Author Topic: Rant against all things in HL2RP  (Read 26149 times)

Offline Nuke

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2011, 02:03:09 PM »

No but by treating people like shit you turn this into a flame topic. The best way is to talk it out and not force them to do what you wanted or else.

Got it

I am going to work with adam and help him improve the CWU to be better inline with hl2 rp

Actually, initially it wasn't directed toward him but he insisted it was and attacked me. My instinct is to defend myself. Now he has made me have second thoughts about his current position. If he hadn't posted in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have come up with the decision.

Learn to take constructive criticism Adam. In the real world, that's all you ever get. Trust me.

Look statua your letting yourself get to bother by this. Take a week off from rp and relax.
Let some of the other admin deal with it. Your getting to work up on this. Just take a week and work on your city map.

I will talk to admin in steam later today and talk to him about these thing.

Offline Adam S

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #46 on: July 07, 2011, 02:04:27 PM »
I am in the ongoing process of coordinating the CCA High Command.

I feel that the CCA Recruits are neglected when I am not on the server. This will be changed.

I agree with the CWU points. I am considering revoking their double rations and making them earn it. I will also strengthen the CCA's response to CWU and treat them as if they were just citizens. Sure...CWU is trusted more but they have the status of a citizen. As for people who have worked hard enough in the CWU to actually earn their double rations....

Here are the options I may enact:

1. I might set it so the CCA only gives double rations to T1+.
2. Double rations are only handed out in acknowledgement of a Civil Service.
3. CWU have a lower amount of Loyalist Points needed to attain double rations.
4. I may remove the double ration priveledge completely, forcing all CWU to earn it the normal way.

And the three-letter acronym used frequently in this post answers how I feel about number one.
While were at it lets remove everything else the CWU gets.  Also hows the roster updating going? I noticed over 20 units who are in the UCA not on it. 

Didnt know you would attempt to do that.

Offline JoshB

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2011, 02:06:56 PM »
The whole CWU beatings thing really needs to be straightened out. I was given 9 blackmarks in three days because of joke. And when they were removed, the HC units who gave them out were mad and now that I screwed up a little by going into D2 to deal with a minge, those HC units have jumped on me, torn me apart and PKed me. If this had been clearer, I would still have a UCA unit.
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Offline Nuke

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #48 on: July 07, 2011, 02:07:42 PM »
I am in the ongoing process of coordinating the CCA High Command.

I feel that the CCA Recruits are neglected when I am not on the server. This will be changed.

I agree with the CWU points. I am considering revoking their double rations and making them earn it. I will also strengthen the CCA's response to CWU and treat them as if they were just citizens. Sure...CWU is trusted more but they have the status of a citizen. As for people who have worked hard enough in the CWU to actually earn their double rations....

Here are the options I may enact:

1. I might set it so the CCA only gives double rations to T1+.
2. Double rations are only handed out in acknowledgement of a Civil Service.
3. CWU have a lower amount of Loyalist Points needed to attain double rations.
4. I may remove the double ration priveledge completely, forcing all CWU to earn it the normal way.

And the three-letter acronym used frequently in this post answers how I feel about number one.
While were at it lets remove everything else the CWU gets.  Also hows the roster updating going? I noticed over 20 units who are in the UCA not on it. 

Didnt know you would attempt to do that.

Adam drop it there are things that need to be talk about and this is one of them.

We will talk tonight and then I post about it in the admin only section later and work it out and then have a final working out with you and the admins.


Offline Adam S

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #49 on: July 07, 2011, 02:09:50 PM »
Bring it to steam chat cause id love to hear it first so i dont have something dickdropped on me..

Me and statua apologized for what we said.  We got carried away.

Offline Nuke

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #50 on: July 07, 2011, 02:20:54 PM »
Bring it to steam chat cause id love to hear it first so i dont have something dickdropped on me..

Me and statua apologized for what we said.  We got carried away.

Ok then I be on after 5pm est that when I should get home from work. We will talk there.

Bullet I going to ask you as a fellow admin to wait on the changes to the CWU. I will send you a pm later tonight about what me and adam talk about and then try to work it out with you.

Add me to steam friend bullet and we talk about it there also and maybe get a 3 way going.

Name Nuke333 ok.

Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #51 on: July 07, 2011, 02:45:28 PM »
In my defense im just going to say. DEAL. WITH. IT.

All you done yesterday was come on and get butthurt i was roleplaying in the UCH Lobby.  You refused to get over it.

Nikofag I dont care how you lead it, you were never active.  Divisions made no sense were not the CCA.  I love how everyone claims my ego is huge.. well if you dont like it stop playing the fucking server and get a real life statua i know that was directed at me.

Oh yeah while were on you niko What happen to your admin? I heard you calling roflwaffle a dumb fuck. I Like how you still rant about stuff when you dont care what goes on.  Oh and Toy bringing me in and amputating me? That was bullshit,  he was a retarded dick thank god hes gone thanks to me.  I thought no one would bring that up again.

The CWU is fine,  they get beat harder if they get detained..  CWU do get upgraded citizen status(Hurrc8) no one seems to understand that.  We are trusted more than the citizens so thats why we dont have to apply at that checkpoint.  But whatever i didnt know you would bitch about it.

Oh yeah before im forumbanned again for a bullshit reason for saying all this id like to say one thing... Statua if you dont like a damn thing that were all fine with get the fuck out.
How about next time an CWU tells me to fuck off or calls me unit IC or OOC I just give him a buckshot to the face?
I am not even joking the way you act IC and OOC you make your self sound higher than the fucking SeC one time you called in a request with half the units in training not even five minutes later you sent in an other saying " Where is my unit?" And it tempted me to beat the ever living shit outta you...

Also the next person to address me as SIR or UNIT gets a beaten with in a inch of their lives.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline Nuke

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #52 on: July 07, 2011, 02:50:33 PM »
The whole CWU beatings thing really needs to be straightened out. I was given 9 blackmarks in three days because of joke. And when they were removed, the HC units who gave them out were mad and now that I screwed up a little by going into D2 to deal with a minge, those HC units have jumped on me, torn me apart and PKed me. If this had been clearer, I would still have a UCA unit.

Ok I will talk to yankee about this.

Now I going to lock this because this topic is start to turn into a flame war.

If a super admin wanted to unlock it they can but to stop the flame war I going to lock this and I hope the other admin respect this.and to repeat it one more time this is to stop a flame war that is against the forum rules

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #53 on: July 07, 2011, 03:24:03 PM »
Ok, now that I am up, I will make my comments.

CWU: Adam.  Change the fucking thing or I will personally remove you.  And I mean change it in accordance to this thread.  The only "Upgrade" is the automatic business license and the slightly higher trust CWU is given.  And I agree with BB in the rations.

CWU Rations: They are NOT made for CWU.  They are made for CWU to hand out during special times.  They do not and will not give tokens, they only give a few CWU items.

UCA: The name, who honestly cares?  And the beatings.  They need to be harsher, but they also need to be reasonable.  Don't beat someone for calling you unit (and NEVER for sir) without telling them to bugger off.

CWU Punishments: They are to be treated like any other citizen.  If a commanding unit tells you to do something do it.  Otherwise use your judgement as your rank.  And no more "Oh, hes CWU.  Let him pass without applying." As said, they are a citizen, and should be treated like it.

Citizens guarding HAP's: What the fuck? Why do I always see a citizen or CWU guarding a HAP?  Theres one time where I was talking to a unit, he had to go afk, so I got on my radio (was a citizen, gave myself the radio) and told the UCA to get to the D2 HAP.  Guess how long it took? 10 mins.

Units following directives: Prior to divisional guidelines are the directives.  The only units that should ever NOT be following are in the following situations:
- NOVA during Medical RP
- Units processing detainment, which shouldn't take longer than 3 minutes before returning.
- Units giving interrogations.

Never should a unit in GRID or APEX (especially GRID, as APEX should always be outside) be doing anything else when directives are not being met.  Blackmarks WILL be handed out for this from now on.

UCA/Nomad: I am going to talk to BB and have him set a time limit for current NOMAD, and for future NOMAD for how long they can be in NOMAD before committing to a division.

Citizen section of OP: Agree. Simple as that.

Administration Numbers: I will talk to you statua.  And to waffle.

Administration harshness: If they can be taught, then teach them.  Otherwise be harsh.

Admin Chat: I will work on /report (to report to admins), /admin (Inter admin chat) and admin voice chat.

Tools and shit: As I said.  Episodic content is going to be added.  I will look into some more tools.

Offline Adam S

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #54 on: July 07, 2011, 03:27:14 PM »
Ill change it into accordance with how nuke and statua see fit...

Anyways id like to say that we shouldnt have to be searched to go into the hospital checkpoint seeing we are trusted.

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #55 on: July 08, 2011, 02:22:34 AM »
All citizens should be searched.  CWU are citizens.

And Nuke is not a HL2RP admin, so tbh he really has no power over this.

Offline Statua

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #56 on: July 08, 2011, 02:31:31 AM »
I already posted how I see the CWU should be. I think your anger may have blanked it out. I suggest rereading the cwu section.

Offline Adam S

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #57 on: July 08, 2011, 08:20:47 AM »
I already posted how I see the CWU should be. I think your anger may have blanked it out. I suggest rereading the cwu section.

Yeahyeah nuke is helping sort some issues out and tomorrow im going to tackle 2 major issues...(Today a MC update came out so my work is pretty much fixing up CGMC)

So far the rules will be updated to adresss everything this time.
Were getting a new CO-O (Dont know who yet) Bromie is clearly no longer qualified for it.
Then covers the IC part setting everyones head right.

So what is the UCA going to do? They are more screwed up than me.

Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2011, 08:27:04 AM »
I already posted how I see the CWU should be. I think your anger may have blanked it out. I suggest rereading the cwu section.

Yeahyeah nuke is helping sort some issues out and tomorrow im going to tackle 2 major issues...(Today a MC update came out so my work is pretty much fixing up CGMC)

So far the rules will be updated to adresss everything this time.
Were getting a new CO-O (Dont know who yet) Bromie is clearly no longer qualified for it.
Then covers the IC part setting everyones head right.

So what is the UCA going to do? They are more screwed up than me.
The main issue I see is when I am on there's little to fuck all in the way of units to patrol/clamp most of the time its me patrolling and the other units clamping or in training.

Also last I heard I was only to search UCH with permission and with two or more units and there is hardly if any other units patrolling.

If we could get more units on the streets (That includes GRID) it would be easier to do these things statua but half the time APEX or UNIFROM and clamping a fucking hard point if that.

As for brutality I agree level 2s should start being handed out like candy when I was a croot I was told to hit no more than three times I think that's bullshit and we should beat them to the ground.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
« Reply #59 on: July 08, 2011, 12:36:59 PM »
I agree, if the citizen fucks up or is disrespectful to us, we remind them who is in charge.


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