Author Topic: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-05.909 Private logs||::>  (Read 6114 times)

Offline Vandal??¢

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<::||C45.CCA.APEX-05.909 Private logs||::>
« on: July 28, 2012, 10:47:13 AM »

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New Log Opened:Log entry 01

*A unit appears on screen, his armband adourns an RcT armband with the numbers "909" on it.*
*The unit can be heard clearing his throat, creating a grumble from his vocoder.*

<::|| Uhm.. I don't know if this thing is on... But uh.. This is personal log entry number 1. My first days of being a recruit are pretty difficult. Never actually thought being a unit would be so- *Unit 050 comes into view, grabbing a few things from the supple shelves in the break room.* *909 stops talking mid-sentence, turning to see 050.* Oh, hello, sir. *050 turns to the recruit, speaking "Hello, recruit.* *Unit 909 turns back to the screen clearing his throat a bit loudly, producing a static grumble from his vocoder.* So.. Yesterday I was trained in the "beginnings of the civil authority." I'm sure there's a better name for it, but I can't remember what it was.. ||::>

<::|| *909 looks down at the console, quickly looking back up.* I saw 060 yesterday. Me and him... We haven't actually got that good of a history. *909 shakes his head.* And I'm sure being a recruit isn't helping much either.. *909 sighs through his vocoder, another static whistle releasing from it.* I guess I'll uh.. I'll end this log here. 909 out. ||::>

*The screen goes black.*

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Disconnecting RcT.909
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 12:15:44 PM by Vandal »
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012, 02:09:56 PM »

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New Log Opened:Log entry 02

<::|| *The screen flicks on, revealing a unit that is tinted red and has a scuffed faceplate.* Log entry 02, the last few days have been very eventful... I got my training for clamping, patrolling, and how to handle detained citizens. I don't believe that I'm going to be able to remember all of these radio codes as of yet, but I'll certainly try. But, when Training Officer 326 showed me how to patrol.. We got the strangest request.. *The unit chuckles a bit, soon stopping.* Uh.. 3 homosexual men in the showers of the UCH were commiting UPA, I was ordered to clamp them and 060 was with us, we all grabbed one each and headed for the Nexus where they were amputated... *The unit sighs, looking down at his uniform, still tinted red.* There were complications today regarding a couple of citizens..  ||::>

<::||  The issue was several citizens in the Souvenier shop were running around like a bunch of idiots, they tried to block me and 192 in the back room, but I broke the boards, placing the asian citizen against the wall. It was at that time that 630 walked in and ordered that I "beat him until he can't fell his legs." Don't get me wrong, I was glad to do that to someone I didn't really like, but he ran right in the middle of it.. *The unit pauses for a moment, sighing into his vocoder, producing a growl like sound from it.* 630 ran in, pumped a buckshot into him and the blood.. The blood got everywhere.. There was so much of it... But I had watched 6 or 7 other citizens di- *AN alarm is heard from the stasis chamber in the break room. The unit turns to see an OTA walk out from it's chamber. "VANGUARD-9.06042 released from stasis; reason: mechanical failure in stasis pod #0087." is heard from the unit's radio, the unit turns to turn the recording off.* Uh.. Er.. Ehem, end log here.. *The screen flickers to black.* ||::>

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Disconnecting RcT .909
Console Shut Down.
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 09:01:34 AM »

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New Log Opened:Log entry 03

<::|| *A unit is displayed on the screen, sporting a bit more of a muscular build than his last log, he has a blackmark pin that shines at a certain angle to the camera, he removes some things from a pouch, laying them on a table and begins speaking* This is log entry number 3, and I've got to say, things have been going much easier for me, I've made some friends, and some enemies, I've gotten in all of my training and I will begin taking the promotion test starting tomorrow. I did the final review with unit 050, and from it, I got a 95% correct answer ratio. I'm so happy to be actually starting to raise in my ranks here.. Also found it much easier to re-educate the citizens here after I had done it so many times. I found a way to stop citizens from panicking during a tie-and-re-educate procedure, explain to them if they run or do anything like that while I'm tying them, their punishment will be much worse. The first time I had done this was to a black citizen and.. 050 didn't like the fact that he resisted to begin with.. *The unit pauses for a moment* So he filled him with a buckshot. ||::>

<::|| But.. There's another thing bothering me... The death of a fellow unit, the one recruit 544.. *The unit pauses, looking to the right (his right) then looking down and shaking his head, a sniffle escapes his vocoder just lightly* I knew him before he was a unit.. And to learn that he would just.. Stumble off of the roof of the Nexus like that.. I don't see how he could just do that, or even be up there... I guess that explains why he had 3 blackmarks.. Going up onto the roof without your faceplate must be pretty serious.. I'll end this log here, make another tomorrow if I get passed that promotion test. Unit 909 out. *The unit reaches forward, typing a few things into the breakroom console, then the screen flickers black.*

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Disconnecting C-BR:021
Console Shut Down.
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline tdabamf1

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 09:32:23 AM »
// hey why isn't there anything here about me. :(

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2012, 09:51:35 AM »
// hey why isn't there anything here about me. :(

//I'll eventually put stuff about most other units when I reach 05, my unit is focusing on his training and not his interactions with other units :3
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline tdabamf1

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 03:08:13 PM »
// rct training sucks penis
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 09:16:10 PM by tdabamf1 »

Offline Khub

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2012, 03:27:52 PM »
// training sucks penis
Thank you very much, I will make sure to have you reminded about this, whenever you ask any unit for any training.

Offline tdabamf1

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2012, 07:52:59 PM »
// training sucks penis
Thank you very much, I will make sure to have you reminded about this, whenever you ask any unit for any training.

// o shit

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2012, 11:02:04 AM »
// training sucks penis
Thank you very much, I will make sure to have you reminded about this, whenever you ask any unit for any training.

// o shit

You dun goofed.
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline tdabamf1

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2012, 11:51:21 AM »
// omg training is very good i love training, disregard anything i ever said

Offline ReDrUm?´´?´°

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2012, 01:24:02 PM »
//No, I agree, often times training sucks because half the people who train just copy/paste from the forums, or just slightly re-word it. I'm guilty of doing that too, but most of the time I try to find a more "hands on" method of training. For example, on my forensics team most of the time I have them train through experience, so I'll say "Do this with me, I'll teach you as we go, and that'll count as this training course." Makes shit so much less boring.

C45.CCA.S4-OfC.280 | HEALTHY | Head of Section 4 Support
Rokus Relici | UNKNOWN | Standard P3 Criminal Scum
Kaylin Jacobs | HEALTHY | Accepted into the CWU

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2012, 10:09:43 AM »

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New Log Opened: Log entry 04

<::|| *A unit comes on screen, donning a blue 05 armband, his movements and posture suggest that he is excited, he speaks* Unit 909 here, log entry 04, I'm happy to say that I've surpassed the promotion test and have reached 05. I'm happy to know the responsibility and work that comes with the ranks, but sad to know that there were several units who... Who have uh.. *The unit stops speaking, an audible whistle is emitted fron his vocoder as he sighs* That there were several units who died, or, who were deserviced, with the correct terminology.. Although I didn't know the unit's number, the citizen [REDACTED] was deserviced, he slipped from the rooftop... And another one.. 074.. *The unit stops once more, looking to his left, seeming to divert his attention before centering it back on the camera.* I was attacked, twice, in the past 2 days, a citizen had elbowed me in the plate, then proceeded to knee me in the chest. I was fixed up in the medbay, but my radio was broken, kicked me in the head, busted the radio and it let out a kind of.. A kinda uhh... *The unit snaps his gloved fingers, trying to think of the word.* Ah! That's it, it was like really long and annoying white noise with some radio whines. But, the units that helped me out of that were just fantastic.. *The unit clearly forgot to mention the second time he was attacked.* I'm glad to be part of the Union and its CCA eestablishment.. I'm going to end this log here, I'll activate more logs as some interesting things come to me. *The unit reaches forward, his pistol is now obvious on his belt and the combat knife on his arm is obvious as well, the screen flickers to black, the audio cutting out with a crackle.*  ||::>

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Disconnecting C-BR:022
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 10:34:54 AM by Vandal »
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-05.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2012, 12:40:06 PM »

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New Log Opened: Log entry 05

<::|| *A unit is flickered onto the screen, his right shoulder dons a blue APEX 05 armband, his left fore arm has a combat knife strapped to it, he begins speaking* Unit 909 here, log entry 05. I've recently gotten into APEX, only agyer being punched in the gut by 211 for not saying thank you.. Hurt bad, but it was a little funny to hear her giggle and call me her.. Her ah.. *The unit releases a small chuckle, sounding like an evil laugh from behind his vocoder* She called me her padawon. On another note.. I got to use my pistol, it was kind of random at first and it was the first thing I thought to do, but it.. Er.. I got a round in his leg, stopped him right there, but he got away into P3, not sure why they all go there, they come out eventually.. *The unit idley taps his gloved fingers on the table before speaking.* I was surprised to know how many citizens get beaten every day, never noticed how many of them made violations like that when I was a regular citizen.. But in my eighteen cycles of patrol yesterday, I had re-educated about 5 or 6 citizens for audio and mobility violations. In total, I'd say it's about 29.. *The unit chuckles once more, speaking* Maybe I should keep count... Uh.. Well.. I think this is gonna be about it for this log, end log entry 05, 909 out. *The unit reaches forward, tapping things into the console before audio and video distortion is visible as the unit disconnects. The screen floods with black as it flickers off with a few crackles.*  ||::>

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Disconnecting C-BR:022
Console Shut Down.
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline Vandal??¢

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-05.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2012, 11:43:52 PM »

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New Log Opened: Log entry 06

<::|| *A unit comes into the screen, he shifts his position as he checks to see if the recording is activated or not, nodding to himself as he sees that it is, he speaks.* Unit nine-oh-nine, log entry oh-six. These days have been, regrettably eventful. I've seen two citizens get amputated, both for UPA.. It must feel just as bad as killing them because.. Because i-it just left me feeling... *The unit lets out an annoyed chuckle, attempting to think of the word quickly.* It left me feeling hollow, empty inside, as if I killed them myself... But uh.. Jumping to a lighter note, a good loyalist I knew, one named [REDACTED] was entered into the CCA, new recruit 808... He seems like a smart one, and I like him already, although I like all loy- *The video begins stopping, audio and video distortion is very clear as the video begins morhping into cyan and bright blue static, the unit's voice cannot even be heard clearly. The video just comes to an end.* ||::>

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Disconnecting C:BR:022
Console Shut Down.
Wha- Me?! But Stross said we could destroy the Marker!
Not if we consume you first!
God dammit, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!

Offline TheKrusader

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-05.909 Private logs||::>
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2012, 11:47:10 PM »
// Bravo, well done sir. Keep up the great work with both your logs and your unit.


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