Steam username: FPSRussia
In-game name: Hayato Yamasita
What anime do you like? All
What are your main skills? I can do a lot of things, and can do anything that is asked.
What talents do you have that will help improve Mirai Nikki Foundation? I will do all I can, spread the word of Mirai Nikki, and help the foundation grow.
What is your current play time on Orange Cosmos RP? 2 Days.
What is your age? 16
Think in-game now, you're on your way to deliver a large shipment to a organisation and they hold you hostage what do you do? Try and make contact with the Foundation using my backup phone, and if it fails, then I shall bide my time until I see a window to strike or escape.
To join this organisation you must pick one number from the list and create a description for your character's personality within the group below.
I would like to be 1st, as he is my favourite character in the Mirai Nikki series, and before I found this foundation, I was going to have my name as Amano Yukiteru anyway, as it is my favourite anime I have seen. He will fit the profile of the Amano from the series, and shall not break his personality other than the brave moments he has, which also happens in the series.