Hello! I have got a great idea for a server but it would require a custom map. I have no experience in mapping AT ALL. So I request help! I can do all the rest. Design,texture etc.(Well make the texture, I'd have no idea how to place them.)Heres the main idea.First of all, with will have team restriction. You wil only be able to join blue (to prevent deathmatching.) and red gets locked up in a room so it forces you to join blu. The map will basicly be a casino. You start at a general spawn point with credits behind you, and a nice posted about server rules and other info. You will have different areas. An area for:-Spycrabbing-Trading- and other fun gamble games I'll design myself!Well, I cant really pay you money for mapping. I can only give you this:- Developer rank on my community- 5 Cookies- You get in the credits of the map.I will draw a design very soon, however I need a mapper ready to see if its worth actually making a design.I think I forgot to post something big.. meh I'll get to it.Current helpers:- Boelens-Also, of course suggestions for areas in the map are ALWAYS welcome. If it is a big suggestion, you'll be in the credits. Just post here or PM me! (I prefer post)