No... Just no....I don't want to reply on some silly script for me to RP eating at times. I rather decide myself what I want to RP today. Not having a script decide that for me.Besides, I doubt anyone wants to starve to death because there are only ones in a rare blue moon when MPF actually does rations...
Who cares, its not hard to do a token wipe. I like Combine Controls hunger system. But hunger when it gets to like 70% you should start getting dizzy (Fucks up aim) slow walking etc... 100% you die slowly. This of course when everythings back into full swing. Maybe make it not work as much if less people are on but if more than 20 are on it should go into full affect.
What I'm suggesting is a low-key hunger mod that requires you to eat relatively frequently (not frequently enough that you'll be asspulling food constantly, but frequently enough to be noticeable). The detrimental effects to not eating wouldn't be anything too serious - all it would do is lower your stamina/increase stamina consumption rate and make you take a bit more damage from attacks. Nothing overdramatic, like dying or whatever. Just something to make a eating a small plus, and it will actually give the CWU food stalls/stores as well as rations an OOC purpose.
Quote from: Nicknero1405 on May 29, 2014, 08:36:06 PMNo... Just no....I don't want to reply on some silly script for me to RP eating at times. I rather decide myself what I want to RP today. Not having a script decide that for me.Besides, I doubt anyone wants to starve to death because there are only ones in a rare blue moon when MPF actually does rations...Quote from: Comrade Strelnikov on May 29, 2014, 02:30:15 PM What I'm suggesting is a low-key hunger mod that requires you to eat relatively frequently (not frequently enough that you'll be asspulling food constantly, but frequently enough to be noticeable). The detrimental effects to not eating wouldn't be anything too serious - all it would do is lower your stamina/increase stamina consumption rate and make you take a bit more damage from attacks. Nothing overdramatic, like dying or whatever. Just something to make a eating a small plus, and it will actually give the CWU food stalls/stores as well as rations an OOC purpose.I'm open to whatever you feel like suggesting to improve the server, Nick. Actually suggest it. For the record, I make a point of always doing at least one ration distribution if I'm online and the citizen population is high enough. Don't want to "starve" then do what practically every other citizen in HL2 canon would do and go looking for food in D6. I know for a fact that it isn't very hard to find.