Why does your signature change every day?
Why did you change your previous one, it was awesome.
Are you a brony? If not, what's your opinion of bronies?
I don't change it every day, lately though I have been changing it a lot.
I think I'll stick with my current one for now. Oh, and the reason for switching avatars is because the other one got deleted and so therefore just showed up as an picture not found icon.
By previous one do you mean all the quotes plus the Non-vip/gold member thing? If yes then I have to agree that was one of my best signatures, but it would be a pain to go back in time and try to find those quotes again.
Yes, even though most of the time I don't show it I am one. Although I am one myself that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about them. Most that you see in game have a pony related name along with a pony avatar and then in most cases bring up ponies almost all the time in game, which is something that does piss off a lot of people, personally I think I would prefer if most bronies just kept to themselves and only bring up ponies if people ask about it or talk about it etc.