Author Topic: Mike Grant's Authorization Application  (Read 2447 times)

Offline The Joke

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Mike Grant's Authorization Application
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:54:37 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: TheJoker584
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 year

Character Section

The authorization for Zak Grants brother to come to the Outlands

Name: Mike Grant
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Mike was born in a small town on the Outskirts of England, a year after his brother Zak was born. They did everything together, went fishing, played games, and when they grew up a bit, went hunting in the woods together. Mike lived with Zak, his mum, and his dad in a small wooden hut on the coast in a small community. Mike always liked to wander and find new places to explore, he was polite to anyone he saw and loved going in the woods to find new things to do. Him and Zak grew up happily in the town, learning every one of its secrets. They were the age of fourteen when their Dad taught them how to use a shotgun, "Just cock the gun, aim, and fire" He said to them both. After that they went hunting often, only after small animals like birds, or rabbits but they began to hone their skills and catch dinner for the family. Their Dad taught them how to use a pistol later in their lives at the age of fifthteen and fourteen, Thinking they would never need it due to a shotgun being far more than enough firepower, but he saw how much they loved to go hunting and thought they deserved to know. Dad was a Ex-Soldier, and he said he wanted to keep it that way, we never really knew why he did not want to fight ever again, but in later years Mike found out that the possible reason was that maybe he just could not take the life of another human. Zak and Mike were out hunting when they saw it, a small brown animal scuttled across the floor, they aimed their guns at it, it looked up at them, almost confused, But the next thing it did was lean on its hind legs and pounce on Zak, he fell over keeping it from getting to his head, "Hold still!" Mike shouted, he aimed his foot at the crab, Smack! He kicked it into a tree. It reajusted itself and charged again, Mike quickly pulled up his shotgun and fired, The animal hit a tree and flopped there, Birds flew out of the trees, and Mike and Zak just looked at eachother...confused. They ran home as fast as they could, still unsure of what to do. Zak sniffed the air, "You smell that?" Mike sniffed the air, it immediatly hit him, "Smoke!." They ran home to see their Villiage, their childhood, burnt to the ground. People ran out of their homes screaming, crying, We looked behind to see one of the animals we saw in the woods crawling after a woman. It attatched to her face, She went limp. We also saw some strange people appear from the distance, they limped and had huge claws instead of hands, they had blood covered clothes, and were tearing a man apart, limb from limb. We stared in shock, knowing that there was nothing we could do. Their Villiage, Their childhood...was gone. They ran into the woods and saw a metal container of some sort poking out of the ground, They kept running not caring about what it was, until someone charged out of a bush and grabbed Zak, he fell to the floor and the figure put a bag around his head, knocking him out with a mighty blow. The figure seemed almost metallic, his armour looked heavy and his gasmask gave him the deadly look. I kept running, untill Bang! Shots were firing at me, hitting the trees to my sides, i did not look back and slide down a muddy hill, escaping from the figures clutches. Mike made it to the seaside and looked at a cave, he ran inside quickly and found a odd looking rock, all of a sudden a camara popped out of the side and said "Who are you!?" Mike just stared at it "Answer!" He looked at his feet and said "Mi-Mike Grant" The door opened and a man appeared, Mike fell to the hard floor in shock, and passed out. Mike woke up later in a daze and looked around him, he groaned as he looked at a light which blinded him "You are safe" said a anonymous figure standing in the dark, "Who are you?" Mike replied, He came out of the dark and said "Your savior." Mike grew to like the man, and stayed in the cave for a year. Before coming out. To find out what had happened to his big brother.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
He will try to find out who his brother was.
See what he can do to help the community
Small amount of knowledge with a shotgun and pistol

He will be depressed for a while after being told he is dead.
OTA will search for him

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to make a new rp with Zak Grants brother, this will add new rp for most people due to the fact that most people know who Zak Grant is and will want to see the comparison between this character and Zak.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Status: Alive
Activity: Following orders

Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
Activity:Trying to stay alive in the Outlands

Zak Renolds
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to stay alive in the city

Offline Anzu

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Re: Mike Grant's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 03:22:25 PM »
You are not allowed to have characters that are brothers/sisters etc.

If you find someone else, yes.

Offline The Joke

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Re: Mike Grant's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 03:23:11 PM »
Permission to edit the story?
Status: Alive
Activity: Following orders

Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
Activity:Trying to stay alive in the Outlands

Zak Renolds
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to stay alive in the city

Offline Anzu

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Re: Mike Grant's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 03:27:41 PM »
That wont change the fact that you're trying to get two characters which are brothers.

You are NOT allowed to have characters which are in same familiy. If you coutn by history, yes. But having two chars to play on which are brothers, no.

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Mike Grant's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2011, 03:42:35 PM »
Characters cannot be related or know eachother in any way.


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