Author Topic: [DENIED]Loretta Rayne's Civil Worker Application  (Read 4355 times)

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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[DENIED]Loretta Rayne's Civil Worker Application
« on: June 08, 2012, 05:31:33 PM »
Full Name: Loretta Rayne
Citizen identification(CID): 47209
Last Assigned Apartment Number: B2
Total Loyalist Points: 1
Sex: Female
Age: 22

How long have you been in City45:
I have been in City 45 for about two days now, almost three. I've enjoyed it here greatly, but I have noticed that there is a bit of a lack of Civil Workers.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
I would like to join the CWU to help maintain the city, and further the Union. I would also like to get some practical skills and training. I believe that with more workers City 45 could become even greater than it is now.

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
No, I have never been detained before.

Past experience with work/labor:
I worked as a volunteer at a vetrenary clinic when I was younger. I've also had some passing jobs in small convinience stores and resturants working the register. I also occasionally helped my mother and father fix up the house and keep the garden growing. All of this was before the Universal Union came to earth.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
Can have:
Union approved food and drinks to eat, or sell.
Supplies such as flashlights for work.
Radio's to reach other workers.
Medical supplies and cleaning supplies to heal citizens and clean.

Can't have:
Weapons of any kind.
Non Union branded food or supplies.
Dangerous chemicals or poisons.

Tell us about what you can do.:
I can give very basic medical help, as well as sell Union branded goods. I have plenty of experience with people and consider myself to have good social skills. I could also assist citizens or Civil Protection units with tasks such as cleaning or repairing.

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
I would first show him to the ration distribution area and inform them how to act in line. I would then show them the area's they can and cannot enter, and remind them of the Unions laws. Then I would show them all of the stores and other key locations in the city, and finally show them the apartments. If they needed it, I would also help them find the apartment they have been issued.

~OOC Section~
Name: Bokslag
Timezone: Mountain time(GMT-6)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19441700
Roleplay Experience: Four years.
Serious Roleplay Experience: Two years.
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
The worker would wake up, dress, and make themselves decent. They would then head out and, depending on what they are meant to do, would either clean, or see if anyone needs medical help, perhaps open a store and sell Union goods to the citizens.

If opening a store, you would organize an area for everyone to line up, and obviously get some goods to sell. You would then unlock the doors and make some indicator that the store is open. Finally, after the day is over, the worker would head back home and sleep, then do the same in the morning.

Character Backstory:
Loretta Rayne was born on the 23rd of October, 1994, in London. Her father worked in a nearby wharehouse as a supervisor, while her mother stayed at home and took care of her. As a child Loretta was unable and unwilling to concentrate in school, prefering to talk to the other children and make friends. She quickly made many friends, and managed to still pass her classes, if only barely.

As a teenager she stayed about the same. She was too lazy to do any kind of real work in school, and still only barely managed to keep her grades up. The only work that Loretta really cared for was her volunteer job at a vetrenary clinic, something about the responsibilities of taking care of an actual living creature made her feel like she was doing something worthwhile. She also worked a variety of other jobs, store clerk, fast food cashier, waitress, and other things like that.

When the combine came in 2015, Loretta was awoken by her panicking mother in the night, who dragged her into the living room to see the news. She couldn't properly believe it, it was midnight and she was expected to believe that aliens were invading the earth, destroying armies, and quickly taking over. Soon after she saw the news she heard the fire. She could hear yelling, outside, and gunfire in the distance. She didn't move at all that night, too shocked to do anything.

After the war, she was moved into city 8, and did some basic work there, cleaning, fixing, building. Loretta was moved from city to city often, never having time to make any real friends. Finally, after many, many relocations, she was moved to City 45, and hopes to stay here for some time. She believes that maybe joining the CWU will decrease her chances of being relocated again, but only time will tell.

Note: For whatever reason it won't let me put 0 as my loyalist points. I'm fairly sure it's a bug, so I had to put 1 instead.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 05:03:42 AM by Purple »
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline Monkey with a gun

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Re: Loretta Rayne's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 08:20:03 PM »
Accepted for interview.

Out of Character for OOC:
On a sidenote - Bokslag, yes, yes a thousand times yes.


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