Author Topic: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]  (Read 9905 times)

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2011, 04:53:06 PM »
Name Clover Rematon
Citizen identification(CID):13074
Age: 24
Why do you want to join the CWU?: Because I wish to help the union in any way.
Have you ever been detained before?: No.
Past experience with work/labor: I have been cleaning the streets for the past three months
What will you do for us?: I plan on helping the CWU cleaning the CWUhq and feeding the other members.
How long have you been in City11?: Around two weeks now.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits: Yes.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties: No.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.: I would listen to him and if it is about the city laws I would explain them to him. If he would ask where to find so contrabrand like drugs it would tell him to wait and request a MPF to help.
Any disabilities?: I have a small fever at the moment.
Why do you want to be in the CWU?: Ever since Kimber joined the MPF I thought that I should help the CCA in any way.

Name: || OWG | S || Slilent
Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39101212
Roleplay Experience: Around two years now.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: I wanted to be acceped because there is so much rp and I always wanted to rp as a CWU business woman/ CWU medic
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):                                                                                                                                          When Clover was six years old she was in her familys home on the coast.(Now is the coast of city18) She was eating dinner with her one brother and two sisters and then she said to everyone "Can I go outside I want to play in the beach!". Her mother said " Well? Are you done with you peas?" Clover looked down at her plate and sighed and said" Well im almost done I only have a couple left." Her mother said it was fine and then she went outside and built stuff out of sand like a small house. She was soon very sleepy so she went back into there house and fell alseep. It seemed that time went by so fast because she was already eighteen and she was sitting on her her dock fishing with her dad and then said" Dad, I love you." Her dad smiled back and they kept fishing until something weird showed up. Two years later She is with her sisters in a train ariving in a city called City18. She walked out and begins to shake from seeing the strange officers but then, a man in a clean white shirt came up to them and said "Welcome to City18. Let me get your bags for you." Clover let him cary her bags and then they arived at the UHC. Clover soon learned to respect the MPF because she saw two men being beat. The man went in with them into there apartment and he droped there bags. Clover said thank you and the man left. Clover and her sisters and they all sat down. One of her sisters said she wanted to be a MPF. Clover and her other sister looked at her and said" Why?" She said " Well it's better then starving to death and I heard the MPF gives them food and water." Clover said" You got a point there." A month later Clovers sisters where gone and she was left to die in City18. Clover soon became poor and ill and she had to live in the streets. She though to herself" My only chance of surviving is to join the CWU." Soon she was sent to City45 and she wrote a application to join CWU. She said to herself" I hope I get accepted."               (It did not let my indent so please understand that.)

Accepted for interview
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 04:28:51 PM by silent »
I am ded not big surprise.

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2011, 09:25:02 PM »
Name:Bill Cooksey
Citizen identification(CID): 87185

Why do you want to join the CWU?:I want to join to have  better health, and to help those in need.
Have you ever been detained before?:Yes, but I quickly realized I needed to change.
Past experience with work/labor:I have work for someone that owned a store. I have cleaned streets for a while now for no pay.
What will you do for us?:I will help the CWU, UU, and any citizen in need.
How long have you been in City11?: About three to four weeks.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits: Yes they can.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties:No they can not.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.: I would listen to him/her only if its about something in the city or MPF. If he/her asks where to get guns or contraband, I would call and get MPF help.
Any disabilities?: No i'm healthy but I have a empty stomach. 
Why do you want to be in the CWU?:I want to be here because I want to help our city, help the MPF or UU. I want to make our city better. I help any citizen in need or MPF that needs help. I want to get rid of my empty stomach . Live a full life. Go to the max. That is why I want to join the CWU.

Name: Nickofett
Roleplay Experience: Almost two years now.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: I want to be accepted because i'm tired of the old RP and I want to spice it up. I also want my character to be more healthy.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph): He was a doctor for 5 years. He hated the combine. Once they detained him he changed his mind about them. He was never detained again. He doesn't get in trouble anymore. Then one day he was asked by a CWU to step up and talk. He asked my character "Have you ever thought about joining the CWU " my character said yes. So now he ended up turning a app in to join the CWU.

Denied - Application lacks detail, you must wait 1 week minimum before you may apply again.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 03:13:44 PM by Monkey with a gun »
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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2011, 09:21:15 PM »
Name: Demitri Khruschev
Citizen identification(CID): 50716
Age: 32

Why do you want to join the CWU?: It seems like a positive output. This might help me serve the union and prove my loyalty.
Have you ever been detained before?: Never in my life.
Past experience with work/labor: Well... I worked in a farm as a child, that`s it mostly.
What will you do for us?: Provide a helping hand in all your needs.
How long have you been in City45?: About 3-4 weeks.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits: Yes.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties: No.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.: Depending on the situation, reactions would be immediate. If it was regarding himself being involved in one, I would immediatly explain to a CCA regarding this. On the other hand if it was something he witnessed, I would advise him to come with me and explain to a CCA unit.
Any disabilities?: None.
Why do you want to be in the CWU?: This seems like a positive output, doing work and keeping active. Instead of lazying the rest of my days.

Name: Ratatat
Timezone: GMT-7
SteamID: View profile.
Roleplay Experience: 4-5 years, WoW SeriousRP and Gmod SeriousRP.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: Well, it seems like a good way to squeeze all the passiveRP out of HL2RP. And I`ve always loved making little shops, interacting with others etc.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):

Spoiler for Hiden:
Demitri, the son of Sergeievich Khruschev. He was born and raised in Russia, where he learned his ways of life. Demitri had no sad story, or eventfull life. He was born onto a farm life where he spent most of his time as a kid helping his parents with anything they needed. Growing up he was taught the strict ways to live, going by what ever his parents said or showed him. He followed one rule his father told him, "Do not go about life making hoping riches and wealth, go about finding your strengths". The boy learned how to defend himself as a child, his father teaching him how to shoot a gun, and how to stand up for himself with his fist. This gave Demitri strenghts he needed, the strengths he used. The boy trained with his father everyday he woke up, his father would get him for the next day and proceed with  new training techniques on him everyday. Demitri's father was his major role model, he mimiced his father in almost everything he did, he made sure that his standards would suit his father, and make sure that nothing whent wrong, and everything he did would please his father, Sergeievich. Growing up on the farm, his family could not tend for the whole thing on a farmers pay check, so Sergeievich knowing how to shoot a gun and basic medical, went to war while Demitri and his mother we're staying at the farm.

This made life somewhat harder for Demitri, he had to deal with going to school everyday, and watching other children play with there fathers. It was a pain he had to endure almost everyday. When the teachers asked about his father or where he was, he told them that he was taken away, not knowing where he really was. For years he was wondering where his father was, why he never came home. But it all came to his very on doorstep one day. The green jeep pulled up infront of the farmhouse. Two men suited in military fashioned uniforms came up and approached the door and knocked. The mother responded. The men informed the mother that Sergeievich was lost in war, after his plane was knocked out of the sky and into the atlantic ocean. For weeks she had yet to tell Demitri what happened to Sergeievich. She was saddened and went into depression. Nothing could cheer her up, only to see Sergeievich. Demitri knew something was going on, and he observed her day after day. As a son, he could tell she was in pain, and again, as a son, he wanted to fix it. His mother was in the most dire states of all. Demitri could also feel this pain.

Almost a month passed since she was informed of the loss, when suddenly a car pulled up. Demitri heard the car pull up as did his mother from the basement. Laughter came abrupt from the veichle as this time, three military suited men came up to the door. And this time, instead of knocking, one pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door. His mom was blank for a moment, but then realized who the man was. When Sergeievich was shot out of the sky, he was stranded for several days. Pushed into the jungle by the japanese millitary, he was forced to survive off anything he could. Anything he could find would aid his survival, when finaly millitary found them and brought them to safety months later. This was a time where everyone in the family could rejoice, Demitri as happy as can be, showing off his father, telling everyone of his fathers return. No day was misserable for demitri again. During the events of his father coming home, his father took up drinking in a harsh way. Soon Sergeievich began drinking more and more. He became abusive to his wife and son. His mother felt even more pain this time, since she was losing him infront of her eyes. She knew that the relationship could not last any longer, and something had to be done. Demitri no longer saw who his father used to be, but what he is now. He knew that his father and his mother we're bound to split soon enough, he no longer knew the same father he used to have. These we're once again dark times for Demitri, and his mother. Nothing was the way it used to be, and would never be the same again. Some things felt like they just went down the gutter. It was a horrid feeling, so much gone to waste. It was almost like a huge pause in Demitri's life. This would be something he would never forget, ever. His mother took the hit hard, especially when it actually took full impact. One day, Demitri's father wen't out drinking for quite some time. His mother was left at home with Demitri. Both siting at home infront of the television awaiting the arrival of Sergeievich. Later on that night Sergeievich arrived drunk, with to prostitutes. His mother, screamed in shock and dissapointment took Demitri to her car as they drove off. Sergeievich was too intoxicated to understand what has just happened, even if we wasn't he still wouldn't care. He had lost his family now, and he would never get it back.

Demitri, now living somewhere in Europe, went to highschool. As being grandson of an inventor, he was an inteligent boy, but, as son of a drunk, he had lots of temptation. Demitri kept himself clean, finding himself getting great grades, pleasing his mother, living the life they never had. His mom came to be quite wealthy, as she could find a decent job, and had the money of a second person via child support from her ex-husband. Even as a drunk they could still drain his money from his bank, and even when he had none left, he would just get further drowned in debt. Passing flawlessly through life Demitri found himself a job at a mechanical store, and seeked a greater career in mechanics. Rewiring old TVs or fixing someones kitchen appliances, it made him happy. Soon enough he was already working on custom electrionics. Mechanics was definitley his passion, growing more and more interested by the second. But, soon enough the temptation took the first strike. After finishing highschool he took the same road of his father. He finaly got a good job in mechanics, and so his mother held some celebration for him. This was the first time he took a sip of alcahol, and this wasn't the last. He later grew more and more desiring of this type of beverage. 

Demitri soon became an alchaholic. Losing his life while everything he knew sifted through his hands. Everything he once had was gone. And it was the end of his life. Although, later that year his mom had died of breast cancer. The news had hit him hard. This causing him to despare for his mother. Before he could become completely sober the combine invaded the earth. NO ONE knew what these huge storms where from until the aliens arrived.

Demitri does not remember much from the point when they arrived except that something other had opposed the aliens, and strongly. Arriving in the city, he stepped out with fear. He spent most of his time lazying around  until he figured out about CCA applications. He wasn't the most brave, or brightest, so he took a step down and decided to do something else to let his life waste away. The CWU deemed worthy.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 09:25:06 PM by ratatat »

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2011, 06:10:30 PM »
Name: Brad Guthrie
Citizen identification(CID): 28318
Age: 28

Why do you want to join the CWU?: To help out the combines and do many chores for all of what they want and just be a better person.
Have you ever been detained before?: No
Past experience with work/labor: I did many chores for people.
What will you do for us?: I will complete all requests, commands, and tasks needed for me to do and make the combine's life easier.
How long have you been in City45?: Three and a half weeks now.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits: No, they are prohibited for all.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties: These are prohibited also, for everyone.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.: If they ask a simple white hat question I would easily answer it, but if they ask a black hatted question like asking where to get a gun or something I would report them with my Request Device.
Any disabilities?: Deaf in the left ear.
Why do you want to be in the CWU?: So I can be a 'pet' for the combine and help out many others, and be a simple plain great guy! I also have loved to make shops on roleplaying servers, I am a pretty good businessman if you know me well!

Name: Bradley Guthrie
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Zone
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31109435
Roleplay Experience: Well I have played gmod roleplaying game modes for a year and a half, mostly PERP but then I got into HL2RP and now I am here.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: It seems as if the CWU is a great person for the combines, they are literally pets for them but they indeed are great helpers. I feel that they get respected a lot so I guess I want to join this.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):

Child Hood ( 1992 - 1996 )
Brad Guthrie. An honorable straight A student with amazing attitude and positive effort. He would always be great at working, and would always be there to help. His life was great, but there was one thing different with him from all the other kids. He lived on an animal and plant farm. His dad was a huge farmer and they both enjoyed it together. Also, his dad was a very good shooter, when it came to guns. So Brad would always go out with his dad and hunt for wild deer to eat for dinner some nights. Brad developed a great skill of hunting over this time.

College ( 1997 - 1999 )
Brad Guthrie got into the Crawford University and was very scared going in to it. He believed in himself and promised to get as good grades as possible. He would study almost every night and that affected his social life a lot, he didn't have very many friends but he was a very good honor student. His major career was to be a weapons expert to study and find out about them, and took the classes for it. He was doing great in the classes, and understanding well about what they all said.

Years After College ( 2000 - 2011 )
Brad had the best years of his life pass on very fast. He loved college! He met many people and is a great person, also he misses his teachers. Now he is working at the SciTech industry for researching and producing guns and special ammo for them. He has a fine apartment house, and is about to propose to his feyonce. He is very excited, with all of his leftover money saving he went out and bought a very expensive diamond ring with a few gold plated coverings on the ring part area. Brad's life at the moment is amazing, better than ever.

Married with Kids ( 2012 - 2014 )
Brad actually got her to say yes! When he proposed to her she was very flattered, and it went great! A year after their marriage they decided to have kids, and luckily she had twins when giving birth! Rodney and Tyler were their names, and Tyler seemed to be gifted with luck. Tyler has found many dollar bills, three leaf clovers, been having a great life. Rodney, on the other hand was not so much like Tyler. Rodney had the worst luck, but Tyler was always there to help Rodney out. Brad himself thought it was strange but he ignored it at times, it didn't bother him that much. His kids now are doing fine in school getting A's and B's.

The Combine Invasion ( 2015 )
Brad was terrified when the first invasion started. He hid for a long time, but after the Seven Hour War The combine took his wife and kids, and all of his expensive belongings. Brad is now very filthy with ugly blue clothes and black shoes. They sent him on a train all the way to City 45, and he had to live a horrible life, having the dregs of his day be all the time. Brad was scared for a very long time and tried to keep the lowest profile possible, and it barely worked. Combine would harass him as much as they wanted and he hated it period. He decided to give them a hand, since Brad was a strong man.

Life In the City ( 2016 )
Brad has made him self a great reputation, always hanging out with fellow citizens, occasionally talking about what their life used to be like and how great it was, but Brad was a nice guy. His reputation got him very far, he got many free tokens and such. After noticing many ration giveaways he saw that he could become a Loyalist. He asked what it was to his friends and they just said its just a combines dog. Brad didn't believe that so he decided to be one. He did chores for an extremely long time over the course of weeks and got many points and was building a reputation for the combine. He sweeped the streets, cleaned the buildings, tattletaled a little, and more! He was the chore man, and not many people liked him because he sided with the combine. He began losing friends, and promised himself that he would always help out the combine. He heard then about Civil Workers Union and got to know what it was, so he decided to try to be one of them. He asked the nearest combine officer how to join it, and they pointed over to the nexus. Brad entered the nexus and saw a man in a yellow suit. He asked, how do I join the Civil Workers Union? And the man in the yellow vest replied, apply here. And he hands Brad an application form and Brad starts filling it out.

Denied,You go on about roleplaying servers and building in the IC section. You may apply next cycle
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 11:10:02 PM by Monkey with a gun »

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2011, 07:27:15 AM »
Name: Lisa Oliver
Citizen identification(CID): 62984
Age: 27

Why do you want to join the CWU?: I 'd like to help our area become a better place, if that means selling general goods to our citizens, then I'll do that. If thats means cleaning up stains, then that will have to be done also. The reason I'd like to join the Civil Workers Union is because I love to help people, and assist the Universal Union
Have you ever been detained before?: No.
Past experience with work/labor: Before in City 11, I cleaned up some trash, but I didn't ask for recognition for it. In terms of helping, I have reported several crimes in our area.
What will you do for us?: I'd rather not repeat the same things I said twice, but I will assist the Union. In ways such as general businesses, medical assisting, and cleaning.
How long have you been in City45?: I was recently sent here from City11, I am not sure why. But it has been about two weeks.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits: Yes.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties: No.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.: Gladly listen to the person's questions, and answer them to the best of my abilities. Also I'd tell them that running is a Level 3 offense, and that he/she should be more careful with running.
Any disabilities?: No.
Why do you want to be in the CWU?: Because I want to help keep our society today in check. In such ways as starting a business that sells everyday items a person would need. Also to keep the piece, and keep our area clean.

Name: IRL: Chase
Steam: Fansastick
Timezone: UTC/GMT -4
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30765791
Roleplay Experience: I used to be the co-owner (Basically owner) of an old Hl2RP community, until we got i'm a idiot for assuming things'd bad. I have been roleplaying for almost a year, so I would say I have lots of experience in roleplay.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: Mainly to develop my character more. Also because the amount of new Roleplay doors can be opened by being included in a faction.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
Lisa Olivia Oliver, or known by some as Olivia, was born in a small town somewhere in the United States. She was born to a loving mother and father, and 2 older brothers. You could say she was the odd one out in the family. Her family members were all social spotlights, but she never had any real friends. Skipping ahead a few years, she has just complete her second year of college, gaining her associate's degree in Real Estate. She has decided to not continue with her major, and take a leave from school for a year.

That year.... Was the year the Combine race invaded. She was of the few amount of people who just gave up immediately, with no fight. For that, she wasn't killed, unlike the majority of humans on the planet. Not much is known about her from the time of the invasion until her time in City 11..

She re-surfaces in City11, as a do-gooder trying to make her life left on this planet a good one. In City 11 she gained 1 loyalist point for reporting a minor theft, in the slums section of the city.

Skipping ahead again about a year.

She is in City 45, the reason is unknown to her why she isn't in City 11 anymore, but it doesn't bother her... In City 45 her life reaches a new height.. She had reported multiple crimes in City 45, which seem to happen a lot. She eventually gained 5 loyalist points, to which she was congradulated by a unit, and handed her armband. Later that same week, she obtained her permit to start a business.

 Her backstory ends here, at the present time, where she is trying to become a full CWU member, instead of just a loyalist.

Accepted for interview
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 11:11:45 PM by Monkey with a gun »
Out of Character for OOC:
Flannery Muldoon: This is a christian server. No sexrp, cursing, or being a black character.

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AntiMingebag222's Civil Workers Union Application
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2011, 04:56:25 PM »
Name:Yao Lo Ti
Citizen identification(CID): #51494

Why do you want to join the CWU?:Well, it would be good to help other citizens more and increase my depth of life in City 45.
Have you ever been detained before?:Nope, never even looked dirty at an officer.
Past experience with work/labor:I have previously worked as a street sweeper, voluntary medical worker/assistant doctor and worked in my father's store, as well as a food store.
What will you do for us?:Well, anything really. Whatever you think suits me as a new entry to the Civil Workers Union.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits:Yes, indeed, especially if the are medical workers.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties:Nope, thats only for officers, as it is contraband for humans.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.:If he/she requests help in the process, I must immediately decline and inform an officer of a possible illegal reproduction in place. If he/she just wants to know what it's all about and its basics, I can simply tell him/her. However, if he/shes running, tell him it's a level 3 violation, and he/she must cease with this crime at once.
Any disabilities?:None, I am as fit and healthy as anyone could possibly be.
Why do you want to be in the CWU?:To be able to provide the community with what they want and need. But only providing them with what is one-hundred percent legal. I also want to be able to provide a sociostable environment for the CCA, making their jobs a lot easier.

Roleplay Experience:Quite a bit. A guess you could say that recently, I have gained full knowledge of roleplay, and all its rules, regulations etc. I have been roleplaying for 6 months, including Catalyst.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:Well, I think it would send me to another level of roleplay, and make playing on your Half Life 2 Roleplay server a lot more fun.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
Spoiler for Hiden:
Chi No Hao was born in the United Kingdom, after her parents, Mai No Hao and Ching No Hao, moved from Beijing in 1955. The nurses and doctors of Hope Hospital 'cooed' and 'aw'ed' at the sight of what the called, 'an angel of a child'. The Haos were great friends with the Lo Ti's, who had moved along with them from Beijing. They had recently also birthed a son, known as Michael. Yao Lo Ti Sr. and Grace Lo Ti had thought of the name from a new British actor called, Michael Cain. During childhood, Michael and Chi became the best of friends. Doing things any 9 year old would do, being cowboys and indians, playing war, building dens from twigs and muddy leaves and just plain being their age. Michael and Chi both gained their education from the Marymount International School. They exceeded in nearly every subject possible, which proved themselves to be fine citizens to London. When all primitive learning was complete, they finally moved on to Holy Cross High School. Michael had managed to gain an A* in every subject (The equivalent of an A+ in the U.S.), however, Chi had only recieved an A in all subjects. Chi had always wanted to be an artist, so she had graduated to the London University of Arts. Meanwhile, Michael just went to the plain, old University of London. After which, they got married, and Chi became pregnant. As Chi had gone to tell her parents, she had discovered from the Chinese embassy, that Mai No Hao and Ching No Hao were killed in a car crash. Chi had then become, Chi Lo Ti, and the romance blossomed further. Chi was 6 months into her pregnancy, and they had decided on a name. Michael had insisted on calling the baby, Ching, after Chi's late father, but Chi saw this as dwelling on a burden. Chi had said some final words before the birth certificate was signed. "Lets call him, Yao Lo Ti."...

Welcome to the world, Yao Lo Ti
Yao Lo Ti was born in 1984, on the 8th of December. This child was blessed for being known as a truly remarkable and beautiful child, which could at sometimes get constantly annoying. Yao had weighed the average baby weight of 7 pounds and 8 ounces, which could probably have started a normal, average, healthy life. His vision was perfect, his brain was perfect, his strength was perfect, there could not have been anything wrong with this child! By the time Yao was at the age of 2, his parents had managed to shape him into quite the young gentleman. He shared all his toys, gave crying children help, and even fed his newborn sister, Grace. By the time he was 4, Yao had decided to ask his parents if it was acceptable to attend Marymount, as his parents had. They couldn't have been prouder of their child, this was his first school, which he had actually asked to attend. At the age of 9, Chi and her mother had taught Yao the art of drawing, to which Yao had practically mastered. A few weeks after Yao was considered a great artist, the school had suffered a flooding problem, so Yao had to stay home. Michael had asked Yao to take over from him at the book store, while he went to collect a new shipment from the docks. Upon his father's arrival, his immediate sight was of a woman having a book handed to her from a small hand from over the counter. "I am so sorry ma'am. I had to collect more books from the docks" Michael had said. "Oh no, it's quite alright, this child was a real gentlemen. You must raise them exceedingly well." the elderly woman had replied. Michael looked at Yao, confused, yet at the same time, a sense of accomplishment had burrowed within his heart. Michael passed a set of spare keys to Yao, to which he told him "Son, this is my way of saying, this is our store now. You can work here whenever you have the time to, and you can earn a pound for every book you sell.". Yao needn't have replied, so he just simply smiled at his father. As Yao began to go to Holy Cross, he came across an old merchant, who was very good friends with his grandfather. He seemed exhausted and tired a lot, so Yao looked up in the local paper for a sweeping job. He had luckily found a job that involved sweeping his entire street, which was were the merchant had worked. "So what's your name?" Yao had politely asked the man. "My name is Fang Rui. Most people tend to ignore my wares and good." the man had replied. "Well, you could always get an apprentice, my father hired me as his, and ever since, his store became popular." Yao told him. "Who would work with me? No one wants to spend all their time with an old simpleton like me." Fang sadly explained. Yao had thought for a moment, as a new idea occured within him. "I can quit working for my father and work for you, you know, 'til you can get your career back on track."Yao had instantly said. Fang was suprised, but could never decline. They shook hands and the deal was done. Fang had become a hit with the people, as soon as Yao taught him how modern people liked to be treated. Eventually, when Yao reached his 16th birthday, Fang had finished a business deal to turn his small merchant business into a multi-million industry. Yao had finished Secondary school, and was on his way to the London School of Economics and Political Science. During his free time, Yao went to medical school as a volunteer for students. One fateful day, Yao had bumped into a girl called May. I reminded him of his late grandmothers name, from his mother's side. Yao had loved her, and she had loved him. Then Yao's results from the final examination had been passed to him. Yao had managed to get-

Moving on, letting go
Yao's graduation celebration was big. He needed anyone he looked at from university there, as it was not very often that you would pass with the top grade. Yao was a first class honour student of the London School of Economics and Political Science. His current occupation as a medical volunteer had been upgraded to becoming an assistant doctor. He helped with surgeries, minor injuries etc. And soon, he was to marry his beloved fiancee. Grace visited Yao's apartment and handed him a newspaper. She looked at him with a stern, yet saddening look. The headline was, 'Beloved founder of Fang industries, passes away at the age of 102.'. Yao felt a kick inside him. The kick felt like a gunshot, which then felt like a scream, proclaiming "Stop! Its over! This is the downside of your life!". The voices were right. Yao had visited May to find her crying. "Whats wrong? Is everything okay?" Yao asked. "I haven't told you yet, but my latest physical results just came in. I have a tumour, which was confirmed as cancerous just a minute ago. I have a week to live." May's funeral was a dignified, yet darkening time. Yao had lost many. His grandparents, his father. He felt alone in a cold, cold world. Which was about to freeze on him. A note slipped through his mail pile. He picked it up and saw that it read, '7pm. The dock warehouse. Not this year, meet us in 20-'. The writing was smudged, but Yao could make it out. Grace came to the door to be the bearer of bad news. "I'm going to Beijing soon. I wanna see what life was like back home. I hope you can understand." Yao just nodded. A while later, Yao remembered the note. He put his jacket on and met at the docks, it was time to meet the mysterious sender of this note. He arrived to find a black suited man with a track suited man and a man wearing blue jeans and a 'Ramones' t-shirt. "I see you got the note. You should know I don't like people being late." The suited man said. "You think it's a good time? The skies have had those weird things for a while now, my family are all gone, and I'm getting fired because of this shitty recession." Yao replied. "You should pardon the salty language, I'm not a fan, personally. I'm here to discuss, well, a payment you owe me." The man said. The two men joined into this attack. "Wheres da cash, squin'y eyes?" "The boss ain't into broke losers." Yao was confused, "What the fuck are you talking about? I owe no one anything." The man lowered his sunglasses, so his eyes had a glaze which cut right through Yao. "Your father never told you about his other business did he? You are aware he was in the business of, well, illegal medical wares. A final deal took place before his departure, I believe you owe us... £1 million?" Yao was shocked. All his thoughts came spilling out his mouth. "No, you fucking liar. He couldn't have... But he never told me any of his secrets... £1 million? Fucking shit! How can I get the money? I don't have that much." The man reached into his jacket pocket as the two men secured Yao in his place. A silver Desert Eagle was drawn out and lowered down at the kneeling Yao. "Well then, we can do it this way. You don't have the money, so I have to put you out of the recession. Permanently..." Yao was in tears, the men laughed at him, and attacked him again. "Fire shots in the air, that always scares the shit outta them." "Make him piss himself, he can drown in the fucking filth he was born in." The suited man smiled and held the gun to Yao's head, uttering his final words. "Goodbye Mr L-" Suddenly, masked military figure broke down all the doors and jumped through the windows. "ELIMINATE ALL ARMED TARGETS, KEEP UNARMED TARGET ALIVE! REPEAT, ELIMATED ARMED, PROTECT UNARMED!" Shots were fired from the futuristic weaponary, and the men had fallen, disintergrated into dust and been blown to pieces. Yao closed his eyes, only to open them finding two of the masked men picking him up. "You're coming with us. Prepare to be iniciated." One said. "I'm sorry, whats going on?" Yao asked. The words Yao heard seemed to be a voice of hope. A voice of a new chance. "The war is over. You may not have noticed it, being a 7 hour war and all. Welcome to the new government. We are the Combine."

The New World/Epilogue
Yao walked into the dark, cold, empty room. More masked men looked upon him with cold, black eyes. "Citizen, remove all current attire and prepare to recieve newly authorised attire." Yao took off his pants, shirt and jacket and gave them to the officer who passed him a blue jumpsuit. It had the letters, City 18, and a bunch of numbers on the from. "Sorry, what do these numbers mean?" He asked the masked man. "That is your new identification code, without it, you are considered to not exist. You would not be part of the new race." Yao looked confused. "Meaning?" "You would be eliminated." Yao's life in City 18 lasted for a year, to which than he was forced to move to City 11. A malfunctioning headcrab cannister launcher terrorised the town. Headcrabs were strong little buggers, latching onto the brain and turning you into a thing beyond the CCA's power. City 11 seemed cramped, but it was were Yao's new life had blossomed. He had new knowledge of what he as a citizen could become in this world. The CCA seemed like a step too far, so Yao started at a lower level, the Civil Workers Union. His inspirational propaganda posters had earned him enough 'loyalist points' to become a loyalist. With an armband in one hand, and a new life in City 45, Yao had decided. Well, Yao had a bumpy life, but it isn't over... Whats next?

Accepted for interview
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 11:13:32 PM by Monkey with a gun »
im bach

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2011, 05:25:23 PM »
Name: Alain Johns
Citizen identification(CID):25904

Why do you want to join the CWU?: I want to join the CWU to help citizens, to distribute supplies and to make a CWU general store.
Have you ever been detained before?:No, I have never been detained.
Past experience with work/labor:I have some medical experience,and I 'am also experienced with assigning work tasks.
What will you do for us?: What ever needs to be done, helping citizens, assigning work for citizens, setting up a CWU general store.
How long have you been in City45?: Since the war.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits: Yes, especially if they are medical workers.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties:No, zip ties are forbidden for citizens and CWU.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.: First, I should notify them that running is a mobility violation, after telling them, I would answer their question. If it is a suspicious question ( regarding weapons, contraband etc.) I would notify Civil Protection.
Any disabilities?:No, my condition and health is good.
Why do you want to be in the CWU?: I would be glad to help citizens with whatever they need, and I would like to make it more stable for the CP.

Timezone:UTC/GMT +1 hour
Roleplay Experience: Well, I started to play RP really actively 2 months ago.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?: Because it is a whole new RP immersion, and make hl2rp more fun.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
    Alain Johns, born in 1983, was a very good student during his child hood. He was not a nerd though, he was a very social person.
His dad was an engineer.  In elementary, he was one of the best students of his age. He was a fast learner, so he could easily get those good grades. He finished elementary a little bit earlier than others. In high school, his grades were a little bit worse, but he was still a very good student. He was organizing the school newspaper, and was very good at it. After high school, he applied for a medical school.
    He really loved his medical school, he was studying very hard. He was especially talented at medical skills. His father was very proud of him. In academy, he was the writer of the year-book every year. Also, he was the one who organized his class. But unfortunately, just a few years before finish, the seven hours war raged through the Earth.
     He got assigned to C45 since the beginning, he never thought of moving. He was a loyal, hard working citizen. He stayed out of crimes, tried to help CCA and tried to run his small shop. After a time, his shop got closed because a punk wrecked his whole stock, and has set his shop on fire. Ages of work were gone for him, and after that, he joined CWU to get a better living, and to help CCA and citizenry.

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Kyle Fendi's application
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2011, 06:05:49 PM »
Name:Kyle Fendi
Citizen identification(CID): Brown hair, Brown eyes, 6'3, malnorished

Why do you want to join the CWU?:I wan't to join the CWU to help the Civil Protection Team carry out small tasks, I am not up for the blood of a Cp yet, so I wan't to start off small. Also I wan't to keep citizens happy, so the Civil Protection can get through smoothly, also increasing the numbers of loyal citizens.
Have you ever been detained before?:No,
Past experience with work/labor:I work everytime there is a task avaiable
What will you do for us?:I will ALWAYS give out request devices, Via helping people report rebellion activity,Also I would incourage citizens to join the Civil Workers Union or Civil Protection.
How long have you been in City45?:I think Roughly a month
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits:No
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties:No.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.:I would get his full physical description and report it to the Civil Protection team
Any disabilities?:No
Why do you want to be in the CWU?:I would like to join the CWU to better my life,and other citizens.My character is a little unsure of beating people at the moment, so.. he will like to get a cleaner job, for now.

Name:|| BBI || Joe
Roleplay Experience:1 year in Hl2 rp before than a year or so in Perp, I've tryed dark rp once and really hated it
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:I would like to be accepted to help keep shape in the city and I enjoy selling items, its like a hobby in the game, I try to sell everything I don't need on Perp
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):Kyle Fendi really isn't that much of a happy man.He hopes to join the Civil Workers Union to support the Civil Protection. He always reports anything that he sees and works when he can get a task. He doesn't usally care about rewards but enjoys them. He thinks hes been working long enough to get something as superior as Civil Workers Union. After a while he plans on joining the Civil Protection and devoting his life to the Officals, Forever

Denied, backstory is a tad short and you did not provide your CID (CID is what the digits are in F1, for example 52583)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 11:15:59 PM by Monkey with a gun »

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2011, 09:02:46 PM »
Wow -snip- posted my CCA app here on accident.
Out of Character for OOC:
Flannery Muldoon: This is a christian server. No sexrp, cursing, or being a black character.


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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2011, 10:42:08 PM »
Name: Robert Smith
Citizen identification(CID):38377

Why do you want to join the CWU?:To benefit the CWU and other citizens.
Have you ever been detained before?:Yes.
Past experience with work/labor:
I use to work as a doctor at a clinic, and a part-time job as a waiter in a restaurant.
 What will you do for us?:I will help the CWU with anything they need done or ask me.
How long have you been in City45?:One week.
Can CWU members be in possession of health kits:
No, health kits are level 2 contraband.
Can CWU members be in possession of zipties:
No, zipties are level 2 contraband.
If a citizen runs up to you and asks for help regarding UPA explain in detail what you would do.:I would first ask the citizen his name and Citizen ID. If the citizen has a question or problem that is legal to help with I would help them, if they ask me something illegally I would report them to a CCA, or request one. If the citizen is injured I would get a NOVA unit, or treat the injury with my medical knowledge.
Any disabilities?:No
Why do you want to be in the CWU?: Being in the CWU would give me more opportunities to help citizens.
Name: Robodudeala
Timezone: (UTC-08:00)
Roleplay Experience :DarkRP, 1942 RP, OCRP, Fallout Serious RP (GMod),and LightRP, 1-2 years of RP these GMod roleplaying.
Why do you want to be accepted into the CWU?:I would like to be accecpted in the CWU to roleplay being a CWU member, such as roleplaying  in a shop, working as a medical CWU member and other passive roleplaying as a CWU member.
Character Backstory(Must be one paragraph):
Spoiler for Hiden:
Robert Smith was born on December 3rd, 1983 to a middle class family. When Robert Smith was 8 his father died from a heart attack, his mother went into a depressed state. When Robert was 17 his mother was diagnosed with Cancer.  His mother died 1 year after she was diagnosed. Robert decided he would become a doctor. While in college he worked a part time job at a local restaurant, after he got out of college he worked at a clinic.

During the Seven Hour War Robert was working at the clinic in England, London. The ground started shaking, and he heard explosions, then screams. Then the room next to him collapsed, he ran to the entrance and exited the clinic. He saw buildings on fire, police forces failing to fight men in gas masks, then out of nowhere a explosion next to him sent him off his feet unconscious.

Robert woke up in a aged train, with a new blue jumpsuit on, and bemused people sitting with him. He asked a bald man next to him “Where am I? “I have no idea, just stay calm; the people don’t like it when we talk.” The bald man replied. Robert got off the train and waited in a line, a Combine soldier asked Robert his name, Robert replied
 ” Robert Smith” The Combine soldier gave him a card with his CID and name on it.

After Robert adapted to his new life, he wanted to help people, so he asked a CCA recruit how he could help. The recruit told him he could join the Civil Workers Union, after the recruit told him about the CWU he decided to apply for the CWU.

Denied, Lacking post count. (See OP)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 11:17:14 PM by Monkey with a gun »

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Re: Civil Workers Union Cycle 7 [Open] [No loyalist armband required]
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2011, 11:19:28 PM »
That's all folks, thank you for sending in your applications. See me or Adam S (James Tavener and Ted Simmons) in-game for your interview.
If you got denied feel free to send in a application next cycle.
~ Monkey

(I'll be checking over your application soon ratat, i'm just not sure about it yet)


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