Author Topic: The Red Union: An Overview  (Read 6108 times)


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The Red Union: An Overview
« on: October 19, 2011, 02:47:03 PM »
The Red Union: An Overview

It has been made apparent to me that some are against the group marked as the Red Union. Most of these complaints against the Red Union are through misunderstandings of the positions, culture and overall organization of it. I will attempt to explain what the Red Union is generally about in hopes that it will clear some things, concerning us, up.

Firstly, I would like to talk about what I think is the most important part of the Red Union and that is the relations of it towards everybody else. This is the most important part, not of any arguing, as it will host the largest affect to the server and gameplay of all those involved. He have specific relations towards: CP's(Combine), Loyalists(including CWU), Regular Citizens and Rebel/Resistance Groups. I here will say the Red Union's objective and that is to, put crudely, take over the world and recreate man in its own image (which I will expand on later). It is here we find our positions towards all others. It is obvious that we are opposed to the Combine, as they are our largest barrier in between us and our objective. Nothing complicated about that view. Second on the line is our view towards loyalists (including CWU). We, the Red Union, are against loyalists, obviously. These citizens have sold their bodies, their minds, and their will to the Combine in order to live safe lives. This, in our eyes, is prostitution, which cannot be forgiven. They also help our barrier of the Combine, which is never a good thing. Now is one of our more radical stances and that is of common citizens. I am talking of the citizens who don't bend onto either side, or hardly do. If you recognize Combine authority, get aid from them (anything from rations to security) and are therefore dependent of them, rather than struggling to fight against them as you obviously could, we are against you. Now what I will admit the oddest relation is that towards Rebel/Resistance groups. Simply put, if you are not fighting for the Red Union, you are against it. Let me expand on this. The Red Union is no humanitarian group, we could care less, rather it is a group dedicated to the creation of a new world. Now if you are not fighting for that goal and are just fighting the Combine or just helping people without this end in mind, we are against you. This isn't to say we are as hostile to Rebels as we are to CPs, but we are not friendly with them. I would like to maintain that we will attempt to dissolve any groups into the Red Union. This is our standard position towards others.

Now, due to the arguments, I would like to explain what the Red Union is. How I think this will be best explained is through the explanation of our culture and organization.

Our culture is a very prominent part of the Red Union. We are culturally based on the Roman Empire, more specifically, for those who care, early post-meridian Roman culture. This is not to say that the culture is exactly that of Rome, but it is that we have picked some parts from it. I do believe that this is a valid stance because Rome has always been made a sort of mystic ever since it fell and there is plenty of proof of that. This does fit in our cultish side, which I will expand on later. We use Latin often. Our names are Latin numbers that express what we are in line. An example of this is that if a person has the 15th to be recruited, he would be given the Latin word for 15. This fact has been found on the CP Objective List and it is very obvious that they have not gotten that legitimately as we have never told anybody else that ICly. Going back to our objective of recreating the earth and the greater good, we attempt to recreate our men as a sort of machine. Taking away names takes away individuality. We often speak Latin in things like speeches, but do not use it for something like conversation.

The organizing of us is also very important in telling what we are. More so than anything, we are militaristic. The Red Union is based on the creation of a new world and violence is how we will accomplish it. We maintain drills, training, studies, and this takes up much of our RP. One of our most radical ways to maintain discipline within our ranks is in the most brutal way. If a person is to step out of line, he will be beaten. If he is to say something wrong, he will be beaten. If he is to do anything wrong, even the smallest of things, he will be beaten. Now if he were to fail in a certain mission, he would be beaten.. to death. We maintain that failure in missions result in generally 1/4 of the members involved are to be beaten. Even more hardcore, they are to be beaten to death by the 3/4 of members who were also in the mission. This is how we maintain discipline in the Red Union, but it is generally only for the new members. It is proportional by ranks our two methods by how low or how high their rankings are. The second act of maintenance of discipline is through indoctrination. That is, that we mind control our members, somewhat like CP's, but we actually RP it. I don't think that anybody will deny how powerful the mind is and how oblivious it can make somebody. This is my argument against us, the Red Union, to FearRP, at least as much as a regular citizen. Both the mind and the threat of beatings would, what I think, be legitimate to not be so afraid of the Combine.

As I previously have stated, the Red Union is very hateful towards most everybody. It is by this reason that we do move to kill anybody, preferably is mass numbers. That is why we would arson or bomb buildings. That is why we would kill somebody indiscriminately.

I've rambled too much. I will someday detail how we recruit and our position on slavery. I hope this gives a basic understanding of the Red Union and with that I will give a couple of closing words for those who will claim us to be lolwebelz:

We are against the Combine, but we are not a rebellion. We are for mankind, but we are not a resistance. We are, simply put, a union.. a Red Union. 

Offline Don Captain

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 02:58:22 PM »
If I may make a suggestion: Be more secretive in your doings, stop posting your cheesy propaganda everywhere, please? It seems kind of unrealistic, Lambda has secret codes, such as the symbol, marking a Resistance presence.

So please, stop.

James Morgan/UNIFORM-OfC.620 - City 18 - Alive
Johnathan Stapeur - City 18 Outer Canals - Alive
Unknown/UU.OTA.REAPER-9.76620 - Outlands - Alive
[LOOC] Jennifer Greene: Stick you Spontanious Judgement Device
[LOOC] Jennifer Greene: In my QUantum Physics hole


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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2011, 03:01:58 PM »
Okay, just cause it isn't the smartest thing to do ICly, our characters, obviously, don't care. I already said that we aren't a resistence, Lambda has nothing to do with us. Our "cheesy" propaganda, if you actually RPed like you were in the HL2 Universe would certainly have an impact on you. If you don't like deleting all our papers, just leave 'em it's k.

Offline Don Captain

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2011, 03:32:56 PM »
Okay, just cause it isn't the smartest thing to do ICly, our characters, obviously, don't care. I already said that we aren't a resistence, Lambda has nothing to do with us. Our "cheesy" propaganda, if you actually RPed like you were in the HL2 Universe would certainly have an impact on you. If you don't like deleting all our papers, just leave 'em it's k.

First, you need to be more open to change, Red Union has gotten ridiculous after burning down the CWU, stop, please, I delete all of your papers to keep rebel propaganda away from citizens, your propaganda is really, really stupid and lolwebelish.
James Morgan/UNIFORM-OfC.620 - City 18 - Alive
Johnathan Stapeur - City 18 Outer Canals - Alive
Unknown/UU.OTA.REAPER-9.76620 - Outlands - Alive
[LOOC] Jennifer Greene: Stick you Spontanious Judgement Device
[LOOC] Jennifer Greene: In my QUantum Physics hole

Offline GamingZealot

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2011, 03:45:52 PM »
Okay, just cause it isn't the smartest thing to do ICly, our characters, obviously, don't care. I already said that we aren't a resistence, Lambda has nothing to do with us. Our "cheesy" propaganda, if you actually RPed like you were in the HL2 Universe would certainly have an impact on you. If you don't like deleting all our papers, just leave 'em it's k.

First, you need to be more open to change, Red Union has gotten ridiculous after burning down the CWU, stop, please, I delete all of your papers to keep rebel propaganda away from citizens, your propaganda is really, really stupid and lolwebelish.

Nothing against you Don, but can you give a reason you consider our propoganda Lol-webuly? On the other post that turned into a debate with you and Skeptic, I believe we gave many reasons for us posting it. I think before you call it lolwebelish you should give a reason. Finally, how have we gotten rediculous? We haven't made any major moves since that happened and have been only doing in-base drills/maintenence/ect..., slight recruiting, and propoganda.
C18.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.935 says "<:: Yes, I have a pipebomb. Do you require one?
 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
C45.CCA.UNION-OfC.713 radios in "<:: Oh, and then we get high off of fresh air and have sex with eachother using shotguns as sex toys.
Dr. Amanda Romano broadcasts "Perhaps it's better to compare the UU to an almost miraculous hair growth cream."

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2011, 03:16:29 AM »
I don't see a problem with the content of the propaganda, it's more where you put it. There are supposedly cameras EVERYWHERE, hidden from view. The Lambda Movement in Half-Life 2 were much less conspicuous, and that's how they survived. In its current state, the Red Union will not last long.

Offline Kom????k

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2011, 03:41:46 AM »
I don't see a problem with the content of the propaganda, it's more where you put it. There are supposedly cameras EVERYWHERE, hidden from view. The Lambda Movement in Half-Life 2 were much less conspicuous, and that's how they survived. In its current state, the Red Union will not last long.


I as well, do not have a problem with the content of propaganda in general (they could all contain pictures of unicorns for all i care)

It's not only the Location of these papers, but the Number in each location...IT really is quite rediculous..
3 papers on the Nexus front door/stairs?
2 On the side of the Nexus building?
7 of them In the Plaza Square where CCA are Actively patrolling?
COUNTLESS of them found All the time in UCH?
Several more in the Trainstation?
and Several more in the CWU area?

So what, does the Red Union own a paper printing factory?

Anyways... point being, In some of the places i have listed, there should not be any papers posted. Period. (Nexus)
other places...they really don't need like 5 papers in the same place, a few are fine..(Plaza Square, Trainstation)

If you do instist on spamming these papers in such public places, DO remember GeneralTrivium's Point, there are supposedly hidden cameras, even see-through walls/ fake doors/ Floors (for all You know) that could have Combine looking you in the face while you nail the papers up.

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2011, 04:20:46 AM »
I don't even care very much about the propaganda. I'm just curious as to the fate of this group after a few members go inactive, or some leaders get PK'd in a raid, or some other members lose interest and the motivation of the group gets stale after a few weeks.

I don't think this group is anything special per se, just one of innumerable other rebel groups. They start eager and fresh, optimistic in their drive to carve out a space in the server and a name for themselves in the community. They begin with wild activity, much hype, but after a few setbacks, the members inevitably get bored or are killed off. The group - now leaderless and short on members - deflates, collapses, flops... it dies, and ten more hastily-scraped-together groups scrabble in to fill the power void.

Or, maybe I'm mistaken. Maybe Red Union is here to stay, who knows. Only time will tell.

Offline GamingZealot

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2011, 06:58:23 AM »
I don't see a problem with the content of the propaganda, it's more where you put it. There are supposedly cameras EVERYWHERE, hidden from view. The Lambda Movement in Half-Life 2 were much less conspicuous, and that's how they survived. In its current state, the Red Union will not last long.

Sorry General, I don't mean to be dificult, but can you show me where in cannon it says that cameras are everywhere. I am willing to belive its possible, but during my reading / playing / research I've never encountered this in cannon.

3 papers on the Nexus front door/stairs?
2 On the side of the Nexus building?
Don't recal doing this.
7 of them In the Plaza Square where CCA are Actively patrolling?
They can't be everywhere all the time. As we have proved, you can do it if you're really careful.
COUNTLESS of them found All the time in UCH?
Several more in the Trainstation?
and Several more in the CWU area?
These are all places that are, again, possible if you are careful. UCH being the best place since it will take the longest for the CCA to reach them.
C18.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.935 says "<:: Yes, I have a pipebomb. Do you require one?
 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
C45.CCA.UNION-OfC.713 radios in "<:: Oh, and then we get high off of fresh air and have sex with eachother using shotguns as sex toys.
Dr. Amanda Romano broadcasts "Perhaps it's better to compare the UU to an almost miraculous hair growth cream."

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2011, 08:49:04 AM »
I don't see a problem with the content of the propaganda, it's more where you put it. There are supposedly cameras EVERYWHERE, hidden from view. The Lambda Movement in Half-Life 2 were much less conspicuous, and that's how they survived. In its current state, the Red Union will not last long.

Sorry General, I don't mean to be dificult, but can you show me where in cannon it says that cameras are everywhere. I am willing to belive its possible, but during my reading / playing / research I've never encountered this in cannon.
ICly, scanners are everywhere. Obviously we can't have near the amount of scanners there would be IC because then we would barely have any units patrolling, seeming that it is players who have CP characters controlling the scanners.

Offline GamingZealot

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2011, 03:19:53 PM »
I don't see a problem with the content of the propaganda, it's more where you put it. There are supposedly cameras EVERYWHERE, hidden from view. The Lambda Movement in Half-Life 2 were much less conspicuous, and that's how they survived. In its current state, the Red Union will not last long.

Sorry General, I don't mean to be dificult, but can you show me where in cannon it says that cameras are everywhere. I am willing to belive its possible, but during my reading / playing / research I've never encountered this in cannon.
ICly, scanners are everywhere. Obviously we can't have near the amount of scanners there would be IC because then we would barely have any units patrolling, seeming that it is players who have CP characters controlling the scanners.

Again, no offense, but I think that's assumed cannon.  I haven't seen anything in game cannon or otherwise in the cannon I've read that suggests there are scanners everywhere. Also, in our city cannon scanners have to be authed by EPU+ regardless so that also kinda shoots that down. I'm not trying to say we can do anything, but as long as we are careful there isn't a reason we cna't o what we've been doing.
C18.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.935 says "<:: Yes, I have a pipebomb. Do you require one?
 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
C45.CCA.UNION-OfC.713 radios in "<:: Oh, and then we get high off of fresh air and have sex with eachother using shotguns as sex toys.
Dr. Amanda Romano broadcasts "Perhaps it's better to compare the UU to an almost miraculous hair growth cream."

Offline Calstifer

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2011, 03:40:29 PM »
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 12:48:11 AM by Calstifer-Good night & Good luc »

Offline GamingZealot

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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2011, 03:52:51 PM »
Not authorised, requested. An 04 can't order scanners into actions, but EpU+'s can. If there is a unit with a scanner on, then he can deploy when he wishes (At least that is my understanding)

No, according to authorizations, EPU+ are required to activate scanners, not just to order them activated.
C18.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.935 says "<:: Yes, I have a pipebomb. Do you require one?
 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
C45.CCA.UNION-OfC.713 radios in "<:: Oh, and then we get high off of fresh air and have sex with eachother using shotguns as sex toys.
Dr. Amanda Romano broadcasts "Perhaps it's better to compare the UU to an almost miraculous hair growth cream."


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Re: The Red Union: An Overview
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2011, 04:57:12 PM »
Just to say.. Red Union isn't going to be with its mass paper runs. This is both because I do admit to the points given and we have already reached our objective of being known. Rather we will concentrate on underlying symbols such as the red eagle. This is not to say we aren't going to be throwing around more papers, but you will atleast be seeing less of it.


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