Author Topic: <::|| Union Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>  (Read 18313 times)

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<::|| Union Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« on: June 18, 2011, 01:02:06 PM »
Union Civil Authority Applications are now OPEN They will be closed July 1st.




You are not allowed to make an application with the backstory about you being in the military or law enforcement because these occupants were killed during the seven hour war. Your character has to be above the age of 18, anyone 18 or below were killed before placed into cities. Suppression fields stopped pregnancy so you cannot have your character born in any cities.

One paragraph = 4 sentences minimum

You may only apply one time; make your application count. Also, the application review process is going to become MUCH MORE STRICT. Make your application the best it can be before posting it; you have over two weeks to create a good one. Do yourself a favor and study up on HL2 canon in case you are having trouble with it.

Code: [Select]
OOC Section

[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]IC Character Name:[/b]

[b]1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.[/b]

[b]2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)[/b]

[b]3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?[/b]

[b]4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.[/b]

[u]OOC Details[/u]

[b]1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?[/b]

[b]2. How long have you played on serious servers?[/b]

[b]3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?[/b]

[b]4. What Time zone are you in?[/b]

[b]5. In what country do you live?[/b]

[b]6. How old are you?[/b]

[b]7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?[/b]

[b]8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?[/b]


[u]IC Section[/u]

[b]Full Name:
[b]Hair Colour[/b]
[b]Eye Colour:[/b]
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]
[b]Mental Distinctions:[/b]
[b]Mental Defects:[/b]
[b]Mental Advantages:[/b]
[b]Notable Qualities:[/b]

[b]1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?[/b]

[b]2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?[/b]

[b]3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?[/b]

[b]4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?[/b]

[b]5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?[/b]

[b]6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?[/b]

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

[b][left]I, __________ hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.[/left][/b]
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 07:26:56 PM by Nikolai »

Offline vFear?

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2011, 01:30:26 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name: It varys from Soviet to Soviet Eagle to Communist Weeaboo, just the like.

IC Character Name: Johnson L. Phillips

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

Johnson L. Phillips murdered his father when he was only 13. His father would beat his mother constantly, abuse her, cause her to wake up to Black Eyes and Swallen Lips in the mirror every morning. John snapped, retreiving a butchers knife from the kitchen and approached him. He shouted at him for carrying a knife around the house, called him a mindless fuck, cursed at him, then the Neighbours saw the splatters of blood against the window. A lot of it.

He passed through court quickly, the judge came to no hesitation to sentence him to life in prision, starting in Juvinile Prision and then eventually transferring to a standard Prision once he was 18. John was devastated, he would never see his mother again, his family, his girlfriend, anyone. He walked out of the building in hand-cuffs with armed gaurds on both his flanks, News Reporters with Microphones asking questions, Camreas aimed at him and Microphones on Poles hanging above his head. He kept his head lowered as he walked in shame.

Time passed, shit happened. Come 2016, Present Day, John had a long think. He'd been thinking about this for a long while, a very long while, and had decided on it. He would redeem himself through the Combine Civil Authority, he would pay back his crimes by defending peace and attacking the common criminals of the street. Little does he know of the real CCA...

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

- Deticated
- Killed before, thus he knows the feeling and won't hesitate.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?


Having done roles in the Combine Civil Authority before, I don't expect it to be much newer, but I stil expect it to be just a challange as the last time around. The CCA requires detication and hard work to get somewhere, if anywhere, and all the work can and will eventually pay off. Hopefully I will experience new things this time arond.


My character expects it to be a challange, but a challange he must push through in order to redeem himself. He thinks that by serving for the CCA he will repay the debt for murder. He does expect a Challange, yes, but he's sure he can do it. Dead sure.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

I remember the cold nights with my fingers scratching at my ear-drums, I remember the yelling, the screaming… The blood…  It all piled on, and on, and on. The blood was my mothers, spilt by my douche-bag of a father. God help me, I’d do it all again if I had the chance. My mother would scream until the verge of consciousness then pant heavily, he was torturing her.

It started when I was only 5. It started very simple, a hard slap across the side of her face, and slowly worsened. I swear, he came up with a new tactic every year. Strangling, Water boarding, Punches and Kicks, by the time I was 11 he’d o it all to me simply to get to her. Like mother like son, we both shared abuse.

It sparked when I was 13, enough was enough. I remember my left eyelid twitching, the veins in my arm bulging to the surface as my fists clenched. Like nails against the Chalkboard I drew a Butchers Knife from the Knife sharpener, he clearly planned to use it later tonight as he had been sharpening it for hours. I turned slowly, as if for the effect, and walked towards my parents room.

My dad had just been coming back to retrieve the knife.
“What the fuck are you doing with that knife!?” he cursed. “You mindless fuck, pass it here, I’ll be punishing your mother for this outrag-“
“Stick it up your ass, dad.” I insulted, almost taunted.
“What the fuck did you say to me…!?” he asked, outraged.
“You heard me you fucker.” I answered. I glared at him and he glared at me.
“You bitch…!” He cursed, taking a step forward with his left foot as he bring his right hand to a fist and sent it soaring towards me-

-and I shot my right arm forward, the Butchers knife cut cleanly through his right testicle and out the other end. He roared in Agony, I saw my mother out the corner of my eye with her right hand over her mouth, an expression lighting up her face saying ‘Yes! Fight, please!’ I nodded towards her, hinting a slight smirk, then wiped it clean off my face as I continued to stab him numerous times in the Abdomen. He fell to his knees; blood trickled from his lips, only the palms of his hands stopped him from colliding with the ground.

I grabbed him by his hair with my left hand, he was kneeling before me. It was a guilty pleasure, but I held every moment close.
“Now, now, where are your manners… Anyone would think your abusing my mother…” I taunted. I kept a straight face. He refused to talk. “Apologise and I may let you live.” I ordered. He remained silent. I rested the tip of the blade against his neck, pushing slowly. He clenched his teeth, before shouting
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything!”
“If you say sorry one-thousand times, I’ll forgive you.” I felt evil, but I was loving it. He burst into tears, shouting ‘I’m sorry’ as fast as he could at the top of his lungs. In the meantime, I stabbed the knife into the side of his head again and again and again until his screams were drenched in his death. Not long after the police arrived, sirens whirring, lights spinning. I was arrested straight away, being the one covered with blood and with a knife.

I was flown through court. Within a week I was sentenced to life in Jail. I secretly regretted it but I made out I didn’t care. It was all worth it in a sense; my mum wouldn’t have to deal with his shit anymore. I had life in prison, who fucking cares, I might as well have no regrets. 

Now, to my convenience, you’re the one being held by the neck over a cliffs edge and so happens to be a woman abuser. Just your fucking luck a bolt of lightning from the alien fucks hit the prison, eh? I made it clear to everyone that I get to woman bashers. I’m going to hold out on that.

He leant back, lunging at my stomach with his feet. I stumbled back from the blow as he scurried to the cliffs edge. I wiped my mouth with my forearm.
“Fisticups it is then.” I taunted, he aggressively stepped towards me and threw a punch exactly the same to my dads. The thing is I already knew the counter to this.

I brang my foot to his male reproductive organ swiftly, he grabbed them in agony. I took a step forward and drove my right fist clear to his gut multiple times, he grabbed onto my collar as he fell to his knees.
“I warned you.” I referred, bringing my right fist back.  Then we were both falling, something had propelled us off the cliffs edge.

I woke up on a beach, large machines with three legs and a tanned appearance patrolled the area like kings looking over their territory. I was being dragged by something, it made numerous mechanical whirrs, I made a slight peek at his three, blue and black legs. I knew shit had just hit the fan, and if I’m dreaming, I’m making a game on this.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? God knows, I’ve lost count.

2. How long have you played on serious servers? Probably 3-4 years, easy.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? Since the start, oldfag here :3

4. What Time zone are you in? GMT +10:00

5. In what country do you live? Australia

6. How old are you?15

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? This one time on Taco N Banana Terminator Role-play, over a series of a few months I developed a relationship with a female character through passive and non-passive. Mark my words, it felt like a bloody movie, it had a storyline there just waiting to be grabbed and made into a novel.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? It depends on my mood, but on the most part, yes.

IC Section

Full Name: Johnson L. Phillips
CID: 88812
Age: 36
Gender: M
Height: 6 Foot 3 Inches
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 127 kilograms
Mental Distinctions: N/A
Mental Defects: N/A
Mental Advantages: <He was about to write something, there’s a line of ink, then instead he writes> N/A
Notable Qualities: Experienced in Medicine

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? No

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?Yes

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?Yes

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?

When I was 13, I did something very horrible. Through the CCA I seek redemption for my crime, I hope to pay back the life I took by enforcing peace and order.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Johnson L. Phillips hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

ACCEPTED- Your application is excellent, it fits the requirements for the now rare immediate acceptance verdict. Ask a SA in-game for your whitelist.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 01:51:44 PM by Burning Bullet »

Offline GeeMayn

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2011, 02:06:03 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name:

IC Character Name:
Gary Denison.

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
   Gary started off in City 18, angered at Doctor Breen, but forced to show respect for the Union. (Obviously, if he was disrespectful, they would blow his brains out.) Gary spent the first few years of his new life working at a Water Treatment Plant. For 3 long, dragged-out years, he stood at a terminal, changing the flow of the pressure valves. It was the same routine for Gary, wake up, eat a ration, go to work, eat a nightly ration, and sleep.

   His last day in City 18 was the most exciting, and dangerous, time of his life. An unknown man hacked into the Nexus's security, which shut down the power fields, letting exogens into the City. Many lives were lost that very day, and the remaining amount of citizens and Civil Protection members were transferred to different cities. Fortunately, Gary landed in City 45, which is where he currently strives to making a living today.

   Since then, Gary was the mid-point type of fellow, he became been neutral for the remaining amount of years. Gary needed more protection ever since the City 18 incident, nearly killing him. Gary decided to apply for the C.C.A., Gary doesn't want to be a mangled, messy corpse if City 45 has a related incident. Gary could also use a lot nicer food and beverages, he could use the strength after six years of practically starving to death, as well as the training with weaponry, close combat, and main patroling duties. Mainly medical training, after seeing the units and citizens die in the City 18 incident, who could have survived if they were medically assisted.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?
   Gary knows the Civil Authority is as tough as hell, he knows most to all of the Commanding units are strict. As well as the tough training. (Even though they're mainly breach training.) Gary knows he will and will always have to dedicate his life to the Union, but once again, he has nothing to lose after an extremely tough past before the Seven Hour War, but that is currently out of the question.

   Gary has it in his head that Civil Protection are the protectors, not the terrible monsters. You might be asking Gary, "Gary, weren't you neutral?" Well, Gary is neutral because he still enjoys the help from resistance members, they offer him real beverages and food. He counts on both of them, but he never will become a resistance member, he's never a good liar, and he cannot defend himself if he is caught for questioning. Gary finds being a C.C.A. Unit a lot easier, and less likely to be caught, which is the exact reason why he chose the C.C.A..

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

   Gary was born in 1985 in Fort Collins, Colorado. Gary was born with a loving father, Jason Denison, and his lovely mother, Lauren Denison. Gary's first few years of life consisted on toys. Gary was home-schooled durng his preschool years, his family was poor, and could only afford small toys for him. Jason Denison worked as a 7th Grade Math teacher, and his mother was a waitress at 'Joe's Crab Shack'.

   Sadly, during his kindergarten year, his mother died due to leukemia, which neither him, his father, or his mother were aware of. Fortunately, Gary took it fine, he knew his mother would tell him to move on, which is what he did. Unfortunately, Jason took it too hard, he started to become addicted to alcohol, which left Gary alone by himself.

   During Gary's first grade year, he found a terrible suprise. His father shot himself with a gun. Gary grew depressed and confused afterwards, he moved to an orphanage, and the children in his classes made fun of him for being an orphan. Fort Collins was a cruel place for Gary through his school years, Gary never made friends, and ones who wanted to be his friend were the ones who were the general nuisance of the grade. Gary grew non-social, usually stating the wrong things at the wrong time. Gary couldn't understand why such kids would insult him. He was a kind child, and he was very cooperative if he was assigned a partner, he was always honest, he was very useful. The children still tourmented him, harrassed him, broke every bone in his body, words did hurt, a lot.

   During 2004, the portal storms aroused. Gary was forced to move to an urban area, such as military-protected Denver, due to incredibly strange monster arriving in the rural areas. The first days of the portal storm involved major destruction. Bridges and buildings fell to the ground due to the major portal waves. Denver was still unsafe, the citizens were moved to a major World War Two bomb shelter during a portal wave. The portal waves could last months, continuous aftershocks is what led the city to rubble. The citizens set up camp in tents after the major destruction of Denver, Colorado. Gary spent 6 years in the same tent, being a socially-awkward civilian in the camp, still feeling unsafe even with the military standing guard at the borders of the city.

   The year was eventually 2010, the combine nation eventually travelled from Xen to Earth, they eventually made it to Denver in the 2nd hour, taking control over it. Three-Fourths of the campers were murdered in Denver, only a lucky hundred were moved to a hidden bomb shelter, as the combine nation murdered the outsiders. A few of the lucky survivers were transferred from or to City 35, which used to be the decayed city Gary lived in for 6 years. Gary was transferred to City 18, which begins his journey from after the Seven Hour war.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
From other games, about four years in general.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
I've been playing for a year, starting from Slidefuse, to KG Gaming and ShitRP, to Sigma7, to Catalyst Gaming.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
For a few months, now.

4. What Time zone are you in?
GMT - 07:00.

5. In what country do you live?
United States.

6. How old are you?

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
   Back in ShitRP, I was a sole resisting man nick-named "Stick", for being as thin as one. Stick traveled around the slums of City 18, resting upon the old Italian restaurant, which had a visitor inside. Dying for food, I enter inside, the man states he hid a knife behind a brick in the wall. Foolishly, I take his word and slide the brick out, since he needed the knife. And then, 'WHAM!'. Stick was smashed with a crowbar, and held hostage in a hidden room in the restaurant. Stick was freaking out to the max as he was tied to a bed frame, with a skeleton and a corpse in the same room with him. Fortunately, Stick was able to cut the rope free, and climb over the fence barrier the crazy kidnapper created. Stick had to leave a man behind who was later thrown in with him, the man was murdered, and Stick escaped the madhouse. It was a GREAT deal of fun.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
I'll shut up the first time asked.

IC Section

Full Name: Gary Robert Denison.
CID: #56764
Age: 31 years old.
Gender: Male.
Height: Around 6 feet.
Hair Colour Brown.
Eye Colour: Turqouise.
Sexual Orientation: Straight.
Weight: Around 100-120 pounds.
Mental Distinctions: Hard-working, Cooperative, Determined.
Mental Defects: Depression.
Mental Advantages: Common sense, Educated.
Notable Qualities: Loyal, Determined, Wary, Brave.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
I've never been detained.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
   I seek protection, and training for self protection. I will serve protection for the hard-working, honest citizens. As well as dedicate my life for the Universal Union. I am positive that I will make a great unit, useful for the C.C.A..

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, _Gary R. Denison_ hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

ACCEPTED FOR INTERVIEW- Your application was very neat and meets the requirements, but as I had told you in Steam, more detail could have been added. Ask an OfC+ in-game for an interview.

Denied - See ban appeal.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 03:17:36 PM by RTLK »

Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2011, 02:31:13 PM »

IC name: Seth Walker

IC bio: born in kansas and survived there for 19 years before being transited to city 45 and 2 years later wanted to join the civil protection force.

Reason for wanting to join: wanting to enforce the law of city 45.

IC section:


Gender: male

Height: 6 feet

Hair colour: black

Eye colour: red

Sexual orientation: straight


I have Never Been Detained.

Traits: lawful,trustworthy

do you as a citizen and future civil protection member accept all actions performed by you and those under your command as your own responsibillity: yes.

are you willing to give your life to the cause: Absolutley

DENIED-You did not follow the application format at all. Please read the application rules and apply next cycle.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 01:07:12 AM by Burning Bullet »

Offline Lewis

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2011, 03:19:21 PM »
< I've been "in-active" for a week or so, but not intentionally, as I was getting my new computer set up as my laptop had died on me ( Just to clear things up if you thought I was inactive ) >

OOC Section

OOC Name:

IC Character Name:
Sesmo Iridmo

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
During Sesmo's life, he believed that he never truly served a purpose in life, he thought he was meaningless, worthless, but after the combine took over Earth, Sesmo saw a light at the end of the dark tunnel, years of idleness could be relived, and Sesmo knew it. He was going to try and serve the Combine, in any way possible.
Less then a year after the Combine invaded, Sesmo had saw it as his duty to try and serve the Combine in a better way, but other people had not, Sesmo was an outcast in his pre-Universal life, and in his current life in City 45, he was pushed around, jeered at for being a "loyalist", but Sesmo looked down on them, one day, he would become a Civil Protection Unit.
Having a good, long look at the City was one of the things that stirred Sesmo into being a loyalist, he saw other citizens who were loyal to the Combine being bullied, as you may call it, by other citizens, he saw anti-civil activities being carried out, and Sesmo could do nothing to stop them. This is why Sesmo wants to be a Civil Protection Unit.
To make life better.
For everyone.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Sesmo is a lawful, forgiving person, who never breaks his promises.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?
I'm expecting being in the Combine Civil Authority to be quite hard, as there are many things such as radio codes (Terminology?), punishments (Verdicts?), contraband etc. I think it'll be quite fun, but I think some RP situations will be more enjoyable and immersive, but possibly even harder. One thing I'm hoping I'll never have to deal with are some dumb lolwebuls mingejumping about, but hopefully that will never happen, anyways, I think being a CCA Unit will be a lot more fun for me, and I'll (hopefully) get to take part in more roleplaying situations.

Sesmo saw it as a chance, like a dim light, in a pitch-black room, he had thought it out, knew it would be difficult, knew it might not happen, but it would be better. a lot better. It would be a tougher way of life in some ways, but a better way of life in other ways, he wouldn't have to deal with the people who nearly drove him to suicide, he may even try and help them, make them see the way the Combine really are, not killers, not murderers, but saviours of the world. Sesmo is willing to sacrifice all for the Combine, knowing that it will be hard, but he must serve his masters in anyway possible, finally accomplishing at least something in his life.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Sesmo was born in the former Yugoslavia, or to be more specific, Kosovo. As a young child, Sesmo was
bullied and beaten by his father, a raging alcoholic, until he fled his home at the age of 13.
Around the age of 15, Sesmo was taken into an orphanage, meeting the first and possibly his best friend, Josip Patin. Life was fairly well for Sesmo for the next few years, he attented a local school in the weekdays and would mainly sit in his room and read books at weekends.
 A few years later, Sesmo was sitting in the main room in the orphanage, watching the breaking news on the television; Yugoslavia had broken into war. Later that month, an almost empty truck had driven to the village, taking young men to war, and killing any Croats in the village. Sesmo was terrified, not for himself, but for Josip, who was a Croat. When the men came to the orphanage, they started questioning people, inspecting young men to see if they could fight in the war, Sesmo was one of the many taken to the truck, sadly, his friend Josip was taken to another truck, this was the last time Sesmo would see him.
During the war, Sesmo yet again befriended some people, many of them boy soldiers such as himself. When the violence escalated, Sesmo could take no more of it, he had seen his friends blown apart, shot to death, killing themselves, all of this had torn Sesmo apart. One night, while in camp, Sesmo was awoken by explosions, and he had a horrible flashback, of his mother getting beat by his father, his friend Josip getting shot in the head, his father screaming at him as a child.
Sesmo had to get away from everything, or he would go insane.
And he knew it.
Sesmo crept out of the sleeping area, taking only a tin of army rations and a small knife, and ran as fast as he could into the forest, he had no idea of the time, didn't know where he was, until he stumbled out onto a road. The days past by slowly, as Sesmo ate scrapings of food from bins, the ground, begging for money, all of the time he trudged along the road, which soon turned into a highway after many, many miles.
Sesmo had been walking for days, weeks, trying to get away from his nightmares, and only when he came across a signpost, did he realise where he was.
"Czech-German border - 9 Kilometres"
Luckily, a passing truck picked up Sesmo, no idea where the driver was going, Sesmo soon fell into a sleep disturbed by horrible flashbacks.
At least a few days later, Sesmo woke up, got out the truck quickly and looked at this surroundings.
He had no idea where he was.
After hearing some people talking, he realised, after some thinking, he was in France.
Sesmo made a small living, running a garage, earning just enough money to go into a early retirement in his small cottage, where lived in privacy and isolation for many years.
Sesmo was sleeping in his bed, in his small house when he heard people screaming, he got up and looked out of his window, seeing people running down the streets, gunshots echoing across the village, Sesmo heard a loud noise of wood breaking, and he barely had enough time to turn around when everything started to fade away.The rumbling and shaking of the train woke Sesmo up, he sat up and looked around at the people in identical jumpsuits, rubbing his head, Sesmo couldn't remember a thing. The train slowly grinded to a halt, and Sesmo stood up like everyone else, and stepped onto the train platform where he was temporarily blinded by the light.
"Welcome to City Fourty-Five."

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
Around 13 months

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
9 Months

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
Well, I played as un-registered for a while, so around Mid-February - Beginning of March

4. What Time zone are you in?
GMT +00

5. In what country do you live?

6. How old are you?

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
I filled out a questionaire with some guy in HL2RP, he was like a door-to-door (salesman?) guy, and he was asking stuff like, "Do you know if your neighbours are anti-citizens?" and "How long have you been living here?", "Do you know of anyone against the Combine"? etc, it was fun.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

IC Section

Full Name: Sesmo Iridmo
CID: 02692
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Height: 6,1
Hair Colour Greying - Black
Eye Colour: Green
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 177 lbs
Mental Distinctions: Sane; Good at memorising things;
Mental Defects: Post-Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD); Not much education
Mental Advantages: Photographic memory
Notable Qualities: Some firearm training; Good with mechanics; Genetically large/bulky frame

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Yes, it is my one source of food and water.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
Yes, I would do anything for the cause, including giving my own life.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Yes, I accept everything I do as my own responsibility.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Until the day I die, I will remain loyal and faithful.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I want to join the Combine Civil Authority as I believe that my life is worthless, and in-complete unless I serve the Combine in anyway possible, keeping peace and order as a Civil Protection Unit would hopefully repay the Combine for helping me see the world the way it is.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Sesmo Iridimo hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied - Number one is too short.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 04:39:53 AM by RTLK »

Offline Kiruclanz

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2011, 03:28:43 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name: Kiruclanz

IC Character Name: John Rane

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
John Rane was the average Citizen. He never was put in Detainment, always obtained his rations on time. The people he hung out with, however. He would always switch roommates, he would lose up to two roommates a week. And have 3 new roommates a week.

This was due to City45 being an awful place filled with criminals so his roommates were always put in detainment.
Every time he would just be leaning against the wall, drinking a Breen's Water. When a thug just walked up to him, grabbed it from his hand, and ran off with it.

When John first switched Cities, this made him angry the first few times thugs stole objects from him. Then he just got used to it. He told Civil Protection a few times, of course they never found the thugs. John was starting to get sick of all the Crime, so he waited for the next application cycle, and applied for Combine Civil Authority.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
John Rane is somewhat nice, backs his friends up sometimes. He is Lawful and Trustworthy. He can use a gun good enough, though he has never held one. He is also very Intelegent and a very, very fast runner.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?
If John Rane's application gets accepted, he can be a good Officer in the CCA force. He'll be good through training, and maybe be promoted a little early. Of course he'll just issue a few beatings a day. Ask for permission on almost everything over Radio. He'll follow orders, and do what ever it takes to make these Citizens Civil.
John will NOT go easy on his friends. He will treat them just like any other Citizen, mostly because no one is supposed to know it's him. That's why he'll be wearing full body armor, and a voice changer. John will NOT go crazy with power, he'll just be like any other good Civil Protection officer. He'll make it if he gets accepted.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
( Only 300 words? I think you're going too easy on the players, but okay. Mine is 791 if that's okay :P )

CHAPTER 1 - John's Child Hood

John was born on July 5th, 1992 in Florida, America. He was a happy infant, but of course he was crying the first couple seconds of birth. He learned how to talk at one year old, walk and talk perfect sentences at two years old. When he three, his mother and father sent him to school very early.

A few years later he was in second grade, his grades were so good he skipped a couple grades all the way up to fifth grade. He was getting good grades up to Ninth grade, when he started struggling. He just barely made it by and went to 10th grade. He was only 15 years old when he graduated school. He Graduated  with a Bachelor's Degree on an Online College when he was 19 years old.

CHAPTER 2 - Before the 7-Hour-War

John got a job as a Middle School math teacher at age 20 during the year 2011. He was pretty successful, he had a second job at a Factory that makes Metal Tools. He lived in a big enough house, two stories tall. He was married to a nice woman that same year, her name was Amanda.

John had plenty of friends to drink with on weekends, he went to parties if not every day, then every other day. He was pretty happy, he always kept touch with his friends and family. Him and his wife were thinking of having children, but they both agreed that they should wait a few more years.

CHAPTER 3 - The 7-Hour-War

During November of 2011, some reports on the news of some sort of hidden Research Facility in New Mexico had some sort of Resonance Cascade which caused aliens to invade earth. Most of these aliens were controlled by a slave ruler named Nihilanth. They mostly only attacked the Facility. A couple months later, the effects of the Resonance Cascade left some permanent damage. A Portal storm, it was small so Earth had nothing to worry about, though they were still keeping their eyes out.

One race of aliens from the alien planet were set free after a man destroyed the alien ruler on the alien planet. They were called, the Vortigaunts. John even had a friend who was a Vortigaunt. Some decided to stay on Earth and live peacefully like Humans. A week later the Portal storm grew larger, and people started to worry as it would send out electrical waves every few days, and it would destroy houses and kill people. John did not worry, as he lived far away from the portal storm.

A couple weeks after that weird UFOs starting coming out of the Portal storm, and sending out some sort of Tripods. The Tripods walked around the portal storm, the US military kept watch. The next day the Tripods stopped, and they started shooting at the Military and innocent civilians. More portal storms grew around the world as more Alien Ships and Tripods came out and attacked the World. This started the world at war with another planet.

Although no one els knew, but at the same time the same aliens were invading the old Planet named, Xen. Xen was the planet that invaded the Facility. Except this time, it was ruled by a different race, named the Combine.

John did his best to hide, but after the war was over they found him and took him. Along with his wife. John was seperated from his wife and put into the Cities that the Combine had taken over. He was put into a City called City 28, It was a good city. He didn't have any friends, he was too upset from being seperated from his wife.

CHAPTER 4 - After the 7-Hour-War

In the year 2015 John was sent to City 45. It was a bad city. Thugs, criminals, everything. He would always get objects taken from him. After awhile he tried his best to make friends, sense he was done being upset over his Wife. He was your average Citizen.

He always got his rations on time, except everytime he opened it, it was the same cycle. He opens his rations, takes out a Breen's Water, he gets beaten down and gets the Water Taken from him, the thief gets beaten down by a CCA unit, then the water is destroyed in the Process.

A year later was the same as before, Except John was not used to all the crime and thugs anymore. He wanted to enforce it without being detained. He applied for the Combine Civil Authority, so they he can beat Citizens when they disrespect him instead of beating them then getting detained. John was pretty sure he would make it, sense he was never detained or have gotten into any trouble.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? Four or Five years.

2. How long have you played on serious servers? Three and a half years.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? A week and a half.

4. What Time zone are you in? Eastern Standard Time. GMT -5:00

5. In what country do you live? America

6. How old are you? 14 Turning 15 in July.

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? About 2 years ago, the second HL2 RP server I've ever played on. It was called Shh Roleplay, it died a while after then came back up, then died again. My least memorable was when I was Operator on this Phase 4 Serious Roleplaying server. The other admins treated me like shit, I threaten to quit so the co-owner said: "OMG U WANT TO QUIT? U BEIN SO IMMATURE!!1 OWNER BAN HIM PL0X!" So I got kicked off the team. I didn't really do anything wrong, they were assholes. The second most memorable experience was this Roleplay I had Operator on called "U.Corp HL2RP" The admins were nice, though the community only lasted 2 weeks due to the owner's computer dieing and OA breaking.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? I'm not easily distracted, but if there is something really big going on in the background, I lose attention.

Note: I know it's not my choice, but I wish to be in GEAR.

--EDIT: My grammar is bad :( I'm sorry

IC Section

Full Name: John Markus Rane
CID: 75884
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 124 pounds
Mental Distinctions: None
Mental Defects: None
Mental Advantages: Very Intelligent
Notable Qualities: None

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? Never

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Always

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? Yes

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? I have and always will

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority? To enforce City 45's laws, and to force the Citizens to act Civil in every way, shape and form.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, _John Markus Rane__ hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied - Backstory inconsistencies, along with a pretty short number 1
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 04:52:21 AM by RTLK »

I. HATE. BRONIES. Bronie haters will rule the earth some day.

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2011, 07:30:27 PM »
OOC Name: I've Covered Wars You Know?
IC Character Name: Marcus Altonio

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so. Marcus Altonio always heard his parents screaming and shouting at eachother. He then one day, got enough of this bullshit and woke up in the middle of the night, sneaked upstairs and grabbed there wallet, he took a few bills of cash out, including there credit card. He then packed up all the things he needed from the house including contents such as, food, laptop, and a few other wanted goodies into a old schooling backpack and also strapped a travelling pack onto the back of his bike, ofcourse it was used for planes but still, he used it. He travelled to a city, stayed there and robbed shops and many other things. He wasnt spotted until he grew older and older, he felt bad but it was for survival.

 Few years have passed, Marcus is in his adult ages, he was turning rich from robbing people from each city to each city, it went on. The police couldn't even find him for years and still hes doing the same, how does he do this you ask? Well, he changes his clothing and starts to put on glasses to hide his eye color and lowers or highers his voice, including his emotions to hide the indentity of himself. He met a girl named Emily, he cut the bullshit, spended a few bucks to buy a new german shepherd puppy, they then kept the puppy until it grew older and older. Then one dream while sleeping near his wife Emily. Marcus went on the CN Tower, it fell down due to a unknown attack, Marcus was in it. He saw the tower topple down and hit many buildings, debris flew in many directions. He jumped out the window of the tower, as he flew like a plane, he was flying to the ground until....... Marcus gasped in fear, he woke up from this slight dream and thought "It was only a dream... It was only a dream..." He took a deep breathe and fell back to sleep, still thinking "What if this happens to the city?"

 A few days have passed, before the incident of the attack at night at his house, he fell a tragic heartbeat rise faster in his heart. He was transfered to a city. He was in City45, he met TONS of people, including some people who even brang him to the Ration Distribution Centre to eat, he ate all his rations and kept the tokens for later. He thought of his brother Jake, his dog Sparky and most of all his wife Emily. He thought "I can't give up yet... Survival is a opportunity... My wife and family members count on me... I shall join the CCA..."

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
 -Full Attentional

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

 My expectation: I will guarantee that %100 of my RPing experience will gain more, also its been my second time becoming a Civil Protection unit (If I get accepted), I am hoping to get successful one each rank and furtherly expand the community with my unit, also hoping to not see people minging or I will take out my 9mm and BAM BAM BAM!
 Characters expectation: In City45, Marcus was thinking. "Is there any jobs here?" He looked at a CP walk past him. "Should I join that job or not?" He thought, "Yes, I should..." He sent a letter to the CA and was wishing to applied instead of denied, his advantage of using his protection and attackful skills will become to good use. He sat in his apartment, crossing his fingers.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

 (Sorry for the LONG story, I just wanted to add details to it to make it a heartwarming story, hope I dont get denied for this D:)

Chapter 1: Early trouble in the early days.
 When Marcus was a kid, he'd been bullied by a guy in school, but then one day... His offical target named 'Kreig A.K.A Top Dog' was talking to a few girls by the lockers, he approached them with a agressive look. Kreig looked at him with a serious face and asked "Watcha' want you shit-4-brains?" Marcus, just stared at him and asked back slowly, "I don't want anything, maybe you'll want a taste of my fucking fist!" He then thrusted his fist againsts Kreigs face and then did a good uppercut to his belly. Jake fell to the ground with agony. Marcus then got ontop of him and started furiously punching his face until blood poured from Kreigs nose, he screamed "Stop it! Aaaggghhhh! Stop!" Marcus finally stopped, looking down at Kreig he then spitted in his face and before leaving, gave him a strong kick in the ribs. He walked off without looking back, people stared at him with fear as the bell rang.

Chapter 2: New life
 A few years have passed, he then got a vehicle and also met a girl named Emily and had a new German Shepherd named Sparky, who all lived in a big home. He then seen two gangsters beating up a man, he walked up to them and clenched his fist, he tapped his brown fedora and gestured his tie, finally looking at the two beating up the man, he grabbed the gangster by the shoulder and twisted him around, looking into his eyes he said "Eh, bastard. Ready to meet sharpie?" He took out a knife and shoved the knife into his hand, he screamed in pain. While screaming, the gangster tried preying the knife out of his hand, Marcus then kicked him in the stomach, he fell down onto the ground. Marcus twisted his body around and swinged a hard boot at the gangsters jaw, knocking him out furiously while Marcus's brown fedora fell off. Marcus, looking at the gangster running away, Marcus then yelled "Better run away!" He looked down at the man, it was his brother named Jake Altonio, he grabbed him by the hand and raised him up to his feet, he hesitated slowly. "I saved your life, brother." Jake Altonio, reply "Thanks, Marcus..." They both walked off, seeming to talk about what happened in there daily jobs.

Chapter 3: The attack
 The attack began at night, Marcus was woken by his wife Emily, while Sparky barked at the door, they ran outside the house and Marcus said "Holy shit...". Dropships dropped off Overwatch units while Civil Protections booted the doors houses. Chaos happened in the city. Marcus yelled "Get in the truck!" They both got on the truck including Sparky the German Shepherd. He fired up the ignition and slammed on the accelerator. A rocket flew infront of them and missed them, hitting there house as it made a path through the hallway. "Shit!" "Attempt administration!" "Get them!" yelled CPs and OTAs. They drove through the wrecked hallway, they crushed through the wall with debris hitting there windshield as it cracked the window, Emily was screaming "Marcus! Watch out!", his German Shepherd too was barking at it. Marcus, fighting with the wheel drove into the streets, crashing into a CP as it tumbled under the vehicle, as AR2s and MP-7s richochetted off the metal. Emily was hit in the shoulder and belly screaming "Ophm! Oooohhhhhh.... Marcus, I'm hit!" Marcus, yelling back "Its alright, Emily! We are almost out of here!" They both made it on the traffic and stopped at the gasstation, Emily was pale, she fell to the ground while Marcus looked at her. "Marcus... Take care of Sparky..." "I will, sweetheart...Like I did to you." Marcus brushed her hair with his hand while Emily smiled, then she choked up blood and died. Sparky whined and howled in the air. Marcus had tears pouring down his eyes. "Its alright, Sparky... Shes... Gone..." "Heh... Aint this a bitch... This only lasted 4 hours... wonder if its going to happen anymore..." He rised to his feet and made his way to the back, he saw a Spas-12 and cartridges, he grabbed it and loaded a few cartridges, pumped back the pump as a dead cartridge flinged to the ground. "If they want war... They'll have war..."
Jake came in too, carrying a Magnum 357 with Sparky to his side. "Your right, bro... Its war... and I know what happened to your wife..." Sparky barked happily, wagging his tail but then raised his ears to attention as CPs and OTAs yelled "Requesting further assistance..."

OPTIONAL READING - EXTRA - Chapter 4: The capture
 He woke up, travelling in the train. He looked out the window, lightning thundered and saw the flash of his wife Emily, waving at him from the window of a abandoned house, he then blinked his eyes, she was gone, nowhere seen in the window. He checked his suitcase and saw C45 apparel, he put in under his seat and slept. He dream't... "Brother, run!" Yelled Jake. He ran for it, splitting up from his brother, he saw his German Shepherd run away, fleeing. He was injured while running but then slipped on the ground in the dirty leaves, he dropped his Spas-12, exhausted, thinking "I ran... for a long time... I didn't get a fuckin' unit killed!" He checked his watch, the clock started ticking as it stopped on '12:30PM', it used to be '6:00pm'. Rain poured over him as he smelled blood trickle from his wounds, he went into a unconsious state, but then he heard his german shepherd Sparky barking, there was blackness everywhere  but then he woke up from his dream. The train halted to a stop, he left his suitcase in the train as he sat down, rubbing his eyes. "Where am I..." A girl with blonde hair grabbed him by the shoulder, "Your in City45, Sir... Wake up. You've been sleeping for 6 hours, you must be hungry... Lets go to the Ration Centre to eat..." She lended out a hand and smiled, Marcus grabbed her hand and was lifted to his feet by her support. A man was with her, he hesitated. "Shes right, lets go eat, shall we?" Marcus said "Did you see my brother Jake?" She replied "Yeah, he was somewhere in a restricted zone, but then I was transfered here in part of the City, he must be somewhere far from this part of the city..." Marcus breathed in relief and then looked out the window, and seen her wife far on the distance of the tracks. With a smile, she said to him that no one could hear but him. "You have a life ahead of you, Marcus... Use it wisely..." She disappeared into ashes.

OOC Details
1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? Hmmmm... About 2-3 years?
2. How long have you played on serious servers? Same thing, 2-3 years.
3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? When it came up in my refreshed list of RPing servers, the map was on City18 so I think it was on since the beginning.
4. What Time zone are you in? Newfoundland Time +3:00
5. In what country do you live? Canada
6. How old are you? 15
7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? There were many servers that I went on, the first one I think I was on was called 'Timsland', but then it died out so I kept joining more servers but then there was a new server that came up. It was called 'SlideFuse', it was different from MANY servers and I met a lot of people, including Dave, who is now my friend on Catalyst-Gaming RP, SlideFuse died down and now I am on Catalyst-Gaming, I must say that this server is good like anyother.
8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? In every conversation, that'll be a Yes, know why? My speakers are on full blast and I always keep a eye on my characters surroudings and chatbox.

IC Section

Full Name: Marcus Altonio
Civilian Identification Number [CID]:

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8'
Hair Colour Dark Chocolate Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Average (Middle, Straight, etc.)
Weight: 145 lbs.
Mental Distinctions: None.
Mental Defects: None.
Mental Advantages: None.

Notable Qualities: Engineering and Marksman skills. (Marksman due to the fighting in the Gas Station.)

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? No

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes.
4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? Certainly YES!

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? Yes.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority? To protect the members of the Civil Protection team, I wouldn't forget the Citizens of the city. I will build peace and honor within the city and try to take out all the remaining rebellion but I regret fighting the CPs at the Gas Stations, I regretted fighting them and it was a good thing that I didn't kill a single unit while fleeing...

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.
I, _Marcus Altonio_ hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied - Grammatical and spelling errors, as well as a poor number 1.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 04:54:17 AM by RTLK »
Give me a blasta'! Sure mate, DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH.

  Frank West + Chuck Norris = hl2.exe has stopped working.


 ded. nawt beeg sirprize.

 ALT Account: The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2011, 09:01:44 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name: Bullard

IC Character Name: Justin Bullard

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

Justin always loved the thought of making choices that would benefit others and the Goverment. He made sure was he with the good group of citizens, and never got in trouble. One day tho he noticed some officers dealing with a citizen that was resisting, and he watched. He noticed that they were above the law, Powerful Like he always wanted to be. He decided that he would make his goals to join their ranks and learn their ways.

While Justin was going to college, he was pulled into alleys many times, beat up, and mugged of all his items. His Apartments broken into and ransacked, over and over, Instead of handling his own problems, he reported it to the Local CP to see if they could fix the problem. There was a stop in the Robbings for a few days, But the next day, he found a dead body in his room, The person was shot. He quickly called the Civil Protection, When they got their they detained Justin and took him in for questioning, but later on let him go finding nothing linking him to the crime. Justin had enough of this city and was thinking about moving to a new city with low crime rates.

Justin went ahead and Decided to move to get away from all the Crime and Corruption in his Previous city. He ended up in City 45, were he decided it was good enough to make his Start. He got a room in the nearest hotel to the Train Station and got a job at a Local Cafe to save up Tokens to keep his Room. For a few weeks he trained in his room, jogged around the square once a day just to get fit before he decided to join. The first month of living in City 45 he went to the Nearest Recruiting Terminal and made a Application to join the Civil Protection Force, He waited and hoped he would make the cut.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Justin is a Loyal citizen of city 45, he is Ambitious, always wanting to do new things, hes a very Quick Learner, and he is Mentally Tough, its really hard to get him to break down.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?


Im expecting being a part of the Civil Protection will be tough as in getting others to RP correctly with you. But mainly i think it sounds really fun to Roleplay as the "Law Enforcement" of the Half Life 2 World. Being in charge of the Citizens and making drastic decisions. I know it will be hard training, And learning the right ways of the Civil Protection, but I think the time will be worth it. I want rise in the ranks and become the best I can be, it will be very tough, but Like I said, this is all worth it.


Justin is expecting the training to become a Civil Protection Unit will be hard and tiring, but personally he thinks it will be a eye opener. He expects this Job will come with a great responsibility. he knows he cant pick favorites over his friends and go light on them. He thinks that joining the Civil Protection will make him who he wants to be, Powerful, and helpful at the same time. He wants to protect and serv his city, Even if it costs him his own life.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

Justin was born one year after the entire Black messa incident happened, His parents were always on the run trying to hide from anything or anyone that could hurt them and their son. When Justin was 5 years old his Mother died of some un-known disease, 3 days after His mother died he got the same symptoms his mother had, a Fever, Vomiting, and bloody noses, but amazingly managed to survive threw them. Justin and his father were the last of their family, they lost contact with everyone else they know. For 6 years of their life They stayed hidden with 2 other people in a Log Cabin they found hidden deep in the woods, They hunted for food, Drunk water from the local stream. Winters were tough and the 4 of them almost starved to death, but they managed to skim threw the winters. when Justin was 11 his father died of natural causes, Justin and the 2 other people buried  his father and had a nice little funeral, For once in his life, Justin felt like they were safe. four years and 4 months later after his fathers death, Justin and the 2 others couldent find any food, all the animals were gone, there was nothing left. they made the tough decision to leave the forest.

During their journey to find a new safe place they could call home, The travled for a week, coming across destroyed towns, and dead things they've never seen before, then they came across a large city, with people that looked happy and safe. But when Justin and the 2 others entered the city, it was one of their biggest mistakes ever, They couldn't leave, they were forced to eat food that tasted stale, The water was nasty and grey and smelt of disease. But since Justin and the 2 others couldn't leave, they rented a room in a hotel and started to home school Justin, teaching him everything they knew. He dident do much in the years with the 2 others, when Justin was 17 the 2 others were detained for some unknown reason he never knew. He spent 1 year alone in the abandoned Apartment, Fending for himself, He hid and stayed out of sight from combine and other citizens due to he was not 18 yet, and if caught, he could be killed. When he turned 18 he enrolled into the local college for 2 years for Engineering, After finishing his 2 years he was 20 years old. This is when he noticed how important the Civil Protection were. This is when his goal to become one all started.

After being beat up, Mugged and Robbed constantly, Justin packed up his bags and decided to find a new town, One that is under control, low crime rates, and a nice community. He bought a ticket from the Local train station and hopped on a train headed to any city. Justin passed threw 4 citys, and they all seemed out of control, He got back on the train and continued on searching. Two citys later, he Unboarded the train, Justin was amazed, It was beautiful, The city was clean, There was no crime he could see, or any Flaw. He walked up to the register booth and Registered a City ID. Welcome to City45.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? My whole life of me owning Garrysmod, So about 4 Years, I hardly play on Any building servers.

2. How long have you played on serious servers? 3 Years, Ive played on Serious servers on Various games. EX. GTA San Andreas Roleplay servers as a Cop, And a lot on Garrysmod, Serious Perp, Another HL2RP Gamemode thing, ect![/color]

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? About a Week Now.

4. What Time zone are you in? -5 GMT (USA Central)

5. In what country do you live? United Stats of America

6. How old are you? 15

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?

A couple of Days ago in HL2RP the Combine Initiated a Search and had us all against the wall, They tied me up and took me in for Questioning with 3 Others due to some guy trying to sell some so called "Goods" To another citizen. I was let go tho cause I dident have anything to do with the mess. Personally, I have to say that was Amazingly Roleplayed... Well except for one guy that Broke fear rp. But overall, It was really fun.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? I actually think of myself as an Amazing Listener and a very Quick Learner

IC Section

Full Name: Justin Bullard
CID: #23169
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 178 Lb.
Mental Distinctions:Mentally Stable, Mentally Strong, Dosent break down in a Time of Action.
Mental Defects: Slight Reaction time, But that can be beaten out of me in Training.
Mental Advantages: Hard Headed, You cant get Information out of Me.
Notable Qualities: Good Engineer, Good at Electronics, Amazing at Leading others.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? No, Not once in my Life.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes, Because im told it tastes Good, and it has all my needed Vitamins.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes, I would be willing to Sacrifice my Life, Even to save a Brother Civil Protection Unit.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? Yes, All my Actions are my own responsibility and No one else's.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Yes, I will Remain Loyal to the Universal Union, even when im Dead.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?

I want to join the Civil Authority because I dont feel important as a Citizen, I have no role in this Society, Im usless. But a Civil Protection, They have a Role. They protect the citizens of their city from Danger and Corruption. They are strong and Powerful, Me im just week without them. Its been my lifes dream to Accomplish something, and this is it.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Justin Bullard, hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied - The application had little to no grammatical errors, and was well written, but there were some cannon issues, [/color]such as age in the story.  (Anyone less than 18 were killed after the 7 hour war, and at 17 you were detained?)

« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 12:53:15 PM by Bullard »

Alex Jump

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2011, 01:24:06 AM »
OOC Section

OCC Name: donatocoglianese

IC Character Name: Alex Jump

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

My character would like to join the Combine Civil Authority because of his previous experience's with 'normal' life and the group of people who call themselves 'The resistance'. After the seven hour war he spent some time in a Combine camp for "higher than average IQ subjects" where he was taught to operate and fix all forms of combine technology, be it remote controlled scanners, consoles and various other pieces of machinery and equipment.

After spending roughly eleven months at this camp, he was being transferred to a combine outpost for 'technical duties' when a 'resistance' ambush destroyed the convoy he was travelling in and killed the armed escort. He was captured by the resistance and subjected to two weeks brutal and savage interrogation at the hands of these 'freedom fighters'. He was deprived of food, water and sleep; he didn't see the light of day for an entire fortnight. After fourteen days in captivity, he finally escaped when a combine strike team began an assault of the rebels hideout and a battle began. In the confusion and chaos, he slipped away into some nearby woods.

After an entire day of walking, he eventually reached the outskirts of a city where he managed to effect entry to after some sneaking around the city's edge. As he moved deeper into the city he learnt from various overheard conversations that this city was City 45. After spending some time there he decided to put his name down for the Combine Civil Authority; they were, in his opinion, treated better, received a higher standard of accommodation and food and he hated the resistance for what they had done to him. He wasn't going to stand for such barbarity.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
- Intelligent
- Law abiding
- Self sufficient/Independant
- Loyal

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

First off, boring and tedious work whilst the lowest rank of all; spending most time on foot patrol or following around higher ranking officers, carrying out their instructions. It will, however, allow me to enhance my roleplaying experience and increase my roleplaying opportunities and the opportunities of other players around me as I will get to see what it is like on the 'other side of the fence', if you will.

Once my character attains a higher rank in the CCA I expect to begin to find my role as a civil-protection officer exciting as I begin to gain authority of lower ranks and increase the amount of power I have amoung my fellow units and also the general public and also begin to not only enhance my own roleplaying experience but also the roleplaying experience of the others players around me and take their experience to a higher level than I could when I'm a lower rank; more power - more things to do.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

Alex was a fisherman in New York city and spent his life catching fish. Although this may sound boring to most people, Alex loved it. It was one of his passions in life and he couldn't get enough of it. He was taught to fish by his father from the age of seven but his father sadly passed away only a couple of weeks before the seven hour war. During the seven hour war, Alex spent his time running around trying to find his family in the chaos and confusion of the combine invasion. His efforts became halted approximately 3 hours into the invasion when he was trapped in the sewers and spent a total of three days down there. Starving, alone, wet, not knowing what the hell was going on. For the first time in his life, he was properly afraid.
After three days of being stuck down there and living off his own waste, a combine search team found him and took him for psychological evaluation and to have his wounds checked out. Alex was found to have a 'higher than average IQ' and was sent to a 'special' camp. Whilst he was there, the combine attempted to train him and many others to handle their technology and apply it in new ways. Alex was taught to use, take apart and repair a wide range of combine technology such as consoles, scanners, weapons etc. Alex was there for almost four months when he was suddenly transferred to a combine outpost at an undisclosed location, with several others, where he was going to assist the combine units on the ground with, in layman's terms, 'tech support'. However, on the way to the outpost, the convoy he was in was ambushed by a large group of rebels. The combine sustained heavy losses and had to call for reinforcements but by the time they had arrived, the rebels had disappeared, along with Alex.

The rebels took Alex away and interrogated him about what sort of 'work' was done at his camp and why was he being transferred around. The rebels treated him as if he was combine. They starved him and beat him and deprived him of sleep or any contact with the outside world. After four weeks, the rebel hideout was attacked by a combine elite strike force. In the confusion, Alex slipped away into the countryside where he spent an entire day on the run from both the combine and the rebels. He was sick and tired of being 'piggy in the middle' and decided to take a side. A side that made sense to him. After what the rebels had done to him, he wanted nothing to do with them. He still had to find his family to find and how was he going to do that living in caves, hiding all the time, being constantly hunted by the combine. He made his choice and he stuck with it.

After spending a whole twenty-four hours on the run in an expanse of wood he eventually found himself on the outskirts of a city. On his way into the city he learnt that this was City fourty five; and this was his new home

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
A year.
2. How long have you played on serious servers?
A year.
3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
A month.
4. What Time zone are you in?
GMT +0 (London, England)
5. In what country do you live?
6. How old are you?
7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
Conducting ration distribution duty; you never know who you are going to get and how they might behave!
8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

IC Section

Full Name: Alex Jump
CID:  29908
Age:  21
Gender:  Male
Height: Six foot, three inches
Hair Colour:  Very short blonde hair (balding)
Eye Colour:  Dark green
Sexual Orientation:  Heterosexual
Weight:  160lbs
Mental Distinctions:  Quick witted, firm will, soft at heart but can be brutal.
Mental Defects:  None.
Mental Advantages: Photographic memory, higher than average IQ.
Notable Qualities:  Hard working and loyal.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Whenever possible.
3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
Without doubt.
4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
I do.
5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I would like to join the CCA for several reasons. The main reason is to increase my standard of living and the consumables that I recieve but I also want to look for my family that were lost during the seven hour war during the chaos, I don't even know if they are alive and finding them isn't going to be easy from the gutter of civillian life. I also want to join the CCA because of a deep resentment and hatred I have for the, so called, 'Resistance'; they talk about resisting against the combine and "maintaining our humanity" but they tortured me and treated me like scum, just because I was forced to spend time in a camp. They will suffer and they will be destroyed, not just because of my personal contempt of them, but because of my ideaology; they cannot exist in our perfect world.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Alex Jump hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

ACCEPTED FOR INTERVIEW- Backstory was decently-written. Application was clean and neat. However, interview-based questions are necessary to confirm your backstory.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 11:47:10 AM by Burning Bullet »

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2011, 01:28:39 AM »
OOC Name: Alex Simon

IC Character Name: Alex Simon

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

At a young age, Alex was walking down a ally when she ran into a group of boys all standing around something. they were kicking and beating a small shape. She screamed at the boys and threatened them till they ran off. she then saw what it was, a puppy barely even a year old, now a bloody mess. it was dead. that was the first time Alex saw how evil humanity could be, she could never for get that day, and ever since she has been disgusted with man kind.

When the combine first took over, Alex wasn't sure about them. she didn't really like the whole oppression thing that they were doing to the people. she even considered joining a local rebellion for a little while. but then one event changed her life and how she looked at the Civil Authority, forever.

It was then Alex walked out side her apartment, she just stepped out side and BAM. out of no where, with no requests, no demands, nothing, a man just runs up and shoots her in the arm. the last thing she remembered was a highly decorated officer running up to her and then, nothing. she woke up in the Citadel feeling much better with her arm wrapped in a bandage, the officer was standing by her and asked her if she was ok.
It was at that moment that Alex knew why the combine were here. Why the Civil Protection did what they did. Humans are like animals, and need to be constantly watched or they will just wipe each other out. She decided to leave everything behind and not stop until she could join the force and become a part of this greater good.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

Very Single Minded
Hard Working
Never Gives Up
Always Keeps Her Word.

b]3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?[/b]


I know this will be hard work as many strict rp servers are VERY strict with their CP units. I am ready to give my time and power to making the server the best while having fun doing it. it will be rewarding work in the end. i love to rp in HL2RP servers as CPs, and am ready to climb my way in the ranks to be the best.


Alex expects hard training and even harder work. endless hours into the night of studying and living the law. she is fully prepared to give up what ever she needs to, to join the force. though she knows it is hard, grueling work, Alex truly believes what the CA are doing is right and wants to be a part of that.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

“Haha, lets get outa here, this dumb thing is dead anyway” says the boy as he and his friends run off, leaving Alex alone with a small thing she stumbled upon, laying in the ally. She goes over to it and tried to see what it is in the dim light. To her horror, its a dog, a small one, probably just a puppy. Its all bloody and its leg and neck are twisted in a funny, unnatural way. Blood drips from its mouth where the  boys had kicked and beaten it. Its one ear and tail are torn and its other legs are apparently snapped in half. Then, it moves, its head looks right at her while its neck is still all twisted another way, its hazel eyes bore right into her like bullets and shes stunned. The entire sky goes red like blood and the ground starts caving in around her.

Then she wakes up.

Alex's life was never easy. She grew up with no father, in some back water little place. She had a always working mom, and 3 younger siblings. She only knew the world for its evil and mean people.
In high school, Alex was very athletic. She played volleyball, basketball, and her favorite, lacrosse. She loved to run. She started varsity her freshman year, and was team caption her junior and senior year. She lead the team to 3 district championships and 2 state championships. Her coaches said she always gave no less than 150% in everything she did. In school, Alex would take 2 gym classes a semester, and classes like CAD and engineering. She loved to invent and just be creative. 

Alex never really had any friends though. She hated how boys would just go out with girls just to get in their pants and how girls would say there were your friend just to talk behind your back. She hated how people were in general. She was always suspicious of everyone and was afraid to trust anyone. And then she always had nightmares. Ones from her childhood.

After high school was over, shit hit the roof when the war started. She was always told that the combine-or thats what she heard them called- were winning the fight. That she shouldn't do anything dumb like run off and join the army, like she wanted. It was over pretty quick. Earth surrendered and that was that. At first she wasn't to sure about the combine ruling. She even considered joining the local rebellion. That is until, one day, a few years later.

Alex just walked out of her house to get the daily rations for her family. She looked down the street and saw a man approaching. She was about to just walk out, when the man pulls out a gun and BAM. He then takes off down the street, and her brother who was in the window starts screaming for help. Then a decorated officer came running down and Alex blacked out. She woke up on a little bench in a dimly lit room. Her arm felt better then ever, and she saw the officer standing on the other side of the room, talking on his radio. She knew she was in the citadel, it was just like she heard it was, though for some reason she didnt feel afraid. The officer asked her how she was, if she needed anything. And suddenly, she felt at home in this place. Someone asked HER how she was. Someone actually cared.
After she left to go back home her mind was set. She knew that she needed to become a CCP, because they were the ones helping the people, not the rebels. The rebels were just supporting the chaos of before. She was going to do something with her life worth while.       

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? Since the first RP servers in Gmod9, till now in Gmod10. so about 4-5 years.

2. How long have you played on serious servers? all together about 2 years

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? about a week or so.

4. What Time zone are you in? EST (eastern, USA)

5. In what country do you live? United States

6. How old are you? 16

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? When i was shot by some guy and the CP unit helped me in one of the best rp times i have ever seen. it was such a realistic rp, it was like a TV show.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? very, yes.

IC Section

Full Name: Alex Simon

CID: #24678

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Hair Colour Brown

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Weight: 125

Mental Distinctions: Quick learner, quick thinker, ranked highest in engineering and science classes

Mental Defects: Tends to be single minded, a little paranoid, not too trusting

Mental Advantages: Good under pressure, very creative, good problem solver

Notable Qualities: Very athletic and strong, good at ignoring pain.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? Once, for caring around a piece contraband my stupid "friend" gave me. I forgot it was in my pocket and when I was out jogging, an officer searched me, found it, and then detained me for it.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? for every meal, and at least 5 cans of Breen Water a day, need to stay hydrated.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? My life and any thing required of me.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? Yes, for self control and discipline are the only things that separates us from animals.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? Yes. I will give everything to the Universal Union and all their causes.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority? I believe that the Civil Authority are the only thing keeping humanity together. without a good leadership, humans will destroy each other and the whole world. i think that the CA are good in purpose and i wish to be a part of this greater good.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Alex L. Simon hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied- Canon issues describing the Seven Hour War. Families were broken apart as humans were transferred to different cities.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 11:25:11 AM by Burning Bullet »
[LOOC] Alex 'Scout' Simon: I cant!

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2011, 06:10:42 AM »
OOC Section
Character authorisation -

OOC Name: Mmmaaattt94

IC Character Name: Mat Jefferson

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
Mat Jefferson was born in 1980 in London. He was bought up well, he had a good life, nice parents, lots of friends and could have what ever he wanted. His parents wanted him to train as an accountant like his dad but Mat had other ideas. His life's dream was to join the Army. Inside he was cold and calculating.
In 1996 Mat joined the British army. While training he was noted as the best unit in the squad. Once command noticed this they pulled him from front line training and put him into a special ops traing course. He was trained in all types of combat and after 4 years of training was an expert in arms. But he had yet to have in real world training. After 3 years of deployment into special ops across the world the portal storms began. At the time Mat was in America in new Mexico. While finishing his op and fighting off the new species trying to kill him he was lucky enough to witness to Black Mesa explosion.
Mat was called in as a special unit to fight the new creatures on earth, Mat loved killing them, he felt that they were no good to humanity and should be destroyed at all costs. But after several years of fighting the Combine arrived. Mat was ordered to fight them but something in him said don't. Mat admired how they worked as units, their technology and everything about them. He was only good coming. During the 7 hour war Mat secretly fought humanity. Using his skills and knowledge of human pockets he secretly helped to take down city's. He never let the combine know, he never though they would understand.
After the 7 hour war Mat burned his uniform and equipment and got rid of his guns and ammunition. He then followed suit with all other survivors and went under combine rule. When the CCA was first set up Mat wanted to join but felt he needed a better understanding of them first. Now after a year of observing and admiring Mat is ready to join.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?
I think being in the CCA will be hard work with a lot of important rp that will help develop my character further. It will give him new skills and experiences that will benefit both him and me in rp. It will be hard work but will be very rewarding, it will also be fun helping keep the city under control. It would be a great experience for both me and my character.
My character expecting the CCA to be hard work, there will be a lot of training and work and it will be hard at times but overall he only See's good from doing it. He thinks it will help him keep the city under control and the combine in power which is what he wants. He knows it will be hard, he knows he will go through every kind of pain he can think of but he knows that it is worth it and that he will be able to do it.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Mat Jefferson was born in London, England in 1980. He was born into a wealthy family, he was always treated well, could have what ever he wanted and he had many friends. But all of this meant nothing to him, he isn't a man of material things. His parents always tried to force things on him, mainly they wanted him to become an accountant like his father. They gave him maths lessons everyday, mat loved them but not for the reason his parents wanted him to love them. The maths lessons allowed him to calculate everything he did down to the last movement. Once he was 16 he dropped the bombshell on his parents that he wasn't going to be an accountant but was joining the army. His parents didn't take it well, they ended up throwing him out but his mother who still had some compassion gave mat a large sum of money to ensure that he wouldn't go homeless. After this Mat hated his father and would try anything to get back at him.
In 1996 Mat joined the British army. He went throw intensive training to become a front line soldier. But while in training a commanding officer noted his excellent skills, he was by far the top of the class, he followed every order, bullied every shot and beat every squad record. Mat was taken out of soldier training and placed into training for an elite team. He was told that over the next 4 years he would be trained in everything from tactics to hand to hand combat. After 4 years Mat was classed as an expert in special combat, he passed his training with flying colors. After training he was dispatched on a serious of secret missions.
After 3 years Mat was on a special operation in New Mexico, he had to take down a VIP while he was traveling on the highway. Just as he got into New Mexico portal storms began. Mat saw the new creatures coming out of thin air, Mat shot every new thing he saw and even though he was now fighting his own little war he still managed to take out the VIP on time. While fighting his way back to his extraction point Mat was lucky enough to see the Black Mesa complex explode into a mushroom of rubble. Mat thought nothing of that, he was too distracted by the aliens trying to kill him.
Over the next few years Mat was flown across the world, not only taking on normal operations but also operations to rid the earth of its new pests. Mat loved it, the fact he was able to kill any pest he was while still having to plan operations. He loved how he had to actually use his mathematical mind rather than just see what he had to do. As cities closed up Mat didn't stay inside, they didn't fell right to him. They were safe but he could see, they were like fish out of water in there, someone just needed to come and cook them.
In 2009 that something came. The combine came in and took each city that was just sitting their, filled with citizens waiting for them almost. Mat watched as the combine destroyed earth with amazing efficiency. Mat saw only good coming from the combine and decided he would never fight them. During the 7 hour war mat was on a full on tactical op, deciding it would be pointless doing it he decided to make his own op. Stealthily help the combine. He knew if the combine saw him with a gun they would kill him, helping them or not. So using his stealthy skills and a sniper mat was able to help take down resistance for the combine allowing them to just go into the city and take it with ease. He took down Soldiers to VIPs in charge of the city's. After 7 hours, the white flag was put up by humanity. Mat decided to get rid of all his army gear, he burnt his equipment and uniform and threw his gun down a chasm. He then proceeded to a rally point and was captured and taken with all the other surviving citizens.
Mat was taken to City 17 first, an OK city, a lot of resistance because of who was there. Mat wanted to help but couldn't, he knew it would get him killed. Mat decided to watch how the CCA worked, he wanted to join but first had to work out how they ran, he watched them and learned. In 2015 Mat was given a relation ticket and sent to the train station to go to City 45. As he approached his train he saw something quite odd. A man with glasses, he though it very odd as people don't have glasses any more, its an imperfection. He gathered that the CCA would sort him. He boarded his train and headed to City 45. To start a new life and join the CCA.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? Years

2. How long have you played on serious servers? Years

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? A few weeks.

4. What Time zone are you in? GMT

5. In what country do you live? England

6. How old are you? 16

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? There have been many. In another HL2RP server i was a Cmd unit and in a long rp helped to plan and initiate the plan to take down the rebel strong hold. Which turned out very well with the roleplay going on for 2 days. One just with rp planning the other with the actual plan.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes

IC Section

Full Name: Mat Jefferson
CID: #91987
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Height: ft
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour: Green
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 225 lbs
Mental Distinctions: Excellent tactical mind
Mental Defects: None
Mental Advantages: Intelligent
Notable Qualities: Honest, Loyal and very obedient.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Socio-stability Infringement before? If so, explain? No, i have 0 black marks.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes, they are very tasty and help me to maintain a good lifestyle.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Who wouldn't give their life to help the Universal Union. It would be a honor to give me life for the UU.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Everything i do is down to me. If i do badly then i take the hit, no one else is responsible for my actions.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
I always have been and will remain loyal until the moment i die.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I want to help keep the city safe and ensure that the UU stays in power. They are a great union and should have come to earth a long time ago. Their presence here on earth should not be threatened and i want to help end the fools who dare to fight against the UU and step out of line.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Mat Jefferson hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 02:36:26 PM by Burning Bullet »

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2011, 10:11:10 AM »
OOC Section

OOC Name: MGbananen

IC Character Name: John Harley

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

My character wants to join the CCA because he have heard of people getting murdered and kidnapped and things like that. John Harley was also one of the victims of kidnap. After the kidnapper had leaved the apartment, John managed to get lose from the zip tie the suspect used to tie John to a table with. His hands were still tied so John screamed for help while standing by the door.

After a minute or two, some CP's heard his screams for help. It was 3 of them, each one with his special part in the breach. He could hear them talk like: "Okay, you two are point. Now stack up!" And things like that.
After the CP's got in, one stayed and two of them leaved. The CP staying in there asked John some questions about the incident. He got the CP's to follow him for a little while, incase John would see the suspect so he could report him.

John didn't see the kidnapper after that. John thought he might have gone hiding in Sector six or someplace were it was quiet and a good place to hide a little while. After that moment John wanted to be one of them.
The people that helps victims of various crimes and keeping sociostability and order in City 45. So John went and filled out his application.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

- Loyal to the Combine
- Thrustworthy

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

I expect the Combine to show me a little around and teaching me basics i need to know as a CP while i'm a 
UNIFORM. I think they will be supportive and help me. I don't think being a cp will be a dance on flowers and it will require some skill, strength and grammar. Also, if you want to be a CP you need to learn the laws, the contraband list and all the codes. Like 11-99 Officer needs assistance! and such.

John thinks that the training CP's must do, will be like the Army. He expect it to be hard and exhausting. He sometimes think that they need to swim through ice-cold water and such, altough he isn't really sure.
When he looks at a CP he sees his or her's mucles, thinking: "Boy, must have been tough going to that training to get that build."

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

John Harley was born in New York 1985. He had a mother, father and a dog. John always wished for a brother or sister, saying to his parents almost everyday: "Mom, dad. Why can't i have a sister or brother?"
His mom and dad thinked about it, but bought a dog instead. As John grew up he got a part-time job at a super market not far away. Then, one day his dad got sick. REALLY sick. John had skipped his job and school for a week, looking after his dad while his mom was working. As John sat at a chair by his dad's bed, he could hear his father whisper: "John, i don't think im going to hold out anymore." As his father finished that sentence, John turned off the TV and said to his dad: "Relax dad, you are going to be alright." John's father was getting weaker and weaker by the second. Then his father whispered really low: "John, my son. This is the end for me. Take good care of your mom." John's dad slowly laid his head at his pillow. "Dad? DAD! Wake up!" John took his hand on his father chest...Not a single heartbeat. "Dad...I can't believe it. You're dead." John paused for 10 seconds and said: "Rest in peace dad." John slowly went to the phone calling 911. Two weeks later John and his mom stood by John's fathers grave. John laid a white rose at the grave and lit a candle lantern. At school John just sat at his chair looking at his desk. When someone asked him about something John just sat there. After replying his name 3-5 times John then snapped to attention. John had quitted his job and at home, the only thing he did was do homework, play video games, eat, sleep and think about his dad. Everyday when John woke up it was a picture of John as a 5 year old with his dad and mom in the background. Sometimes he would pick up the picture and swipe his finger over his dad and say: "Hello dad. How is it going up there?" Some years after the Seven hour war, John was placed into city 45. Hearing about people get killed by crazy murderers and kidnapped. One time when John walked into an open apartment, another man stood in the apartment. As John tried to get out, the man blocked his way. As the man closed the door and locking it, he tied up John and put him on a table. As the man walked out, John was left behind in the apartment. John cried for help and some CP's heard it. The CP's rescued John. John was already loyal but was a little unsure about joining the CP's. After the CP's rescued him, John was very sure about joining the CCA. So he went and filled his application.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?

 Something about 1 year i think.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?

 I think 4 months.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?

 I think something about 6 weeks.

4. What Time zone are you in?

GMT+ 1

5. In what country do you live?


6. How old are you?

 10 years and something about 7 months.

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?

 It must have been on CG's Half-Life 2 Roleplay server.
 A C.O.T.A and some CP's was in a firefight between a rebel and 2 citizens. [NOTE: If i say rebels, i mean the  rebel and the 2 citizens] the rebel gave the 2 citizens 9MM pistols and the rebel was carrying a shotgun. I think the C.O.T.A was aware of their presence, cause he slowly walked to the wall where the rebels were hiding. I ran up to hide behind a column and i didn't see much else.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

 Depends on if something special is happening IRL. But i think that i am a good listener and i hope others think so too.

IC Section

Full Name: John Harley
CID: # 49693
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 1,90 meters
Hair Colour None, im bold.
Eye Colour: Green
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 85 kilos
Mental Distinctions: Not easily scared
Mental Defects: Forgetful
Mental Advantages: Low chance to get scared
Notable Qualities: Tough, not easily scared

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

One time. I think it was of audio violation or something.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?


3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
 Yes, i am.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?


5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

 Yes, until the last heartbeat.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?

 I have heard of people kidnapping and murdering other citizens.
 I myself was a victim of kidnap. I have also seen citizens break the laws, breaking sociostability and order in City 45.
 I want to help the city prevent kidnap, murders and lawbreaking.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, John Harley hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied- Many grammatical errors in #1. Canon issues in #4 (No transition between home/school and the 7 hour war?)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 11:34:23 AM by Burning Bullet »

Offline Pielolz

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2011, 06:14:56 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name:[={.NAL.}=] Renegade Awsome
IC Character Name: Jack Guassen
1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

Why not? A warm place to stay, food, Its a dream, clean cloths that fit. A place to stay and the ability to help people! I've seen people request and request for no response.. I'd like to be the unit that responds and helps! For the greater good, to serve the benefactors is a true dream! Simply amazing.. Also the CCA is a place were engineers as my self are truelly apreciated! After all, the Citizens dont apreciate intelect (From what I've seen they dont have any) There is a place for my character in the CCA, ICly and OOCly. I highly enjoy the sense of order in the CCA. I want to be apart of the bigger picture! Not a disposable slave any more. Some one with a purpose! I want to do somthing beyond picking up that damn can!
   I've learned a lot about the Do's and Dont's of the CCA; Example: 648 running into the CCH breaching doors (881 did that too.) My character will enjoy the CCA Almost as much as me; building scanners (Maybe) Keeping those civvis in line.. Guard duty (Not truly fathomed like: Sweet Gaurd duty!) Training Judgement Waivers instead of looking at a wall for 20 minutes.. Exogen breaches instead of being in the CCH watching... Ordering a citizen to pick up a can or something.. Why does my character want to join? Well after he was brutally attacked by the Marines Melovent (Rebel group) And then brutalised by the Brotherhood of Freedom, then five minutes later had a whole wall peppered at him by the VIII Legion. He has many reasons to hate the Resistance and none to hate the Combine; Why should he? They invaded big deal its been happening for centuries; The Roman's did it and no one is bitching about them. Invading armies.. Off topic; My character wishes to join the CCA to help others, better himself, and eradicate the resistance.
    He wanted to join the first day he saw them; Simply amazing, keeping the peace, the stability.. Flawlessly. He wants to be apart of the most succsessful take over in history that has stayed in power with 0 difficulty.. Why should't he? Being in the CCA is an honor beyond messure.. A pleasure on a day to day basis.. A light in the grim life he is forced to live.. For now.. To serve and keep the peace! His life hangs in this application.. Besides the point! His desire to join is brighter then the sun.. Just.. To be in an establishment with an actuall jain of command! Some order! Objectives.. Simply amazing.. A real difficult question is why not to join; Wait there isnt a reason why not too.. So I am.. After the several attacks upon him by the resistance he made his choice to join.. It wasnt a difficult choice; Live in the streets or be in the most powerfull military ran society in history.. I'll go with the latter.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy) Lawful, Trustowrthy, Cunning, Determined.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

I expect it to be highly structured rigorous military environment.. It wont be fun and games; I expect and I know this, it will be serious enviroment all the time, I'm glad for this. It will be extremely strict with difficult training. I know my life will be on the line on a daily basis; I understand this and will use caution.. I am also aware I will most likely be attacked by Anti-Citizens in my line of duty.. This is another fact I'm willing to accept.. I also expect no unit will be truly kind or welcoming. That's fine. My character is a cold person any way; He isn't warm in summer. Anyway. He's seen recruits get called from Patrol and never come back out...
He doesn't wish to be one of those; He'll respect the rules to his full ability. He also knows cowardice is not tolerated. Kill you were you stand for being a coward (From only what he has heard) There is a lot he doesnt know and some he does know. a lot of Secrecy in the CCA.. a lot he doesnt and most likely will never know. He wont dig.
   You know what he will dig however? Rebel's graves. Thats what he believes will be exspected. No messing around. "Herp I'll run into the CCH!" Unit 000. *Pins blackmark to his vest*" "You're a shame to us all" However; My character has multiple units charge into the CCH shot open doors and stole some items. What? My character duely noted that failure down and not to repeat history. My character is the bare witness of the raw destruction the Combine have wrought. My character has noticed Recruits no longer get fire arms; he only wonders who messed up. He's also seen units (And various idiots) Fall off the OW tower and die. The Units howerver, armour and such survived.. He still exspects danger; pain and possible death.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

My character is a German whom used to work at the Volks Wagen Automobile company in Frankfurt, Germany. He worked there for a bulk of his life; He also worked at Heckler & Kock Fire Arms. After the brain washing chemicals in the Water and food he quickly lost his knowledge in weaponry. However; he still remembers his skill in mechanics and engineering.. With some of his skills intact he believes he is fit to join the CCA. Before the war his wife was murdered by a scumbag gangster. Creating a vendetta agaisnt all crime. He knows he cant become a vigalante. So he wants to join the glorious CCA to aid in the war on crime
During the 7 Hour War he fleed to the German-Austria country side. After the Seven Hour War he ventured from his hide away into the nearby city of Hamburg. Detained for having non UU issued clothing he was issued new ones and released Shortly after he traveled to C18; which was invaded by Exogen.. Fleeing to C45 he made a home there. Ready to apply for CCA now that he is in a stable home. Before the death of his wife (Before the war) he aspired to join the German Law Enforcement.. Shortly after his decision and app his wife died then the Combine Invaded. Hope to join the police crushed, he soon found out you could join the CCA.. Way better then the German Law Enforcement could ever hope to be. He quickly aspired to join. Seeing the glorious CCA fighting crime.. Its all he could ever hope to be! To raise himself above the carbage and rebels in the Citizen's midst.. My character simply cant wait..

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? 4-5 Years

2. How long have you played on serious servers? 2-3 Years

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? 6-7 Months

4. What Time zone are you in? Pacific
5. In what country do you live? United States
6. How old are you? 25
7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? I have to many memorable exsperiences.. A huge gunfight between CPs and Rebels.. RPed to the shells hitting the ground.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes

IC Section

[/u]Full Name:Jack Guassen
 CID: 59859
Gender 30:
Height: 5'11
Hair Colour: Bald
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 145
Mental Distinctions: Cunning, Smart, Quick, Problem Solver
Mental Defects: None diagnosed
Mental Advantages: IQ 299
Notable Qualities: Kind, Clever, Brave,
1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? Yes, for standing on the Nexus entrance

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? Yes

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? Yes

Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority? To better myself as a person, human, and member of this Society the Combine has forged from the nothingness Earth used to be

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, __Jack Guassen_ hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied- Spelling/grammatical errors throughout your application. I do not believe I can trust you with a UCA unit yet.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 11:35:49 AM by Burning Bullet »

Offline Gooseman

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Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2011, 08:33:25 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name: SlashBolt

IC Character Name: Zack Tybalt

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

                After seeing his father mugged and eventually shot, a young Zack had developed an undying hate for crime of any form. Today, he was just transferred to city 45, and with an unusual case of OCD, hated every minute of living there. The rebels, the petty crime, the lack of order. He despised this city. He felt the city despised him. He thought he would never find a place in society.
               One day he was mugged by a rebel needing money for contraband. While he is a good fighter, this rebel was obviously trained, and got the best of him. All Zack felt was one pound after another as the man pressed his knees on Zack's chest, punching his face. Then, a ZAP. Then peace. Zack sat up, looking at a Civil Protection Unit repeatedly beat the vagabond rebel with a stunstick. He admired the CPU, who was a perfect example of a peacekeeper. Zack then walked home, knowing the Civil Protection would keep the streets clear of thugs.

               After a long day at work, Zack collected his rations, then set off for his apartment. He saw a woman being beaten brutally by some groggy old man. Quickly picking up a soda can, he threw it at the old guy. Enraged, he turned around to see a fist well aimed at his face. Precisely two seconds later, the same man was lying on the pavement in a pool of blood caused by his broken nose. The bruised woman asked Zack if he was alright. He didn't answer. Instead, he set off straight for the Combine Civil Authority application center. 

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

Lawful, Fair-minded, responsible

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

OOC: I have experience with both Rebel classes and CP classes under my belt. Out of the two, I like the CP role the best. Having someone run to you for help is a hell of a lot better than making someone run for help. Spawning with a tool used to take life away is a great responsibility, and knowing that somebody's safety rests within it is a feeling RP was made for.

IC: Having OCD, Zack will find himself patrolling constantly, making sure everyone is in check. He would find it stressful at times, but regardless of the obstacles, he belongs on the Civil Protection force. While he may overreact to petty crimes, he will hesitate to shoot the suspect dead, as his childhood experience has traumatized him. Zack will be a valuable asset to his unit, and will always use his power as a CP responsibly.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

At age 7, Zack Tybalt witnessed his father stabbed to death by a man wanting money to support his cocaine addiction. Since then, Zack Has despised crime in any form, even scolding his friends for driving over the speed limit. He took refuge in an abandoned hospital during the Seven Hour War. Surrendering to the Combine, he was allowed to live and was transferred from city to city, eventually ending up in City 45, a crime ridden atrocity, at least, when Zack got there. The civil protection inspired Zack, who was a target of thugs because of his scrawny appearance. His apartment was nothing more than a single room with a light, toilet, sink, and bed. He read the newspaper regularly, and learned how the Civil Protection got top notch accommodations. He would consider joining, but for the moment would keep his current job. It was true, Zack wasn't the strongest of people, but he did know how to fight. With short brown hair, dark eyes, and a head standing 5'7 from the ground, he would be intimidating if he weren't so slender. He never bulked up through puberty, and people have taken advantage of his unusual circumstances. Zack took Karate when he was five, but his methods of fighting are more of a street style. Zack has been to prison once, before the Combine came, for throwing a rock at someone for running a red light on his street, breaking their window.. Whilst in prison, he was kept in custody for an unusual period of time despite the crime on account of getting into a fight with the other criminals who showed no remorse for their crimes. This hardened Zack, who would never forget leaving the place designed to hold those he despised. All of these events are why Zack Tybalt is filling out his application this very minute.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? 4 years.

2. How long have you played on serious servers? 3 years.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? 2 months (I read and understand the rules, however).

4. What Time zone are you in? East Standard Time

5. In what country do you live? The United States of America

6. How old are you? 15

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? In the Vent Mob Roleplay server, me and my friends spent days(IRL) gathering money and supplies to overthrow an oppressive government. They always logged on and assassinated the current mayor, then put the leader as the mayor, who would then fire everyone in the police force except his clan. We raided the base with M4A1's and they had petty MAC10's. It was a raid truly for justice.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes.

IC Section

Full Name: Zack Walter Tybalt
CID: 54787
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Brown (Dark)
Sexual Orientation: Heretosexual
Weight: 140 lbs
Mental Distinctions: Sharp eyes, great on details
Mental Defects: OCD
Mental Advantages:
Notable Qualities: Tall, good aim

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? Yes, however, this was before Our Benefactors came to this planet, and therefore I believe it to be irrelevant

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Always

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? I do.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? As long as I live, and beyond my natural lifespan.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority? I always hated crime. Having been saved from a criminal by a Civil Protection Unit, I feel I owe my life to the service.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, _Zack Walter Tybalt_ hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied- Backstory's chronology is out of order. Much of your character's fighting skill would have eroded away by the time the character is in C45.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 11:40:27 AM by Burning Bullet »

Re: <::|| Combine Civil Authority Application Cycle 5 ||::>
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2011, 09:35:09 PM »
OOC Section

OOC Name: RJ

IC Character Name: Randy Johsa

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

    Randy Johsa was in a miserable life wondering around the world and was then suddenly picked up by a patrolling CCA group. He was then later transferred to city45 where he could only think of things getting worse. After a few brutal days of tolerating and refusing the CCA's authority he got too weak to put up with it. He then decided to try and work things out the other way and things began to change.

    Randy Johsa began reporting mishaps that were going on around the city from abusive language to physical assaults. Once he became fairly recognized by some CCA's and maintained a clean record of 0 points he was going to get a "loyalist band" to wear proudly on his arm. He continued to try and serve the CCA's with all that he could because he figured out that if he can continue to stop -not all- most of the problems that things would run a lot smoother. He began coming up with a sort of "schedule" to do his own watching patrol. Although it was not an official patrol route he wanted to help other's see why we should follow the CCA's authority, so he became what other's referred to as a "rat" but was considered a "maintainer of peace" by the CCAs.

    Randy Johsa not only decided to help the CCA but he also tried to help the citizens that occupied city45. How he did this was by talking with them on how problems will be eased if we only started to trust them more and if we didn't fight them all the times. He talked others out of trying to challenge the CCA into a fight, or disobeying them by going into sector 6. He would do this day in and day out so that he could save others from destruction. He did these actions to save others from themselves.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

Loyal - He stays true to the CCA by telling only the truth and reporting things that cause only problems.

Precise - He chooses his words very carefully and strategically so that he can persuade even the most stubborn.

Survivalist - He plans out when and how much food he should eat or preserve so that he can continue to survive another day.

Perfectionist - He can't stand a misaligned word or object that's on display -or anything for that matter-.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

    I expect the CCA to be a thrilling experience and a chance to show that I can show authority over players that don't play games properly. I want to be able to allow other players to enjoy themselves while they play on the Catalyst server and that the game is played fairly as well. I also expect that I'll be able to learn how things work as a CCA and so that I'll be more briefed on the sort of things about a CCA. Once I've gotten the skills and knowledge I need to know about being a CCA I plan on trying to move up the ranks and show others the sort of example they should follow. This is what I expect to get out of when and while being a CCA.

    Randy Johsa hopes that he can prevent others from stumbling into the thick of things and making wrong decisions. He hopes that he can accomplish this soon so that he can help maintain peace with the other CCAs. He hopes that he can gain trust and a dependence with other CCAs so that he can have support when he needs it and when other citizens need it. He also wants to move from just being a loyalist to someone that can get more things done and be able to show that anything can be achieved when cooperation is shown to those around you. This is why Jonny Harkwate hopes to achieve, so that things can join into a "coexistence" of some small or big sort.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

    Randy Johsa was devastated when he found out that the world was being taken over. He tried to hide from everything and was successful. While almost everyone he knew was either killed in the fight or detained... he was left with nothing left. He wondered around for 2 years until he found some survivors and decided to join him. He shared his knowledge with them and in return received invaluable information. These helped him to contribute to each others survival for many more months. But the time came to when the "combine's" (as they referred to them as) came and found them. Jonny managed to make another escape but to only find himself alone... again. He then spent the rest of the time surviving by a 3rd point perspective and not actually being in his own conscience. He then stumbled upon an abandoned warehouse full of materials that could keep him surviving for years. He spent a long time of his life there and still keeping his skills up with survivalism and studies. He also found some weapons that he could use to fend off any unwanted presences but he was grateful as he never had to use them. This is because after about 2 years (if it was actually 2 years) he set out again hoping to find others. He spotted some rebel groups, but they were in the midst of a firefight and clearly not holding out. He met up with a few that managed to stay hidden and was able to trade supplies for awhile until he had an urge to leave as he didn't like the idea of being in the presence of rebels when a greater power was at their doorsteps. He continued on for countless days scrounging around for food and clean water. That's when the day came when a few CCAs came and detained him and transferred him to city45 where he continued to survive for who knows how long.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
Garry's Mod - 300 hours
HL2:DM - 800 hours
Total: 1200 hours
Generally 2-3 years

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
Garry's Mod - 150 hours.
HL2:DM 50 or so hours
Total: 200 hours
Generally started Serious RP in the past 365.242199 days

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
The past 3 weeks. (A week was played on HL2:RP and then an account was auto-created on: June 09, 2011 for OCRP)

4. What Time zone are you in?
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

5. In what country do you live?

6. How old are you?

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
In general, when others actually play fair so that the game can be enjoyable to not only themselves but others as well.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

IC Section

Full Name: Randy Johsa
CID: #87484
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2''
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 195 pounds
Mental Distinctions: Fast reaction, calculation and comprehension time.
Mental Defects: Sometimes over thinks the situation.
Mental Advantages: Before he was captured and sent to city45 he had the prvilage of people he knew                   to teach him some very useful things (ie. grammar, mathematics, etc.)
Notable Qualities: Can usually always find a way to be right and not wrong.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I want to join because I've never had the opportunity to play as a CCA in a HL2RP server before. I want to be able to play as one so that I can get a fun experience in the server. I've played as a sort of "civil protection" unit in different games and as different positions and I really want to be able to play as one here.  I hope that I can do this so that I can help improve the game play for not only myself but also others.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Randy Johsa hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath.  I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Denied. Resisting CCA with heavy malcompliance isn't a smart move. Also, your character was "wandering" and had not been transferred to a city. This would imply that he was in a non-Combine civilized zone. The UCA does not operate in non-city zones.

I just read over my CCA application and I see where you are making your observations that I wasn't as clear on: When I say wandering around I mean like the place in HL2 on the coasts there (or somewhere more near cities like in episode 1/2) and so the combine took him and "dumped" him into a city (I'm a little bit short of knowledge on the HL2 world but if you can understand what I'm getting at when I mean somewhere around a combine position and/or a city of the sort). When I mean refusing the combine's authority what I was getting at was this:

–verb (used with object)
to decline to accept (something offered): to refuse an award.

When I was saying that he was refusing, I meant he was having trouble accepting the fact that the CCA made the rules not him (as he's been living by his own laws for quite some time), I didn't intend it to be him straight up refusing to "Apply" or something, it was more of the "challenge" for him to fit in. I'm sorry if I was vague by just a little bit but if you can please re-asses my application as it would mean a great deal if I can be a CCA. Thank you if you took your time to read this: -RJ
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 09:02:47 AM by RJ »
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