Now, I've always gotten the impression that the Resistance is supposed to grow organically here, generally without the help of the administration. I honestly don't know why that is, as I've never gotten a legitimate reason as to why that approach exists. The Resistance is argueably tied in importance with the CCA, yet it gets brushed under the rug and left to collect dust. Go into P3, ask about the Resistance. ICly? People will tell you that it either doesn't really exist, give you the information for a rag tag murderous gang that rapes loyalists, or tell you they are loyal to the Union. Ask OOCly? People will accuse you of being a lolwebul, point out a group of muderous rapists like above, or tell you they don't know all too much about the Resistance. That's a problem, because for one, the resistance is not a muderous group of thugs. Yet that's basically what fills that gap in the absence of any form of a true resistance organization.
Using my group, the Brotherhood, as an example. We were a self-made resistance group that held to actual resistance values, at least by my standards. We were secretive, wanted to help out citizens with food, rest, aid, medical supplies, etc. We wanted to discretely figure out about the Union, and discretely spread propoganda to support our cause. Now, I will say I enjoyed that experience a lot, and it was all good fun. But what made it horrible was the swarms of loyalists that flooded into P3, metagaming, looking for trouble, etc. Now, while stuff like this was happening, CCA units were accepting all these rather detailed reports on us without asking any real question why (I know this because I watched a fair amount of reports), and the administration didn't really pay any attention to it. So, what happened? Well, ZEALOT began to clamp down on us, and after awhile, we got rounded up and executed. Now, I will admit we did get a bit pushy, and I'm not attacking ZEALOT in anyway. They did their job. But the admins didn't. Our roleplay/development was torn apart by the lack of rule/proper RP enforcement in P3. Metagaming happened, loyalists powergamed to get away, shit just generally got to out of hand. And where did I generally see the admins? Playing on their CCA units.
My suggestion to fix this? Get a few admins who are dedicated to supporting the resistance. Have them spend a majority of their time on a resistance-affiliated character, maybe acting as a supplier of sorts. Allow them to filter ICly supplies like medical stuff(pills, AEDs, non-v flag medical supplies generally), varying clothing aside from normal uniforms, food/drinks, ammo, parts for different things, information, etc. That's just a start. Events that are focused on Resistance would be an excellent way to do this. IE: supply cache gets found, a truck of supplies come through.
I haven't taken the time to read everyone's post completely in this thread, but skimming over it, I can see a few points that have been raised that I have an answer for. Please excuse me if these points have already been stated by someone else. Regarding what Lone said about resistance getting very little admin attention, its partly because there is no official resistance at CG, however the CCA and OTA are official. As for the issue of events, nearly every loyalist event has the potential for a resistance group to come disrupt it. As admins, we literally keep that in mind when doing loyalist and CCA events. I think what many people fail to understand is that during events, you can do anything you want. Just because the CCA are taking part in an event, doesn't mean it has to be CCA oriented completely. If you want resistance involved in events more, either a) suggest actual events that can be done that's easier for resistance characters to partake in, or b) find ways to interact with the events that are done. A good example of what I'm talking about was that loyalist tea party we had before we changed the map from C45. After the tea party with the CA's, we had rations in which the RDT was bombed, resulting in the death of a unit (permanently) and quite a few injuries. Yes, the bomb had to be authed but still, its proof that events can be altered by anyone at any time, including resistance characters.Regarding Lone's comment about the usual responses of a resistance in P3, that's because the resistance is what the players make it. When capable people step up and make an actual organized group that's good a role playing and is capable of not making themselves so obvious, you'll have a good resistance group. A good resistance group, you should never actually hear about by just asking anyone. As for Lone's comment about how rule breaking resulted in the death of his organized rebel group, don't blame the admins if you didn't call for them or make ban requests, etc. We can't see every little thing that happens on the server, especially when no one says anything. If the admins didn't do their job, then make an admin complaint on them with proof of it. Regarding Jugger's first comment about how there are only two admins that focus on rebel RP, its because there's a server for rebel RP. Its called Outlands and those two admins only play on that server, which is why they focus on it so much. I said it earlier in this thread and I'll say it again as the main point I want to make. Resistance RP is what the players make it. Sure, admin help can boost it, but we're not going to just get on our admin characters and spawn guns for everyone. CG has no official resistance. The resistance relies on you guys, the players. Its supposed to be a player controlled and player ran faction with the admin team mostly having their hands off to let you guys do what you want within reason. As Khub said, if you feel you need admin help with anything just add one of us on steam and we'll help you however we can.
>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.>I'll never forget...>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.