Author Topic: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>  (Read 14071 times)

Offline GamingZealot

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2011, 08:48:32 PM »
Sad for 234 and his loss, but here is what happens when/if you tell 158.

234: 713 is dead lol. Sad face.

158: What you say?

234: 522 got 713 killed.

158: Follow me.

/it 234 and 158 go to armory briefly for "re-armment." 522 is never heard from again.
C18.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.935 says "<:: Yes, I have a pipebomb. Do you require one?
 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
C45.CCA.UNION-OfC.713 radios in "<:: Oh, and then we get high off of fresh air and have sex with eachother using shotguns as sex toys.
Dr. Amanda Romano broadcasts "Perhaps it's better to compare the UU to an almost miraculous hair growth cream."

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2011, 09:24:31 PM »
// 882 is a massive sad
// Me too, friend, my DvL is dead :'(
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2011, 09:47:45 PM »
Sad for 234 and his loss, but here is what happens when/if you tell 158.

234: 713 is dead lol. Sad face.

158: What you say?

234: 522 got 713 killed.

158: Follow me.

/it 234 and 158 go to armory briefly for "re-armment." 522 is never heard from again.

/it 882 watches in horror as everyone he loves (and some he doesn't) dies.

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2011, 06:36:08 AM »
UNIT: 234

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<::|| Things have been... weird, lately. Still haven't found 158 to deliver the bad news.. I'll send him a stasis message after I file this.
Yesterday was.. fun, to say the least. Found myself in control of 2 other units, 147 and 887, to go on a Sector 6 Sweep. We were looking for two BOL's/647E's, however, neither I, or squad Bravo found anything, other than some bits of paper.
It was a good learning experience for all involved. I learnt what it's like to command a squad, and first hand apply the knowledge of breaching with only 3 units. Fun, but I couldn't help but think that I was failing, somewhere. If I was, CmD would have picked it out.

Later on that day, I found myself in control of pretty much the entire section of online units at the time, which is somewhat unusual, but I stuck with it. Highlights? Catching someone suspected of UPA and throwing them in Cell C. After being malcompliant, I just took out my knife and stabbed him twice in the genitals, leaving him there. Shortly after, I gassed and burnt another citizen in full view of another detainee. Strangely, they seemed unphased, refusing to show emotion. After that, I left him with the care of 326.

01.318 Showed up shortly after, with me giving them a quick brief on Cell C. He wondered if my actions were a bit harsh, and after I suggested using the cans of Expansion Gel on him, 318 responded with a very resounding NO, purely because it was unconfirmed. I eased this, by explaining the citizens' actions that occurred shortly after being reported, and what they said during detaining. They seemed eased at this, so I simply left them to it while I went down to stasis. ||::>

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Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2011, 09:44:22 PM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: Yet more injustice

<::|| So for some reason or another, 882 has found himself in position of Acting Officer. I should be glad, but no. This is more injustice, more internal failures, priorities are broken. Let me brief it. 882 has been an 01 for less than a week, has not received their full training and yet somehow, manages to get picked for Acting Officer over me, when not only have I completed my training in all APEX areas, but I have also completed my time requirement as an 01. Better still? It seems that none of the EpU's were considered either. For all that matters, may as well have stuck a damn recruit in there.

I don't salute to injustice.
234 out. ||::>

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2011, 09:48:03 PM »
// The same goes for me, lol. I had been everywhere in the CCA, finally resting down as EpU for months on end. I saved my officer's life and instructed NOVA on how to save him. This all happened just last night. You don't see me being promoted. In fact, I thought I was going to get it after what I did.

But...shit happens, y'know?

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2011, 09:50:06 PM »
// Yeah well, 234's seen a fuckton of injustice during his time, no wonder he's mad.

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2011, 10:54:32 PM »
// I completely agree with you. I have no idea why I'm in this position, but 882's eating it up lol. I don't think it's fair that I was promoted over all of the EpUs, either. If I had been the one who had to choose an 01, I would've definitely chosen Kaz.

This is troubling

Offline BltElite

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2011, 02:18:12 AM »
At the time, we had to choose somebody quickly, so me and kmp probably made a mistake. Anyway, its only for a day or so, while me and kmp are injured. If 882 wants to 'give' it to kaz/bullet, then its up to him if he thinks it unfair.

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2011, 02:35:38 AM »
// The issue is that icly, 882 would never give something like this up. It would be extremely ooc for him to say "Here, even though you called me a dick in your private logs I'll give you this uniform for the rest of my time as OfC which is about 24 hours."

But yeah when I see Kaz or Bullet on next I'll give it to one of them. I'll find some kind of reason for 882 to not want what he's always wanted lol
Irl I think it's unfair, but since you had to make a quick decision and at the time there were no other units on who were able to do it, I guess it's... okay. If only rp could be paused until things like this can be discussed with everyone or whatever, but then nothing would ever get done lol

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2011, 07:18:18 AM »
// I'm not expecting you to do anything. Yes I was mad IRL but my character is mad as well. I am my character and my character is me. This could turn interesting.

Offline BltElite

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2011, 10:43:00 AM »
Yeah, the problem with having to get something done quickly is usually that it takes ages to decide, and by that time somethings done up.
I know it is a little late to change things now, but there will probably be another chance soon, I enjoyed my time off from OfC.

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2011, 12:06:51 PM »
// I'm not expecting you to do anything. Yes I was mad IRL but my character is mad as well. I am my character and my character is me. This could turn interesting.

//That's a really bad idea, js
but i still love you, you derp

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2011, 12:09:33 AM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: Elite Protection Unit

<::|| Seems todays' events have snapped me from my previous mindset. This is good. I was promoted to EpU today, albeit, 182 had me scared - I thought I might have done something wrong, but it was just his play on things.
I felt like I did when I got rank 02, I felt I had more control over things and more power. I don't want to sound egotistical and elitist, that would just get me a negative imprint on other units. It's par for the course.
I'm going to have a word with either 602, or 227, see if they can give me any tips on being a good EpU. I may be the same rank, but they have far more valuable knowledge.
I only hope that they don't look down on me as a result. ||::>

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Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2011, 03:09:15 PM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: Busiest day, ever.

<::|| Nearly 8 hours of non stop on duty action. Sums up my day. Earlier today, while doing some work inside, 318 (Or 031) received a paper regarding citizens supposedly threatening to bomb Loyalists, CWU Workers and the Nexus and CCA. With CmD Authorisation, I, 318 and another unit went in to sweep Sector 6. We came up with nothing, until we got to XCCR, where a citizen opened fire on us with a pistol. He retreated into XCCR itself, us units giving chase. Eventually, we downed him and retrieved the weapon from the scene, which I still have. Sweeping the rest of Sector 6 was relatively easy, then we regrouped with Command, detaining a long standing BoL, falling back to the nexus. Once there, we were debriefed, and I was assigned to Interrogate the BoL, in regards to the paper.

Interrogation complete, I requested orders from Command, who said to issue a Level 2 verdict, a mind wipe, then to release. Knowing that Command and a few other HC Units were in the HCMR, I requested that 562 move to my 10-20. Once there, I briefed him, then pacified the subject, moving him to the medwing. Once there, I requested to observe the procedure, which 562 allowed. I also got to help, pacifying the subject again so the operation could commence. I will not go into details about what happened, but I'm fairly sure he will remain on the good side of the Union.

Dismissed, I continued patrol, until called into the HCMR by NOVA Division Leader 584, on Command orders. It wasn't just me, it was EVERY unit. I'm keeping everything shut about what happened.

Some time after, 404 and another unit, 498, were at the top of the UCH, when they were fired upon by a citizen WITH A FREAKING SMG! Where the hell do they get this from? Needless to say, they were seen to by NOVA.

Two citizens in the space of a cycle managed to BREACH THE NEXUS. Even now, I don't know why or how they got in, but they were swiftly amputated. About 3-4 Cycles later, two more citizens entered the nexus, yet they managed to get into the damn firing range, and one had the balls to try the keypad! After radioing it in, Most, of the Officers on duty at the time assembled to my 10-20. Briefing them, we moved them to the HCMR, where 031 and 182 wanted to have a word with 864, the unit in charge of clamping the nexus entrance.

During the meeting, unit 240 walks into the HCMR, SMG out, killing both citizens and nearly killing me. Upon demanding to know why they did it, they simply ignored me, despite I and 318's multiple attempts to get them to comply. I reported back to the others, searching for 240. I couldn't find him anywhere in the nexus, and he refused to answer my calls for 10-20. Upon this, I returned back, relaying the possibility that 240 has gone rogue. With that in mind, units were scrambled to BOL for 240, and to report his location if seen. Shortly after, A unit was reported to have been shot and downed. Immediately, I assumed, as did others, that 240 was the root cause of it. I don't know what happened after, but I patrolled, and found a crate of SMG's lying behind the UCH. One was missing.

Either 240 had placed it there and used one, or, A citizen had taken one, without notifying us. Either way, we were on full alert. Soon after, 240 was officially declared rogue and malignant. I was called into the lobby by 318, who was overseeing three OTA Units. He told me that we were going to sweep Sector Six with the Overwatch. They were briefed, and we moved out, OTA taking lead. A Scanner was sent ahead, and quickly got de-serviced. OTA Units moved up, when one of them got hit in the head by what looked like a hot metal bar. We moved up, taking pot shots at 240, who was on the other side of the canals. I think I got a hit, seeing blood. He then retreated.

Moving up to the second tunnel system, I suggested to 318 that I and him should take the XCCR, while the OTA take the right side. He agreed, and so did the Overwatch, following through. There was nothing to report on our side, but I did see the bullet holes that were left as a result of the earlier 647E. We left the Overwatch to continue searching their side, Moving down to the Sector 6 platform, while I and 318 retreated to a clamp position in the Sector 1 Train station.

Once there, All units present, other than two, went into the tunnel. The group consisted of 182, 031, 318, Myself and 404. Overwatch confirmed a sighting of 240, shortly after, Three biosignal losses were reported. Dispatch radio'd that the OTA units and the Scanner were lost. Fearing the worst to happen, we moved with extreme caution. As we reached past the flipped train carriage, we were ordered to turn our flash lights off. This meant that I couldn't see anything, and had to rely on touch and sound. I'm surprised I made it. We got to the S6 platform, where we located the OTA's bodies. Something was missing - Their weapons. From this, I radio'd caution to the other units, as 240 may have an AR2. We re-swept Sector 6, finding nothing, before returning to the platform, where we saw 240 and a load of citizens in the apartment block. Sealing it off, we moved in, eventually killing 240. It's a shame, but, it was necessary. Citizens were amputated along with, including two inside of a closet.

Done, we moved back to the plaza via the train tunnels, and headed back to the nexus, where I spent some more time, before coming off duty.

The events of today have taught me a couple of things. Officers 182, 031 and 318 regard me highly, it seems, trusting me with information, and taking on my advice in certain situations. I can only hope I do not end up like 713, and end up being de-serviced for any reason other than serving the union.||::>

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