It appears people can't understand it or don't know about this - so let's make it clear and official.
Your character may not find any of the secret/hidden entrances around City 17, either randomly or accidentally.
Your character may only use the entrance if told about it in-character. You must be able to provide a date and time when that conversation happened, whenever an administrator asks for it in order to look it up in the server logs.
Only accept the knowledge from trustworthy sources - if you're told by a new player, it's plausible that the information was metagamed - that automatically results in your knowledge being invalid as well. Entering the base without valid in-character knowledge will be treated as metagaming and punished at discretion of our administrators.
Any consequences your character causes by residing in the accessed bases or by simply entering an area behind a hidden entrance without valid knowledge may be voided, and the character may optionally be banned.