Author Topic: The Diary of Gavin Stinson \"The Loyalist Points\"  (Read 1628 times)

Offline Dixon

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The Diary of Gavin Stinson \"The Loyalist Points\"
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:27:37 PM »
Wow, Here in City45 i have just arrived here it seems almost, Calm and peaceful.

First of all i need to wash my boots as they are very dirty.....But i see no buckets and rags.
I have just met someone his name is.. Ted Hug, He was very nice by showing me around City45 showing me the UCH and The Nexus even the different precincts.
It turns out Ted was also a loyalist which is great! He even had a armband, Now there is a true Loyalist.

I even got a room in the UCH which is nice....But at least put a bed in there?

*2 days later*

Just gunshot after gunshot after gunshot, I might take back this City being Calm and Peaceful.

I have just help out a CWU worker he asked Citizens if they wanted to help out in cleaning The Nexus Garage and the CWU headquarters,
I and the others were doing great! The worker even put me in charge for quite awhile, I told everyone what jobs to do, it was so much fun but at the some time VERY frustrating i even earned my first loyalist point!

*12 days later*

It seems i am getting work at every corner, I heard an announcement saying "Please, go to the plaza to become apart of manual labor  and earn loyalist points and rations"

I quickly walked to the shops and asked if the Units had any work (Obviously they did) they all replied "Yes, Citizen"

a long line of us grew, I was first and a couple of spaces back i saw Ted, It seems he is up for it.

We all went to the CWU headquarters and 717 Told us to "<::Go to the back wall and face the wall!" I did as instructed they all did the Tie and Search procedure

We all got searched, everyone was clean, Thanks for that.
The unit told US to come up with ideas for out treats.

We all come up with some ideas ALL were invalid.
So 717 told us to pick up some fairly heavy boxes then he Yelled "<::Follow 605! he will take you too the RDT when you are done, Come back"

All of us followed, one man fell and broke HIS box he got thrown out of the line and was made to clean the mess up.
We got to the RDT and placed the boxes
We straightened up as a line and went back to the CWU Headquarters.

When we got there we got told to line at the back wall once again,
717 yelled "<::In a line come towards me!"
I walked first I received One ration packet and One Loyalist point that's my second one now.

I just helped Units 155 and 706 in cleaning the city, Well just throwing trash into bins i guess but it still helps.
Yes! I got another loyalist point so.. my third! I can feel the armband already.

*A week later*

I have just requested a unit to come out and sort this man out, He is running around yelling: "Give me your money!" To strangers! How ridiculous is that!?, Anyway i got him arrested and i earned a little something, My fourth loyalist point! So close....

*On the same day*

I was doing yet again MORE manual labor for the same Unit we did the same procedure: Walk to CWU HQ and go to the back wall, Get tied and searched everyone was clean and then we had to give ideas.....Again, No one thought of any ideas so we had to do the same thing but with a twist the units placed boxes and items ALL over the place,717 yelled "<::Get to work!" We had items the boxes were marked at least and i had my friend with me, Ted. He helped me out with it.

When we was finished placing the items in the right boxes we had to take them to the RDT....Again

When we headed back it was the same: Back wall , Come to me , Rations and Points which i was thrilled about!

717 said "<::There you go, Now get out of here"
I did as instructed but when i left i told 605 that i had 5 loyalist points

605 said "<::Stand at the wall behind me"
I did as instructed i waited for at least a fair good 10 minutes.
Then another citizen said the exact same to 605, He had 5 Loyalist points As well. 

We both received Armbands mine was Clear Blue his for some reason was Red and Cyan striped.

I won't apply for Civil Protection just yet i want to enjoy what i have just earned.

Gavin Stinson | #57704

Post Auto-Merged: August 24, 2012, 03:20:00 PM
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 03:20:00 PM by Dr.Jonathan Crane »

Offline Dixon

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Re: The Diary of Gavin Stinson \"The Loyalist Points\"
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 03:13:00 PM »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 05:24:31 PM by Dixon »


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