Author Topic: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)  (Read 14233 times)

Offline TorrentGamer ?Romney2012

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The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« on: May 18, 2012, 10:17:30 PM »
This, will be my final post on the Catalyst threads, and no, this is not a goodbye thread at all. But rather a thread stating all of the problems I have found in Catalyst Gaming, and HL2RP. Before I start, I would like to say that this is a MAJOR, flame. So beware, to all of you.

Spoiler for Hiden:
First, let me state that Catalyst Gaming is led on a screwed up system beyond belief. There have been many problems that have been going on SINCE LAST YEAR that have STILL NOT BEEN FIXED. What are these problems? Lets take a trip through them.

Canon, for God's sake, this is HL2RP, not fucking HLMade-upRP. We've gone so far form canon we could call it Cop-in-funny-uniform RP. Why couldn't CG just keep the ORIGONAL cannon for HL2? I mean FFS ITS EVEN IN THE NAME, HL2RP.

Next, is Immersion. We have NONE of it. OOC is filled with total shit, that who the hell cares about? I will once again state its HL2RP, NOT Lets-see-what-shits-in OOC time. Jesus, I join a fucking game just to get spammed by OOC. 'HURP DURP TURN OOC OFF' Well how can I talk to the person I'm RPing with if its needed? What if there is something important I need to hear? This brings me to my next object:

SUGGESTIONS NEVER GET FUCKING DONE. I have an old sugguestion with about 3-4 pages of supports. Its NEVER been done. It was a pretty simple one to, but nobody has taken the time to simply LOOK INTO IT and DO IT. And its not just because mine wasn't, it's been MANY others. Many good ones as well that are just forgotten, ones that people love but never get used.

MINGES, for Christ Sake, they could be TAKEN CARE OF if we just tried harder. Switching up the quiz works, Giving 200-500 hour bans work. Promoting more admins, THAT AREN'T INSTA-DEMOTED FOR SHIT REASONS work.

Lets see... Oh, yeah, BACK TO FUCKING CANON. If you people ACTUALLY TRIED TO TAKE OUT YOUR DAMN REBELS WITH GUNS, WE WOULDN'T HAVE SO MUCH SHIT. AND BY, 'THEM PEOPLE' I MEAN THE DUMBASS ROFLWAFFLE. All he does is SIT ON HIS FAT ASS, AND GAIN UP CASH FROM THESE REBELS BUYING SHIT. Its amazing, how, apparently its OK for Rebels with shotguns and SMG's to be right outside the Nexus, and the CCA do shit. I mean, Have you ever PLAYED HL2 Admins and leaders? The only rebles with even a HANDGUN are in the outlands. GET YOUR CANON RIGHT CATALYST GAMING, OR ALL YOU ARE IS A MONEY TOOL FOR ROFLWAFFLE.

Next on the list... Oh, COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ADMINS. Jesus Christ, there is NONE of that between you. You can't a gree on shit, such as the CCA. These, 'reforms' are no more than fucking name changes and be more citizen-like. Well have you EVER  thought about it? Are ANY of the CCA's in HL2 even human at ALL? Yes, I will admit they are, but they aren't shaky-ass retards. I can understnad RCT's, but the combine would be FORCING the CCA to act much more cruel. And thats how it needs to, HL2RP is HL2RP. And none of you can seem to remember that.

Guns, these fucking guns. HOW are these people getting them? They're paying rofl money for them, thats how. And if ROFL GAVE EVEN A FUCK ABOUT HL2RP, HE WOULD NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO DO THIS. Anybody with a summer job could afford to get this shit, and instead of attacking the REAL problem, we go cry over a HL2RP ban appeal or request. THE PROBLEM ARE THESE V FLAGS, AND IF ANYBODY WASN'T SO AFRAID TO STAND UP AND MOVE FOR THINGS SUCH AS V FLAG REMOVE FOR NON-ADMINS, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN.
...Sorry for everything above, I'll probbly add on to this in the future. My only request is that this topic to not be deleted/locked. Considering this is a major problem in my view, and that It should be freely discussed in public. Not to be held back by admins.
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Offline alaskan thunderfuck

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 11:23:20 PM »
On phone so im not gonna respond to all of this ATM, but the guns part ain't true. No one has paid for a gun in over 6 months.
Please don't PM me regarding bans or anything having to do with in-game situations. Only PM me if you've been told I am the only one who can solve your issue.

Offline Tyrex

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2012, 12:42:12 AM »
Canon- Canon is boring if it's all you stick to, and since there is no canon for certain rulings, it can become frustration.
Immersion- I can agree on this, however, I only use OOC when people ask questions.  A simple OOC limit rise would do, but people get pissy at that.
Suggestions- They never get done because there is no HL2RP developer, or the suggestions are picky topics.
Minges- I can't really say anything rather than that there will always be minges, there is no way to get around it.
Guns- Not many people, in reality, have guns in D6.  While Outlands has less than canon, IC weapons make up for this.
Communication Between Admins- This is the only real thing I can agree upon.  While I am not an admin myself, I cannot directly see the communication, however, I do talk to admins frequently, and can indirectly notice the poor communication.

Offline TorrentGamer ?Romney2012

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2012, 12:46:24 AM »
Canon- Canon is boring if it's all you stick to, and since there is no canon for certain rulings, it can become frustration.
Immersion- I can agree on this, however, I only use OOC when people ask questions.  A simple OOC limit rise would do, but people get pissy at that.
Suggestions- They never get done because there is no HL2RP developer, or the suggestions are picky topics.
Minges- I can't really say anything rather than that there will always be minges, there is no way to get around it.
Guns- Not many people, in reality, have guns in D6.  While Outlands has less than canon, IC weapons make up for this.
Communication Between Admins- This is the only real thing I can agree upon.  While I am not an admin myself, I cannot directly see the communication, however, I do talk to admins frequently, and can indirectly notice the poor communication.

Yes, but the server has screwed the canon in pratically every way. The only connection I can find is there are combine, citizens, and aliens. Besides that the whole canon is changed. And canon is suppose to be strict, thats what makes HL2RP HL2RP.

Minges could be easily avoided if admins and peeps took more steps to block it and actually TOOK THERE TIME to do it.

Walk into D6, and I see citizens with shotguns, this is just sad.
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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2012, 08:14:02 AM »
 The Catalyst-Gaming canon has abit more of a edgier role unlike the Half-Life 2 canon because Gordon Freeman is dead which allows the character to think about no saviour out there (being Gordon Freeman) so you are actually fucked. The canon is there for a reaosn just like almost anything out there. So you are stuck with a desolate environment, some clothing, malnourishment, slavery-like punishments and what not and that's what makes it HL2RP. HL2RP is suppose to be fun (said by Tyler) if you don't stick to the canon and just perform some in-game actions such as passive and action.

 The out of character time is just fine as it is. If you don't want to see people screaming over the chatbox over OOC, then modify the options list by tapping TAB and so be it, you got yourself some silence in the chatbox. I don't know people are just arguing over a little thing.

 As for the Suggestions section not being read over. That's because most of the administration staff have other things to do than just look over one suggestion. You have to be patient and don't worry, 70% of the suggestions don't get accepted anyways so your suggestion thread is maybe total useless. This goes for creativity and time put into the suggestion thread too.

 Minges are a big concern for me and the server itself. It's fucking getting out of hand only to see the admins kicking and then continously doing so, then afterwards a fuckfest comes in until that individual deserves a ban. I mean, minges are ruining the gameplay of other users and it is starting to get more and more out of hand each time I connect to the server. Yes, you are correct on this one.

 As for weapons, they are obviously mingestolen or took off some person to allow them to cause more a fuckfest than ever. No hesitation here.

 ...and finally, the communication between admins. There is a lot of reasons about this due to the fact that they are offline, doing something with another user, in a BRB/AFK state and etcetera etcetera.

Offline Statua

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2012, 09:00:51 AM »
Ok here my 2000 cents:

Why do we have to follow it perfectly? For one, a perfectly followed canon makes up for a very boring disorganized game. Two, adding non canonical stuff makes it more interesting and brings more players in.

OOC is getting better and yes, disabling it is not a good idea. Anyone who says "Herpaderp disable ooc" lacks the logic required to understand anything thats going on.

Yes i agree on this. If we dont have a dev for HL2RP then why isnt there an effort being but in to find one? I dont see anyone asking me if I could help. Youd be surpeised what some of us can do.

They will always exist. Administrators need to learn that being an admin means less RP and more administration. That bothers me

Just do more sweeps and PK more people woth guns. If theyre dumb enough to get caught then they deserve a PK as they lack a major skill in coty rebel rp which is secrecy.

How do you know? Do you have access to the admin section of the forums?

Offline TorrentGamer ?Romney2012

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2012, 01:00:24 PM »
How do you know? Do you have access to the admin section of the forums?

By communication, I mean how long it takes for the word of a new change to spread.When you hear an admin in OOC asking about why there is a change, it shows a lack of communication about the idea, while it could be discussed over on the fourms.
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Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2012, 02:19:48 PM »
@Statua: On the point of CG's canon...CG's canon consists of "the kids died" and "combine invasion was two years ago". I've literally heard of no other backstory except that we're in wherever we are...Romania?

And when was the last time we had an event? It's been a while...lets have one...Oh hey wait, admins seem to get demoted every damn time we have an event so lets scrap that.

Offline TorrentGamer ?Romney2012

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2012, 07:36:00 PM »
@Statua: On the point of CG's canon...CG's canon consists of "the kids died" and "combine invasion was two years ago". I've literally heard of no other backstory except that we're in wherever we are...Romania?

And when was the last time we had an event? It's been a while...lets have one...Oh hey wait, admins seem to get demoted every damn time we have an event so lets scrap that.

This, is also very true. A friend of mine that became admin recently was demoted for holding an event. I believe that this is the wrong way of doing things, considering they probbly didn't even know they were doing anything else but making RP. (*cough* Hardly happens on HL2RP) I will say though that by, 'events' I mean PassiveRP events. Not zombie-helicopted-Earthquake shit either.
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Offline Atticat

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2012, 03:51:37 AM »
Ok here my 2000 cents:

Why do we have to follow it perfectly? For one, a perfectly followed canon makes up for a very boring disorganized game. Two, adding non canonical stuff makes it more interesting and brings more players in.

OOC is getting better and yes, disabling it is not a good idea. Anyone who says "Herpaderp disable ooc" lacks the logic required to understand anything thats going on.

Yes i agree on this. If we dont have a dev for HL2RP then why isnt there an effort being but in to find one? I dont see anyone asking me if I could help. Youd be surpeised what some of us can do.

They will always exist. Administrators need to learn that being an admin means less RP and more administration. That bothers me

Just do more sweeps and PK more people woth guns. If theyre dumb enough to get caught then they deserve a PK as they lack a major skill in coty rebel rp which is secrecy.

How do you know? Do you have access to the admin section of the forums?

     The last two hit the nail on the head here. I am new here, and have no beef with any admins so far, but in other servers I see this all the time, especially with admins starting lame events to abuse there power (haven't seen that here). But we need to be on guard to make sure admins are always doing a top notch duty, it's always a present danger.

     Secondly, I very, very, very much believe that owning a gun should be an incredible risk to take. I hate how D6 is filled with people totting weapons. I believe an admin commented that D6 keeps weebuls out of the Nexus area....I agree with him, but I also believe raids should happen maybe 3-4 times a day on D6 to really keep the gun wielders on there toes. And if they are caught, it should be a perma kill. They should be paranoid about their risks and they should be thinking of places to hide their weapons during sweeps.

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2012, 03:54:59 AM »
this thread is true, everything in the thread is true, and it's been like it for at least a year, go figure

Offline alaskan thunderfuck

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2012, 04:09:44 AM »
We don't follow canon 100% because not only would it be difficult but it doesn't leave us much room for new things. Immersion, yeah, I agree. When you disable OOC it shouldn't include LOOC which I'll get a dev to change. Suggestions I also agree with you on, they don't really ever get done, usually because the suggestions are far too much work for what they're worth. Minges and new players are two completely different things. Both should be controlled by the admins and if they're not, the admins aren't doing a good enough job. Harsh punishments like you said however won't encourage people to learn - it'll encourage them to leave and never come back. The guns part, all I can do is laugh. I haven't sold a gun in like what, 6 months? You find it necessary to call me a fatass and say I do absolutely nothing, neither of the two are true. Sure, I don't do nearly as much as some other people but saying I do absolutely nothing isn't right. All of the reforms were terrible and yeah, the communication HC has is terrible.
Please don't PM me regarding bans or anything having to do with in-game situations. Only PM me if you've been told I am the only one who can solve your issue.

Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2012, 06:47:36 AM »
When you disable OOC it shouldn't include LOOC

Code: [Select]
if ( self.classes[class] ) then
filter = self.classes[class].filter;
elseif (class == "pm" or class == "ooc" then
filtered = (NX_CONVAR_SHOWOOC:GetInt() == 0);
filter = "ooc";
filtered = (NX_CONVAR_SHOWIC:GetInt() == 0);
filter = "ic";
fix'd, easy as fuck ^_^
garrysmod\garrysmod\gamemodes\openaura\gamemode\openaura\libraries\cl_chatbox (379)

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2012, 12:57:35 PM »
I actually find all these rage posts about city quite funny. I do not even really focus on the canon, I just RP. Like everyone should. Calling Rofl a fatass is not going to change anything...If you are going to leave then please. Just leave. Do not post something that has been suggested 1000 times.
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Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: The Catalyst Issue (Major flame.)
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2012, 01:26:02 PM »
Don't fucking disable OOC entirely, that's retarded. Maybe apply a user-unique message per minute ban, but not all of OOC.

You say we have a differing canon to allow us "to do different things", but we don't do anything different. This community is so riddled with elitism that even getting someone to listen to your ideas is difficult, and a lot of the time, someone puts them into place and two days later someone else sees it and scraps it.

Roflwaffle, you don't play HL2RP. Raiden doesn't play HL2RP. I don't think TOMASAS plays it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't but for the purposes of this argument, he thus does not. None of you should have a say on what goes on. We should have a director appointed to the server, much like how TnB does it.

And I'll tell you what, it won't be just the SeC or an admin or whoever. I think we should elect them and they should have to put forward exactly why they applying and let voters decide for themselves. Once we remove the elitism and bureaucracy, we can actually fucking do something.

Y'know, we're arguing about the wrong things. Keeping minges under control etc. etc. HALF OF THEM AREN'T FUCKING MINGES. I ran a community for a year, and I know what I'm talking about; half of them are new players who don't have a clue what to do.

And no one wants to take the time to educate the influx of players CG gets, so we need to create an IC system for it. I'm spouting this out, sure, but I'll happily sit down with someone and work it all out, because I've done it before and I'll make it work again.

Auths are stupid too. Recruits shouldn't need auths to beat someone, they're damn Civil Protection units all the more, you shouldn't need HC auths for turning into a Scanner and you shouldn't get a blackmark for all the-

I'm getting too far into it. Vote someone to do it. NOT A COUNCIL TO DO IT, because that shit takes too long and having to clear it with lots of people will give us the same problem we already have. We can scrutinize and regulate this director by calling out mistakes or even having a vote to remove him from his position.

But whatever you do, VOTE IT IN. I'm sick of waiting for Roflwaffle or some random Superadmin to get on and deny a request. It's time we started dealing with things ICly and not focusing on problems like "Too many minges" or "EVERY1 HAS GUNS" (I've never seen a citizen with a gun). CG's HL2RP management has FAILED and it needs to be fixed pronto.


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