one. She simply asked for a new request device - the one she recieved before was old and breaking apart. And after a little talking with the worker afterword, Elizabeth made her mide up. She was going to apply as a Civil Worker, for the combine. (And for the benefits of it.)

Another sidenote: This is my 100th post! :D

EDIT: Accidently hit post instead of privew. *facepalm*
Accepted for a interview.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:52:41 PM by Monkey with a gun »
\\r\\ncolor annoys me, barely anyone is black, unlike last year\\r\\n

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 12:15:07 PM »
     Name: Denise Patterson
     Citizen identification(CID): #07194
     Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH Apartment B4
     Age: 37

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
     I want to assist fellow City 45 residents who need medical attention. I'd also like to serve hot meals, so long as the UU approves of the ingredients.
Have you ever been detained before?:
Past experience with work/labor:
     I've never done any formal janitorial work. I worked as a nurse for St. Mary's Hospital for about 6 years. Cooking has always been a hobby of mine.
What will you do for us?:
     I hope to keep the CWU's public image as positive as possible by providing citizens with hot meals and free medical attention.
How long have you been in City45?:
     About a year, now.
Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?:
Can CWU members be in possession of Knives?:
If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing, what do you do?:
     You get a very good look at the person before reporting them to a Civil Authority as soon as possible.
Any disabilities?:
Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?:
Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:
     James Tavener and Ted Simmons.

     Name: The Butt Inspector
     Timezone: GMT -5
     SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42153864
     Roleplay Experience: I've been with CG about 2 months now, and I've been roleplaying seriously since mid 2007.

Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:
     I want to create more use for the shops and the CWU HQ, since they're not really being used now, at least not often. That way, there will be more opportunities for citizens to roleplay eating in a cafe-like setting, receiving medical attention, or maybe even roleplay assisting in a CWU shop.

Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
     Denise was born in Jupiter, Florida in the spring of 1979. Denise's father was never in the picture; it was always just Denise, her mother, and whoever her mother was dating at the time. Denise had always struggled in school. At 19, she graduated from high school with a GPA of 2.8. After taking a two year break and moving into her own little apartment in Palm Beach, she enrolled herself in the Nursing program at Palm Beach Community College. In the summer of 1997, she completed the program and was immediately contacted by nearby St. Mary's Hospital. She worked from fall, 1997 all the way up until the Black Mesa Incident. She then traveled the East Coast helping injured and sick people wherever she could; at least, until she was captured by the combine and shipped to Europe. Being the optimist she was, however, she saw it as an opportunity to help even more people who need it.

Accepted for a interview

« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 02:55:49 PM by Monkey with a gun »

joe bendanci

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Kyle Fendi (Dr. Kyle Fendi)
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2011, 08:39:47 PM »
b](IC PART)[/b]
Name:Kyle Fendi
Citizen identification(CID):#44008
Last Assigned Apartment Number:A2
Age: Twenty nine (29)

Why do you want to join the CWU?:I would like to join the civil workers union to help citizens with their problems, as a therapist. I think citizens would come talk to be about their probelms because I am not in a suit. Also I would like to be a small shop owner and help bring up the number of loyalists. As a therapists I would get to know the citizen and if he or she is a anticitizen I would report them to the Combine for a brainwashing/detainment session.
Have you ever been detained before?:I think once.
Past experience with work/labor:I remeber, helping citizens with their problems, and I've worked in a shop and cleaned it for a while.
What will you do for us?:I will help citizens with their problems ensuring no malcompliant citizens, After detainment if the citizen is very angry, he/she can be sent to me for help.
How long have you been in City45?:Hm... About a month or so
Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?:I will not be able to, but yes only for medical purposes such as disinfecting cuts.
Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?:I will also not be able to, but yes for medical purposes such as sealing cuts.
If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?:Because I am a therapist I would either ask to help him with his problem, or report him if he seems unhelpable
Any disabilities?:I have a slight vision problem, it will most likely go away in about a year or so.
Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?:Yes, actually, I've sweeped the shops and assisted in the shop
Who are the Organizers of the CWU?:The Organizers of the Civil Workers Union are James Tavener and Ted Simmons

Name:|| BBI || Joe
Roleplay Experience:I've been roleplaying for about two years now, a few months on catalyst gaming, most of my time spaced out
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:I think the Civil Workers Union would help develope my loyalist. Also it would be a really nice roleplay experiance being a CWU in catalyst. It would also fit me because I LOVE to passive roleplay and can do it all day, I really don't care much about medical roleplaying but passive roleplaying like helping citizens with their problems seems very nice and calm to me.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):Kyle Fendi an very kind man, although he really doesn't have much abilites over the normal man, he can talk to someone and convince them to do whatever he wants them to do. Because he is really not a fan of hurting people he doesn't want to join the CCA until he feels more fitted for it. So he thinks helping them would be way better than sitting there waiting for a gut to emerge. He actually helped save a few people from getting shot because of his relaxing tone and his convincing intelligence. His life is helping the CPs and thats what he loves to do. He would love to keep the city safe, by letting citizens release their anger and having their mental disabilites fixed. Blood doesn't bother him, it is rather hearing the man scream in Nicks aura is what bothers him.*Nick picks up the Civil Workers Union sheet that the women gave to him, He begins to start his application begining happiness in his life*

DENIED.  Post count needs to be 10 or more. Re-apply in 2 weeks.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 05:31:17 PM by joe bendanci »

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Re: Civil Workers Union Applications Cycle 8
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2011, 09:40:45 PM »
Name: Carson FitzGibbon
Citizen identification(CID): 44997
Last Assigned Apartment Number: A2
Why do you want to join the CWU?: To help keep the city running, I would love to assist in the work the CWU do for us.
Have you ever been detained before?: No.
Past experience with work/labor: I have cleaned a lot, I usually wash windows or clean the monument.
What will you do for us?: I will be the best I can be for the CWU, I will work and try my hardest.
How long have you been in City45?: For about two years.
Can CWU members be in possession of Alcohol?: No.
Can CWU members be in possession of Knifes?: Not at all!
If a citizen runs up to you and starts swearing what do you do?: I would alert them that they are not allowed to swear, if they continued, I would use my request device to alert the CCA.
Any disabilities: No.
Have you ever been in a CWU Related Activity?: Yes, I helped clean a large amount of trash.
Who are the Organizers of the CWU?: The CWU Organizers are the ones who organize all CWU events. They keep things in order and make sure everyone is working.
Name: cfitz22
Timezone: GMT -1
SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:26392319
Roleplay Experience: About 8-9 months
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:  So I can help the CCA. (And get moar ration!  :P)
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
            Carson FitzGibbon was about 23 when the invasion happened. His parents, Lucy and Phill, were killed by gunfire, the rebels fired at the CCA Nexus and one shot hit Lucy, Phill was hit too. They died that day. Carson was with them at the time and he was hit too. In the leg, when he was taken into the CWU medical labs, they helped him back to his feet. Without them, he wouldn't of been able to walk! Now, he wants to join the CWU and make more stories like his possible. But that is up to you, gracious reader. Deny this young mans pride and love for the CWU, or accept him into the caring hands of the powerful. You choose...

DENIED. You missed your age. Most of your posts are basically postwhoring. You only have p + e flags when you should've been denied for saying "I need it to join the cwu" that is not a proper reason. Come back in 2 weeks.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 10:33:59 PM by Rainbow Dash - Adumb S »
Don't make fun of me just because I say i'm stressed... I'm a person too.


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