Name: Kaxopilla
RP Name (at time of ban): C18.CCA.UNION-04.398
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:24149020
Reason: No idea.
Length: I don't know.
Server: The City Server.
Banner: No idea, as well.
Why should you be unbanned?:
I honestly did nothing wrong, nor did I attempt to do anything wrong, nor would I do anything that would make 398 deserve to be BANNED. I was, yes, being disconnected varied amount of times during RP, but it was purely un-intentional, as the 'STEAM VAC SERVERS CANNOT CONNECT' whenever I am indeed kicked out.
Possible evidence of misunderstanding: As I said before, these constant disconnections could lead an admin to believe I was doing these things on purpose.
Note: I don't know why or how long I was banned because, well, I wasn't on when it happened, apparently. I can still access the server, but I can't go onto my CCA Unit, who is 398. I just got on earlier and she was banned. Also, every time I join the server, it automatically bans her. I've gotten an admin to unban her, but when I re-connect it just bans again. >>;