Application is really to small. Not much effort has been put in it, and the fact that you are trying to auth a self-made silencer will almost never work.- It is handmade, which makes it hardly work at all.- Chances are big that something goes wrong.- Does your character even have the proper skills authed to create this?I'm not playing on Outlands, hence I don't know anything about it, but where would you even get these tools from?By the looks of how the application currently is, I don't think it will be accepted. I'll wait for more opinions from other HL2RP SAs and give you a chance to edit it as well.
How would it hardly work? All a silencer is made of is a meta tube with 'buffering fins' which are basically metal shields bent inward to absorb the energy and it fits over the end of a gun. It would work fine as long as he has the diameter right.