Player Section
Steam Name: Fancy Soviet Viking
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 Years
Character Section
-General and Emergency Surgery Knowledge
-Simple Trauma Care abilities
Name: Joseph Dawn Veinschneider
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Civil Workers Union
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
(For a full understanding of how I obtained these authorizations, I feel it is better to also add in my back story that I used on my CWU application.)
Back story: Joseph Dawn Veinschneider was born on 1976, January twenty-second in Cologne, Germany. He was born in West Germany, the EU occupied area during the Cold War. His mother died attempting to pass the wall to bring Joseph to see his grandparents. Luckily, Joseph was safe and was picked up as an orphan by a regular Middle Class family. His father was named Paul and his mother named Rosa. Joseph wasn't blessed with a rich family, so he had to work for everything he had. When he was a small child he worked has a paper boy, delivering papers to his whole community. He even did this until he was a teenager. The thing that stopped Joseph from being a newspaper salesman for all his life was his interest in math and science. His favorite subject of all was biology. He was fascinated in how the normal human being worked and that interest sparked his strive to achieve a job in the medical field. His parents saw his interest and partially funded for him to go to Columbia Medical School after he finished college. In order to pay off some of his student loans, after moving to New York, Joseph payed off some of his heavy loans by working at a nearby Burger King on the side. After his specialty and residency and years of hard work, Joseph finally received the title as Doctor and was able to practice General Surgery privately and Emergency Surgery in Columbia hospital. He made good money, but it wasn't comparable to the amount of fame he received from being a doctor.
During the Seven Hour War, Joseph was on his Emergency Surgeon shift. Reports were coming in that ER lines were packed. Lines appeared to come from outside of the hospital. Joseph attempted to repair even the slightest wounds, but the stress was too much for him. He 'threw in the towel' due to the amount of stress and, being scared for his life, tried to flee the city during the middle of the war. After the complete destruction of the UN building and destroying of Manhattan, Joseph was one of the few survivors. He was sent to City Eight. Now, Joseph lives in City Forty-Five, waiting to see if he can again, "Do the best thing he knows how to do."
How he obtained these authorizations:
Joseph Dawn Veinschneider is, at this point of his life time, a bright young man. A intellectual as some might say. When he was a young boy, many family members, being a orphan, told Joseph this simple quote, " Du wirst es nie schaffen aus." Meaning, "You will never make it out." Many people told him this. He was an orphan after all. Born to a average middle-class family and having to deal with being an orphan, his family members might of been right. In the end, they were all wrong. Joseph kept on going for his dream, striving for his dream. Joseph became very interested in Math and Science at a early age, and this gift of is turned him into what he came out to be. There were moments though where Joseph had almost given up on medicine. These experiences happened quite early, in his life. One of thee moments happened when he was mid-way through medical school in Columbia. Is teacher, Dr. Roberts, showed him and his class a knee replacement surgery. The surgery was being done on a small boy who was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis. A stiffening in the boy's leg was occurring, so a knee replacement was necessary. Joseph was to help Dr. Roberts in the operation, but something was soon to go terribly wrong. "Joe, I need you to first examine the knee cap, do you see the difference between this knee cap and a normal one?" said Dr. Roberts.
"Yes I do," said Joseph with, affirmatively.
"Now, it's a simple procedure from here," said Dr. Roberts, "the preparation for the surgery itself is harder." Dr. Roberts chuckles and in a in order not to disappoint his teacher, Joseph gives off a fake chuckle, showing the fact that Joseph doesn't know what to do here. "So all you have to do is first remove the knee cap from the quadriceps muscles," said Dr. Roberts, "prepare for the detachment now." Joseph preparation stage showed Doctor Roberts that he was not ready for this. Before Joseph could be stopped, Dr. Roberts attempted to halt Joseph's proceedings, but then, the knee pop'ed out of place. The energy inside the knee was too much and caused the knee cap to bust. Joseph dropped his scalpel in shock. The knee erupted like almost like a volcano with all the combustion inside. Joseph just let it go loose. The blood was everywhere now, but that wasn't what mattered right now. Sure, his scrubs might be pretty ruined, but Joseph didn't even bother to notice. To see the horrifying pop'ed knee was just enough to make Joseph vomit. This event almost steered Joseph away from medicine, but eventually Joseph got over this event and took the good with it. Joseph learned that there will always be mistakes in medicine. Though he has a very uncontrollable temper when he does make a mistake during procedure, this event made Joseph learn that mistakes will always happen in medicine. This event made Joseph more intrigued about learning and
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
(OCC) // Jesusfreak wanted an authorization for my CWU app to show I can do surgery. These perks can only work if I am in the CWU
-Ability to perform General and Emergency Surgeries
-Ability to apply as a Doctor in the CWU
- General knowledge of surgery can make Joseph prone to mistakes
- When mistakes do happen, Joseph will have extreme amounts of anger, which can cause trouble
- Joseph will become uneasy at certain wounds and injuries
- When mistakes do happen, Joseph will be want to isolated, causing non-activity when major mistakes do happen
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
- Help the save citizen's lives along with the CWU
- Have intriguing RP to learn from my mistakes
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Which server does this apply for?
Extra Notes (optional):
These effects can only be used if I am in the CWU. If for some reason I get kicked out of the CWU, these authorizations cannot be used due to the fact that I will be limited of supplies.