Could I interest in some imitation crabmeat?Who is your fav char you have at this moment?
will you claim glorious victory over rofl's ama?which of the lotr films are your favourite?Favourite dr who ep? HUH? ANSWER THIS ONE WITH AN EPISODE!!gandalf vs sauron, who wins?but smt!!11 whu was fone??!1!?? Spoiler for Hiden: Thoughts on this gif?Yes...
Why'd you let him into his zone?
kal and dan 5evahellowould it be okay if i came over to your house and punched you in face and ran awaywhywhywhyyyyyydelilahlooking forward to the new star trek?looking forward to the new season of dr who? (plus david and chris making a return in the special in Nov)looking forward to the weekend!!!!?
Landa and Wolf 6evaSay, smt, that ring sure is for someone....Do it.Do it.What was your first char on cg?
Crips(Blue), Blood(Red), Folk(Black), Or Lain Kings(Yellow)? Abbott's octopus porn or dick amputation?What do you think of Outlands?What of City?Do you favor thine prescence?Praise me?Raise me?Never to Betray me?Promise to always stay with me?Die in the game with me?Stay in this rap with me?
why are you butthurt
Praise him?What is the question?Abbott and you guys need to make upplsguis pls