Author Topic: Fudo 'Theory' Kaku's Logs.  (Read 2032 times)

Offline Sawnik

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Fudo 'Theory' Kaku's Logs.
« on: May 25, 2011, 12:37:22 AM »
Log 1 “ Rebels just being rebels

I thought today couldn’t get worse, Yuri and I thought we should try to go to S6 to see if there was any “resistance”that we could join, well we preceded to go down to the train station, which it was just us and this other guy named Todd who was going to S6 too. As the train got there we were about to get on, but then 3-4 CP’s show up, like someone requested them.  We were quickly tied up and searched and then brought to the nexus. When the CP was getting our names and CID’s, apparently I had 6 points now, which means NO MORE Rations. I was furious with them, but I held my anger in. (OOC) I guess 597 has been tacking on points every time he found me ’loitering’, but it’s fine. (/OOC) So I waited my cycles and was let out at the same time Yuri was.
After a while I went looking for him, not being able to find him I thought he was in S6. So I took my chances and tried to go to S6 by train again. Luckily, there were no CP’s to detain me. As I got there I didn’t know where to go, since this was my first time going there. I walked around and stumbled down to an ‘underground bar’. I entered to find Yuri sitting there; I was relieved to find him. But then there’s a twist… Two women walk out of a strange room. One of them I knew Silver, and the other I didn’t, the other one was taking some pill or something I think.  They apparently had their own resistance and they had abunch of supplies. So Yuri and I decided to join, while I paid a small fee. After getting accepted and joining their resistance, we then went to fixing up the place. Sitting there I had my doubts about this ‘resistance’ and thinking it would get nowhere, then… (OOC) after a few crashes (/OOC) our leader went away for a bit. After awhile someone started to knock on the door. Curious I went and checked, it was a guy with a strange vest and a shotgun.  I was scared because he came in demanding to bring me to my leader or else he would kill everyone in the room. But my leader wasn’t there, he didn’t kill us after I explained where she was, so I showed him in to our secret room. He then told us he was in the “real” resistance, which I believed because of his vest. I then asked for his name in which he replied saying he didn’t have a name and that we should call him “Y-R”. Good news my leader showed up. Y-R then took her outside for a talk for awhile. They both came back in saying our resistance has been absorbed by the real resistance. All of us were happy, and I now knew this might get somewhere. After this the fun started…

Y-R and I then did some delivery’s, getting random supplies. Then we took a break, I finally learned the other girl’s name “Summer Miles”. Y-R wasn’t like a stereotypical leader that was in to being the perfect leader, which he had some leader traits. We sat down, and pulled out a joint, and then he lit it. He offered it to me, I said I didn’t smoke but I don’t remember…because of the water. Y-R then took a needle and jabbed it into my jugular, he told me it was Omega-257 or something, it would help me remember anything I forgot. I told he shouldn’t have done that because my past was just filled with death. I remembered my parent’s death and the last time I saw my brother. But in the end Y-R offered me the joint again, I said I remembered trying back in high school once, so I took the joint and we started to smoke. He then got us beers, which we preceded to drink. He then asked me how my life before this was. I told him how my parents died, were I had the choice between killing them, and another family, or if I didn’t chose they would both die... I did the ‘right’ thing and chose my parents to be killed. Then I told him about me not being able to save my brother and I never saw him again.

Then Y-R told me his story how he lost his girlfriend or something and he killed 3 COTA for revenge.  He killed a ‘KING’ by stabbing him and the mask, and then he snapped his neck which there was more detail but I forgot. Then he then killed two ‘REAPER’s’ by shooting one with a crossbow and killing the other with his MP7.I was amazed, I didn’t know if this were true or not, but I believed it. After drinking too many beer’s we both had the idea to try to ’get’ with Summer. He then called her over and secretly slipped a pill in the water he was offering too her. She took one sip he then she was on the ground, knocked out. Y-R and I, drunk as hell dragged her around for a bit and tied her up.  Y-R then told me to go first, but then I said it should be him to go first because he knocked her out. Too bad the pill Y-R used wasn’t very strong and Y-R and me didn’t actually do anything to her. Summer then awoke with some bruises and rope burns. She then accused us of rupheing her. Y-R said she passed out from all the work she was doing. Summer did not believe us still. She then got mad and didn’t want to talk to us. I left to go deliver some C4 and I came back with Y-R being held at gunpoint by Summer.  I was told to leave or else we would both die. So I walked out of the bar. I couldn’t really hear anything, but then Y-R admitted that we did drug her, she then thanked us for telling the truth, but she probably still hates us.  After that we had more members, and Y-R and I went to go pick up a delivery, on the way Y-R asked if I had medical experience and I said “kinda” He then asked if I would like to be a medic. I said yes instantly. He then gave me my medic vest and we headed back to the bar.

Summer was unhappy that I got a vest on day one. But Y-R was able to convince her it was alright and that we needed a medic. Y-R then taught me some techniques that needed to know to be a medic. After that I requested a locker. Y-R and I got one, and put it in our base, but again… Summer did not like the idea of me having a locker. Well Y-R convinced her it was alright and I got one.  After that we had reports of COTA being in the city. So we holed up in our base, and the COTA were doing a sweep of S6. I think many citizens died while some were able to escape by train. The COTA team then went down in to the bar; we all had out guns pointed at the door. They checked around but didn’t know how to open the secret door, also it was locked thanks to Summer doing something so she can control the circuit. The COTA left without finding us, but they probably had a suspicion we were there. So then Y-R told us we had to move to a different location. I think Summer didn’t really want too but we did anyway.

So we got too our new base, which had way more space. We got shipments directly which was a plus. We set up barricades and our resistance was growing, I had people that were medics under me, I was put at head of medics sometime when I was gone building barricades. I also gave myself a codename ‘Theory’ because I was a physicist before the war. Y-R then came up to me, telling me to come with him on patrol. It wasn’t a normal patrol for all I knew. Y-R wanted to talk to me about taking out Summer, or taking her out of leader position.  I agreed that that should happen, so he came up with a plan. He would give Summer 3 choices, 1. Leave the resistance 2. Step down and become a member (leader of patrols) and 3. Death, if she would not comply. So we got her to come meet us, it was just Y-R, me, Summer, and some buy named Tyler (he was on our side.) Y-R told me before this if summer wouldn’t comply, he would order ‘code 45’ which meant for Tyler and me to kill her. Y-R then gave her the 3 choices, she then chose the option of becoming a member and stepping down, I was hoping that she would chose that, cause I didn’t know if I could kill her or not.. She knew if she didn’t death was the choice. So after that Y-R became our new leader with me as the co-leader just to fill up the spot until he decided. ..

Offline JoshB

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Re: Fudo 'Theory' Kaku's Logs.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 01:00:53 AM »
//And then your character ended up dead. Shoulda gone with the good guys  ;D
[CG-SA]Toy4x4funrun: When guns are involved RP = basicly void

Offline Lewis

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Re: Fudo 'Theory' Kaku's Logs.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2011, 12:32:12 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
I was Todd D:   While you guys got a couple points, I got the shit beat out of me D:

Offline JoshB

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Re: Fudo 'Theory' Kaku's Logs.
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 10:30:35 AM »
Oh the fun days we had before Toy came in, told a completely BS story about killing COTA (You should hope that he was lying IC), won your respect, rupheed me, ruined the group, then took over.
[CG-SA]Toy4x4funrun: When guns are involved RP = basicly void


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