Author Topic: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>  (Read 6354 times)

Offline lemonshit

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Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2011, 04:09:37 AM »
                                                                       Unit: 069
                                                               SQUAD: LEGION
                                                       Clearance: DvL
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New Log Started: 04320937
To: [NONE]

   It's been a while since I've done a log, but I'm still going to keep it quick and simple. So, let's start with the other day. Probably one of the worst stupidest things the citizens have done. They attempted to burn down the CCH. Now I'm wondering, why would they try to burn their own civil housing? It's stupid, mad.. I mean, they're lucky we're even providing them with housing. If it were up to me, they would be living in the streets on cardboard. Well, today, there was an exogen leak. Massive necrotic, flinging around citizens. It caught one unit, flung him across the street and guess who had to carry him? Me. (Added another 175lbs. to my legs.) I'm becoming sick of these citizens, always asking when the rations will be on, this and that. I've decided that every time someone asks, another 5 ration units are deducted. Also, today, 424 and I did a raid on District Two. We ended up finding an explosives factory. Amputated both citizens running it of course. I'm also getting annoyed of other units following me, asking me for orders. They know their orders, to patrol. Unless I give them an order of something else, they should be patrolling the plaza. A lot went on today. Also, X-Division Leader of Adrenaline, Unit-117, was amputated permanantly assigned off-world. He got frustrated, during the training, and tried to shoot us. The City Administrator, initiated lockdown, called in Overwatch and detained him. We won't be seeing him anymore.
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Offline SkeptiK

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Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2011, 10:00:12 PM »
(OOC) The CA doesen't authority to issue that, Only the sectorial commander can issue the sentance of death on a DvL. But I'll tell you what the stupid thing is. If I killed the 2 units ICly doesen't that mean a PK for them too? And seeming no one at the time had authority to do that, it seems pretty lulz to me.

Even though we all went back to RP straight after we got back to the trainning room. I think the people responcible for the epic fail that, that day was, should study the CCA harder aswell as understand the authority of the rankings within the CCA.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 10:12:02 PM by SkeptiK »
Burning Bullet: you're stupid
Burning Bullet: i was in cg
Burning Bullet: before cg

Offline Vegas

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Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2011, 10:26:56 PM »
(OOC) The CA doesen't authority to issue that, Only the sectorial commander can issue the sentance of death on a DvL. But I'll tell you what the stupid thing is. If I killed the 2 units ICly doesen't that mean a PK for them too? And seeming no one at the time had authority to do that, it seems pretty lulz to me.

Even though we all went back to RP straight after we got back to the trainning room. I think the people responcible for the epic fail that, that day was, should study the CCA harder aswell as understand the authority of the rankings within the CCA.

(OOC) lol'd cos when i asked about it you insisted that it was OOC

Offline SkeptiK

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Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 06:10:41 AM »
(OOC) lol'd cos when i asked about it you insisted that it was OOC

(OOC) Yeap. My whole point, it was OOC but they thought it would be an awesome idea to involve it ICly and failed.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 08:23:35 AM by SkeptiK »
Burning Bullet: you're stupid
Burning Bullet: i was in cg
Burning Bullet: before cg

Offline lemonshit

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<::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2011, 11:13:59 AM »
                                                                    Unit: 069
                                                               SQUAD: LEGION
                                                       Clearance: DvL
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New Log Started: 04320942
To: [NONE]

   I came out of long-term stasis for a little while yesterday. I have not completed it, but the unit's said I have to get up once in a while. I went on a short patrol, got introduced to my new unit, but I've been noticing something strange. I've been noticing some slight rumbling under the city. It only happened once everyone ten or thirty minutes, but it felt as if something was moving under us, like a subway. It might be just some water lines or something, I don't know, I didn't design the city. [Rumbling accurs suddenly while he's typing] Welkol Well, someone better fix this. It's happening more often, and I don't know if these buildings are built to withstand these kind of shocks. Well I'm going back into stasis for now. I don't want to be woken up unless it's urgent.
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« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 11:16:20 AM by Tittles »

Offline lemonshit

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Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2011, 10:48:00 PM »
                                                                    Unit: 069
                                                               SQUAD: LEGION
                                                       Clearance: DvL
                                               Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 04320943
To: [NONE]

   Well that was a rude awakening. I am taken out of Long-Term Stasis (very) early, and I greeted with a note that the city is falling apart.  An exogen breach of course. I became very aggrivated that it took fifteen minutes for someone to tell me that we were evacuating. Luckly, we didn't lose any units I think. It was a sight, watching the escort party for the City Administator. We had at least six COTA units, and five high commanding Civil Protection units. We escorted everyone safely, but I don't know or care about the citizens. I found out on the train where we were going though. City Fourty-Five.
               When we arrived, I was amazed. The city was clean. It was far more advanced than City Eighteen. It had already set up thumpers, so that solves our exogen problem. We also have already set-up training rooms, both agility and breaching. We had a classroom that can turn into a High Command room within seconds. We also had a firing range, with a highly secure armory! The nexus, has a shield going across the front of it too, which amazed me. We also have massive iron doors that closes off Sector-Six after Six o'clock. And our new detainment center. Just amazing. It has a fire pit, an electricution chair. It's everything I could want in a Nexus, except for LEGION having it's own room, but that's fine. Welll, for once, the exogens did something right. Well I'm returning to Long-Term Stasis for now. Cannot wait to wake up to continue my activity in this new city.
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« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 02:07:35 PM by Tittles »

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||DvL.069's Private Logs::||>
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2011, 06:16:14 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: YLEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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To: DvL,069
Text: Sir, I have an idea to make our Division more effective in combat, We could ask 291 to make turrets on the fire arms targets, and have all units undergoe extensive training fighting them, Of course they would be rubber bullets (0 Damage). It's an idea. I hope you think about it. 729, out.

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."


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