Author Topic: <::|| 43500's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)  (Read 4328 times)

Offline GeneralTrivium

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<::|| 43500's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« on: June 08, 2011, 04:55:18 PM »
Name: Jack Simon
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: Mid to late thirties.
Occupation: City 45 Commander
Nationality: English
Closest Physical Resemblance:
Sexuality: Straight
Status: In Service
Voice Clip:

Background: Jack was raised in a high class family in London, England. His Father owned a chain of the most powerful banks in Europe, and his Mother was a well known fashion designer. Jack's home life was un-troubled, but he was never spoilt and was brought up by his parents to be polite, and to not take his comfortable lifestyle for granted. Due to his expensive grammar school education, Jack learnt many languages, and was commended by his teachers for being able to soak up information and put it into practice. Soon after grammar school, he attended Oxford University, where he set his sights on working for MI6. He wasn't kidding himself; he knew that working for MI6 wasn't going to be like the James Bond movies he enjoyed. But he felt that it would present him a challenge and give him a chance to explore the world. And so he did.

His work took him around the globe, from Spain to Japan, from Ireland to America. He enjoyed his job, it was what he did best and it gave him a strong sense of purpose and belonging in the world. Due to the constant movement, Jack never held down a relationship, a part from the odd female he encountered on his travels. When the Combine invaded, Jack cut his ties with MI6 and set up a hasty residence in what would now be known as City 45, and waited. The citizenship process took hold and Jack lost nearly all of his possessions; aside from a pair of designer sunglasses and an empty lighter. After performing some intelligence work for the Civil Authority, he was eventually moved to City 18 where he passed his recruit training.

Personality: A generally kind hearted man, he is almost never found with an angry expression. A pleasant smile playing on his lips when speaking with others. However when it comes down to a job, he is not hesitant to unleash his colder, more wrathful side.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 06:55:05 AM by GeneralTrivium »

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Jack Simon (Bio)
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2011, 06:11:59 PM »
The citizenship process took hold and Jack lost nearly all of his possessions. Aside from a pair of designer sunglasses, an empty lighter and his collection of suits.

The combine would not let Jack keep any of his possessions, especially not suits or sunglasses. The lighter is plausible, as it's relatively easy to hide.

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: Jack Simon (Bio)
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 06:05:30 AM »
//. I realise that, but due to certain circumstances they have not been "discovered" yet.

All will become clear at later stages.

But to clarify, he keeps the glasses hidden and only puts them on in areas such as S6. His suits are locked away somewhere (doesn't wear them anymore for obvious reasons). Rectified. .//
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 01:43:20 PM by GeneralTrivium »

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 01:42:22 PM »
// Going to start updating this with some audio logs from time to time.


Hmm, I probably should have started these long ago. But now that i've hit 01 rank I believe it's a good milestone to begin reporting on squad progress etc.

... Not sure if trenchcoats are really my thing but it is uniform, so i'll wear it. But I digress.

I have begun to notice a lack of morale in units recently and I believe I know why. Although I dare not say anything against him, 85245's "techniques" aren't exactly encouraging the units' devotion to the Union. Ordering units to line up against the wall and get shot in the stomach with hot plasma to fulfill a "loyalty test" doesn't really help the units determine who's side they're on. Neither does beating units senseless for making minor mistakes.

Sure, i'm all for discipline within the ranks but there's a difference between discipline and outright torture. If something about this doesn't change soon then we're going to have some major %&$# on our hands.

435 signing out.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 10:08:36 AM by GeneralTrivium »

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 01:53:13 PM »
// I think it'd sound better to do audio logs with the helmet / vocoder suite removed. I guess it's your personal preference, but for me, when there's somewhat intimate personal stuff I like to hear a normal human voice saying it. Or maybe the juxtaposition between distorted voice and personal journal is deliberate, I don't know.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 01:59:42 PM by YankeeSamurai »

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 07:20:32 AM »
// This is a long one.


I find it rather disheartening that the only time i'm motivated to do a log is when bad things happen.

I've been running this through my head for quite a while now. I've  received my first blackmark and i'm still convinced that I did not entirely deserve it. Here is my logic.

I was ordered by the UNION division leader to interrogate a citizen. I ask what he did specifically and he tells me that the citizen was "distributing conspiratory documents within an area of high resistance activity." Doesn't tell me what information he needs, nor at what severity we are treating him with.

So, I thought, distributing conspiratory documents should count as conspiracy AND sociocide. That's a pretty hefty sentence, so I thought I was fully justified in using more... Harsher techniques. From the beginning of the interrogation the citizen was being rather cocky and arrogant with me, I also suspected that he was holding information back from me. So I shot him in the shins. He then passed out from shock. You forget how weak citizens are these days.

Next, the GRID division leader shows up and starts bawling about my methods. Then thinks it's a smart idea to waste Union resources to save the life of this guy in case he has any "valuable information". The SeC turned up and took 913s spin on the story and didn't even bother to cross-reference. We then stretchered him over to the CWU and left him in their care. I swallowed my pride and took the blackmark regardless of my vehement objection.

It turns out he didn't really have any valuable information at all. Nothing that we hadn't suspected already. Then 913 has the marvellous idea of putting him in charge of an operation to draw out the resistance. Without any form of commanding approval I might add and then to pour salt in to the wound he makes ME the assistant of the sodding citizen I interrogated.

This was his plan, we were going to stage an uprising, shoving everyone in the slums on the premise of a gas leak in the main district. Then scatter some nullified protection suits to act as dead units, and fake biosignal cuts and gunfire. The idea was that this would cause an uprising causing the resistance to show themselves, and then we could cut them down.

The issue with that plan is this. Most citizens are loyalists. You cannot just draw out the resistance in one swoop like that, and as I foresaw, the entire operation was a flop. All that happened is some more high command came online, became confused as to what was going on and started freaking out about the gunfire and bodies lying everywhere.

So basically, that's an incredible amount of resources completely wasted on a hair brained scheme that was not even AUTHORISED, as well as giving a citizen COMMAND OVER UNITS? I get a blackmark for misjudging a certain severity due to lack of information, but I bet 913 is still going to be marching around with his division leader rank.

He is an embarssment to us all, and I doubt his mental stabilty.

435 signing out.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 10:08:27 AM by GeneralTrivium »

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2011, 08:10:32 AM »
// everything you said about what 913 did is TRUE and possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard a unit do, you put trust into a random citizen off the streets (who's not even a loyalist), btw I'm aware OOCly you two are friends and that he can be trusted IR but you still shouldn't have done it.
// you still deserved your BM general.

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2011, 08:42:10 AM »
// you still deserved your BM general.
//. nope.avi *shoots shins* j/k
435 believes his actions were justified with the information he was given. Myself, well I don't really care, I have no problem with it :u

Pic .//
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 10:08:16 AM by GeneralTrivium »

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2011, 06:34:16 AM »

"<:: Vitals are fine... He's gonna make it."

"<:: Good thing he was wearing that elite mask, it would have passed straight through him otherwise."

"<:: Ja.. Commander says if he survived, he is to be taking the first train to City 8 District 9."

"<:: Damn... What did he do?"

"<:: It's not my job to know, I just follow orders."

"<:: I think he's coming to."

"<:: Put him back down, it's not his time yet."
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 10:08:00 AM by GeneralTrivium »

Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: <::||APEX 435's Private Logs||::> (+ Char Bio)
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2012, 11:27:43 AM »


Normality once again. Well, close to it. Looks like whilst I was holding off the hoards of necrotics in district 9 that city 45 had its own controversy going on.

When I got back I was surprised not to see 713, I just assumed that he'd been transferred away, a lot can happen in a month. But I soon learnt off 234 after his initial surprise that I wasn't dead that 713 had committed suicide after exactly 3 attempts made on his life by 522.

Harassing a unit to the point where he kills himself warrants more than a fucking transfer to LAS VEGAS. Las Vegas is a goddamn walk in the park compared to what I had to endure for one month and all I did was carry an extra sidearm.

I could ramble on about all the horrific things he should endure for getting myself sent to that hellhole and for leading 713 to off himself but that won't change anything. I can only hope karma will catch up to him at some point, if even such a thing exists.

I suppose I should recollect the events of what happened to me, just in case I receive a memory wipe for some reason in the future.

Back in City 11 I decided to begin experimenting with the use of two sidearms, I asked for my DvLs approval first and he had no issues with it. I spent hours in the training courtyard perfecting their use, improving aim, multiple target aquisition and disposal, performing rigorous PT so that I wouldn't falter. It paid off, I had turned myself into the perfect weapon, something that all EpUs should aspire to.

Everything was fine until I reached City 45. 522 began questioning my authorization on the matter. Easily passable to begin with, as he was a lower ranking unit. Yet there was some vindictiveness in him, some sort of streak in him that wanted me to suffer. Jealousy, perhaps? I will never know now. So when he gained the rank of OfC he tried to use his power to muscle in and claim that I was breaching loadout permissions. Which is of course utter bullshit. Other high command came to my defense and pointed out the flaws in 522's argument, so 522 "flipped his shit" so to speak. It was at this point I reckon he wanted me dead.

He went to his DvL, who was the DvL of UNIFORM at the time and spun a story of insubordination. Many meetings were held, units extorted to play alibis to his claims. There were officers who stood by me and wouldn't stand for such obvious corruption, they said  that if it came to it they would fight for me.

Finally I was called to the HCMR, one of the officers asked if I had a flashbang. I said that I had and he advised me to keep it handy, as I may need it.

... I shall continue with this in my next log.

435 signing out.


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