Author Topic: <::|| NOVA-03.350 Private Logs||::>  (Read 1645 times)

Offline Hazard Time

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<::|| NOVA-03.350 Private Logs||::>
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:36:27 AM »
UNIT: 350

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Subject: Log 01

<::|| As the video log starts, you see the face of a CCA officer with his mask off, staring at something off to the left of the screen.  He has black hair and brown eyes, as well as bags under his eyes from obvious distress.  He is sitting in a chair with a yellow can in his hands.  He speaks with a French accent.

This is unit 350.  It took me a little while, but I finally convinced myself to start keeping video logs, as if tomorrow would my last day alive. He snorts, an uneasy smile on his face For me, this is cleareur and more present dangeur with every passing day. I'd let myself get stabbed again just so I could redo my days as a recruit. The smale fades from his face, replaced by a look of dread  Instead, I find myself on the verge of being relocated off-world.  I didn't believe the rumors at first, but it started to become clearer to me that the High Command had something in store for me.  Yesterday, Feur-Oh-One told me that the SeC pondeured having me amputated, but decided against it because I wasn't worth his time.  350 takes a long swig from the can.  He then stays silent for a little bit, pondering his last few words  The last few days have reawakened my resolve.  In fact, being on Death's doorstep isn't so bad, really.  It teaches you discipline, that mission faileur will result in harsh punishment.  He takes another swig from the can It's also taught me the vice of mortality. ||::>

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« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 12:37:59 AM by Hazard Time »


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