Author Topic: I've come up with an idea for a citizen group, kind of like rebels, but passive.  (Read 7350 times)

Offline Torre

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I lead a group like this on another server. Or me and another guy until he became resistance leader. So. As already mentioned, we got supplies from the resistance or provided them ourselfs. We hid in the slums and and either helped out citizens who came to there or we went into the apartments and handed them out. We had weapons, but we didn't use them like the resistance would. If we HAD to use them we did, but it only happend once and we were not like fully armed either. We were like a middle man between the resistance and the citizens. Good enough? :3 Btw. We called ourselfs Clandestine. Be free to use it :P
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 09:59:34 PM by Torre »
You ain't seen my power.

I've this sorta thing goin' on too.

Offline Logik

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The Resistance in HL2 NEVER EVER goes out and does something open. They would be killed instantly. What the rebels do in HL2 is give civvies food, books, and other things to help them survive. Giving them guns and going out on a war with the combine would be suicidal. Same applies here. If you want to be a rebel, you can, but that is what you should be doing. Passive stuff. Not killing a lone officer, taking his gun and staging a massive assault, as COTA will be called in and you will be bitch-slapped.

This one.

Offline Pielolz

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I ambushed a Combine convoy on another server.. Any way these groups cant survive without a minimal amount of arms, if Combine do come aknocking then they cant deffend themselves.

Offline Rory

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My character lives in S6, he cooks humans for dinner, he makes anti depressants and cooks them on a fire.

Offline Pielolz

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Anyway, a lot of people are like Herp Derp resistance doesnt need guns! Hell yes they do, they are completely defenseless if there is a raid/S6 sweep. They have to stave off headcrabs/exogens, combine and punchwhores, Its realy very difficult.

Erm.... No they don't. It's NOT about that, if they're attacked by ANYTHING they stash their stuff somewhere and run for the combine or hide.
And did you just say they need guns for...... Punch.... Whores?

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To stave of Punch Whores, and when your bottle necked in the Bar or another place with one entrance/exit you are defenseless

Offline lemonshit

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Another stupid thing I've noticed, that bothers me about the lolrebels. They go into the plaza, and start using their radio right infront of citizens, and I go 'wat'.  They're supposed to be keeping a secret, not radioing where they are every 5 minutes. And the amount of metagame I see, jesus. They look at everyone's description around them, making sure there's no CWU or Loyalists around, then use the radio, which is really fucking stupid.

Offline Pielolz

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^^ Yes...


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