Author Topic: <::|| OfC(A).882's Private Logs ||::>  (Read 5266 times)

Offline Lord Bravery

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<::|| OfC(A).882's Private Logs ||::>
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:04:07 AM »
UNIT: 882

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Subject: PL001 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| I felt compelled to keep a log for various reasons. I realize that I'm meant to be open in these, however, I do not feel comfortable expressing myself completely in a format that may potentially be used against me if discovered. That being said, I was completely open to a unit, whose digits nor rank will I mention, when we had a little sit-down earlier.

     The story starts with a citizen spitting in my face. It wasn't the first time a citizen had done this to me, nor do I expect it to be the last. However, this particular incident enraged me. I apprehended the man and delivered a minor re-education. A high-ranking unit had stopped by to observe me. I don't remember his rank exactly, but I do recall that his digits were 570 (I can disclose his information because I have no worries that either of us will be punished by my doing so if this log is ever made public). I asked permission to deliver a major re-education. 570 simply instructed me to bring the man to treatment. I was pleased; this meant that the man would be severely punished for his actions against me. I was disgusted with myself for wanting to see him suffer for something so minor. Conflicted emotions aside, I dragged him into the Nexus.

     Once we were in treatment, I moved into the observation room. Even though I wanted to see him suffer, I still don't have the guts yet to deliver more than a major re-education (and that's on my worst days). I can't help but recall the time 713 made 967 and I "treat" a man until he died. Well, I ended up being the one to press the button after all was said and done, since 967 was... he wasn't able to do it. Honestly, I wasn't either. My hand seemed to guide itself to the console at 713's command, worried for the safety of the rest of my body. Either way, that's history.

   Where was I going? Ah, yes, 570 "treated" the man who spat on me. The man was begging for death. I asked, no, begged 570 not to give the man what he wanted. I can recall clearly 570 saying to the man, "I hope you're ready for this," and letting the machine completely vaporize him. I was enraged. I had to take a minute to compose myself in the Upper Lobby. I patrolled for a while, trying to walk off my anger. I eventually found myself in the Upper Lobby again. I couldn't... I wasn't in a fit state to patrol. However, there was a unit there who was open to listening to my woes. I spoke with him, he seemed to listen. I felt better after speaking with him.

     I thought that if speaking to someone helped clear my mind, what could keeping a log do for me? I'd be able to express myself without having to tell another person who may judge me for my sometimes foolish feelings. It would also be useful for me to reflect on my past decisions, so that I may handle future situations "better".||::>

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« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 02:57:32 AM by ChristmasButt1405 »

Offline GamingZealot

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Re: <::|| 04.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 11:08:19 AM »
//What did you think was going to happen if you mentioned me by name? Anyways, good log. Enjoyed reading it.
C18.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.935 says "<:: Yes, I have a pipebomb. Do you require one?
 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
C45.CCA.UNION-OfC.713 radios in "<:: Oh, and then we get high off of fresh air and have sex with eachother using shotguns as sex toys.
Dr. Amanda Romano broadcasts "Perhaps it's better to compare the UU to an almost miraculous hair growth cream."

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 04.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 09:46:37 PM »
// I didn't think anything would happen. Edgar, on the other hand.................... :3c

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <::|| 04.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 09:47:30 PM »
.// Edgar needs to be attacked Again LOL
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 04.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2011, 09:50:54 PM »
// paq u

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 03.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2011, 10:59:35 PM »
UNIT: 882

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Subject: PL002 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| It's been slow, quiet. As far as I know, at least. I've been out of it lately.

Got promoted to 03.

Last night, I dreamed about a strange half-mechanical beast that I've not seen since I was a regular citizen. I think it was chasing me.

Why am I even bothering with this? There's nothing to tell. ||::>

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« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 07:17:24 PM by Butt Inspector Extraordinaire »

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 03.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2011, 07:08:22 PM »
UNIT: 882

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Subject: PL003 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| I discovered today that 713 is potentially being OWR'd. I was shocked that I'd not heard about this sooner. He'd trained me; he was the one who practically molded me into the unit I am now. I look back on the way I was before he intervened and feel embarrassed. I was useless, unskilled. If it wasn't for him shaping me up, I might not have made it as far as I did. Either way, he told me himself what had happened to start all this. I still don't understand why he did it, but I'm sure he had his reasons. I just hope it was worth it.

 During a ration distribution cycle today, 713 was outside of the terminal with a malcompliant citizen. He asked me to administer a Level Two verdict, which was no problem, at least until I finished cutting off the zipties around the man's wrists. My pocket knife, which I've had with me since I was a Recruit, snapped into three pieces in my hand as I tried to close it. I'm embarrassed to say that I'd grown attached to it, and that ever since it broke I've kept the pieces in my pocket. I guess I should dispose of it soon. 713 laughed when my knife broke. I was a little hurt, but I, of course, didn't let it show. Then, after he'd had a good laugh, he handed me his remaining knife. Apparently he'd already given his other knife away. I could only assume 234 has it, now. I can't say I was anything less than honored that he let me have it, though.

 Apparently 713 and 234 performed quite a few amputations together today. Good for them. I think it's great that they're getting to spend that time together. I've been through losing a mentor before. It's probably not as hard for me losing 713 as it is for 234, especially since they were so close.

 On a lighter note, I am due for a promotion. I've been filling out backlogged promotion paperwork and training logs for several hours, now. I'm glad I finally got them done. I've got all of my paperwork up to date and I've met the time requirements, but apparently promotions in Union for 04+ are frozen until further notice. I was looking forward to being the one being saluted, for once. Three recruits were promoted to 04 today. I remember my time as an 04. I remember one of my first amputations, the one I was ordered to do with 967 while 713 supervised. 713 stuck both of his blades into the citizen's shoulders and made one of us activate the machinery. 967 was too busy sobbing and begging him to stop to press the button, so I was forced to do it. At the time, I didn't want to do it either. It made me sick. Actually, I think I was a recruit as well when this happened. All I know is that I was afraid of 713 for a while after that. Things have changed a lot since then. ||::>

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« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 07:20:15 PM by Butt Inspector Extraordinaire »

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2011, 03:22:16 PM »
UNIT: 882

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Subject: PL004 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| 713. He radioed in something about coming off of an "extended stasis", I don't know. He acted as if nothing had ever happened, when I finally saw him in-person. 234 didn't seem bothered by it. Maybe they know something that I don't.

On a lighter note, I finally got 02. I'm loving being saluted. Today, 563 brought me a man who attempted suicide. I 'played nice', as if I were actually interested in his well being. Lulled him into a false sense of security. Then, I sliced his nipples off. I wasn't about to give him what he wanted. Either way, he ended up in treatment with 563 in the end. The rest is history. ||::>

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« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 10:17:55 PM by TBI DESTROY! »

Offline Pirate Robot

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2011, 03:36:18 PM »
// fuckinshitcunt omg you can't be a hard ass at that rank

Offline BltElite

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2011, 03:51:04 PM »
// Your not union now silly

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2011, 10:17:03 PM »
// fuckinshitcunt omg you can't be a hard ass at that rank
// inb4 I have to change my character's backstory to fit the CCA Hardass guidelines

// Your not union now silly
// I knew I was forgetting to change something LOL THANKS
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 10:19:26 PM by TBI DESTROY! »

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2011, 10:43:11 AM »
UNIT: 882

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Subject: PL005 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| Spoke with a unit about 713. He didn't know much.

Spoke with 713. His story and the other unit's story matched seamlessly.

Nothing makes sense anymore.||::>

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« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 11:26:31 PM by TBI »

Offline [CA] KiwieeEh

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2011, 05:36:06 PM »
What story?
"If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son.
I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

"Have a great evening, sorry, maple syrup, eh, moose, and ice hockey to you!"

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna' be my year."

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2011, 11:28:05 PM »
// I am a professional lol txt it no the quote was me derping
also 882 had a little sit-down with 158 because he was ~* worried about how 713 had been acting as of late *~ and 158 didn't know like, anything. But apparently he had a few key details that matched up with what 713 told 882 later.

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::|| 02.882's Private Logs ||::>
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2011, 10:49:16 PM »
UNIT: 882

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Subject: PL006 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| 713 is gone. 935 is gone. I'm going to keep an eye on 158 and 234.

Met an "031" today. Interesting fellow. ||::>

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