Author Topic: HL2RP Authorizations Applications [TEMPORARY]  (Read 74226 times)

Offline 2power

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #105 on: October 14, 2011, 12:50:04 PM »
My application on page six  was left unchecked.

It's something RTLK/Rofl has to check as it literally changes the Resistance game. Please check with them. ~SaoulZod
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 07:54:29 PM by SaoulZod »


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #106 on: October 14, 2011, 03:50:35 PM »
[Player Section

Steam Name: [HZRD] Freedman
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Since 2007
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: I have been going on and off, recently about 2 weeks.

Character Section

Hand to Hand Combat Skills, Basic Firearms training, knowledge of chemicals and reactions.
Name: Caleb H. Black
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Citizen, Rebel(-ish)

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
From a young age Caleb was viewed as a delinquent by many of his peers and teachers, he was taught by his father how to throw a baseball, which led to more than a few rocks through windows and he learned how to turn almost any combat situation in his favor thanks to several classes of Eskrima (Improvision Based Filipino Martial Arts). Caleb was only Twenty when the Combine began their true invasion of earth. He was, at the time a casual college dropout, a fan of the Skinhead scene (Not the racist kind, the punk kind) and an avid fan of sciences. Arrested twice due to probable cause and public alcoholism he has some bit of a criminal record. Up until the settling of earth by the Combine he found little drive or interest in the world aside from occasionally going out to the country to shoot his fathers old pistol and the common street brawls he found himself in, usually using more than just his fists. Now faced with an oppressive regime as he sees it, Caleb is giddy at the idea of helping the Resistance fight back against the new world tyrants.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
This authorization would allow Caleb to improvise weaponry using things such as planks of wood or metal he may find lying in the street or a small firearm such as a pistol. He also is fluent in chemicals and the reactions that they would cause if used properly.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Caleb for the most part will not use them on a daily basis, if an opportunity is given however he may occasionally plot against an officer or work to free a captured rebel.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
I realize I havent been playing too long, but I assure you, I won't do anything mingey or inappropriate with these skills. I just hope to spice up the daily lives of the civil protection.

Undecided until your roleplaying skills can be evaluated. Note to all Admin:  Please watch this peron's behavior.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 07:29:43 PM by SaoulZod »


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #107 on: October 14, 2011, 06:41:47 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:  {AN}The Chosen One
Age: Fourteen.
How long have you been Role-playing? (can be any game): 13 months
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:8 months

Character Section

Ability to make ammo with the proper cases, bullets, primers, etc
Ability to assemble guns with the proper parts
Name: Robert Scott Smith

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Before the Seven Hour war.
Roberts’s mom would hunt; she showed Robert how to make ammo, and how to shoot. Robert became a very good hunter, and went to shooting ranges whenever he had the time with his mother.
His mother than showed him how to assemble guns and than dissemble guns.
When Robert turned 13 his mother was told by the doctor she had Cancer. They couldn’t afford to pay the hospital. When he turned 14 she died, before she died she told him how his father died (Heart attack)
Robert told he told himself that he would become a doctor no matter what happened.
During the war: A few months after name got out of college with his degree’s the portal storms and the Combine invaded the world. Robert was at a shooting range during the invasion. The Combine thought they were military because the guns and killed every one on the shooting range. Robert however escaped the Combine… he hid in his apartment when the building started to shake, and then part of his room collapsed and a piece of furniture knocked him out.
After the war
Robert tried thinking of his past but the only thing it did was cause a headache, the only thing he could remember was his medical knowledge and waking up in a train to City 11.
After being mistreated and abused by the CCA, he decided to escape. He escaped through the sewers, than started a new life in the canals. While he escaped, he was shot from an MP7 with his prior medical knowledge, Robert treated most of it, but he didn’t have the right equipment.
 When he was in the sewers he met a small group of resistance, one of them was a medic and treated his wounds for supplies. When he reached the outlands, he decided to start his new life… as a Resistance member, but Alyssa did not want him to be a medic, so he decided to be a regular resistance member.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
D:Being a higher priority target for the OTA
P:  Ammo for the SMG and shotgun
A resistance Kevlar

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Role-playing as a Alliance (resistance)
I will help fight against the OTA with the Alliance

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Alyssa Richard (IC Name) H@Z@RD Spyros (OOC Name)

Extra Notes (optional):[/b]
Alyssa would like Shotgun and Crossbow ammo.

Denied; (V) flag, what this application requires, can not be attained by non-admin/non-special cases.  Authorization doesn't count as a special case, sorry.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 07:52:46 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline Hazardous Spyro

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #108 on: October 14, 2011, 10:22:46 PM »
Steam Name:H@Z@RD Spyros
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):1-2?
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:Not much.... Maybe 4 months?

Character Section


Name:Alyssa Richard

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
20 Years before the Seven Hour World War,Alyssa Richard was born,yet her mother roughly died after 2 months of birth.Without the guidance of her mother,her dad joined an illegal group,mugging and stealing.Each time they perform an action,they use Alyssa as a Scouter,Her father handed her an sniper scope,and told her to secure each position.When she turned 16,her father took her to a shooting range,to learn how to shoot.After years and years of practice,they performed another smuggle,they gave Alyssa a sniper rifle,with a duty of scanning the whole place.When Alyssa turned 20,she was riding in the car,driving her dad to a shooting range.Strangely vortexes appeared and combines invaded the place.While they watched as the combine were going in the gunshop,Alyssa and her dad ran through alleys,finding a building to hide in.While Alyssa closed the door,there was shaking all over the building and the living room collapsed,as Alyssa got knocked out by furniture.After the war,she woke up in a train,all alone.Her dad and her were seperated after the war.She went into a Civil Housing Apartment,trying to think.Knocks were heard,she met a man named Zachary.Zachary leaded her to a sewer,unscrewing the vents,letting Alyssa go in the sewers first,but when she waved good bye,he was gone.She went through the sewers.After 5 days,she was following the light that lead the way..... She found the outlands.She made a new life in the outlands,finding a job to work in.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
P:Better in Scouting places

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Look out For Hazards nearby or combine spottings and stuff

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
(IC) Robert Scott Smith (OOC) {AN}The Chosen One
Extra Notes (optional):
This is my first app,tell me if I did anything wrong please.

This does not require an Authorization for what you're asking for.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 11:53:49 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline Gia251

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #109 on: October 15, 2011, 01:33:49 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:Gia251
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 2 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortiguant Slave

Name:Tek' Uouh

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations. Tek' Uouh was enslaved by Nihilanth, forced to fight, and kill, by his master. Right before Nihilanth was destroyed by the freeman, Tek' Uouh was transported to Earth during the portal storms sent on a mission to kill anything that moves. But later Nihilanth's slave collar powered down and he was able to be free. Stuck on earth with no mission to do, he went to the first affiliation he could help. The Combine, He found the combine at the closest city, they then took him and put the Combine slave collar on to make him do their bidding. From now on Tek' Uouh will spend his life as a Vortiguant slave.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?Perks: A job to do for the rest of his life.
Defects: He cannot leave and will have to live his life as a slave for now on.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?Work in the city as a combine slave so i can become something different.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))No

Extra Notes (optional):N/A

Denied; Unconvincing backstory and there seem to be little effort put into the application.  Please re-evaluate what you know about Vortigaunts and try again another time.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 07:29:07 PM by SaoulZod »


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #110 on: October 15, 2011, 07:32:27 PM »
Player Section
Steam Name:Hippyzombie
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):Couple years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:A year or so.

Character Section
Name: Manuel Manners
Age:  25
Gender: Male
Affiliation:Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations. Apature Science: In order for the betterment of man and all races they decided to conduct hybrid experiments with the human genome and alien races. Of these only one test was sucessful, that was Manuel E Manners. His brain is only 3/4 developed, however his height is fanominal. Due to his brain being undeveloped however, he isn't even sure how to fight back, or realizes that he is tall. After Apature saw that this experiment was indeed intimidating, but harmless and submissive, they gave it to the combine, who now uses him as an example due to the fact that he looks the exact same as a normal human. He is to demonstrate that even the most powerful understand the might of the combine, and that it is pointless to resist.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?It will allow him to be very tall, but very weak.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Be a mindless lumbering man who obeys whatever people say, especially combine (due to the fact that he was created by officials)
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No, admins seem to be okay with it, one just suggested better safe than sorry.

Extra Notes (optional):
Nothing other than height will be changed. As stated he is passive, stupid, and even weak at times.

Denied; You would have been killed easily between Cities. Also, you can not have Hybrid characters. That would fall under the "Special Powers".

Quote from: Statua
-Special or psychic powers are not allowed.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 07:36:14 PM by SaoulZod »


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #111 on: October 15, 2011, 08:54:46 PM »
Player Section
Steam Name: Hippyzombie
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): A couple of years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About a year.
u]Character Section[/u]
Name: Manuel E Manners.
Affiliation:Normal citizen.
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations. While he was "volunteered" at apeture sciences, several experiments were done on him in order to boost the human body while reducing the human mind, creating heavy soldiers that would follow orders without question. The results were a complete failure. The end result was a very tall man, who had a very weak heart, and very weak muscles. His motor functions were also less to be desired, as the experiment indeed weakened his brain, to the point where coordination was only a fraction of what it used to be. The experiment indeed made a tall man, but he was much weaker than his fellow humans. They decided to ship him back to normal society afterwords, which he still has trouble adapting to. He has the body of an average 50 year old despite his young age. He still can manage just as a normal citizen can, however his once militarily-built body is gone.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Allow me to be tall and less than average intelligence.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Became a useful servant for the CWU
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))Nope.
Extra Notes (optional): Point of this character is so I can be less than average intelligence, and can be tall so I can become this mindless person who seems to only know to do what he is told.

Denied; this has already been denied, do not post it again. You would have been viewed as a Physical Defect by the Combine and killed between cities.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 09:02:31 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline Lewis

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #112 on: October 16, 2011, 03:08:37 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Lewis/The Mighty cookiemonstur/Netwalker
Age: Thirteen/Fourteen/Fourteen.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Probably about a year and a month, I'd say./Four years; mainly forum RP./Two years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Around the end of March to the start of April/Three months./Two years.

Character Section

Authorization(s):  Italicised authorisations may be dropped if controversial. (Nikolai gave me that idea, saw it in his application.)

Chongi Zhou

Never being in a Combine Metroplex.
One Hawk Type97-1 police shotgun with two cartons of ammunition, and some skill on how to use it from service with it.
A bullet-ridden CAPF/PAP-issued type IIA armoured vest. (It would OOCly be a resistance vest, and yes, myself and The Mighty cookiemonstur both know that actual 'resistance vests' must be received from an official resistance leader, but this vest was from before the Seven-Hour War, and the group don't have any ties with the 'official' resistance.)
One rucksack, showing signs of age and mistreatment.

Luli Zhou

Never being in a Combine Metroplex.
One Chang-Feng sub-machine gun with three spare clips of ammunition. (OOCly would be the H&K MP-7.)
CAPF/PAP-issued type IIIA armoured vest. (As I said above, it's not actually a resistance vest IC.)
Some basic medical knowledge from her short time in medical school.
One rucksack, showing signs of age and mistreatment.

Delun Lam

Never being in a Combine Metroplex.
One QSZ-92 handgun, with a full magazine of ammunition, and a minute amount of knowledge on how to use it.
A stab vest; it offers little protection against anything but small sharp items. (It wouldn't require a 'resistance' vest for that, it's to be worn under clothing.)

Name: Chongi Zhou.
Age: Twenty-nine.
Gender: Male.
Affiliation: Former-Chinese People's Armed Police Force(CAPF), turned Refugee.

Name: Luli Zhou.
Age: Twenty-six.
Gender: Female.
Affiliation: Former-Chinese People's Armed Police Force(CAPF), turned Refugee.

Name: Delun Lam.
Age: Thirty.
Gender: Male.
Affiliation: Formerly a civilian of Ürümqi, turned Refugee.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Part I: Family Ties

     Car alarms, shouts for help and chanting echoed across the late Ürümqi evening, with the occasional gunshot or two penetrating the orchestra of unwanted noise. Chongi Zhou and a few more police officers crept along the streets of the city in an armoured van, attempting to quell the violence and disturbances of the riots. There was some chatter in the front of the van, but in the back, there was an eerie silence, only the rustling of clothing and the small metallic noises as the other men prepared their equipment. All was calm, all was silent. For a few minutes, at least. The van screeched to a halt, shouting and chanting could be heard outside, in unison with footsteps. The man to the right of Chongi opened the door, and they exited hurriedly, turning towards the source of the noise. A large crowd of Uyhgurs, armed with things ranging from rulers to machetes ran down the street, causing havoc and sending the Hans in the area running for their life. A group of the Uyhgurs, armed with blades and blunts of all sizes kicked and smashed at a car, while the terrified passengers huddled up, staying away from the windows. Chongi was too busy unloading anti-riot equipment from the van to notice the Uyhgurs charging at him and the other officer. Chongi was sent sprawling with the sheer momentum of the leading figure, and his colleague turned round, reaching for his side-arm. There was a shout of help as he was set upon, and the group of Uyhgurs began to grapple with him. Chongi knelt up, quickly drawing his recently issued nine-millimetre revolver. He shot at the Uyhgur in front of him, hitting him in the lower back. He collapsed to the ground, shouting out in pain, and the other attackers ran off, dropping their weapons. Coughing from the recently deployed tear gas, he opened his eyes, looking in terror at his colleague, lying deadly still. He crawled up to him, speaking into his radio as the moonlight glinted off the blood.

"We have an officer down, fatal stab wounds..." sighed Chongi, closing his colleague's eyes as a sign of respect. He got up, and kicked at the groaning Uyhgur, before sitting in the back of the van and lighting up a cigarette.
     Some days, Chongi wished he could of had a career path similar to his sister's, she was studying surgery at the Xinjiang Medical University, she got good grades and a chance to live a life, Chongi got conscription and no chance of a proper job. Hell, at least she'd keep the money drafting in to the family. Chongi's father was, or should I say, had been in the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, and part of Chongi joining was a way to try and honour his father, and try and make up for not being his favourite child, who was of course Luli Zhou, Chongi's younger sibling. She, as stated before, was studying surgery at the Xinjiang Medical University. She was the star child of the Zhou family, bringing home all sorts of good news and grades, whereas Chongi drove around all day in a crappy car, stopping now and then to apprehend the scum of the town. Hell, at least something was going on with the riots, and at least it brightened up Chongi's job in a way.
     Twas a few more days after the incident in which the officer was stabbed to death by the crowd, and unbeknown to the Ürümqi Police Force, many more would follow suite. Chongi hung up his utility belt in the locker, pulling off the Kevlar riot vest and hanging up, he hung up his holster, and handed in his pistol to the man at the armoury.

"Be careful on the way home, Chongi, the violence is at its highest so far." responded the man from the desk, sliding the pistol back to Chongi, expecting him to take it back. "Eh, might need it on the way back."

"It's fine, Iloko, I can go without it." he slid it back to man behind the desk, and he shrugged, picking up his magazine again.

     Chongi walked out the building without further talk, and wiped at his brow, glad to be getting home. Chongi sat on his scooter, pulling on his helmet. He'd stick out like a sore thumb with his police uniform, but Hell, what could he do about it? He pushed off, the scooter stuttering momentarily, before speeding out the car park. The drive was quiet and pleasant, and he made it home to the apartment in which Chongi shared with his cousin Delun, the aforementioned star child sibling Luli Zhou, and his mother, Aiko Zhou. He pressed the buzzer on the block door, before pulling it open, about to go upstairs. His cousin came rushing downstairs, looking rather distressed.

"Come, Chongi, it's Aiko and Luli, t-the-" he barely got a sentence out before he bolted down the alleyway at the side of the building, and out into the parking lot behind it. Chongi followed him, always being a curious one. Chongi lagged behind slowly, unbeknown to him, the rest of the family, plus a few unwanted extras; a group of angry Uyghurs, were harassing his mother and sister with the usual insults - "Stupid Han this, stupid Han that.", just around the corner.

"Leave them alone!" shouted Delun, wagging his finger in a rather puny way at the Uyghurs.

"You get out of here, you scumbag Han, before I kill these bitches too." replied the main figure, raising a vicious-looking cane knife, waving it about in the air.

     Delun stepped forward, still wagging his finger as if he was talking to an infant, while his mother stood defiantly, insulting the men. She was always like that, stubborn and defiant, never doing what people wanted her to do. Chongi's father was probably scared of her when he was alive. Delun took another step forward, and the man with the cane knife struck, bringing down across Aiko's face, moving in arc to her neck.

"No!" screamed Delun, rushing towards the figure.

     Chongi broke into a sprint, turning the corner just in time to see Delun gripping a bloodied arm, and a crying Luli huddled over a lifeless Aiko. He watched as the three men ran off in the distance, and he trembled, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. He had failed once again, he had failed his father and his mother, he had failed Delun, he had failed Luli, he was supposed to be the man of the family, after Chongi's father passed away in his sleep. He covered his eyes, covering his mouth and nose at the stench of the blood, the last thing he heard was the wail of sirens before he fainted.

Part II: "I will avenge you, mother."

     The death of Aiko affected the family in different ways, for Chongi, he was lost and dazed, unsure of what he was going to do with his life. He was a twenty-two year old, with nowhere to go and nowhere to turn. Luli got tipped over the edge of sanity, and made a self-pact to find the men responsible for the death of her mother. She dropped out of Medical School, and took on the old family profession of joining the CAPF. She had lost her cheerful and fun attitude, instead adopting a ruthless and brutal one. She was, essentially, mentally unstable. Delun, on the other hand, had seemingly took her cheerful attitude, and began preaching and praising about Buddhism more openly and joyfully. Loosing an arm due to a horrible attack made him value his life, he began to be thankful for the small things and the big things, and even forgave his attackers. Luli didn't, and who knew what she was going to do next, she was a time-bomb of rage and madness looking for revenge. After a month or so, the riots settled down, and the city was safe and sound, apart from the occasional crime here and there. Delun moved up North to a small town called Kortola - which is about half a mile from the Xinjiang-Russian border - where his uncle lives, presumably to move on in life. However, Luli and Chongi were left to fend on their own, two siblings side by side in the CAPF, barely scraping by in the vast metropolis that is Ürümqi.
     The two siblings were put together as patrol partners, as they were suspected to be cooperative, considering their family ties. Although that was not true at all, Luli, as aforementioned, had developed a ruthless attitude, and Chongi had to actually defend criminals against her, if she got out of hand. But she was his sister, he couldn't report her or anything, even if he had the balls to do it, she'd probably kill him first. They sat in the patrol car, it was a sunny afternoon, the birds were chirping, the flowers blossoming. It was a haven, at times. Chongi lit up a cigarette, he was glad to be on his break at last. Although he was unsure of where his sister was, she had left the car about ten minutes earlier. He also wondered why they were parked in the poor district, but he didn't mind that much, it just seemed that everything was out of place. There was a thud as the weight shifted on the car, and Chongi turned around to see Luli slamming a man down onto the car boot, cuffing his hands together. She threw him in the car, ignoring his pleads for help. The man looked familiar, but Chongi could not put his finger on it. She drove back to the station, Chongi presumed she was taking the man in for whatever he had done, and his shift was up anyway. She halted the car, and he walked inside, expecting her to follow suite. Chongi plonked himself down on one of the chairs in the staff area, turning his attention to the television, mindless and banal cartoons blaring out. Luli didn't come in though, instead, she waited for a few seconds, before opening the car boot, looking at the items neatly packed into sections; spare handcuffs, an automatic lethal for emergency use, and an issued vest. She lifted up the partition, looking at the spare can of petrol underneath, before closing it down again. She got back in the car, slamming the door and driving off, with the man still sitting in the back. The day passed quickly for Chongi, his sister was on the late shift, so he wasn't too surprised that she was not home. He went to bed early, stressed out from his work.

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP." the constant noise of the alarm got Chongi up on the end, he was off-duty on the weekends, but he was a morning person, after all. He turned on the radio, pouring himself some cereal, sticking a spoon into it. Leaning against the counter, he listened to the radio.

"This is Good Morning Xinjiang, with the daily news updates. The time is eight-forty-four AM, and now over to Hui-Zhong Peng with today's news."

"Thank you. Early this morning, police officers discovered a charred body in a field, at the outskirts of Ürümqi. The only evidence was a badly burned Ürümqi Police Force badge, and a large chain bound around the man. Anyone with information or evidence regarding the incident sh-"

     Chongi turned off the radio, instead switching on the television for a better feed of information. It's not often something like this happens in the area. A computer produced image of a man was displayed on the news channel, with pretty much the same information as the radio. Something about the man was strikingly familiar, and he chewed on his nail for a moment, trying to figure out what it was. Then it hit him like a bullet. He was the exact same man in the patrol car yesterday, but how did he get away? Unless... unless... she couldn't of, why would SHE kill him? She seemed normal for the past few years, but why, just why? This is not how the justice system works!

Part III: Not giving into the system.

     Chongi kept to himself for the next week and a half, too fearful to say anything. He sat in the staff room, sipping at a mug of coffee, he had to keep awake for this shift tonight. He turned his attention to the wall-mounted television, setting his mug aside and clasping his hands.

"Fingerprints were found on the badge discovered a few weeks ago, and the police found the match with ease, it was a fingerprint of one of the CAPF's Ürümqi Section's officers, Luli Zhou. She also has a brother, who goes by the name of Chongi Zhou. The two have been ordered to come forward on suspicion of murder, and they wil-"

     Chongi switched the television off, dumbfounded. What the hell had he done? He was innocent, that was for sure. Well, turns out the justice system doesn't work anyway. He peered around with paranoia, luckily nobody else was in the staff room at the time, and lucky again that nobody around here even knew his name. But he wasn't giving into the system, he had done nothing wrong! Nothing at all! He rushed outside into the dark city night, taking out his cellphone. He dialed up Delun, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Hello, cousin, how may I he-" began Delun.

"I'm sorry Delun, I've got to be quick, have you seen Luli?"

"Ah, yes, my cousin, she is residing with us currently, I do believe she is on her leave, at the moment."

"Fuck, don't you have any form of media up there? Anyway, I'm coming over now, it's urgent."

"Are you sure, cousin, it is a long and tre-"

     Chongi ended the call, cutting his cousin short. He quickly got into his patrol car, cursing multiple times under his breath. Never going to give into the system. Never! He tapped on the on board SatNav system, pinning his route out. Chongi swore, it would be roughly sixty miles to get there, and he had little-to-no time. He sped off, and gradually he began to make progress, making it through the outskirts, towards the country-side. It was empty, no cars had passed by since he left the city area. He pressed down on the accelerator, speeding across the dirt roads. He barely got a glimpse of the sign reading -

"XNG-RSN - 6M"

     Chongi slowed down as buildings came into view, and he pulled up sharply in front of a cottage. He stepped outside, brushing aside the dust from his arm. He looked up at the building, it was the house of old "Uncle", who knows what happened to him, he was an alcoholic and a bit crazy. Well, at least Delun would be in, and hopefully Luli. He gingerly approached the door, trying the handle. It was unlocked. He saw Delun and Luli sitting on a sofa, watching a tiny black and white television, and for a moment, he had a reminisce of the good times, when everybody was a family, and he was still a young man, just turned twenty, eager to get into the CAPF, wanting to get away from his family and venture out on his own. Now look at him, turning thirty in about a year, sick of his job, and wishing for a family. How times change.

"Ah, hello Chongi, it is good to see you, cousin." laughed Delun cheerfully, raising an arm - or should I say, his only arm - for an embracing hug.

"You too, Delun." he hugged him gently, and his sibling glared at him, raising a finger to her lips and making a "Shh..." symbol.

"Well, Chongi, I'm going to catch some sleep, I'll let you two catch on." he yawned, before sleepily walking up the stairs.

Chongi looked up the stairs, before turning back to Luli, glaring angrily. "What the fuck have you done?" he spoke, in hushed type of shout.

"I killed h-him... the one who got... mother..." gulped Luli, holding back tears.

"How did you know he killed mother? For all you fucking know he could of been an innocent man, enjoying his life, and now all of us are screwed!" retorted Chongi.

"L-look at this..." sniffed Luli, taking out a rather bashed and used mobile phone from her pocket, turning the screen to Chongi.

     He squinted in, watching the grainy footage, he could make out a few figures, and a man waving about a knife of sorts. The film continued playing, and a small scream could be heard as the man brought down the knife on a figure, moving closer to the person holding the camera. He waved at her threateningly, and his grim features looked exactly like the man on the television.

"Oh God... i-it was him, it was? B-but why? Why didn't y-you just send the footage in? Nobody believed me when I t-told them about the crime..." gasped Chongi.

"I-it was personal... t-to honour mother and father..." she sighed, burying her head in the sofa cushion, as if trying to escape everything.

     Chongi sighed, sitting down next to her.

"I just wish everything would go away, I just wish for everything to change again..."

Part IV: Be careful about what you wish for.

     Chongi awoke with a start, wiping at his brow. Another nightmare. He glanced at his cheap watch. Six AM. He sighed, turning the television on, flicking the volume down low. He flicked through the channels mindlessly, bored out of his skull. The screen turned to static, and an old film 'STAND BY' screen faded in, with the prominent letters of -


- flashing bold. A computerized voice began to speak, in unison with a siren from outside.

"This is not a test. China is under fire from an unknown enemy. Take shelter, and await further instructions. This is not a test. China is under..." the voice spoke clearly and sharply, and the message began to repeat.

     The siren from outside began wailing louder, and everybody was already standing up, looking distressed. Luli rushed out to the garage, opening a cabinet. Inside was an arsenal of 'borrowed' items from the CAPF, both from Chongi and Luli's patrol cars. She pulled out two old type IIA and IIIA vests with the letters "CAPF" printed in white block letters. She took out a shotgun from the cabinet, tossing it to Chongi.

"I stocked up in case they found me, looks like it's going to come in handy, but in the wrong way..." sighed Luli, weighing up her Chang Feng sub-machine gun.

She slammed the boot down, and held out her service pistol to Delun, who was reluctant to take it, due to being a 'pacifist'.

"Well, where the hell will we go?" complained Chongi.

"R-Russian Border..." stuttered Delun. "H-hopefully... hopefully this'll take you off the news for a while, Luli..."

    She pressed down on the pedal, driving out of the garage, leaving it unlocked. She took a sharp right turn, and dodged the crowd of people running about the streets. There were people smashing windows, killing each other. This was causing havoc. And it wasn't a drill. A large fence became visible, along with a now-empty checkpoint. Chongi clipped his seat belt on, flinching as Luli crashed through the wooden barrier.

"Go North-West, we need to get away from Xinjiang if that broadcast is correct." spoke Delun, gripping the headrest in front with his one hand.

    The group made it care free for many miles, until the old car spluttered, then died. There were grumbles of annoyance as the group ditched the car in a bank, moving to the car boot again. Luli clicked it open, taking out one of the old vests and pulling it on. Chongi pulled off his light-weight stab vest, which he had been wearing for the past few days, and held it out to Delun. He pulled it on with thanks, and Chongi took the CAPF issue type IIA vest, clipping it on.

"Better to be safe than sorry..." exclaimed Luli, zipping up the bag she had filled. She pulled it on, and the group set off again, this time more cautiously and warily.

     By sheer coincidence, and perhaps a little sprinkle of luck, an old freight train beeped its horn as it moved along the tracks. The group, presumably all got the same idea, and Luli broke into a sprint, chasing after an open carriage. Chongi wrapped his arm around Delun's back, in an attempt to balance him out and help him run. Luli leapt onto the train, landing on her stomach, banging her shin off the metallic outside. Chongi pushed Delun forward with force, and into Luli's waiting arms, his hand as she lay on her stomach, and he narrowly missed falling under the train. Chongi gripped the ladder on the side, shouting with pain as it yanked at his arm. He leapt forward in an attempt to get onto it, and wrapped his arms around it tight, squeezing his eyes shut. He edged along, almost losing his footing as he moved into the carriage. He sprawled onto his back, backing to the closed door on the other side, sighing with relief. The train sped along, about four hours had passed, yet no sign of the 'unknown enemy'. The group passed their time by playing the silent game, nobody dared to speak, maybe it was the sheer sense of having nowhere to go, no family, nothing left. There was a loud rattling noise, and the metal carriage side dented heavily, and Delun approached the door shakily, peering out.

"My God..." he whispered to himself.

    Chongi gulped, tightening his grip on the shotgun, opening his backpack carefully, he shakily loaded a few shells into it, praying that he wouldn't have to use it. Delun stayed staring outside, and the other two gulped, and stood up in unison. Too late. There was a huge rattling noise as multiple sections of the wall dented inwards heavily, and a large flying object of sorts whizzed past the door, the rattling noise echoing loudly. The train lurched suddenly to it's right, and the group were sent falling out of the door, landing heavily on a grassy hill, rolling down it like bowling balls. There was a sick sensation in Chongi's stomach as he fell down and landed in a splash of water with a slap. He looked upwards, two large 'things' were flying above the train, following it. Chongi and the others backed away under the concrete overhang, attempting to recover from the recent events.

"So that's what the broadcast was about..." chuckled Delun, attempting to brighten up the situation.

Part V: Tunnel rats.

     Delun squelched through the dark mud in the sewer tunnel, holding on to a flashlight with his teeth, and a map with his hand. He spoke to himself as Chongi traced his finger along the small map, scratching at his chin. They had been moving through the labyrinth of sewers and water processing areas for days, and it was agreed that going topside would be too dangerous, if they were to encounter any more of those 'things', or any of the alien animals, like the ones everyone had encountered back in two-thousand and four. They trudged through the tunnel, until it came to a stop, and opened up into a bright, blue sky. Chongi and the others stepped out, and instead of witnessing a green grass, frolicking bunnies, or blossoming flowers, they saw a pile of rubble, debris and wood, and a caved in warehouse, made out of rusting corrugated iron. The group salvaged what little material they could from the pile, and slowly and surely began to create a makeshift home, or should I say den, in the tunnel behind them.

"Haha, there's my dinner for tonight!" laughed Chongi as he peppered a small head-crab with buckshot. He picked it up by its warty leg, tossing it in to a bucket of water at his left, before sitting back down on the tunnel rim. "I hate those damn little things..." shivered Chongi, wiping off his hand on his trousers.

    The fire crackled with a degree of comfort, and Chongi looked away, his attempt to make some humour rather bad. He yawned, getting off the wooden chair with a creak, setting his shotgun aside. He pulled off the chaffing bulletproof vest, and lay back in the curve of the tunnel, clasping his hands and looking up at the dark night sky, with the twinkling skies. The gritty irony of life kept his morale high, the beautiful and peaceful nights, but then, you stay out for ten minutes and get shot, eaten alive by some little alien, or die of exhaustion. A large bang of gunfire shook him out of his stupor, and he backed away, thinking about the poor fellow on the wrong end of that gun. He walked slowly, unaware that he was that poor fellow...
     There was another loud bang, and his shin felt like it was on fire. He looked down, gasping as he saw blood dripping through a precision slice in his trouser leg, he limped back to the others, frightened for his life. Speaking as if he had a chronic stutter, Chongi pointed down at the wound, and his sister laughed it off, claiming it only grazed him. Graze or full limb loss, it was a shock to Chongi. The world today was truly dangerous. The group, following Delun's always right advice, dismantled their encampment, and set off back into the dark of the sewers, rebuilding their 'home' in a more faeces-infested area.
     The months passed slowly and treacherously, the group survived on the alien wildlife, at some times, they had resorted to eating grass, and the sewer water was no good, it gave them stomach cramps and diarrhea. Although, the group did not lose faith, they kept a high morale, attempting to think high of most situations. Together, they possess a strength of unity and safety, and they do their best at attempting to help people, but they are still unsure of the situation they are in, and have no knowledge of the Combine. They have only heard rumours about the 'new' world, and they see themselves as protectors and saviours, in a way. Together they stand as a group, together they will fall as a group.

And so, the story of the group does not end, but it begins.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

Chongi Zhou

+Some knowledge on how to use and maintain the shotgun, due to service with it.
+The armoured vest offers some protection against small arms fire, and some protection against sharp items.
+No effects of the Combine brainwashing chemicals as he has never consumed any supplements and/or water.

-He has to protect his friend Delun most of the time, as he is injured.
-Just because he has a vest - which is bulletproof to a small extent - doesn't make him a walking tank.
-The shotgun has endured lots of use and has been clogged up with mud and debris from its use.

Luli Zhou
+Some knowledge on how to use the sub-machine gun, due to service with it.
+Her medical knowledge can be useful in a jam.
+The type IIIA vest is the highest vest issued to CAPF personnel, and it is fairly sturdy and offers good protection.
+No effects of Combine brainwashing chemicals, as she has never consumed supplements and/or water.

-Quite 'crazy' at times.
-Once again, a bulletproof vest does not make her a tank.
-The sub-machine gun is an out-dated model, and frequently jams, as do the other guns which the group posess.

Delun Lam

+Very basic and limited knowledge on how to use the pistol, as the two siblings in the group gave him some instructing on how to use it in order to pass time.
+The stab vest (which is used by police forces world-wide) offers a large amount of protection over small slashing and stabbing knives.
+No effects of Combine brainwashing chemicals, as he has never consumed supplements and/or water.
+He has a cheerful attitude, and helps to keep the morale of the group up.

-Following the incident in the riots, Delun had to have his arm amputated in an attempt to save his life.
-He needs extra help with some tasks, due to him possessing only one arm.
-If using the handgun he has, it takes him extra time due to possessing a single arm.
-He is a pacifist.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

We plan, well, pretty much, to revive Outlands. Over time, Outlands has went down in player count, and not a large amount of people play it anymore. We are planning to make interesting RP in an attempt to bring the player count back, and recreate that fine server that once was Outlands. For an IC way, we want to create some diversity, considering the group know almost nothing about the Combine, and also to generally just have fun RP for everybody to get involved in.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

The Mighty cookiemonstur - Luli Zhou
NetWalker - Delun Zhou

Extra Notes: It may not be my best application so far, but I did have some fun researching for it, and I had a great blast writing it. I hope whoever is giving the final verdict on this enjoys it as much as I enjoyed to write it. Also, I dare say that the three of us are very experienced role-players, and 'regulars' within the community. 
Also, there appears to be some sort of paradox about vests. Apparently, you must receive one from an official leader, but is there even an official resistance left? And what about people who don't have actual 'RESISTANCE' vests, but a different type of vest?- Lewis

Uniqueness of this application requires it to be checked by Rofl/RTLK. ~SaoulZod

Should one of us get in touch with either of them, or will somebody who checks the authorisations get in touch with them? - Lewis
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 12:13:41 PM by Lewis »

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #113 on: October 17, 2011, 03:39:28 PM »
I don't mean to be a bother, but my application on page seven was left unchecked. It's only one day after the origional post post said it was going to take so if more time is needed I can wait. ^.^

Application has been reviewed. ~SaoulZod
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 08:20:15 AM by SaoulZod »

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline MightyKebab38

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #114 on: October 18, 2011, 03:20:53 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: [K.L.P]S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Age: Thirteen.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-4 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1-2 years.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Combat Teacher,  resistance group leader.
Name: Odessa Cubbage (i am ACTUALLY applying for him.)
Age: 51
Gender: Male.
Affiliation: Rebel Group leader.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Odessa was born in 28 july 1966. After he started school his friends were bullying him. He even told his teachers but it was useless. When he was 9 he fighted one of his friends in class so his class have been changed. But in this class people were worse. So when he was 12 he decided to start writing a diary to calm him down. Writing diaries became a hobby to him in time as he joined the army when he was 20. He was writing diary in his spare time, in a corner.......

                                 *a man finds a wet diary on coast, picks it up and tries to read as much as he can.*

                                                        ODESSA'S DIARY

                                                       PAGE 1

                                                  Today is my first day in the army. The seargent was looking so mad that i was almost going to punch him in the face. Anyways... so i met some friends: Willy, Dwayne and Frank. Those were good guys and were always respectful to me as well as friendly they are.... So anyways today seargent showed us how to  use ironsights. He said: "Now. All you have to do is------ *some pages are missing*

                                                       *the man reads another page*

                                                            PAGE 37

Damnit! i knew it! Chuck just stole my diary when i was sleeping and showed it to everybody in the room! im so screwed.... and i was demoted from Corporal to Private for this! But screw that im not gonna give up. so uuumm.... after today's lunch i..... uhm..... puked my lunch and----- *some pages are missing*

                                                              PAGE 301, 2007

So uum... Im joining the army over again even if im 41.... I still wanna see how is war in this year and i wanna imrove myself... i hope ill be lucky this time rather than dodging bullets in Vietnam. I interviewed for the job myself so they put me in a higher... position. I started from corporal making my way..... *some pages are missing*

                                                   PAGE 307, 2007

Well.... i dont know why but i just dont feel right. Were getting  sent on a mission and not even a little insruction is given. I dont know... lets just see. In the milityary.

4 hours later.

GOD! how the hell on earth did that circled thing came from? the main question is: How the hell those creatures even exist and get here? are we being invaded? i dont know. I fought for 4 hours to find some shelter... we got some people here with me. We all wanna get outta this place but we cant! i suggest we should get out by some airplane or car......*pages are missing*

                                                                  PAGE 520, 2017

Its been 5 years since the invasion. 5 years... But i still fight for my own freedom with some group of people. We were fighting for ourselves. On second thought i decided to open another group in the coast and fight for "our freedom" I called this group: Alliance in arms and already recruited few people. I am currently teaching them how to battle with the enemy. We gathered some weapons during our scavenge of course.. like AR2, RPG, SMG and shotgun.... and some pistols... after that we-*pages are missing*

                                                              PAGE 540

So uum.... today im refusing to write a diary and i decided to throw everything i wrote. If you found this and read this till the end... then i threw it to sea a long ago. *End of the diary*



What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Combat teacher:able to teach his students how to fight
Leading a resistance group.
From what he
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Nop.

Extra Notes (optional): I made diary with missing pages to make it a confusing story... so please dont mind it too much? Note 2: I highly recommend this application to be accepted if outlands map is going to be coast. If not, this is useless.

Denied; You can not apply to be a "Canon" member.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 03:55:35 PM by SaoulZod »

Viewing character data:

Dwayne 'Chuck' Simon
Alive - City45
Hanging around slums, doing anti-citizen stuff.

Henry Parkinson.
Alive - City 45
Trying to get along with CWU, doing loyalist stuff.

Ahmed Hussain
Alive - City 45
Being the city arab avoiding racists

Jack Mikhail
Alive - Outlands
Roaming on the empty outlands, trading stuff.

Offline [CG]shadow_wolf360

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #115 on: October 20, 2011, 03:27:36 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: shadow_wolf360
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2-3 years
Character Section

Authorization(s): An inventors mind,  knowledge of hydralics and machinery. Also how to make blue prints.
Name:Age: Robert McCloud
Affiliation:A loyal citizen, currently waiting for his CWU interveiw.
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
After he finshed his medical school training, He developed an intrest in electronics and machinery.  Soon enough his mind was flooding with ideas that could benefit soceity.  He decided to go to Virginia Technical Institue to learn engineering and inventing skills. He stayed there for approximently four years. He earned his Masters in inventing and technology and also learned how to make blue prints.  He is now wondering around writing his ideas on paper for future reference.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Gives him extensive knowledge in inventing and machinery.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? If I get into CWU and then apply for CCA, I hope to be recruit then GRID.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No, no one will.
Extra Notes (optional): None

Denied; overall lacking backstory/perks&defects.
Furthermore, this requires extensive OOC knowledge. Would you be able to answer really anything about it? (without using a search engine or other resource) ~SaoulZod
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 07:06:14 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline [IGL] Shanaro

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #116 on: October 22, 2011, 05:35:19 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Shanaro
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Well over Five Years on a variety of diffrent games.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Well over 2 years, starting with Kuro's HL2RP, moving onto InfusionGaming, where I still spend a lot of time Roleplaying.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Fast Reaction Time, Aikido training (Moderate, NOT Expert). Emergency First Respondent (Basic First Aid)

Name: Jessica Millard
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Affiliation: unaligned

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

      Jessica was born in America, her father being from Japan, her mother being from California, during her life as a child her father put much responsibility on Jessica even as a young child. Suji (Her Father) had come to America on a business trip, and had ended up falling in love with Amber, Jessica's mother. From the time she was 5, her father had regerously taught her in the ways of Martial Arts, and one in particular, Aikido, The world was a dangerous place, and her father wanted to make sure Jessica had all the recessionary tools she would need to survive on her own. Her mother, being part of the Red Cross, had made sure she new CPR, AED, as well as Basic First Aid training. During the 7hour war, her parents were killed, and once it was over, Jessica was relocated to City45, where she lives now, she is now 19 years of age.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

  Jessica has many defects such as claustrophobia, but these perks give her the ability to simply avoid attackers whom would try to harm her, mainly citizens whom feel they need to Rape her, or the like, it also gives her the option to help others when they are injured, helping to deal with shock, and able to perform CPR to an unconscious, non-breathing victim whom doesn't have a pulse.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

I don't really plan to do anything other than PassiveRP with them, these specific perks would only add to my PassiveRP experience.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No, no one else would possibly need this.

Extra Notes (optional): I've been roleplaying this kind of character for quite awhile now and never once have I abused it or acted 'ninja' in anyway, nor have I actually powergamed anybody.

Roleplay must be evaluated first before this is given any verdict. I shall have you monitored. Report any unsatisfactory roleplay to myself, RTLK or RoflWaffle. ~Raiden desu.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 05:58:51 AM by Okazaki Tomoya »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #117 on: October 23, 2011, 04:23:09 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: 429ghost
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Well not really in-game roleplaying, but I've been doing forum roleplaying in another community for about 6 months or so.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: In all true honesty, I only started playing on the HL2RP just a week from yesterday.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Ex-Marine(retired before the war so he did not fight it), CQC.

Name: John Farmer
Age: 37(born 1979)
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Former Marine, Loyalist, wondering whether to apply for either CWU or CCA first.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

   Long before the Combine Invasions, John was a retired Marine. John served four years active in Iraq, and four years inactive living in Brooklyn. It was a decision made with his older brother, Mathew Farmer. After high school, they agreed on joining the Marines together since both their family and grades were poor, and college being out of the question. They looked after each other as they did their entire lives. As a result of being Marines, it was mandatory that they recieve Close Quaters Combat training in their basic training. John's service ended in 2004, however Mathew was given an offer to join a classified special forces unit, the HECU, which he accepted. John was given the same offer. They both did satisfactory work in Iraq which caught the attention of the boys at USSOCOM. However, John declined the offer, wishing to have an easier life ahead. That was the last John had seen of Mathew. Whatever happened to Mathew remains a mystery, and John does not quickly conclude that he may have died in the Invasions, because after seeing Mathew in action in Iraq, that would be a slight underestimation.

Character sheet with full background/back-story available here:

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

   He will be able to defend himself against muggers and anti-loyalists. When applying for CCA, it would be very useful. He could use his CQC knowledge to fight against attackers and individuals risting arrest. Being an ex-Marine could be useful as well in CCA. His knowledge of fire arms would be a great benefit. Both of these authorizations would assist him in being a good Civil Protection officer, and as a result of being a good Civil Protection officer, it could help protect the citizens of City 45. As for the defects, I am not too sure how the authorizations could negatively affect him, besides being an ex-Marine when he's a Loyalist.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

   I plan to use them for self-defense IC. Just the other day, John was in a confrontation with two anti-loyalists. It was in Sector 6, therefore Civil Protection could not assist. I also plan to use it to my advantage in the CCA.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

   I may need these authorizations for Mathew Farmer, should I ever decide to reveal what happened to John's older brother and create him as a seperate character.

Denied for the former marine status because you would have some sort of marking or tattoo which symbolizes you served which the Civil Protection would check for. However your roleplay needs to be evaluated before you are given any CQC or any fighting experience, all admins are to report bad roleplay to either Karma/RTLK, RoflWaffle or myself. ~Raiden desu
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 05:06:38 PM by Okazaki Tomoya »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #118 on: October 26, 2011, 06:53:39 PM »
Player Section
Steam Name: Dave 648
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-5 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3-4 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Tryout for future use of the Barney Model. (Outlands char, Dave Woods)

Name: Dave Woods
Age: Around 30
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Last of the original four Alliance members alive. (Outlands)
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Outlands has proven to be one hell of a place. An area on the planet that could be considered hell. Those who are stuck there, slowly lose hope. Many men and woman suffer in the area everyday. Good or bad, evil or an angel, life in outlands has been the hardest for all.

Dave Woods, a once young, innocent, friendly, helpful, young adult, has become the exact definition of the enemy. Cold, strong, agressive and hardly a living human. Before this moment of corruption, Dave was the innocent young adult who gave everyone the smile of hope, and did what he could to protect the people. This was soon a job for him, and he was soon considered a field medic. The job was no easy task, as man after man lay on the floor, drowning in their blood. Either Dave did what he could to patch them up enough to survive the trip back to a shelter, or he put them out of the pain, killing them quickly as they begged for death. This was only part of the corruption Dave Woods had to face during his life in Outlands.

One by one, the death of the Alliance members slowly crawled up on Dave. Each death affected him in a big way, as each member, was more than friend, but familly. After the death of each member, Dave kept the kevlar and protective outfits from each. After the death of Leonard (Statua), the protective gear from his body was removed, and Dave Woods claimed it as his own, keeping his old outfit in storage, with many other parts or outfit.

Months pass, and the world begins to look more grey then ever. With Doc missing, and every other original Alliance member dead, Dave's life was flipped over. The agressive, violent, harsh voice, and tired man struggles to find any means of staying alive. He got tired of his job working as a field medic, not really caring for the life of anyone else, including his own. With this, Dave took a trip to his past, where he used Leonard's (statua's) outfit, and replaced his own. The knowledge that he was wearing the outfit of an ex friend who he would give his life for, made him feel more important. This gave him some reason to keep himself alive.

The idea went from one thing to another, and soon, Dave had a plan. Being tired of being a medic, he would donate his medical supplies to other people, or the Clinic. This would reduce the weight of equipement he would have to carry. He took a quick trip to the Alliance labs, now becoming dusty with inactivity, and opened the locked cabinet. All the outfits, and equipment from his fellow memebers were at his finger tips.

Each part of outfit would be more than just protection, but a reason to stay alive. With the help of fellow vorts, and current friends, Dave worked on an outfit with slightly more protection. This outfit would keep his chest slightly more protected then his last, but his legs would still be vulnerable for wounds. The option to protect his legs was there, but the fact of having protection on his legs, would reduce his ability to run, and the outfit itself was slightly heavier than his last, so adding the weight onto his legs, wasn't a good idea.

It was finally finished. An outfit that was made from each original member of The Alliance. A token to remember, to forget, and to remind himself that he is to remain alive. Not needing three layers of chest kevlar, Dave handed one over to a man named Zak. Zak gladly accepted the kevlar, as Dave had no need for it.

This new outfit used up all the left over outfits the Alliance had, including protection parts, and equipement.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Little to nothing. Donating his medical equipment would equal out the weight of the new outfit, to match the wieght he had to carry before. (Note: This means he still has a lot of weight, and will not be able to run for a long time, or sprint at high speeds.)

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Change the attitude of my character slightly, and give him some reason to fight, and not to drink himself to death.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No.

Extra Notes (optional): A few simple things to consider:

Keep in mind I would like to test having the Barney model, and possibly keep it if it works with little to no problems. If at first, this will be denied because HL2 main player models are not allowed, then remeber we do have a Dr. Kleiner model running around, making rp in outlands the best it has ever been.

I will still be Dave Woods, not Barney. Barney and Dave Woods seem to be very similar in ways, and the model would suit Dave Woods greatly.

I would like to give this a chance, and if it is denied I would like to know why, and possibly debate the idea. Debate, not bitch, so if the answer is no, even with the IC, and OOC reasons that the idea should be accepted, I will allow it to be denied.

Final reminder, this is a test. If the model appears to glitch a lot, or fall out of place too much, then I will switch back. If it works fine, and people take kindly to it, then I will request to keep it.

Denied, you cannot apply for playermodels such as this as it is not allowed and has previously caused problems.

Counter Debate: I have searched through the HL2 RP Rules, and the Authorization Application rules and found nothing saying I am "not allowed" or "cannot apply" for the model. If this is written somewhere, or is an unwritten rule, then I apologize. The Barney model has been used in the past with no problems. No IC actions with the test, just OOC fun with admins, however other models like the Kleiner model have been used for months of IC RP. I do wish to debate this, as I am only requesting a trial with the model, and the reason of being denied questions me. ---()- Keep in mind I'm not re-applying, just asking questions. -()--- Thanks.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 06:33:18 PM by â?«Dav »
Dave Woods - Field Medic

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #119 on: October 27, 2011, 02:17:53 PM »
Player Section
Steam Name:=ExG= Sexy Frog
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): I've been roleplaying since the 7th grade, im in 9th now.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Since my 8th grade year.
Character Section
Authorization(s): Vortigaunt Refugee
Name: Tekel'Pakem
Age: 85
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Vortigaunt Refugee
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Spoiler for Hiden:
The air was crisp and warm, the sun lazily beaming down over the outlands landscape. The vortigaunt known as Tekel’Pakem sat along the wall of the sewers, its muck smearing onto her back as two humans, both of which had weapons joined her. One was armed with an “MP7”, as the humans referred to it; she had blonde hair and green eyes and went by “The Rita”. While the other had nothing but a pipe, he had black hair and brown eyes and went by “The Eric” both of which were on the opposite wall from Tekel’Pakem looking about alertly for possible OTA. The female spoke up, her voice weary from a long days travel, “Now that we are finally in the safety of the sewers, Tekel, why not tell us how you ended up here? You know, in outlands…” The Eric nodded in agreement to her statement and said curiously, “Please do!” Tekel’Pakem looked at the two, her large round eyes darting about thoughtfully, as the noise of choppers rang about in the distance, “Very well, humans, I have grown to trust you both. Listen closely, for I shall only tell of my tale once and only once.” She looked down into the murky sewage water and began, “Once, long ago I came from the border world known to all as Xen-” Her tale of how she came to be of this world had begun.
“I was there, my kin and I, we had eagerly been awaiting the Renar’kek’s ceremony, as he chose to extend his training to study our checkered past. For we were one of the few peaceful villages of Xen, also mind you, this was before the time in which I spoke your tongue, therefore expect much use of Vortigese, my native language. Anyhow, yes, we were awaiting his ceremony… the Denok’Alar had gone to the Renar’kek’s hut to call him over for the ritual in his most befitting attire. We had been awaiting this moment for several decades, the Denok’Alar had returned with the Renar’kek and they strode to the ceremonial grounds eagerly, all of our kin watched on with great glee and we were all proud!  The Denok’Alar had begun to recite the words of our people, I can still remember the exact words he said, even now. “Gala gol, henok gong tar amak, Dagok atag ga magoi-” he had been cut off when a great tear had scratched the sky asunder. The tear opened swiftly and revealed an image, like that of another world, many of my kin scattered in fear. I, like most, joined in the panic and began to flee, as the rift began to absorb all in its wake! It lifted the tightly rooted Xen foliage and fungus from right under our hooves, I had seen the Renar’kek holding onto foliage and onto the Denok’Alar, soon after they too had been swallowed by the abyss. I, ran but did not make it very far as I had began to be lifted off of the ground, I tried to hang onto anything I could set claw on, but to no avail! I had been sent skyward into the portal and the last memory I have of my home world was the shrieks and vision of villagers either fleeing or being lifted away with me.” Tekel’Pakem looked up focused, her eyes became blurry; and then without warning, she realized her eyes had begun to leak. She lifted her arm and wiped at the tears and looked back to the humans whom had looks of sorrow and sympathy upon their faces. “Do not pity me; I do not need your pathetic attempts at sympathy. You wish to hear, and so I shall tell.” She looked to the water again and begun recalling her tale once more.
“The first memory I had of your planet, was of me falling a great distance from an unknown height, my eyes were mildly blinded by rushing gusts of wind but I was able to make out tall, curious flora. All was green and I kept falling, I fell until I landed into one of the tall, lush wooden creatures you humans call, “trees”. I fell into a tree, hitting many limbs on my way down but I managed to land onto the lush green ground without being seriously injured. However, upon hitting the ground I had apparently fallen into unconsciousness. When I had finally awoken, there was not much about, only lush green trees and grasses. I had gotten to my hooves and began limping in a random direction and soon met up with rather….hostile fauna. It was a creature I had never laid eyes upon, much different compared to those of Xen, it was of the color yellow with odd black spots and it bellowed its attack call fiercely, though I cannot recall the name it-” Tekel’Pakem was interrupted by the Rita as she said, “I’m quite sure that’s a Jaguar…they were beautiful animals. Actually quite-” The Rita had stopped mid-sentence as she saw Tekel’Pakem glaring at her angrily and stuttered, “Uh…s-sorry…” Tekel’Pakem nodded her thanks and began again, “As I had been saying, this “Jaguar” as you say uttered it’s fierce roar and lunged itself at me, I had been wounded at the time and was knocked off my hooves as it tried to slash at me, luckily for me I had heard the call of my kin as they rushed to my aid! They charged their green channels of Vortessence and shot it at the creature. It fell aside, limp with a large scorch where the blow had landed. I lifted myself and held my side as the kin rushed to me saying, “Togel den awak, golek gullam?” I simply replied, “Togek, regok Tekel’Pakem.” Apparently, my kin had landed in these lands several hours ahead of I and had created a small encampment not far from where I had been. I managed, with the help of my kin to get to the camp, where they channeled their Vortessence to the areas of my injuries in order for them to heal.  We stayed put for many days, hidden away from plain sight and surviving off of the foreign plants and animals, when the peace we had maintained for a miniscule amount of time was undone as the “Combine” began to invade! They had fired, left and right killing most of my kin as we fled through the trees a small percentage of us survived but those who did such as myself we forced into slavery as what the Combine called, “Conscripts”. At this point I still knew little to no English, the bit I did know was what the units mentioned over their communication devices. Soon we arrived to “City 45” me and my kin had met up with others of my kind within the confides of the, “Nexus”; however, we were under constant surveillance. Eventually, my kin and I managed to take a moment to speak with the others and we had learned of a Vortigaunt who had been killed for fiddling with Combine machinery. It was then that they told me his name and I fell into a depression for several months as it was my kin, the Renar’kek who had perished and that is when I decided to pick up on English, where I excelled at the tongue rather swiftly from the humans using it constantly. In the midst of my depression, I had been released from holding by a unit as they took me out to clean about the city; it was there I met both of you as you attacked the officer before he could call for help. The Rita took the unit's instrument of death and the Eric dealt the unit great damage with his pipe.” Tekel’Pakem ended her story with a sigh.
The humans nodded understandingly as they too peered into the murky waters of the canal. The humming of chopper propellers suddenly grew much louder and swifter, as a helicopter which at first appeared as a dot in the horizon and then began to grow and grow until it was too near for comfort! The trio shot up alarmed, “Run, humans! Run!” hissed Tekel’Pakem as her hooves clopped on the ground from trotting deeper into the darkness of the sewer, The Rita and the Eric following at her heels, they managed to escape, but were certainly not free....
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ Can speak both Vortigese and English fluently
+ Can use Vortessence
- Huge target of OTA forces
- Over usage of Vortessence can cause her to faint
- On the run, and tries to avoid contact

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Become more active in the outlands server than I have been in the past and try to bring as much interesting roleplay into this server as it's population has been dwindling. I hope to lead people who walk the path of IC evil to the path of good and teach them from their errors.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No.
Extra Notes (optional): I have done much reading on the Vortigaunt canon since my incident with my Vort slave and now, I truly believe I'm ready. I have asked Lewis to review my backstory before submitting it to make sure it was good enough and he said it was, I even contacted Teh Penguin, though he has not responded, I will tell you what he said when he does check it out. I think I have gotten better, not only have I been looking at the history but I've also carefully been watching how the Vorts in Outlands roleplay and how they speak. I believe I captured this in my backstory as best as I possibly could. Also, incase nobody noticed, I tied Tekel'Pakem's backstory in with Renar'Kek's (my vort slave) so I thought it was a neat touch.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 01:58:20 PM by =ExG= Sexy Frog »

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.


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