Guns aren't given out in the city because nearly everytime they are, and literally almost every time something bad has happened that you wouldn't really expect to happen.For vests it's because normally people wearing them think they're better than other people and they're just really bad for RP.These questions have been answered time and time again and the answer is still the same. I doubt doing it again will change it, sorry.
The reason its harder to get guns (to my knoledge) is that during and post war, the CCA thouroughly sweeped through the world and either collected or destroyed more or less all the weapons.
Then, why is it that in the actual game of Hl2, there were fully armed Refugees along the Canals? Are they magic? Hell, I even remember screwing around on that one Apartment map in HL2, and as the CCA member were busting in that one of the apartments I noticed a 'Citizen (Pistol symbol) Metrocop' in the right corner? Are they Wizzards that can magically have these 'few' weapons? And I do so recall the CCA not being implemented until AFTER the Seven Hour War.
Guns aren't needed to roleplay and generally only add unneeded drama. Sure, admins can handle shit like this but why waste the time in the first place?