Author Topic: Red Army Faction - Disbanded  (Read 15871 times)

Offline CrazyNinja

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Red Army Faction - Disbanded
« on: April 03, 2013, 01:15:00 PM »
.:Red Army Faction:.

BackGround/What we do:
A long time ago I made a organization called "Red Army".  However, it didn't last long, and disbanded.  Then a few months later, I renamed it "Red Army Faction".  We did well and we were dominate, we later formed an alliance with The Anti Pride and The Gangsters, or as known as RAGA.  We could not be stopped, players bowed to our feet, however, due to a few events, I decided to go a different approach and form a more, non aggressive organization called Fallen Brotherhood.  Fallen Brotherhood did quite well, we were a large and organized organization, we disbanded several times and reformed rather quickly and a couple months ago we disbanded completely as I saw we were growing soft, I was not active, and such, don't get me wrong, I liked leading Fallen Brotherhood, but I thought it would be more exciting if we approached it in a different way and go back and reform Red Army Faction with all that I know now from Fallen Brotherhood, as well as all the tactics and such I have learned, mixed with what I know from Red Army Faction.  We do things such as grow, raid, mug, passive rp events,  and much, much more! This organization is about having fun as well as dominating our opponents in a organized manner so it doesn't get out of hand.  Higher ranks means they can tell you to do things and such, however, they can not abuse this.  Everyone still gets equal shares in raids and what not and are treated with respect as with any other member.  Our organization colors are Red, White, and black, so on one of your cars put one of these colors in, or a mixture of them, a organization car may come later.


In-Game Status | Name | Fire Team | Expertise
Active, Inactive, or Being Watched

In each 3 levels of status, there are 3 different points in each level. From best to worse its Green, Orange, and Red.
Active [Active/Active]- You are in good standards and play often.
Inactive[Inactive/Inactive]- You are starting to not be on often and don't do much, start to play more often to go back to good standing.
Being Watched[Being Watched/Being Watched]-This means you have been banned, very inactive, or etc...  You are close to being kicked out of the organization.
Awaiting Verdict- This means you have passed all of your chances and your spot on the roster depends on the leaders' decision.

Number of members:

Active | CrazyNinja | FTA | Lockpicker

[Co-Owner Rank]
Active | St Panda King | PDS | N/A

[Level 1 Rank]
Active | Barosan | N/A | N/A

[Level 2 Rank]
Active | Killerghost | N/A | Lockpicker
Active | GreaterThanEqual | N/A | N/A
Active | Smoke-Me-A-Kipper | N/A | N/A

Active | Cookiesofamerica | N/A | Crafter
Active | Reflex | N/A | Crafter
Active | Masterbait | N/A | N/A
Active | 4FingerStinger | N/A | N/A

Active | Katazuro | N/A | N/A
Active | CookieMonster | N/A | N/A
Active | Fumei | N/A | N/A
Active | D3 | Silence | N/A | Crafter
Active | Martinerrr | N/A | N/A
Active | BANANA????? | N/A | N/A
Active | ???1 | N/A | N/A
Active | Mr Cane | N/A | N/A
Active | Sherman | N/A | Crafter

Please don't ask for a promotion I'll promote players who deserve it!

Those with Level 1 rank and higher DO NOT invite anyone without talking to the Boss.


You MUST abide by these rules! If you break any of these rules, you will be punished!  Punishments vary.
1. Follow your instructions from your higher commanding members.  If you think they are abusing their power, report to your Boss!!(CrazyNinja)
2.Do NOT steal anything from your fellow organization members!  This includes cars, ask for permission!
3.Follow all of the server rules!
4. Respect all members!  Any disrespect towards other members will result in punishment.
5. Try your best not to disrespect other players or act like you are better then them.
6. Do not leave the gang without informing someone first. - Also define a brief reason as to why.
7. You need permission from a underboss or higher before letting someone not in the org base, raid, or such with us.  Nor can you base or raid with other players not in the org without permission.
8. Don't lie to get yourself out of  trouble!  Be honest when you are in the wrong or have done something wrong!  If you lie about something you will face demotion/extermination from the organization!  The truth can set you free!
9. If you witness any organization member messing around or breaking rules, record it and send it to the boss! [CrazyNinja]
10. If there are players trying to cause issues with the organization, just ignore them and record or get a admin.  Two wrongs don't make a right and I don't want members getting banned or in trouble due to this.
11. Just because someone enters a base, doesn't mean you shoot them right away, if they are armed then go ahead.  I would like better decision making from my members, and try not to shoot anyone in public or etc...

Organization Bank
Only Chiefs and up can take stuff out of the organization bank.

Current Bank Space:

This is a list of punishments for breaking organization rules, being banned, and such, the higher up official that sees this happening, must be underboos or higher, chief must report to player management, but they will be able to decide how severe the punishment should be.


First Offense

"Straighten Up"

Just a warning

Examples: messing around, taking a org car without permission, fail driving,  other minor offenses.


Second Offense

"Beat Down"

The player will be pummeled by the organization members with bats, you can not react to this.  Status will be put to Being Watched

Examples: banned for a short time, obsessive fail driving and etc...


Third Offense

"Time Out"

The player will be locked in a room for a certain amount of time.  Status will become Being Watched.

Examples: messing around a lot, banned for a longer period of time, etc...


Fourth Offense

"Pay Out"

Depending on what you did,you will have to pay for what you with either money or items.  Status will become Being Watched.

Examples: Stealing a org member's item/weed, wrecking their car and not paying for the damages, etc...


Fifth Offense

"The Verdict"

You will be kicked out of the organization upon the council's decision.  Status changed to Awaiting Verdict.

Examples:  Ban longer then 1-2 days, not following orders causing us to lose a raid or such, etc...

Fire Teams
Fire Teams will help organize raids and will help the raid coordinators give out orders, fire teams will also help when we have a base and defending, as the different Fire Teams can secure different locations and vise versa.


Fire Team Alpha
Fire Team Alpha is more of the offensive squad, going in first with body armor.  These players will receive the initials FTA in their name.

Squad Leader





Fire Team Bravo
More of the defense squad, watching over Alpha.  Players in this fireteam will have the initials FTB in their name.

Squad Leader





Custom Squads
Some players are allowed to create their own squads, ask the boss if you want to make your own


Panda's Death Squad
Players in this fireteam will have the initials PDS by their name.
"We are an elite team of handpicked soldiers specialized in the arts of killing. This team must show the greatest skill while fighting out on the field and above all must be the best of the best. I wish to use the leadership and tactics that helped make the Anti-Pride such a strong organisation so that I can create great soldiers into the best they can be. The only way to join my squad is to show me that you have what it takes, I don’t care where you came from, how old you are or how high ranking in the org you are, all I care about is you being the best damn soldiers in all of Evocity.
Remember soldiers, victory through Courage, Confidence and Cooperation!" ~St Panda King

Squad Leader

St Panda King



Organization Bank
Only Chiefs and up can take stuff out of the organization bank.

Current Bank Space:

DO NOT take anything out without asking permission from the Boss first!

Friendly Organizations/Players
Congratulations!  You have proved your worth and have officially become allies with us! Feel free to base, raid, or etc with us!



Trial Alliances/Players
You have been given a trial to prove your worth to us.  We will not raid, mug, or what not to any of your members.  After awhile you will be informed if you either made it to our alliances or not.
The Unknown



Enemy Organizations/Players
You have done something to cause issues with us, you are now a enemy and will not be allowed to raid/grow with us and such.
The Howard Family


To Join
Fill out the following application and post it below.

Applications are currently Open

Member Applications

To join
Fill out the following Application:

Before making a application you must meet these requirements:

1. Must have 2 or less bans on record.

2. Older then 13, however, depending on maturity, you may be let in on exception.

3. You must have a decent reputation.

4. Must not have been causing issues with our organization.

5. More to come...

Code: [Select]
1. [b]Name(Steam):[/b]

2. [b]Age:[/b]

3. [b]Country:[/b]

4. [b]TimeZone:[/b]

5. [b]Have you read the Server Rules and Organization Rules?:[/b]

6. [b]How much experience do you have in RolePlay? [Darkrp/perp/ocrp/hl2rp]:[/b]

7. [b]What do you like to do in OCRP?[Grow, raid, passive rp, etc]:[/b]

8. [b]Favorite weapon(s) to raid/base with?:[/b]

9. [b]How well are you equipped? [Weapons, ammo, etc...]:[/b]

10. [b]How much money do you currently have? [Bank/Wallet]:[/b]

11. [b]Number of Car(s):[/b]

12. [b]Skills(Levels, and books used):[/b]

13. [b]Previous Organizations (If any, which, and why did you leave?):[/b]

14. [b]What can you offer and what do you expect from Red Army Faction?(1 paragraph):[/b]

15. [b]Do you currently have a Physics Gun?:[/b]

16. [b]If someone has a gun pointed at your head, what do you do? (Explain in detail-1 paragraph):[/b]

17. [b]If cops are arresting a fellow organization member and you are down the road seeing it take place, what do you do?[Explain in detail]:[/b]

18. [b]Will you obey your higher officials as long as its within the rules?:[/b]

19. [b]How active are you? (How much time are you on OCRP every day/week):[/b]

20.[b] Other information you would like to share with us regarding previous bans, or anything else:[/b]

21. [b]I _________ hereby agree to abide by all server, and organization rules. If I do not follow them, I understand that If I am banned, or do not follow organization rules, I will be kicked, from the Organization, without warning. [/b]

Organization Alliance Application
Organizations that want an alliance follow these instructions.

To join the Alliance:
Fill out the following Application

Before making a application you must meet these requirements:

1. Your org must not have been causing problems with our organization.

2. Your organization must have a good reputation.

3.  You must not have enemies that will cause problems with this alliance.

4. More to come

Code: [Select]
[b]1. Organization Name:[/b]
[b]2. How many members does your organization have?:[/b]
[b]3. Has your organization read the Server Rules and Organization Rules?:[/b]
[b]4. Does your organization abide by the rules?:[/b]
[b]5.  How active is your organization?:[/b]
[b]6.  Will your organization assist us in raids or back up from raids if needed?:[/b]
[b]7. What can you offer to Red Army Faction?:[/b]
[b]8. What do you expect from the alliance with us?:[/b]
[b]9. Why should we choose your organization to be allies with ours?:[/b]
[b]10. What does your organization specify in? (Raiding, Mugging, Passive rp, etc...):[/b]
[b]11. Will you steal anything from us?[/b]
[b]12. What if we were raiding or being raided by a friend of yours? [Not a org member]  Would you still help us?:[/b]
[b]13. If one of your members were caught stealing, raiding, or mugging one of our members, how ill this player be dealt with in your organization?[Explain in detail][/b]
[b]14. The organization of __________ will abide by all the rules given and accept the terms of agreement in this alliance, if we break any of these rules, we understand that our alliance will end, without warning.[/b]
More to come.....

If you get denied, please do not complain about it and ask further questions about it in this thread. If you do not understand why you got denied, send the leader (CrazyNinja) a private forum message.

If your application is denied, feel free to make another application after 9 days.

All applications will be talked about within the council board before being accepted/denied.

Do not lie on your application, or it will be denied automatically, or if you get in and we find out you lied in your application, you will be kicked out of the organization.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 07:22:43 PM by CrazyNinja »

Offline Mr Jive

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 01:21:40 PM »
Fantastic! It's been quite some time since we had the old org together and I'm really looking forward to the release of OCRP2 so we can get back into the swing of things. Getting pumped!
OCRP IC name: Rudy Smith

Offline OwenCobs

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 01:23:24 PM »
Wow that was a lot of reading :)

Good luck guys glad to see you are back.

Offline CrazyNinja

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 01:23:39 PM »
Indeed it has!

Also, anyone who were in the organization previously (who weren't kicked out) feel free to message me on steam for your spot in the organization!

-Reserved for Updates-

Organization page created

Offline Katazuro

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2013, 03:29:54 PM »
1. Name(Steam): Katazuro

2. Age: 14

3. Country: United States

4. TimeZone: Central US -6

5. Have you read the Server Rules and Organization Rules?: Yes, been aware of them for years.

6. How much experience do you have in RolePlay? [Darkrp/perp/ocrp/hl2rp]: I've played many roleplays, DarkRP, HL2RP, HRP, BMRP, OCRP, and Phase 4.

7. What do you like to do in OCRP?[Grow, raid, passive rp, etc]: I like growing, raiding, and a lot of passive rp with the given chances.

8. Favorite weapon(s) to raid/base with?: AK47 and Desert Eagle.

9. How well are you equipped? [Weapons, ammo, etc...]: I keep a lot of ammo on me, but when OCRP2 is launched - I'm going to need to reaquire it.

10. How much money do you currently have? [Bank/Wallet]: Had $150,000+ back in OCRP 1.5

11. Number of Car(s): Somewhere around 7-10 in OCRP 1.5

12. Skills(Levels, and books used): Maxed herbalism, acrobatics, and a few others I can't recall.

13. Previous Organizations (If any, which, and why did you leave?): The Brotherhood (Closed), The Fallen (Closed), Sons of Anarchy (Shit Leader), others I may not remember.

14. What can you offer and what do you expect from Red Army Faction?(1 paragraph): I can offer a strong helping hand to many of the people who are part of, or will be, in the organization. I've been in it multiple times and have had my brother join too. We supported the organization for a while with raids, and protection. The fundamentals of the group were not to be a jackass and you'd be fine, at least to me. We had mostly the organization vote the majority of what to do - and I think my skills can help lead how the group goes. I expect the organization to be a very strong and dedicated one to help in roleplay, mainly passively.

15. Do you currently have a Physics Gun?: Had. Again, OCRP2.

16. If someone has a gun pointed at your head, what do you do? (Explain in detail-1 paragraph): You would simply abide by their words. If they demanded reasonably (not breaking the rules and limits, it's good). You'd be forced to do it, aka Fear RP. It's rather a norm in what RAF did, raid and rob. Now it's even on what it does. But back on topic, you would probably die otherwise if you didn't abide. Even then, it's still roleplay even if you DIDN'T follow it. It's not fail roleplay in most cases - so just listen to the reasonable things.

17. If cops are arresting a fellow organization member and you are down the road seeing it take place, what do you do?[Explain in detail]: I can't exactly remember, but if I remember, it's fail roleplay if you did help a friend out and shot the cop. In other words, don't start any trouble you wouldn't need to. I would probably sneak into the nexus and break them out, instead of killing the arresting polcie officers - but I don't exactly remember.

18. Will you obey your higher officials as long as its within the rules?: Yes, the hierarchy of the group dictates the actions of the players in the organization.

19. How active are you? (How much time are you on OCRP every day/week): I used to be very active, and I will be after OCRP2 launches.

20. Other information you would like to share with us regarding previous bans, or anything else: I'm Participant Zero.

21. I, Katazuro, hereby agree to abide by all server, and organization rules. If I do not follow them, I understand that If I am banned, or do not follow organization rules, I will be kicked, from the Organization, without warning.

Offline CrazyNinja

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 07:58:42 PM »

Katazuro, your application has been accepted.  Welcome to the organization!

Katazuro added to Recruits.

Is your brother interested in rejoining the organization as well?

Also, been talking to a few previous organization members here recently and....

Barosan and Killerghost want to rejoin the organization.

Barosan added to Chiefs.

Killerghost added to Soldiers.

Rank names may change later on, along with what rank certain members have.  I want to see what direction our organization goes into and see where we go from there.

Also, depending what happens, we may rename ourselves Fallen Brotherhood, or perhaps a new name, if you have a opinion/suggestion on this feel free to message me on steam.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 08:06:43 PM by [HZ]Pvt. CrazyNinja »

Offline cookiesofamerica

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2013, 08:05:21 PM »
I think I'll be going back into this org we had some good times in the MTL, sadly I'll apply after the weekend merely because I won't be active during the weekend(s) (Going to dad's house) Here's my application anyway:

1. Name(Steam):Cookiesofamerica-Warthunder
3. Country:United States of America

4. TimeZone: PDT/PST GMT-8

5. Have you read the Server Rules and Organization Rules?:Why yes, isn't it common sense to do so?

6. How much experience do you have in RolePlay? [Darkrp/perp/ocrp/hl2rp]:Hl2rp and literp for 2-3 years

7. What do you like to do in OCRP?[Grow, raid, passive rp, etc]:Raid and passive rp

8. Favorite weapon(s) to raid/base with?: M4/MP5/AK47

9. How well are you equipped? [Weapons, ammo, etc...]: I had two assault rifles, one Sub-machine gun, and one pistol with at least two boxes of ammo for each of them in the original OCRP

10. How much money do you currently have? [Bank/Wallet]: Last time I remember was 80-90K

11. Number of Car(s):5-7

12. Skills(Levels, and books used):Looting, Weapons Crafting, Herbal-ism fishing, and lockpicking

13. Previous Organizations (If any, which, and why did you leave?):Well it was yours and I left because I was going into HL2RP

14. What can you offer and what do you expect from Red Army Faction?(1 paragraph):There is multiple things I'm hoping to do in this Organization: Put out the best tactical skills (from military tactics that I learned how to properly combat hostiles in ARMA 2) when we raid or being attacked by an enemy group. I can also give a great help in our passive RP events (Learned this pretty much in HL2RP) or start new ones when I think of an idea. Although very basic, I can also build bases when assisting major bases. That's what all I can offer for now, but hopefully more ideas will come and opportunities in the future of this Organization.

15. Do you currently have a Physics Gun?:Yes..however I don't know if it will be kept in OCRP2 ( I think it's going to be wiped out, I believe)

16. If someone has a gun pointed at your head, what do you do? (Explain in detail-1 paragraph):The most logical solution is to: Do what he/she says. It is better to give what he/her wants and make sure no conflict arises causing my or a member's death. Then when the aftermath is done(and if you're not knocked out): Follow there footsteps and alert organization members by raiding them or if not enough members to raid, bribe the police and make them raid the place. If knocked out let the thing slide as you can't trace them or not the only thing you can do is alert the org members of what you last remember from what they look like and et cetera.

17. If cops are arresting a fellow organization member and you are down the road seeing it take place, what do you do?[Explain in detail]:Conflict wouldn't be really necessary during the arrest. The best option is to compromise: What can I do to get him/her out of jail? I can make these possible options: Make a persuasive argument by lowering the member's jail time. Pay a bail. Or in worst case scenario, get him out of jail by busting him out.

18. Will you obey your higher officials as long as its within the rules?:Yes

19. How active are you? (How much time are you on OCRP every day/week):When I was active in OCRP I was active through the weekdays during school time. However, this will change this and upcoming summers and be active on the weekends.

20. Other information you would like to share with us regarding previous bans, or anything else:None?

21. I CookiesofAmerica hereby agree to abide by all server, and organization rules. If I do not follow them, I understand that If I am banned, or do not follow organization rules, I will be kicked, from the Organization, without warning.
I Am The Living Coookie!
C17.S4L.04.864 Does projects I guess
UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56294- Does OTA stuff I guess
Alexander Burton- prays in the outlands and is from the Eastern Orthodox church.
Calvin Dufresne- I have no idea what he does

Offline Mr Jive

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 12:52:07 PM »
Cookiesofamerica, your application has been accepted. I would like to personally welcome you back!

Cookiesofamerica added to Soldiers
OCRP IC name: Rudy Smith

Offline CrazyNinja

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 04:17:39 PM »
Alright, just added you to the roster cookie, welcome back to the organization!

Offline cookiesofamerica

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2013, 07:20:15 PM »
Alright, just added you to the roster cookie, welcome back to the organization!

Cookiesofamerica, your application has been accepted. I would like to personally welcome you back!

Cookiesofamerica added to Soldiers

Thanks for the warm welcome ya'll! I hope our organization becomes large like last time :3
I Am The Living Coookie!
C17.S4L.04.864 Does projects I guess
UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56294- Does OTA stuff I guess
Alexander Burton- prays in the outlands and is from the Eastern Orthodox church.
Calvin Dufresne- I have no idea what he does

Offline [KI]Killerghost |{FOG}| {GEN}

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2013, 05:10:25 PM »
I think raf will be a success just like the last org :D
best hotwings na
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 04:09:13 am by RoflWaffle »

Offline TehCookie

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2013, 10:29:29 PM »
Can I join once again?

Offline DraKkar

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2013, 11:58:57 PM »
Hey CrazyNinja posting here because I am not sure if you recieved my MSG i had checked my SENT msgs and it doesnt pop up. Anyways its about me joining and me being a previous member of "fallen Brotherhood" hopefully you got the msg. :)

Offline CrazyNinja

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2013, 11:05:46 AM »
Hey CrazyNinja posting here because I am not sure if you recieved my MSG i had checked my SENT msgs and it doesnt pop up. Anyways its about me joining and me being a previous member of "fallen Brotherhood" hopefully you got the msg. :)

Yeah I got your message.

Fumei added to Recruits.

CookieMonster added to Recruits.

Welcome back, I'll add you two ot the roster later, I've just woke up.

Offline hacker

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Re: Red Army Faction [Under Construction/Recruiting]
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2013, 12:40:44 PM »
Hey its Reflex (aKa Magic) I was in your org around august and September, any chance I could get back in?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 12:44:21 PM by Reflex | aKa XxMagicxX | »


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