Author Topic: Arren Kain's Authorization Application  (Read 3001 times)

Offline Mr.Qman

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Arren Kain's Authorization Application
« on: July 03, 2012, 05:02:27 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Qman
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 1-2 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4 months

Character Section

-Ability to make a 9mm beretta
-The ability to make small Tang-Knives
-The knowledge to know how to sneak around people
-Survival skills (Where to get food, how to make fires etc.)
-Construction knowledge/Repairing skills

Name: Arren Kain
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Arren Kain’s Authorization

Arren Kain had a difficult life. It started out as him as a boy, abusive parents, and no friends. His father would beat him, and his mother. His mother would hate him; he always had to fend for himself and live through the tough times, and become stronger. When Arren was young about 14 years of age, he woke up in his small little house that was torn apart. The house had holes in the ceiling, water leaks everywhere, trash on the ground, and broken things like plates, and as well as the fighting. Arren sat in the corner of his room shaking and waiting for it to stop. He also didn’t want it to stop at the same time because he knew when it did; they would take the rest of their anger on him. Arren hid, he made a specialty of it, he figured out ways to blend into places, hide, and even sneak past people.

 He lived in St. Louis Missouri, a place full of crimes like rape, assault, murder, theft, and burglary, very frequent crimes at that. He went to his school it was poor, and filled with bullies, drugs, and violence Monday through Friday. He would be beat there as well by bullies, and the teachers didn’t like him and Arren knew not why. He usually went back home with a limp, or a black eye, or tears in his eyes. He looked down to the cracked grey sidewalk, and looked around him and saw the depressing unfinished construction, and then a scream. He froze for a second, filled with fear. “That scream was close.” He thought to himself and ran to the closet place with shadows and hid. He peaked through the corner and saw a tall skinny man hurting a young girl. He panicked thinking how to run, and as he went under a tunnel to get away he tripped on a lead pipe, and was covered with mud. He grabbed the led pipe and looked at it with fierce eyes. He closed his eyes and when he opened them they were red, he was filled with rage remembering all the horrible things, and his horrible life. He snuck up behind tall skinny man, crouching down moving to cover-to-cover quickly and silently, when he got behind him he stood there straight and looking at the ground. He hit the man on the back of the head with great force, and he fell to the ground. He then grabbed him and turned him around so his faced face to the sky, and shoved the lead pipe on his throat until the man stopped fighting and flailing around. He committed a crime, murder, and stared at the cold, dead body. He almost forgot about the girl, he looked up. The girls faced had a shocked expression. “A-are you okay?” He asked. The girl just stared right through him. They looked at each other for a good five minutes, and then sirens where heard.

 Arren ditched it running back to the tunnels dragging the dead body. He placed it down into the tunnels where no one really goes. And ran back home, when he got home it was night. His mom and dad where fighting and he silently walked pass them to his room, shut the door, and blocked it off with his dresser. And sat on his bed, thinking about the man he killed. “He was hurting that girl, he would’ve killed her.” He mumbled to himself. “But he was still human.” He mumbled again. “It’s not my fault.”  “I didn’t mean too.” He told himself over, and over, and over again. He blocked out the fighting in the next room and fell asleep. “BAM” He woke up to the sound of a gunshot, he looked around panicking. And then he heard footsteps moving to his room, he stared at the door frozen, the door didn’t budge because of the dresser. He shut the lights out and put a trail leading to his closet, and went out the window and shut it tight making it seem he was hiding in the closet.  He ran outside, it was raining he hid behind a dark tree and watched from the tree to his window. He saw his father screaming, and throwing things around, he sat on the bed, and shot himself. Arren witnessed his own father kill himself, he was actually happy. He went back to his house, and saw his mother’s dead body, and smiled. He took the two bodies and dragged them out with a shovel and buried them a couple feet underground.

He looked at the places he placed his dead parents, and spit on it. Walked inside taking the gun his father had. He learned how to use it, “Safety is here, ammo.” He mumbled to himself looking at the gun. It was a 9mm berretta. He took all the money he could find from the house, got a backpack and shoved clothes, and food in it. And he grabbed a duffle bag putting even more supplies in it. He then left the house, not looking bad with a smirk on his face. He walked to his school, and listened to the birds chirp, and went up to the bullies he hated the most and said “You and me are going to fight behind the school right after you hear me?” And Richard laughed at him “Whatever faggot.” After school, torment and mocking from bullies, all the bullies he hated the most where there. Richard was there, Zak was there, and Jake was there. These three bullies beat him, made him feel useless and miserable every fucking day. Arren was sick of it. He pulled out his 9mm, un-safeties it, chambered a round into it, and pointed it at Richard.

He had a small remembrance of his worst memory. “Hey Sydney!” Arren said with a smile and wide eyes. Sydney was Arren’s crush for a year. He protected her, helped her, and did his best to do whatever she wanted. “Hey Arrie.” She said to Arren. They talked for an hour, laughing, playing around. For once Arren was happy, his memories of his parents, and his bullies where gone it was just Sydney. Then Richard came up, took Sydney’s hand and pulled her away, she tried to fight him and Arren sprang into action, punching him, and trying to bring him to the ground. Richard pushed Sydney in the way which made Arren hit her, or he would retaliate quickly. Richard laughed at his pathetic attempts to get Sydney back, and took her to a room, and locked it. Arren hit the door, and did all he could to get inside. He then heard moaning, and laughter in the room. He looked down with wide open eyes; he couldn’t believe he was hearing it. He panicked and hit the door with force and speed of a demon; he was getting more and more enraged. His eyes got redder and redder. The door eventually fell to the ground; the old rusty hinges couldn’t hold it anymore. What Arren saw he would never forget, he saw Sydney and Richard, kissing, and laughing?  Richard grabbed her ass giving Arren a cold stare. And Sydney let him, he didn’t care and she laughed. It made Arren sick to his stomach, he started to hyper ventilate, trying to compute what was going on. He thought Sydney was on his side! He thought she loved him! He fell to his knees to sad, and not mad enough to fight. He cried, and the two laughed at him.

 Back to Arren pointing his 9mm at Richard after getting his bullies to rally. His eye turned red, he yelled at Richard “Fuck you!” And shot him in his kneecaps.  He looked at the other two bullies Zak, and Jake. The two where brothers, and always found a way to ruin Arren’s life. Arren shot the two in the head, watching their dead limp bodies fall to the ground. He laughed insanely walking closer to Richard. Richard had fear in his eyes. “Don’t I’m sorry for everything, I’m so sorry please no! Don’t kill me! Mom!” He screamed and yelled. Arren kicked him in the face three times with much force. And dragged his unconscious body under the tunnel next to the school. He turned him over and pulled out a rusty kitchen knife from the duffle bag. He spent an hour cutting of his hand. He then shot his lower spine, disabling Richard. He dragged Richard to a hospital and left. He went back to the school, and burned it to the ground. It was night time; he walked to her house, Sydney’s house. As he walked he passed the place where he saved the girl, and heard a girl say “Hey.” Arren looked at the girl, squinting and getting a better look of her under the street light. It was Sydney. “Bitch.” He replied to Sydney, raising his 9mm to aim for her head. Sydney froze, “What I wanted to say so-“She was cut off, from a bullet. Arren watched her body fall, with a single tear in his eye, and continued his walk home. He saw that cops where surrounding the house, thinking someone was in there. And he ran the different direction, heading out of town.

 He started to hitch-hike, after a rough couple months he arrived in Arkansas. Arren has night mares about what he did back in St. Louis. He never speaks to anyone, he never trusts anyone. Over the time he ran from St Louis, he made weapons out of common items he found on the way thinking he needed more protection, he made knifes, and 9mm. He took example of his dad’s 9mm, dis-assembling it looking at the parts required for it, and re-assembling it. He started to test himself seeing how fast he could re-assemble it timing himself. He took out the magazine making sure it is empty, made sure nothing is in the chamber, held down a button on the right side of the Berretta and turned a switch counter-clockwise, and opened up a slide at the front of the gun. Held down the spring, and carefully took out the spring, hit a notch and took out the barrel. And that was his field strip; He re-assembled it and repeated that every day. He also could make small tang-knifes if he had the right tools, and materials. Years have passed, and Arren started a new life for himself, he went to college and became a construction worker, but sometimes his past experience messes with his job.  He had to take medication for it, and a couple years of theory. In his spare time with some friends he would go down to a firing range and shoot some guns, and even made a 9mm once like he wanted to a long time ago. He was down at a bar with all his good buddies, and then it started. The Combine rushed in, taking over. Arren and his friends got their guns, and weapons, and did their best to protect themselves, when Arren was about to shoot a Combine soldier, his memories came back, and he dropped the gun and was taken to city45. Arren now lives his life in City 45 doing his best to survive, and fight his past experiences. He is part of a resistance group and he is the co-owner. He plans, and organized the group and does it well.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
They will give my character the following abilities
-The knowledge to craft small tang-knifes
-The knowledge to craft a 9mm beretta
-The knowledge to repair/maintain weapons
-The knowledge to build simple constructions (Walls,Doors,etc.)
-The knowledge to build camp fires, and to get food from certain places (Fish from stream, fruit from trees etc.)
-The ability to organize plans, and lead people.

This authorization will give my character the following defects
-He would be a slightly weak fighter with his fists, knowing he only uses knifes and guns
-His gun-making abilities aren't perfect there is always a good chance the gun would jam, blow up in his face, or injuring him somehow
-Getting the materials for knifes, 9mm's, doors, and walls will be hard to salvage alone
-His past is very difficult and if he is reminded he will either become very angry, or very depressed maybe hurting friends
-He can get frustrated easily if the people he commands will not listen to him, and could hurt them.
-He could always make mistakes with his group causing it to collapse, or fall apart.
-He would need help making a 9mm

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use the perks/defects and the authorization to help my character lead an anti-citizen group, and to act more like my character. If someone does not listen to him when they should he could use the weapon to intimidate them, and make them listen. Or use them for his own gain. He would not use the 9mm unless he really must. He would use the knifes a lot more often

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
It may be pushy to ask for gun-making abilities, and I don't want to be mistaken for a minge. But if this helps I assure you I will never abuse the knowledge to craft weapons
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 05:04:16 PM by 101st-Blue2Wolfz »

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Re: Arren Kain's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 09:23:59 PM »
I've browsed this application, and I'll read it all later but..

Just so you know, while in the City, the possibility of making any gun, is close to zero.

And if we did decide to allow you the knowledge of making one, you wouldn't be given a weapon after you have ICly 'made' one. You either find one IC, or you don't get one.

Offline Mr.Qman

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Re: Arren Kain's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 09:51:35 PM »
I understand that when you make a weapon ICly it is ued ICly. I was told that already. I also know it is incredibly hard to make a gun it would take my character a month with help to even make one.

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Re: Arren Kain's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 02:27:59 AM »
Sorry for the delay in my response.

I'll support this for:
-Ability to repair and keep a 9mm beretta in working condition
-The ability to make small Tang-Knives
-The knowledge to know how to sneak around people
-Survival skills (Where to get food, how to make fires etc.)
-Construction knowledge/Repairing skills

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: Arren Kain's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 07:45:29 PM »
Accepted on what Jackal had said he would accept for.

hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.


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