I have come across 'Rebels' In HL2RP a lot of times in P3. For example, some are different, Some kill, some don't. But I dont like to call them 'Rebels'. I simply Call them a 'Group'.... EX: 'The Brotherhood'. It is a rebellion 'Group'. Not 'Rebels'. I hate the minges and little kids that say, "Oh, I know who you are." When They simply just heard you talking on your radio in OOC, Now if they had The Rebel Costume, then I would consider them a rebel, But If they dont, I simply call them a group. So If you think there are rebels in HL2RP, They arn't on this server at least, I have seen one Girl In a Rebel Costume, but the rest of them are just Rebellion 'Groups'. Just-Like-That.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo
Adding on to what Lone Wanderer said, there are key differences between rebels and resistance fighters. Rebels openly defy the powers that be and often instigate violence. A resistance is more of a shadowy force that hides amongst the populace, sabotaging something and then returning to their secret base to watch for a reaction. Resistance fighters also have more than just themselves in mind, often allocating many of their resources towards helping the oppressed, non-combatant populace.Also adding on to what Nicknero has said, the "rebels" in D6/P3 are nothing more than criminals IMHO. They are neither rebels, who would openly engage in hostilities with the CCA, or resistance, who would have their mind on bringing hope to their fellow citizens and vortigaunts. Instead, as nicknero said, most of the people with guns in D6/P3 are self-serving power mongers who think that a gun symbolically gives them divine right to act as if they are playing GTA. I haven't been in D6/P3 in forever, so I have very little right to speak of this, but I have heard many complaints along this line, and it seems as though very little is being done about the quality of RP there.