When you own a car you should have to buy a license for it, and every time you don't have your license you get a ticket/fine and every time you don't have your license the fine goes up and up. To know the person has done this multiple times you can make a record of the person, and i know your gonna say war about NLR, every time a person dies (shows that they died on record) they respawn and become a new person by entering a different name and they have to buy the license again. They get to keep everything they had but they have a new identity. Some people might think its annoying to have to get a new license every time you die, but people won't die as much. Most people in OCRP are common to die because of car accidents, there are not much raids, gang shootouts and all that other stuff. To get a license there will be a driving test to prove that your worthy of a license and if you fail it you won't get the license back and you get the money back that you paid for it.
Post Auto-Merged: November 07, 2013, 05:16:07 PM
Also the police would have a police computer in there police vehicle to check the records of the people.