Friend? :3This?Is?A?Question?Game?The Game?My Game?Your Game?His Game?Her Game?Their Game?Our Game?.........................Obama or Romney or Anti-gov?
when was the last time you had a wet dream
Tell me a bed time story, smt. pls.
Wanna start a planetside 2 outfit ?
penismite or vaginabutter
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo
hrp or hrp2?
Oral Herpes or Autism
Anal Sex from John Travolta, or having your dick chopped off by Angelina Jolie
What's your velocity?What's our velocity?
How does this thread have so many responses?What does Bimdas stand for?
y u resign? (((((Also, couldn't see the pic in your answer there :l
>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.>I'll never forget...>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.