Author Topic: Candyman's black journal  (Read 1543 times)

Offline Mr.Qman

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Candyman's black journal
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:43:15 AM »
*Candyman's first page of his journal, with burnt corners, seemingly salvaged journal.*
*The handwriting is sloppy, with errors in grammar*
BoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBored. Seemingly nothing has been done over the couople of months, well nothin i'd like to get myself into that is. I'm a wuss, bored one. All I do is take scrap things and make them into bits of clockwork, then break them. Why am I even writing in this thing, it's not like anyone will read it...

*A drawing of a wall is shown*


Pg 2
Steven is a brutal monster, who is incompetent of having emotion for others when he goes into a "phase." It seems that the only thing standing in between me and a sharp kukri to the neck is my ability to work with him, I fear to not do as he says. Just his face is something that could make people quiver in fear. Or at least to me, seeing of the murderous acts he has done.

*A drawing of a man in a long black etchy coat, holding a long knife in his right hand, grinning eerily and right eye more closed than the other, seemingly twitching, in a dark and clustered atmoshphere is seen on the page*
The page flips with a sound of the wind
Page 3

Nothing seems to be right, I am forced into doing acts of murderous things, I feel corruption going up my back, but I'll brush it off.

* The rest of the page is a list of how to make Tang-Knifes, going from step one to whatever step. Listing materials needed, then methods of making the knife.*
Page 4

Alright, so I have a plan for a little bunked out area, i'll use some of my skills I learned pre-war to set it all up

*The picture of the page is of a drawing of the warehouse in P-3, with more walls, doors and other things.
*The wind turns the page once more*
Page 5

I don't even write in you that much, why do I still do it? Maybe it's just a habit, I guess i'll change the not writing so much part. Today I saw a murderous act of Candyman, it was putrid to a new level but I carried through, assisting it feeling a devilish rage overcome me as I did it, I felt sick to my stomach afterwords. I wanted to get away, but I knew it wouldn't work out. I was thinking of maybe laying low, open a shop or something, get my mind off of it...I probably write in you because I need to get away, that seems about right.

The picture on this page is a disgustingly detailed one, it would show a person's face literally torn off, with a distant unsettling figure in the background knawing on it, the back split open in two, blood filling everything on the carcass, and organs violently yanked from the back, tossed into a bucket. The victim's body is destroyed to a new level of butchery, a kukri resting onto the table.
Page 6

Maybe I secretly enjoy partaking into the killing and murderous acts, it doesn't matter that much, I have things to do so I will be dormant with this pathetic journal that lies risk with me.

*There is no picture on this page*
The wind is sounded
Page 7
To many, to many devilish deeds, noteriety is sounding, things seem to be closing in, the warehouse is getting attention, i'm taking my plan of laying low, not murdering innocents. Sick bastard...
*The picture would show a shop, not to shabby, two sofas, a table with nice chairs, three beds, a counter, even a basketball hoop made from Arren himself using a pole and a cut up basket.*
Page 8

I finished up something to help redeem myself, here I will be able to calm myself and be something I am not, as I write this i'm playing a game with a first customer of mine, she is really sweet, cute as well. Sadly she beats me at my own game, I already lost about 50 tokens, I think she is cheating. I don't mind her company soothes me.

*The picture would show a very nice looking girl with a bright smile, rolling two dice with competitive eyes, tokens by her side, the perspective drawing detailed and nice, showing no more coins on Arren's side of the table. The lighting shaded, the girl's shadow drawing across the table.*
The wind, sounding cold and hisses loudly as the page eerily turns
Page 9

*Nothing has been written

* The drawing would be of candyman, standing over the girl's body, slaughtered like a sheep and dead animal, the drawing unfinished with details and even lines, making the body incomplete, the page's corner seemingly wet from tears. In the bottom right of the unfinished drawing would be seen. Monster....
Page 10

I'm back to work for the devil, a little servant doing what I can to make him so fearsome and putting people on edge, toying with minds like a puppeteer, I enjoy it, my right eye begins to twitch like his, I even giggle time to time. I am going crazy, it's time.

The picture would show a siren blaring in a cartoonish fashion, perhaps to soothe arren's mind. It says in bold comic letters. "We're gunna' get cha'
Page 11

It's time I go out to the outskirts, hopefully Steven has taken my warning and done the same, I'm going on my way to the outskirts, to find shelter, hopefully I won't die on the trip. I'll resort to some survival techniques, maybe I might come back with a few items I would enjoy.

*The picture shows a dark tunnel, now with some colors.
Page 12

Here I am, the other side of a tunnel, caves, etc. I am going to go ahead and set up camp now, there is a bit of forest to the left, a church to the right, pre-war and really fucked up. I'll investigate it later on, but first, I gots to get me somethin' to eat.

The picture shows a church to the right and a forest to the left. In the middle is a railway, showing he came out of a tunnel
The wind again, turns the pages
Page 13

I investigated the church like I said I would, I met a girl there, suprisingly. Yet it isn't all good, she was screaming, crying, sobbing. It was really eerie, I went to investigate it because I felt like I have seen worse, I saw her. Chained up inside a cage like some sort of animal, I spoke to her and it startled her so much I don't think she could have spoken correctly. She murmered things and in a giffy I cut off the chain, I can't get the collar off though, maybe some other time I will find something. Her name is Dove by the way.

A drawing of a broken chain would be seen, with Steven's kukri in Arren's cut and cold hand.
Page 14

*Arren's handwriting is a lot more nice and eligible for reading. His grammar the same*
I took her back to my camp, got her some food and guided her to somewhere she can bathe, I left to give her privacy of course, I had to get the fire back up again. As I was walking back I heard he laugh and smile, she felt free I suppose, it made me happy to just be there for her. I don't even know why, I don't know her name yet. Maybe i've been way to lonely, I guess I am grateful for company. I should not let that be forgotten.

* There is a drawing of his camp, it is well set up and looks as if he has done this many times before. *
Page 15

It was about this time I have realized my feelings for Dove, that is her name. I felt sentimental and protective over her, I didn't want a thing to happen to her. She was up for slavery, I found the slaver going back to church, I slaughtered him like the pig he was. It made me feel reassured, I mended Dove's basic wounds, then let her sleep. Tomorrow we make back for the city, it's been long enough.

*There is a drawing showing a murder, ten times worse than the ones Steven has done, his limbs missing and in other places, pure rage was ensued. If people squirmish saw this, the detail would make them puke.*
Page 15
Out of Character for OOC:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

So, with my new companion, we set back out into another pit of hell. Humanity was better off left in the war, fighting showing that at least we can do something. This time should arise later in the years once we have a prime leader or force on our behalf. Well, whether it does or it doesn't, I will never forget the deeds I have done, nor will I forget the people I have met. Lives I ruined and lives I saved, my melancholy road is my road only, I don't want to hold burdens on people who suffer so much. I plan to go back and make something better of myself, I now realize that I have things in me, no man would ever want lurking inside of them. My emotional trail dries somewhat up now, I seek redemption, hopefully these words will be read once more with my eyes, reminding me that I am not a monster. I am Arren, a person who wants hope to be lifted. A fire to light that others may flock to, this is a goal that I wish to set upon myself. A quarter of my road seems to be traversed, the haze lifting some. I cherish my moments with Dove, carrying old world history with me in my head. Thinking of times like mine, what did they do?
They made hope for themselves, a place to re-cooperate themselves in. During the Civil War a time of great great suffering between two types of people happened. States rights, slavery, everything moved to chaos, but they fought for what they thought was correct. So much death and blood was issued they made hope for themselves that their husbands and sons would come back. Christmas, a time in Humanity that gives people cheer and lifts demons off shoulders, maybe even Steven can feel that he is so lost, all he needs is a lift up. It's time I write in you, old book, old friend, my sanity and insanity. You are a Christmas of sorts. I will never lose you until the time comes when you burden me, but even then I won't stop writing. It's not the paper, it's what is on the paper that counts. So the time will come when I will go insane, so I cherish this moment of sanity, with Dove someone I care for, hopefully not forgetting that this person who is writing now is me. The day is closing, I must take care of Dove.
I wish my sanity farewell if in case it collapses on it's self.
An image is drawn. It's a dove, reffering to his new companion and to hope.
Page 15
Out of Character for OOC:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

On our way back to the city, we talk and talk it seems like the time passes so easily. We took stops, after a couple of them we got lost, I found our way back. God it was so happy, I never..Talked to someone like that. I'm grateful she is around with me, as she is grateful to be free. Right now we are about two miles away from the City I believe, this'll be my last writing until I get back to the city, so if you excuse me journal. I have some caring to do with Dove.

*A picture of a camp to the side of a tunnel is seen.*
                 Anyone who has seen Candyman's Journal can know this ICly, but not anything else added beyond this point
Page 16
*The page flips with the wind, as it now seems to be in third person*

As I came back from the city, I went into my old store that I made, just for my own little sanctuary. It was torn up, with a bloodied note sticking out of one of my drawers. It stated "If you got this, I died during the OTA raid. Congratulations, Candyman. At that time, I dropped the note and destroyed my shop in front of my new companion. Steven Rhodes died, or so I thought. I took up the title of Candyman, I did his bidding to terrorize the city, if I didn't I had this eerie compelling feeling that I was going to die. Steven never died, he haunts me to this day.

*An image of his shop being torn apart is seen*
Page 17

* No words are seen in this page*

*A poorly sketched image of Arren sitting in the corner of a dark room talking to his kukri is seen, it is signed by Dove.

Page 18

I died today, but I came back. Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die, Candyman can't die, Candyman Can't die, Candyman Can't Die.
Page 19

I need to start doing things now, I can't just sit around. Who can kill someone and get away with it? The candyman can, obviously, but I need to actually do it first. Mhm yes, the candyman canthe candyman canthe candyman canthe candyman canthe candyman canthe candyman can*The drawing trails off the page*
Page 20

* A morbid scene is shown of murder victims with the word dove in red around the bodies*
Page 21

You're my only friend, but you aren't alive. Mmhm, I'm alone, yes alone. AlOnE that's all I need, is mySelf I'm alooen That's all I am, alone, no one, aloone, alonealonealone. Alone. Alone.A ALoonee
Page 22

I'm going, INSANE. But the Candyman can't die, of course he can't, I'm invicible. I can endure it all, heh,> yes I am all I need, I don't need anyone to help me, I'm fucking CRAZY but that doesn't matter, I'll endure it all. I'll fucking tackle a RHINO|!
Page 23
Spoiler for Hiden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I'm going, he's. I,  he. I , I'm leaving. I'm hiding, hidning from him. He's taking my soul, I need, I need solitude, I need to stay away from people. I'm not a monster, not a monster at all. I'll fight, fight, i'm not leaving my soul to him. Heh, but he can't die. But, no. I-*The words continue to shift from me, to him.
Page 23
*Wind blowing, the pages flip*

*In cursive and better hand writing*
It has been a long time since I've seen you friend, I do not wish to tread upon my last things I have wrote, but I will tell you where I have been, and what I've done. I've helped people, talked about humanity's future, so. Dear diary, I've helped many people over the past couple of months, or years. I do not know, It's been so long I hardly remember. But, I've kept myself away from the burdening shell of Steven, he pries at my throat with the kukri  I hold in my hand. I've tried so much to keep myself together, helping, making little trinkets. My sanity has been well, but I suffer from illusions. Steven watches me, he probably is looking at me now, but I brush it off. For I know I am now stronger, I was always strong. But I do rely on therapy, I like to draw, help people, do things to occupy myself. I realize if I, stand still for to long. I start going crazy, but I know I can endure anything now. It may seem a bit far fetched, but it's been a long time. I've met lots of people, I've talked my heart out. I see good in people now, and I see good in me.
Page 23

Dear diary
                   I have been drawing lately, but that isn't exactly what I wished to talk about. I met a girl, named Joanna, she is a very sweet girl who looks to only help people, as I do as well. I plan to leave to the outlands with her soon, she keeps me comforted, I do enjoy her so much.
Page 24

Dear Diary
             I have been thinking, and I set a new goal for myself. I am a man, lost in a hazy path. I must walk this lonesome path until I find some light to guide me, that light will be my sanity and so shall you, you'll be with me all the way.
Page 25

Joanna Sinbow, she is such a pretty girl. Well at least in my eyes, she is such a kind girl as well. I wish I knew her more, she wants to help people, is very intelligent, and. Well I can go on, I sense friendship in her, and maybe even potential, love? Either way, I do wish to stay with her for as long as possible.


« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 10:42:19 PM by CG-Qman »


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